✰ GR Creative Highlight: 167 Super Nintendo Reviews, Index on first page

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PostRe: ✰ GR Creative Highlight: 150 SNES Games at the speed I can handle
by kerr9000 » Sat Sep 05, 2020 8:35 pm

Mortal Kombat 2 Video Review

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PostRe: ✰ GR Creative Highlight: 150 SNES Games at the speed I can handle
by kerr9000 » Sun Sep 06, 2020 12:42 am

Super Double Dragon SNES Review

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PostRe: ✰ GR Creative Highlight: 150 SNES Games at the speed I can handle
by kerr9000 » Tue Sep 08, 2020 9:26 pm

Started a bit of the Script and recording for the next Video which is going to be the Super Scope 6 pack in cart ..... just felt like doing this, its a brand new review not something I have previously done which im turning into a video so no idea how long it will take me.

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PostRe: ✰ GR Creative Highlight: 150 SNES Games at the speed I can handle
by kerr9000 » Sat Sep 19, 2020 7:12 pm

Super Nintendo Review 161 Super Scope 6 (This is the Written review the video should be up in the next 4 days I think)

Super Scope 6 AKA Nintendo Scope 6 is the title of the game I am going to be talking about here it was the title Nintendo bundled with the Super Scope for the duration of the add-ons life, you could also buy both of these with a SNES and two pads for awhile in Nintendo's Super Nintendo Action Pack which was a pack containing a SNES bundled with all the usual wires and a pad as well as a scope, the scopes receiver and a copy of the Super Scope 6 cartridge. As the name suggests, the cartridge contains six games that require the Super Scope to play, so back in the day the only way to have this cart was to have a scope and without the scope it is completely useless, nowadays you tend to see scopes on there own on sales sites and carts on there own and scope receivers but that is a mix of some people having lost bits and pieces over the years and some eBayers and other sellers who just love to pull everything to pieces to see if they can get more by selling every video gaming thing they can get there hands off piece by piece in an attempt to maximise there profits.
I wont talk in depth about how I got a hold of the Super Scope if your interested in that then check out my Battle Clash review but the short version is I accidentality purchased Battle Clash and then went looking for a Super Scope so I could use it. I got the Super Scope 6 Cartridge along side the Scope itself but when it came to playing the cart itself it was a bit of an after thought, I kind of only bothered trying it out after I had played Battle Clash.
So Super Scope 6 was developed by Nintendo Research & Development No. 1 Department, which is most often abbreviated as Nintendo R&D1, which was Nintendo's oldest video game development team. Its creation coincided with Nintendo's entry into the video game industry. They still kind of exist today within Nintendo, they were moved around and merged with this and that until they became a part of what is now known as the Nintendo Entertainment Planning & Development Division, which is commonly abbreviated as Nintendo EPD who are currently working on the Switch port of the Wii U game Super Mario 3D World and the added content for it Bowsers Fury as well as apparently working on the follow up to Zelda Breath of the Wild, so I guess you could say they are still very relevant and important.

I remember using the scope quiet a bit back in the day but one serious downside was that it drained its 6 batteries very quickly OK so with all of this said lets move on to the game itself the Super Scope 6 cart really was essentially a tech demo with 6 mini games on it which existed to try to demonstrate how the Super Scope itself could be used, in honesty though this cart does something's with the scope that your never going to see again outside of this collection. You see true to its name the super scope 6 cart offers you six different activities which are broken up into 2 categories, these categories are called Blastris and Lazer Blazer. In Blastris you have Blastris A and Blastris B, which are basically two different variations of Tetris where you turn the pieces around by shooting them, one is played horizontally and the other is played vertically one is very much like a sidewards Tetris while the other is a little more coeloms like and is about you making sets of gems the same colour so that they disappear, now in all honesty I did not get that much mileage out of them, they were decent in principle but didn't feel that fun to play, I am sure with a little more work and some interesting play elements added they could have been made in to something worthwhile. I found myself just playing them until I got bored, I would sooner they had been a little harder and faster so that you got through a game quicker but kept going back thinking you could beat your score. The third game in this set is Mole Patrol, which is essentially a light-gun version of whack-a-mole. This one is a lot more fun, yes it might be based on a very old simple arcade attraction but I feel that it is pulled of well with a real sense of charm and character added in to the proceedings, It starts of easily enough but in later levels the challenge steadily increases until you need super human reflexes just to shoot the little buggers. You also have to avoid hitting pink moles as these will cause everything to go twice as fast. This game is simple but it is also kind of charming and quiet enjoyable in short spurts.

