Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)

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PostRe: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)
by Parksey » Sun Apr 17, 2016 8:10 am

Met wrote:The woods, like most if Bloodborne, is all shortcut porn. There should be a shortcut back to the start about half way in a windmill and at the bottom by a swampy, marshy looking place. When you hit that you know you're reaching the end.

Yeah I have unlocked the windmill one already (the one that contains a knight with a rune and an elevator. I haven't unlocked another yet, despite walking around the area with a tonne of snakes for a while and clearing out a lot of it. Found a gate locked on the other side and a summon thingmy which I am guessing might lead to the boss.

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PostRe: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)
by Victor Mildew » Sun Apr 17, 2016 8:23 am

I loved the woods, such a great area.

Hexx wrote:Ad7 is older and balder than I thought.
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PostRe: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)
by Parksey » Sun Apr 17, 2016 9:20 am

Ad7 wrote:I loved the woods, such a great area.

I prefer the opening two areas in the city, with the twisted Victorian gothic and sense of a city just utterly tearing itself apart.

Not that I dislike the forest, as it's a change of pace and I like the variety. Just that I was quite comfortable fighting the enemies in Yharnam and am now finding progress more tentative in the forest, with the poison enemies there.

I'm probably over-leveled too. Think I am level 70.

Just opened up the shortcut back to the clinic. Had to sprint through the area before it as I couldn't beat the enemies there and your health is dwindling due to poison.

Should I fight the optional boss now or go back to the forest?

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PostBloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)
by Parksey » Sun Apr 17, 2016 10:55 am

Just beat the Shadow of Yharnam now too. I summoned the NPC Hunter just outside the gate and it made the fight simple - did it within a minute on my first try. I'm worried that I potentially should have done it solo to make it more epic or exhilarating, as it's meant to be a tough one.

I'm a bit concerned I haven't died on a boss since the BSB. As I mentioned above, I could be over-leveled which, coupled with the NPC summon this time, made the fight a breeze.

EDIT - Watching some YouTube vids for the SOY fight, seems I inadvertently was a tactical genius and went about the fight in the right way (admittedly being level 70 helped, as did the NPC summon).

Managed to lure the melee katana guy towards me on his own, parried him two or three times which got rid of him almost immediately.

Then on the final enemy, I just got in his face and he couldn't really do anything. I didn't even see those massive snakes that cause people problems.

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PostRe: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)
by Met » Sun Apr 17, 2016 2:35 pm

I can't remember the specifics but I want to say you should be around 50 for the forest.

I'd definitely say the forest is the weakest area, but when you realise all the other areas are great that doesn't mean too much.

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PostBloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)
by Parksey » Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:49 pm

Thing is, I haven't actively tried to over-level. I am just quote conservative with Echoes. If there's a boss or a new area which seems dangerous, I'll try and use up my Echoes so I have as close to 0 as possible.

So I often then go and get the extra Echoes to level up and so I can push ahead into more dangerous ground without death carrying much cost.

I have about 38 hours on the clock so probably have spent time inadvertently grinding.

I also left the game for a year at some point in the Cathedral Ward, so I spent some time getting back up to speed with it.

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PostRe: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)
by Minto » Sun Apr 17, 2016 5:22 pm

I'm level 24 and getting tea bagged to death constantly :slol:

Spent the last hour looking at this.


I'm using the kirkhammer as my main weapon and it seems a bit slow? I'm getting mullered by this big guy near Old Yarnham


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PostBloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)
by Parksey » Sun Apr 17, 2016 5:42 pm

Can't quite make out the enemy in the second photo. Is it the ball and chain guy or one of those Giants?

For me, when I left the game back in April last year, I was using the Kirkhammer and Hunter's Axe - both strong, slow weapons.

However I found combat much more forgiving when I switched to the Saw Spear or whatever it was. It helped that this weapon scaled with skill and my character build, but the fact that the weapon was fast suited my playing style.

With slow weapons you tend to have to be more considerate when you attack, as your attacks are slower coming out, so I would get punished quite a lot. It leaves you slow to react and is a more precise, heavy-hitting weapon. I prefer fast ones, as I can dart in, slash them a few times, and dart back out. If I whiff one, I don't necessarily get a world of pain on me either.

Anyway, I am just up to Rom.

I have heard that beaten him progress things a little so I have been tidying up loose ends, including finally beating Darkbeast Paarl.

I have the item that lets me get past the invisible hand in Cathedral Ward. Should I do that bit before the boss battle?

Also, regarding the clinic:
Having read some vague bits in a guide, I know that if I go in the back entrance to the clinic, I'll face Iosefka or whatever her name is. But if I do that before Rom I lose the one of the item for the third endings. But also I can't do the Castle area before Rom.

Should I do the Castle area before Rom or after? I already have One of the Umbilical Cords from the Abandoned Workshop.

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PostRe: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)
by Akai XIII » Sun Apr 17, 2016 9:05 pm

Yeah Kirkhammer is a bit on the slow side. Ludwigs Holy Blade is awesome though, used it to solo-platinum the game.

It's been a while since I played, but yeah, you want to do as much as you can before Rom.

