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Re: Are You A Vigilante? - ONE DOWN

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:08 pm
by Pedz
It'll take several days then though. And they'll still be on full kills (if the game is working that way.)

Re: Are You A Vigilante? - QIKZ vs. IRENE DEMOVA

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:08 pm
by Memento Mori

GG Falsey!

Re: Are You A Vigilante? - ONE DOWN

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:10 pm
by Pedz
One down a few more to go.

Re: Are You A Vigilante? - ONE DOWN

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:10 pm
by Red
Whatever Falsey turns out to be, that's a sweet start.

Re: Are You A Vigilante? - ONE DOWN

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:10 pm
by Hypes
Game over!


Re: Are You A Vigilante? - ONE DOWN

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:13 pm
by Herdanos
With the first execution of the game, the Tyol Nethon Vigilantes have lost one nightly kill.

Re: Are You A Vigilante? - ONE DOWN

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:14 pm
by Mommy Christmas
Excellent start but Sd, you are awesome.

Re: Are You A Vigilante? - ONE DOWN

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:15 pm
by Dual
Qikz was a Vigi.
What is Falsey?

Re: Are You A Vigilante? - ONE DOWN

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:17 pm
by Parksey
If there is a "good" vigilante or Seer, they know what to do now...

Re: Are You A Vigilante? - ONE DOWN

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:20 pm
by Memento Mori
[iup=3571699]Parksey[/iup] wrote:If there is a "good" vigilante or Seer, they know what to do now...

Killing Falsey is a bad idea.

Re: Are You A Vigilante? - ONE DOWN

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:25 pm
by Clarkman
Checking in. Still at work. What did Staydead do to expose himself? :lol:

Re: Are You A Vigilante? - ONE DOWN

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:26 pm
by PaperMacheMario
[iup=3571704]Memento Mori[/iup] wrote:
[iup=3571699]Parksey[/iup] wrote:If there is a "good" vigilante or Seer, they know what to do now...

Killing Falsey is a bad idea.

Is it? I'm not sure it matters either way, I think it's more likely he's a vampire than any random given person.

Saying that, I don't think Falsey is a vigilante. I think he just got lucky with SD being a vamp again :lol: have you two played a game together between the first time and this time?

Are You A Vigilante? - ONE DOWN

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:27 pm
by Parksey
It depends on what we plan to do next.

If we are just going to go round in circles discussing whether to keep him or lynch him, then it makes sense to tie up the loose end.

There's also a chance StayDead was telling the truth - I am going to re-read the thread now and try and ascertain whether StayDead crumbled and gave himself away, or whether Falsey just seemingly plucked his name out of thin air and was pursuing some kind of vendetta.

It makes far more sense to Seer Falsey, but this is also a way in which it is hard to get this information out into the thread.

A good Vigi kill at least saves us time in this regard, as there could also be potentially doubt about Falsey for the next few days. There is also a chance he is the alpha and can be Seered human.

We don't *really* lose much if Falsey dies. He isn't entirely a trustworthy mayor due to the accusations SD made. If he came back human, he would have played his role purely by offing StayDead.

What I would say, is that it is advisable not to have Falsey Seered AND killed by a good vigilante, as this is a waste of a Seering.

Of course, there is also a chance that SD just wanted to take Falsey down with him and was throwing out the accusation as a distraction. The meltdown was entirely believable though, that's the thing.

Re: Are You A Vigilante? - QIKZ vs. IRENE DEMOVA

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:27 pm
by PaperMacheMario
[iup=3571669]Qikz[/iup] wrote:
[iup=3571664]Tomous[/iup] wrote:
[iup=3571641]satriales[/iup] wrote:So there are five vigilantes then if SD is telling the truth.

This will be proven by the number of kills tonight right? If there are 5 kills and Staydead dies/is vigi then there should be 4 human deaths tonight.

Could be a lucky guess if he is right but could also help validate Falsey if he's wrong.

I don't think Falsey is a vigi though. If Staydead's story was true, surely Falsey would know he'd get called out by SD by doing this?

We were given the option to kill as many people as we wanted. Just like in the last game.

Just seen this and am not sure what it means. Surely there's a limit?

Re: Are You A Vigilante? - ONE DOWN

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:29 pm
by Drumstick
The last game showed how valuable good vigilantes can be, single handedly turning the game on its head into a position that the vampires didn't recover from. Should we really be wasting a precious bullet on the say so of a dead to rights bad vigilante?