Lazer Blazer contains the other 3 favourite activities which are Intercept, Engage, and Confront. They are all very similar really and they are also much more like the rest of the Super Scope games you will find. The idea in all of them is to hit as many targets as possible, either with limited shots or without taking hits.

In Intercept you have to hit missiles which are flying across the screen. Different missiles have different speeds and are further away from you, the best advice I can give is the old classic space invaders advice don't shoot where the object is shoot where its going to be by the time your shot will get there. You also cant just shoot a million times like your in a Rambo movie, you can only have three shots on the screen at once before you have to wait for them to recharge, which is not a bad thing as it stops you from just hammering the trigger like a nutter and makes you try to play in a more skilled way. .There is a good difficulty curve here the first levels are just like practice goes, but then as things carry on the challenge slowly ramps up and up.
Next there is Engage,in this game your playing in the viewpoint of a flying ship and your trying to take out enemy ships. It's similar to Intercept to be honest except for the fact that the targets are moving away from you instead of sideways along the screen. You also have to watch out for incoming missiles which are shooting towards you if you get hit five times then its game-over. You also have to watch your fuel supply. If you hit a red ship then this will increases your fuel and your health., Just like in the last game you can only fire so many shots at once so you really have to try to make sure that every shot counts.

OK so the last game mode is Confront, in this mode your a standing tank whose job it is to shoot at incoming missiles. In this mode you can fire infinite shots making this feel a little different to the previous two modes, enemy attacks cannot be stopped so you need to take down the enemies as quickly as possible.

All three activities in Lazer Blazer are kind of similar and I actually think if it had been up to me I wouldn't have presented them as three different mini games I would have instead have wrapped a simple story around them and presented them as a game with a few cut scenes and then maybe an arcade mode where you could go for high scores. I didn't find much desire to play any of these games for that long though, all of them felt rather throw away, sure there was a lot of good presentation, satisfying sound effects and music which I found rather charming but it all just felt a bit too throw away for me but I do think as something which was clearly just made as a pack in cartridge made to give you something to test your newly purchased Super Scope with it would be kind of wrong to expect this to be a 10 out of 10 game with years of work having gone into it.

So I don't think this game is the best one in the world but its not the worst either what it is is an interesting little collection which can actually be gotten for next to nothing but then its actually a lot more expensive and troublesome than it would at first appear and that is why it's difficult to recommend that you buy it. As I touched on at the start of this review Playing the game requires getting a SNES, and then getting the cartridge, but then you also need to get a Super Scope,and make sure it has its receiver and that both are fully functioning, I mean you need to remember that this is pretty old hardware now and I am sure that with them appealing to kids back in the day plenty of them where swung around or thrown in to the back of various cupboards but then if you don't have one your also going to have to look at buying an old school CRT Television set, and lets face it the larger ones of these take up a fair degree of space and I don't think that a tiny 14inch one would really provide a great experience. Flat-screen TVs do not work with the Super Scope's sensor or any other light gun from that time period so lets face it unless your a hardcore collector with plenty of room to spare it is kind of hard to justify getting all of this clobber together just to play one game, heck there are only around 12 games available for the super scope in total and not all of them came out in every region. I find it a real shame that back when Nintendo had the Wii which was perfect with its Wii-motes for light-gun shooters that they didn't just bung this game and lots of others on to the virtual console as it would have allowed a whole new audience to try them with relative ease. I guess I would give this collection a 4 out of 10 overall anyways it really is just a taste of what the hardware could be used to do, its not without its charm and they did try to do a few different things but I just don't think its stood up well to the test of time. I would recommend that you try it on an emulator using a mouse to control it which is actually how I recorded the footage for this video.

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PostRe: ✰ GR Creative Highlight: 150 SNES Games at the speed I can handle
by kerr9000 » Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:26 pm

My Super Scope 6 SNES Game video Review

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PostRe: ✰ GR Creative Highlight: 150 SNES Games at the speed I can handle
by Drumstick » Sun Sep 27, 2020 8:16 pm

I had the Super Scope when I was a nipper. Awesome fun.

