2017 New Years Resolutions

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PostRe: 2016 New Years Resolutions
by Saint of Killers » Thu Dec 31, 2015 4:01 pm

You make a thread about new year's resolutions but don't tell us yours? Pfft.

Mine is to procrastinate less and less between workouts.

I think I should be able to manage that. :slol:

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PostRe: 2016 New Years Resolutions
by Saint of Killers » Thu Dec 31, 2015 4:15 pm

Hope you manage to do all of 'em, but #1 especially so. Feels good man.

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PostRe: 2016 New Years Resolutions
by Qikz » Thu Dec 31, 2015 4:20 pm

To follow up on last year.

1. I'm moving in January to go live with my Dad and my Mum is going into warden assisted accomodation near where he lives so I want to make that move a success.
2. Get a temporary job while I look for a job in networking.
3. Use my third attempt at my CCNA to actually pass it to make number 2 possible.
4. Keep studying hard to finish the final modules for my degree, I've only got one left after the two I'm doing and no exams!

1. The move went fine, moved again since then and while it went well, living with my step mum hasn't been easy and it's been pretty gooseberry fool.
2. Managed to get a job in IT/Network support as my first job and I'm doing pretty well. Spoke to my boss today who said everyone really liked me out of our clients and the other staff/bosses and he said if I continue going the way I am good things will come to me next year (which made me really excited when he told me that today, possible promotion already would be insane).
3. Didn't attempt the CCNA due to lack of time and money. Didn't need it to get my job thankfully.
4. Misscalculated this, needed two more modules. One I finished and essentially got my degree, final module starts February and doesn't count for anything, but I need the credits.

Which brings me on to 2016.

1. Move again to my Dad's new house and make that move go well.
2. Continue pushing myself to learn new things and improve at work to hopefully grab a super early promotion!
3. Manage my time better when I'm not working. I want for this next year to arrange what games I'm going to play and actually finish them rather than letting a huge backlog grow and grow.
4. Learn to drive before July.

Last edited by Qikz on Fri Jan 01, 2016 12:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Watching Artist wrote:I feel so inept next to Qikz...
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PostRe: 2016 New Years Resolutions
by Rubix » Thu Dec 31, 2015 4:20 pm

Don't make Resolutions, if I want to do something I'll do it

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WATCH | The Boys S2
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PostRe: 2016 New Years Resolutions
by Tomous » Thu Dec 31, 2015 4:26 pm

Rubix wrote:Don't make Resolutions, if I want to do something I'll do it

You've failed your resolution not to make a resolution

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PostRe: 2016 New Years Resolutions
by jawafour » Thu Dec 31, 2015 4:27 pm

1) Get back to work. This *has* to happen.
2) Be better at trying new things.
3) Buy fewer games (err... I will, if I don't do (1) pretty sharpish). Actually play them.

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PostRe: 2016 New Years Resolutions
by Rocsteady » Thu Dec 31, 2015 4:42 pm

Someone got a link to last years? On tapatalk, sure I posted some up before.

Get in the fitness thread anung, get you knocked into shape in no time.

Nevermind, found it: t:new-years-2015-resolutions?f=7&hilit=Resolutions+new+years

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PostRe: 2016 New Years Resolutions
by Rocsteady » Thu Dec 31, 2015 4:53 pm

Rocsteady wrote:Get a proper job, somewhere new maybe quite fancy Glasgow.

Get a fit bird that likes doing strawberry floated up gooseberry fool.

Regain all the muscle lost over in Oz and hit 2x body weight on deadlift for 30 reps. Could be hard.

From last year.

Now that I've got the life expectancy of Old Yeller I doubt I'll ever waste my time with a long term proper job, but I suppose if I become sufficiently destitute I won't have a choice. Happy enough not reaching that one anyway.

Second point's gone perfectly.

Third one too, before destroying my shoulder this past fortnight. Hopefully that clears up fairly quickly.

For 2016:
Fitness goals are already in that thread for the coming year.

Secure freelance work that means I can travel and work anywhere in the world. Expecting this to be very hard.

Stay with the girlfriend; from opposite sides of Europe and I'm not doing a long term ldr so strawberry float knows.

Either do a three month trip around the US or save up enough money, find someone to do it with, and plan it out for 2017.

Stay alive beyond tonight. Try to not pick up any other life threatening illnesses. We'll see.

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PostRe: 2016 New Years Resolutions
by That's not a growth » Thu Dec 31, 2015 5:31 pm

Last year:

LewisD wrote:Mine would be:

  • Have a threesome with two chicks

That genuinely is one of mine, and I'm talking to a girl who is up for it so I think I could manage it in the next few weeks, fingers crossed.

Other things are a bit more normal:

Keep going to the gym, increase 10k time, start swimming, increase weight lifting PBs, count calories and adjust eating habits if needed but so far things seem ok.
Get a new job that has better hours and pay, so that I can rejoin the course I was doing last year.
Get back into the habit of learning things, but to really do that well I will need to:
Rebuild my PC so it strawberry floating works.

Um, things went alright for a while, then gooseberry fool, then pretty good, now been gooseberry fool for a month or so.
New job, not doing course for a good while though.
Not really.
Yup, it's a strawberry floating beast. I love it.

This year:

Get out of debt. Should happen by March.
Start saving into a HTB ISA.
Aim to move out of my Mum's.

Plus what I wrote in the fitness thread:
-Body weight below 80kg
-Waist 32"
-45 min 10k
-Beat my previous times in 10k's that I do with my family (assuming they don't change the routes)
-Deadliftt 1.5x bodyweight
-Bench bodyweight
-Squat bodywight
-10 sets of 5 slow and controlled pull ups and chin ups with no assistance

I'm trying to convince a friend to compete against me at a bleep test in 6 months time, so if I can: kick his arse at it.