As for the clinic bit:There are four umbilical cords, you need three to get all the endings. From what I recall you need to go there after Rom, not before. Too early and you'll miss a cord.

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PostRe: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)
by Minto » Sun Apr 17, 2016 9:48 pm

Yeah it's one of the giants. He's near Cathedral Ward.

Still loving this though despite it kicking my arse :slol:

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PostRe: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)
by Parksey » Mon Apr 18, 2016 5:47 pm

So made quite a bit of progress today:

I've beaten Cainhurst Castle, Martyr Logarious, Rom and ventured a little into the Nightmare area.

Those blood sac insects outside the castle tore me apart quite a few times as I tried to take all of them down. Turns out the items outside weren't great anyway so I should have just ran inside.

Martyr Logarious was an initially tricky fight (even at my level he did high damage at times), but once I got three or four parries in during that second phase he went down quickly.

Rom was an annoying by satisfying fight. I decided to get rid of the spiders first, largely because even one or two could surround you and take your health away. So I would patiently circle Rom, breaking out of the lock on and running when he did the icicle attack from above. I'd take a spider down here and there where I could and then go for Rom. Took me a while to perfect the strategy and reliable kill the spiders without taking too much damage (their aerial attack took 2/3s of my health if it it), but I managed it.

The nightmare area seems very hostile, and I got PVP invaded as soon as I entered, which I guess is mandatory.

Going to go back to the Unseen Village next, having beaten Darkbeast Paarl and cleared it out on my first visit.

How long do I have left if I do all the optional bosses? Want to finish it before I got away a week on Wednesday. Not that I want the game to end, I am just worried if I have to put it down I'll get out of the groove or get out of the habit of playing it, like I did last year.

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PostRe: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)
by Victor Mildew » Mon Apr 18, 2016 7:41 pm

Of the top of my head I'd say you've got another this off the game to go, maybe just over half.

Hexx wrote:Ad7 is older and balder than I thought.
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PostRe: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)
by Parksey » Tue Apr 19, 2016 12:28 am

Just over half?! Really?

I know the names of the remaining bosses as I read this thread way back when everyone else was playing, as well from just generally reading up around the game. Haven't been using a guide properly, just to make sure I didn't miss any optional stuff that was easily missable.

I count maybe 8 bosses left? Not sure how many I have done, but I couldn't imagine the areas remaining being too numerous or large

Still, I am glad I have plenty of game left to play. My one slight criticism though is that I don't feel like any environment quite matches the opening Yharnam stages. That's not to say they haven't been creepy, dangerous and dripping with atmosphere, mind.

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PostRe: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)
by jiggles » Tue Apr 19, 2016 1:26 am

You've got about a third of it left, I'd say.

When you fight the One Reborn you're on the start of the home stretch. There's only one big area after that.

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PostBloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)
by Parksey » Tue Apr 19, 2016 2:07 am

Well I am just at the start of the Unseen Village again, so isn't that fight in this general area? I don't think I have many mandatory bosses left actually, but I want to do all the optional ones too.

I've done Cainhurst and been to the Nightmare Frontier already, but although I beat Marty Longass in the former, in the latter I got invaded, and once I beat my would-be assassin I was too scared and ran back.

Also, I don't really want to play the DLC on NG+ as I will a) get absolutely mullered and b) will have to progress through the first part of the game again, and I am not sure if I immediately want to replay the game anyway.

I haven't purchased the game yet, but when should I attempt the DLC? Just before the final boss?

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PostRe: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)
by Met » Tue Apr 19, 2016 2:43 am

I would say as long as you're about level 60 you should be good to stick your head in. Just remember that the first bit of the DLC is actually surprisingly punishing so if you're doing OK there you should have a good guage of strength.

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PostRe: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)
by Parksey » Tue Apr 19, 2016 3:36 am

I'm not at home at the moment too, but can you copy your save file?

That way, I would probably try and complete the main game before I go abroad, and do the DLC when I got back, or when it next goes on sale.

But I don't fancy just leaving the game on hiatus before the final boss while I wait for the DLC. Nor do I want to create a new character just to play it.

Guess I could just pay £16 for the DLC, even though it was on sale for half that last week. Knew I should have picked it up.

Ideally I would also like to see the three different endings. Going for the third "secret" one this time.


PostRe: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)
by 7256930752 » Tue Apr 19, 2016 9:06 pm

Parksey, have you killed the hunter that appears where you fight Father Gascoigne?

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PostRe: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)
by Parksey » Tue Apr 19, 2016 11:56 pm

Hime wrote:Parksey, have you killed the hunter that appears where you fight Father Gascoigne?

Unfortunately he didn't appear, as way back last year - when I was but an inexperienced whelp - I thought Eileen the Crow was an enemy so when I noticed her in Yharnam I sprinted in a blind panic, attacked her and promptly got killed. She hated me ever since.

Went back later and knocked her off the roof. It was a strained relationship.

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PostRe: Bloodborne - The Nightly Hunt begins... (The Old Hunters DLC out Tuesday!)
by Parksey » Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:10 am

Also I'm up to quite an annoying area in the Unseen Village now, though I have also unlocked Upper Cathedral Ward. Any idea which is the easier path? I know UPW is completely optional.

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