Check out my YouTube channel!
One man should not have this much power in this game. Luckily I'm not an ordinary man.
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PostRe: ✰ GR Creative Highlight: 150 SNES Games at the speed I can handle
by kerr9000 » Sun Sep 27, 2020 8:19 pm

Drumstick wrote:I had the Super Scope when I was a nipper. Awesome fun.

I enjoyed the scope but I dont think enough was done with it...

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PostRe: ✰ GR Creative Highlight: 161 Super Nintendo Reviews, Index on first page
by kerr9000 » Sun Dec 06, 2020 4:48 pm

So this little project has reached 161 written reviews and just over 100 YouTube Videos, recently it has kind of slowed down and I have been being asked if this project is over and if not then when do I intend to do more work on it. Well I had my recent health issues and then there was also the fact that I have been struggling to work out which reviews I had made videos for and which I hadnt so I have been working on the first page of this thread adding to it trying to make it easier for me to look at it and tell at a glance if a review has a video or not, its a lot of boring work and will keep me busy for a week or two but ultimately it will make my work easier.

I would also like a little help from this community, so what do I need well its simple, for one I would like some suggestions for games I have not reviewed yet which people would like to see reviews of, Also the more people watch the Videos and share the videos with others the more it helps give me the encouragement to put more into this. On a long shot no one has a ROM of that Green Lantern bootleg I have heard about do they?

This Video is kind of a progress report on things

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PostRe: ✰ GR Creative Highlight: 161 Super Nintendo Reviews, Index on first page
by kerr9000 » Mon Dec 07, 2020 9:35 pm

My Video Review of Super Putty

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PostRe: ✰ GR Creative Highlight: 161 Super Nintendo Reviews, Index on first page
by kerr9000 » Mon Dec 07, 2020 9:55 pm

My Video Review of Super Tennis has just gone up

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PostRe: ✰ GR Creative Highlight: 161 Super Nintendo Reviews, Index on first page
by kerr9000 » Mon Dec 07, 2020 10:04 pm

My YouTube Review of Super BattleTank

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PostRe: ✰ GR Creative Highlight: 161 Super Nintendo Reviews, Index on first page
by OrangeRKN » Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:33 pm

kerr9000 wrote:for one I would like some suggestions for games I have not reviewed yet which people would like to see reviews of

What about Zool?

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PostRe: ✰ GR Creative Highlight: 161 Super Nintendo Reviews, Index on first page
by kerr9000 » Thu Dec 10, 2020 3:24 pm

OrangeRKN wrote:
kerr9000 wrote:for olne I would like some suggestions for games I have not reviewed yet which people would like to see reviews of

What about Zool?

Thanks OR I will add it to the list :)

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PostRe: ✰ GR Creative Highlight: 161 Super Nintendo Reviews, Index on first page
by Pedz » Thu Dec 10, 2020 3:59 pm

Zool is crap. Imo. Worse on Mega Drive though.

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PostRe: ✰ GR Creative Highlight: 161 Super Nintendo Reviews, Index on first page
by Jenuall » Thu Dec 10, 2020 4:01 pm

Zool will always be an Amiga game for me.

But it's ropey on any platform!

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PostRe: ✰ GR Creative Highlight: 161 Super Nintendo Reviews, Index on first page
by Pedz » Thu Dec 10, 2020 4:04 pm

I think its best on Amiga tbf.

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PostRe: ✰ GR Creative Highlight: 161 Super Nintendo Reviews, Index on first page
by kerr9000 » Sun Dec 13, 2020 2:50 pm

I have 500 words of a Zool Review Written and I have captured some Gameplay so its well on its way to being review 162

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PostRe: ✰ GR Creative Highlight: 161 Super Nintendo Reviews, Index on first page
by kerr9000 » Wed Dec 16, 2020 6:39 pm

My YouTube Review of Space Funky BOB AKA B.O.B.

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PostRe: ✰ GR Creative Highlight: 161 Super Nintendo Reviews, Index on first page
by kerr9000 » Wed Dec 16, 2020 6:50 pm

My YouTube Blackthorne AKA BlackHawk SNES Review

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PostRe: ✰ GR Creative Highlight: 161 Super Nintendo Reviews, Index on first page
by kerr9000 » Sat Dec 19, 2020 5:36 pm

My WWF Wrestlemania SNES Review.... please can someone check if this is up properly as I am fighting content issues with it... I usually back down and dont fight copyright

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