Not really much else I can reasonably aim for until I move out really.

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PostRe: 2016 New Years Resolutions
by Glowy69 » Thu Dec 31, 2015 5:32 pm

1) Sack off Facebook
2) Ive got a few interviews, but get a job :dread:

Fabian Delph is a banana split.

Drumstick wrote:I'll go on record in stating that Villa won't finish inside the top 6 this season.

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PostRe: 2016 New Years Resolutions
by False » Thu Dec 31, 2015 5:39 pm

Stop being such a fuckerlord
Try and keep my self destruction more in line with normal people
No more titty bars

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PostRe: 2016 New Years Resolutions
by Curls » Thu Dec 31, 2015 5:49 pm

Anyone got a link to last years thread so I can see how well I did?

Edit: I've just read the post up there...I have the link now thanks.

OK So this was last year :
1 ) I need to stop thinking. I constantly overthink every situation. I worry about what other think of me and I regret a lot. I'm too busy regretting the past or worrying about the future to enjoy the present. Lets see if I can do that without the assistance of drugs.

2 ) Pass my exams next month and enjoy my job wherever I end up going (one of the things I have of course been worrying about).

3) Expand myself socially. Go on a few dates, I don't go on dates, tbh I don't really try with women at all unless they leap into my arms. So If I can say I've been on 5-10 different dates (or lots of good dates with the same person) then that will be a small accomplishment. Probably a big accomplishment actually. I'm pretty darn great I just never do enough to show all the ladies ;)

4) Enjoy my own company too. I struggle when I'm by myself and somehow feel like the whole world is having fun without me. I KNOW I can enjoy my own time, and I will have to a lot over the next year. I just have to learn to switch that darn head off and enjoy the moment.

Soooo I was pretty depressed this time last year over a girl so it seems to show in my posting style, hah!

I managed Number 2 A-OK - passed the exams, qualified six months later. Enjoying life.
Number 4 - I also managed reasonaby well as I have been forced to spend more time alone living in a new area.
Number 1 - Well, to an extent, I'm happier in myself now, but still when Im feeling a bit down I over analyse a lot of things.
Number 3 - Well I have made lots of new friends. I have been dicking about with tinder and online dating but not to a serious amount. So it wasn't really done no. I need to get out there a bit more when it comes to the ladies.

So my resolution for this year will be a few simple ones.

1 ) Try to eat a little healthier. And no I don't mean a whole new diet. I just mean occasionally skipping the macdonalds, chocolate or takeaway that I have no self control over at the moment

2) I think I should keep the dating thing in there, and actually try harder to meet some ladies this year. I should genuinely try to be a more appealing person to women as well rather than being that really awesome guy (blowing ones own trumpet, I know) that girls like but dont actually fancy (stupid women).

3) Drink less alcohol. I currently drink about 4 nights a week but don't often drink more than 2 pints. I don't really need to be drinking at all when this is the case.

Last edited by Curls on Thu Dec 31, 2015 6:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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PostRe: 2016 New Years Resolutions
by jiggles » Thu Dec 31, 2015 5:49 pm

Get below 13 stone.
Buy no more than 10 videogames.

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PostRe: 2016 New Years Resolutions
by That » Thu Dec 31, 2015 5:52 pm

Leftover Falsey Sandwich wrote:Stop being such a fuckerlord
Try and keep my self destruction more in line with normal people
No more titty bars

You're supposed to set achievable goals, mate.

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PostRe: 2016 New Years Resolutions
by Meep » Thu Dec 31, 2015 6:00 pm

1. Get a new job based off new qualifications.
2. Work out at least twice a week. I am quite shappy about it at present.
3. Buy my own place...? Kind of unlikely and completely depends on the first goal but I reckon I have already saved up half the deposit I would need already and could beg or borrow the rest from family if need be provided I could meet the monthly payments.

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PostRe: 2016 New Years Resolutions
by Return_of_the_STAR » Thu Dec 31, 2015 6:08 pm

Go to a titty bar

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PostRe: 2016 New Years Resolutions
by LewisD » Thu Dec 31, 2015 6:14 pm

Tinsel's not a guarantee wrote:Last year:

LewisD wrote:Mine would be:

  • Have a threesome with two chicks

That genuinely is one of mine, and I'm talking to a girl who is up for it so I think I could manage it in the next few weeks, fingers crossed.


You and me both mang. Failed for another year.


Last edited by LewisD on Thu Dec 31, 2015 6:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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PostRe: 2016 New Years Resolutions
by LewisD » Thu Dec 31, 2015 6:16 pm

For 2016:

  • Lose at least two stone and stop being a fatty
  • take up a hobby again, either ice hockey, or airsofting
  • Buy a car for myself. I mean, as in a treat car that I can drive for fun.

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PostRe: 2016 New Years Resolutions
by False » Thu Dec 31, 2015 6:19 pm

Most Horrible Time wrote:
Leftover Falsey Sandwich wrote:Stop being such a fuckerlord
Try and keep my self destruction more in line with normal people
No more titty bars

You're supposed to set achievable goals, mate.

I figure aim high, so when people see I am merely a shitster instead of a fuckerlord, they are impressed with the degree of my personal growth. When they see me completely wasted but not buzzing out of my nut, they are impressed with my restraint. When they see me in the titty bar drowning under an ocean of minge, they say "what is he like eh?"

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PostRe: 2016 New Years Resolutions
by Death's Head » Thu Dec 31, 2015 6:24 pm

Spend less on decadent stuff. I would say "get a new job" but unless I'm sacked, realistically can't see it happening.


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