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Re: AYI?: The Death Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:14 pm
by mcjihge2
The Alchemist Penguin wrote:Can I get a "Worst Strategy" Award?

I was too busy to play this time so I was happy to hide in the background and try to at least keep uninfected numbers high. By chance, I was browsing the thread when I saw mcjihge2 mention me so I decided to appear. Then I get infected.. and the very next day the alpha dies. Worst of all, I was defending Cuttooth! :lol:

Had I stayed quiet just one day more....!

If it helps your intervention didnt sway my opinion of cuttooth.

Re: AYI?: The Death Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:18 pm
by That's not a growth

Re: AYI?: The Death Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:19 pm
by That's not a growth
And I'd like to point out Moggy thought I sent him the best PM. I want a prize.

Re: AYI?: The Death Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:20 pm
by BID0

Re: AYI?: The Death Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:22 pm
by Rightey
mcjihge2 wrote:Well Done to Bid0 for having the clarity of throught to end it, and Karl, Falsey and Cora for the initial work putting the immune group together.

Unlucky to Ironhide and Errkall, MiniE and Irene. The alphabet list probably helped us humans - Immune circles of trust forming, pinpointing the Alpha and infected specials, But also helped the infected get the vigis and seers in the first place. I think it probably tipped the scales a little towards us, but without it it might have been an infected landslide.

Thanks to Moggy for running the game.

I think when i was going after MiniE and Irene, MiniE Pmed me to tell me to lay off. I was very surprised how much information he gave me. At the time I also suspected Bid0 a ssuspicious, so I asked MiniE. He told me he was Douglas Quaid, which I thought must be true. I then contacted Bid0 and asked him.

I think I had just been seered so I guess Bid0 trusted me. - Who was the third space marine and why did you scan me?

I was the third space marine, I thought you were a clean human and wanted to confirm so we had an uninfected mayor for the MechaPutin decision.

Re: AYI?: The Death Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:24 pm
by That's not a growth
At least you scanned someone who was clean that we weren't discussing the tread. I was worked how that was going to play out.

Re: AYI?: The Death Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:27 pm
by BID0
I'm so glad that payed off because I had doubts at the end :slol: Especially with Moggy asking if I was sure

I'm out right now but I'll post properly tomorrow.

Good game everyone and thanks Moggy for setting this up!

I really liked how you can turn sides, that made it impossible for people to do the usual circles of trust!

If it hadn't been alphabetical I think it might have been impossible to win

Re: AYI?: The Death Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:29 pm
by Hypes
I won! :datass:

Would have been a lot easier had I been sent to Mecha Putin rather than that useless Drumstick! :lol:

Re: AYI?: The Death Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:31 pm
by The Alchemist Penguin
It's a shame about the alphabetical thing, but I thought the infection put a really interesting spin on things. I think it would be ace to run again at some point, with even more MechaPutin.

Re: AYI?: The Death Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:33 pm
by That's not a growth
Rhubarb owes me a cake

Re: AYI?: The Death Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:34 pm
by Shadow
Just got back from holiday in the land of no internet :dread:

Sorry I couldn't take part in the last half of the game, but my hotel didn't have the advertised wifi so I had no way to get on the forum.

Great job guys and thanks for not chucking me out of the airlock.

Re: AYI?: The Death Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:40 pm
by Psychic

Re: AYI?: The Death Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:44 pm
by satriales
Great game, cheers Moggy!

The alphabetical list was disappointing at first but then it became interesting and wasn't really unbalanced to either side I don't think.
Obviously some roles didn't benefit at all from it (Immunes) but it definitely didn't ruin the game, just changed it.

I can't believe I survived to the end!
I was sure that revealing my Astronaut role so early would be the death of me, but I had no powers and doing that lead to a 50/50 shot of finding the (first) Alpha, so it was a good chance to make a difference as a normal human.

I feel I played pretty well. I attempted to lynch Mini E and then that caused Irene to go after me, both infected space marines.
Once Bido revealed his information then I got it spot on with the new Alpha being randomly chosen before the game. I love that twist btw, it proves it was always there from the start and pays off the game continuing after Ironhide died.

We should have picked option 2. Had the game continue I would have looked closely at those who wanted option 1 but without looking back through the thread right now I don't know if that would have led anywhere.

There were some really interesting roles and choices in the game and for the most part they seemed quite balanced. It was a really fresh take on the AYA concept and I enjoyed playing!

Re: AYI?: The Death Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:50 pm
by Drumstick
Hyperion wrote:I won! :datass:

Would have been a lot easier had I been sent to Mecha Putin rather than that useless Drumstick! :lol:


Re: AYI?: The Death Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:53 pm
by satriales
The biggest megaton of all is that Cheeky Devlin was just a regular human :lol:

Re: AYI?: The Death Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:53 pm
by Hypes
Drumstick wrote:
Hyperion wrote:I won! :datass:

Would have been a lot easier had I been sent to Mecha Putin rather than that useless Drumstick! :lol:


David Batty :lol:

Re: AYI?: The Death Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:54 pm
by Roonmastor

Although I'm completely confused why Team Infected went for Option 2 and Team Human went for Option 1. If it wasn't for the damning evidence BID0 put out against Errkal then I'd have been gunning for the death of all the Option 1ers (although I missed all of the shenanigans this weekend).

Edit: Had TAP down as infected. Only person I can say I was 100% about. You always popped up too quickly after your name was mentioned.

Re: AYI?: The Death Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:55 pm
by Rocsteady
yaay human victory :toot:

Well done bido for making the last play.

Missed the first half of the game thanks to lack of wifi but thrououghly enjoyed playing the part that I did, even if I was of no real help. :lol:

Cheers for running it moggy was a great twist on the couple of AYA games I've played.

Edit: Also, I was adamant TNAG had been infected in the last couple of days, was sure his posting style had changed slightly.

Re: AYI?: The Death Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:56 pm
by mcjihge2
Karl wrote:
mcjihge2 wrote:Dan and Karl went quiet after they got infected.

:lol: We did?!

When did you get infected Karl?

Dan. wrote:
mcjihge2 wrote:My suspicions are based on when dan and karl got turned they seemed to post less.

I had less than a day as an infected and spent it either sleeping or out as it was a Saturday, and I'm pretty sure Karl was still one of the most vocal players in the thread when he was infected. :lol:

Well i got that one very wrong, insufficient data, you should have told me in thread when you got infected :lol:

Karl wrote:
Corazon de Leon wrote:Incidentally, I'm going to prove that I knew who the new alpha is at the end of the game - I was convinced by two strawberry floaters to suppress it as it wasn't believed that the role he had was negative.

If it makes you feel better about my other post, I can confirm your hunch was right, and had us quite concerned for a while! It was good detective work. :)

I was wondering why you guys didnt take him out sooner.

Also When did MiniE and Irene get infected?

Re: AYI?: The Death Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:59 pm
by Drumstick
Hyperion wrote:David Batty :lol:

Yeah that one was a pretty bad strawberry float up. Couldn't remember Chris Waddle's surname (he was my original second choice) and I simply do not recall Beckham missing a penalty in a shootout.