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Re: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 12:59 pm
by Hexx
Threaded Cane for life of the Start Weapons :P

But yeah the main thing is death doesn't matter - even if you lose echoes. Learn from each run.

The first part is probably the worst IMO in terms of mechanics - you have limited resources and can't level up. Can feel very brickwally.

Re: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 1:56 pm
by Rik_
I'm fairly well past the start now and definitely enjoying it more now that there are actually options for progression. Into Old Yharnam and trying to kill the Bloodstarved Beast, tried killing the guy on the top of the tower too but got absolutely kerb-stomped so I'm guessing I'm meant to just leave him for now.

Re: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 4:30 pm
by smurphy
Riksilver wrote:Got a PS4 recently and Bloodborne was high on my to-play list so jumped right on it when I saw it was in the Black Friday sale. Not sure what to think of it yet as I've spent at least three hours stuck in the opening area because this is my first FromSoft game and I've yet to git gud

I envy you. Bloodborne was also my first FromSoft game, and outside of it just being a strawberry floating an awesome game anyway, that period where I didn't know the 'rules' of their games and was still figuring everything out is one of my fondest gaming memories.

For anyone interested they found a bunch of new enemies in the game files. They might not be lore relevant though, as a lot of unrelated stuff (ie maybe from Dark Souls) can get loaded in when used as placeholders. Apparently they found a Gears of War Lancer in the files for some Japanese RPG.

Re: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 5:04 pm
by Hexx
Just don't let TWA try and explain any lore to you...

Re: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 5:40 pm
by The Watching Artist
Hexx wrote:Just don't let TWA try and explain any lore to you...

it was the talking marshmallows that did it

Re: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 11:04 am
by Denster
My mate just bought this for me. Solid bloke. Looking forward to giving it a go.

Re: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 12:08 pm
by The Watching Artist
Denster wrote:My mate just bought this for me. Solid bloke. Looking forward to giving it a go.

Good luck. Your face is going to know how your anus feels soon.

Re: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 1:12 pm
by Denster
Yes my mate has provided me with a list of tips to avoid the constant death ass hurt.

Never played DS so i'll probably be gooseberry fool.

Re: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 1:51 pm
by Victor Mildew
Denster wrote:Yes my mate has provided me with a list of tips to avoid the constant death ass hurt.

Never played DS so i'll probably be gooseberry fool.

Good luck bbz.

A good tip is to only use the fast attack (R1) instead of heavy (R2) when you're starting out. You only have a small amount of stamina when you start out and I've always fond being able to land a couple of quick hits and have enough left to dodge away is better than winding up a slow heavy attack and leaving yourself open, IF you even land it.

Re: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 7:09 am
by Glowy69
Denny. Learn to parry. Make sure you've got plenty of bullets. This is what will save your life. Over and over

Re: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 8:07 am
by Parksey
Conversely, I very rarely parried. I just put points into my stamina so I could dodge like a manic, and don't be too greedy dishing out hits. Best to get one or two in and dodge our than try for an extra one and get pounded. I picked quick weapons for this reason too.

Re: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 8:49 am
by Glowy69
Parksey wrote:Conversely, I very rarely parried. I just put points into my stamina so I could dodge like a manic, and don't be too greedy dishing out hits. Best to get one or two in and dodge our than try for an extra one and get pounded. I picked quick weapons for this reason too.

I did this on my first run through, i found that towards the end, some of the bosses ended me very quickly, second go i focused on parrying, massacred most bosses on my first go. The one that gave me the biggest grief first go was the guy in cainhurst castle, my second run through took him out on my first go. Everyone is different though, and i reckon playing DS3 in between helped a lot.

Re: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 1:11 pm
by Rik_
The axe is your friend for big groups, all about that transformed charge attack.
I'm just about at the end now, just have the Hunter's Nightmare and Logarius to do then off to see the final boss.

Re: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 3:47 pm
by K
Ahh, Kos. Or some say Kosm. Those people are wrong. It's strawberry floating Kos.

The Hunter's Nightmare is pretty mediocre but 3 of the 5 DLC bosses are absolutely spectacular.

Re: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 10:36 am
by NickSCFC
Trying to resist taking the free PS+ offer, really don't want to break a second controller :lol:

Re: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 8:07 pm
by Mafro
Anyone playing through this for the first time since it's up on Plus now?

Re: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 10:44 pm
by KomandaHeck
I've been reading/watching a bunch of Bloodborne lore content over the past couple of days, it's such a cool setting and story. I remember reaching the point where the story takes a turn, recontextualising everything you've experienced up until that point, and being blown away. A replay is definitely in order soon as I never completed the DLC.

Re: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 7:59 am
by kazanova_Frankenstein
Mafro wrote:Anyone playing through this for the first time since it's up on Plus now?

If i wrap up Kiwami by Friday then i plan on starting then. Never played a From Software game etc.

Re: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 12:54 pm
by Godzilla
Re downloaded it just for a quick break from Monster Hunter. My last save was on new game +++ I think, level 190. May get back into it and push to level 200.

Re: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 8:22 pm
by Mafro
The Old Hunter's DLC is currently reduced from £15.99 to £5.79. Absolute bargain for some of the best DLC I've played.