Re: Are You A Vigilante? - ONE DOWN

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:31 pm
by Pedz
Personally I think falsey should go due to this who debate of whether he can be trusted or not. Better than suspicion looping back to him over and over.

Re: Are You A Vigilante? - ONE DOWN

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:32 pm
by Herdanos
Irene Demova, safe for now, is un-chained and released onto the streets of Rupeo.

Mob leader Falsey secures himself inside the lock-up, safe for the night.

A chill darts through the streets.

"Make no mistake... the vigilantes are coming.

They will have their justice."

Re: Are You A Vigilante? - ONE DOWN

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:32 pm
by Pedz
PaperMacheMario wrote:
[iup=3571669]Qikz[/iup] wrote:
[iup=3571664]Tomous[/iup] wrote:
[iup=3571641]satriales[/iup] wrote:So there are five vigilantes then if SD is telling the truth.

This will be proven by the number of kills tonight right? If there are 5 kills and Staydead dies/is vigi then there should be 4 human deaths tonight.

Could be a lucky guess if he is right but could also help validate Falsey if he's wrong.

I don't think Falsey is a vigi though. If Staydead's story was true, surely Falsey would know he'd get called out by SD by doing this?

We were given the option to kill as many people as we wanted. Just like in the last game.

Just seen this and am not sure what it means. Surely there's a limit?

You have 3 kills a night. You can kill less if you want. We planned to do it in the last game and claim that one of us were in fact a witch doctor and saved someone. Well at least we discussed it.

Re: Are You A Vigilante? - ONE DOWN

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:35 pm
by BID0
We may have got one already but let's all keep calm and not start throwing accusations around just yet. We have the Vigilante and Special roles up next, then we can evaluate our situation.

Re: Are You A Vigilante? - ONE DOWN

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:35 pm
by False

So thats the second time I have day one killed bad StayDead, despite him being one of the best wolves of all time (apparently).

This is how I knew it was him, for those of you who doubt whether Im human or not;

Everybody ignored this post:
[iup=3571013]Albear[/iup] wrote:Whilst I'll vote for Mommy on the inactive plan, it should be noted that I don't think killing inactives at start game has ever actually bagged a baddie.

Most people who have roles will post quickly at the start, as they are eager to play and remove themselves from the inactive list. I reckon if someone looks at the first 5 people who have posted in this thread since the role PM's have gone out, then there will be a vampire/Vigi in there somewhere.

Prob also some goodie roles too though.

Everybody but one..

[iup=3571053]Falsey[/iup] wrote:Hmm.. Lets check the first few posts.

Hmm.. StayDead..

Lets investigate further..

[iup=3571049]Qikz[/iup] wrote:The problem with this is we don't know for sure when Dan actually sent out the role pms so we can't really measure who the first 5 were.

Covering himself already eh?

First confirmed baddie here, boys. Mark my words.

Note the bolding. That was the probe.

Instant response with gif (dead giveaway for him), and this

[iup=3571060]Qikz[/iup] wrote:Yes, coming from playing on one of the most successful (until we all got vigi killed) set of vampires there's ever been outside of maybe AYABH in terms of roles killed, I would then go and just give myself away in my second post. That makes so much sense it's unbelievable.

The old StayDead 'I couldnt possibly be so stupid as to do the stupid thing!' bluff.

[iup=3571069]Falsey[/iup] wrote:
[iup=3571065]Qikz[/iup] wrote:Thought I better add this in a second post so I don't get accused of editing my posts, but I think it might be better to focus on the task at hand rather than throwing out baseless accusations at the start of the game. :)


I think your panicked defense is all the evidence we need.

Calls my accusation baseless, despite this being day one.

[iup=3571075]Qikz[/iup] wrote:Panicked defense would be making up a role which doesn't really make any sense to the game anymore and wasting time fabricating about 6 pms of rng events without actually thinking that it doesn't make sense for me to have won all of them. :fp: :lol:

strawberry floating Buck wasting my time. ;_;

Trying to deflect the questions and change the subject.

[iup=3571078]Falsey[/iup] wrote:Keep digging StayDead, Ive got your number - as Im sure so too do our other esteemed investigators.


Proof positive I properly ID'd him. If you read that, read the kill, read my other posts, read the last games where I have owned him and his standard response of trying to strawberry float me over in return, and STILL think Im a bad guy? Then, strawberry float, you are a lost cause.

At this point in the game I am the only proven vigi killer.

I have two further suspects that seem to be behaving strangely. I will share them tomorrow morning as I want to see how they post tonight.