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Re: Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 1:04 pm
by Cal
Brerlappin wrote:Found myself quite a bit burnt out on this now. Haven't played it in a week or two. It just gets a bit boring after a while. Hopefully some new content coming soon

Haven't touched it ages, tbh. I'm not knocking the game; I just don't have the patience (or the attention-span, I suspect) for all that busywork. I can see that what it does it obviously does very well, but I somehow can't get too enthused about spreadsheets.

Re: Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 5:59 pm
by Victor Mildew
Had an good session on this today, spotted a wanted pilot so thought I'd just strawberry float it and attack. Got the bastard And netted a 11k bounty 8-)

Done some trading, shipping bits around after selling my discovery scanner and making space for more cargo, thus opening a load more missions up to me.

Got 43k saved now :datass:

Re: Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 9:11 pm
by Cheeky Devlin
Preezy wrote:Ok so that went well :lol:

First attempt with my DualShock4.....managed to launch from this station, accidentally deployed my hard-points and ended up shooting the station repeatedly as I tried to figure out which button retracted them. Instant bounty, dead.

Managed to do this 2 more times :lol:

Finally got the controls sorted out, (downloaded DS4Windows which makes things much easier, I think it's basically a 360-controller emulator) and managed to compete my first bit of cargo hauling. Really love the look and feel of the game and how you access the menus in the ship. With the DS4 the trackpad actually works so I use that to look around my cockpit and access the ship systems, although I can also use the right analog stick to do this if I wish. Still ironing out the kinks, for example I don't know how to exit super cruise using the controller, only way I've managed it is to switch off my hyperdrive (or whatever it's called) mid-cruise which brings me to a violent stop, probably not too good for the ship :slol:

I think a combination of controller and keyboard will end up suiting me best.

So yeah, onwards and upwards :D

Try Square and Down on the D-Pad.

This is my setup on my 360-pad. I think it's the default layout so it should be the same for you. Just substitute the buttons for the PS equivalent (A=X B=O X=Square and Y=Triangle).

I'll spoiler this once they're working properly again.

RB/LB - Throttle Up/Down
LS - Pitch/Roll
RS - Yaw/Vertical Thrusters
Triggers - Hardpoints (I.e firing my weapons)
DPad Directions - Set my power systems
Select - Silent Running
Start - Pause
L3 - Boost
R3 - Toggle Free Look on Right Stick

Then D-Pad Directions combined with ABXY to access other systems and controls.

A+Left - Cycle Next Fire Group (You can group weapons systems and switch between them. E.g Pulse Lasers overheat so switch to Gatling Guns)
A+Right - Cycle Previous Fire Group
A+Up - Toggle Hardpoints (Deployed/Retracted)
A+Down - Deploy Heatsink (If installed)
B+Left - Focus On Left Console (Navigation/Targeting)
B+Right - Focus On Right Console (Ship Systems/Status)
B+Down - Landing Gear Toggle
B+Up - Cargo Scoop Toggle
X+Left - Zoom Radar Out
X+Right - Zoom Radar In
X+Up - Focus On Comms Console
X+Down - Engage/Disengage Frame Shift Drive (Hyperdrive)
Y+Left - Cycle Targets
Y+Right - Cycle Target Subsystems (Engines, Weapons etc)
Y+Up - Target Ahead
Y+Down - Target Highest Threat

Re: Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 10:12 pm
by Victor Mildew
strawberry floating hell :lol: :dread:

Re: Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 10:34 pm
by Cheeky Devlin
Ad7 wrote:strawberry floating hell :lol: :dread:


In reality I only use a handful of the d-pad combinations regularly. Frameshift, landing gear, focusing on consoles. The rest are very situation specific. Plus I rarely, if ever, have to use the keyboard so it's all in one place.

Re: Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 10:48 pm
by Victor Mildew
But with a 360 dpad :dread:

I see you wanted to press up...pressing right.

Re: Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 10:53 pm
by Cheeky Devlin
Ad7 wrote:But with a 360 dpad :dread:

I see you wanted to press up...pressing right.

It's not been too bad actually. Though a PS pad would be better in that respect.

Still want a HOTAS though.

Re: Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:37 am
by Preezy
Thank you mate, that is extremely helpful :D

Re: Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 8:25 am
by Victor Mildew
I'm really keen for a good long session on this today, just need to get the diy out of the way as quickly as possible so I ca do it guilt free.

Really got the hang of landing now, to the point where I'm coming in at nearly full speed, 45 degree angle and flicking the landing gear down at the last minute before coming to a sudden hard stop right on the mark 8-)

Re: Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:58 pm
by Preezy
Plugged my laptop into my tv, my word this looks and plays well on a 50" screen :datass:

Re: Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:22 pm
by Preezy
Really getting the hang of this now, focussing purely on being a trader at the moment as combat is something I'm just not ready for.

Managed to evade 2 interdictions in quick succession, just waiting for my FSD to cool down then I was off at speed again. Both were against AI by the look of things so I imagine if I get targeted by a human player I would struggle to get away as easily.

Managed to make about 20k credits so far but I'm just going to keep saving and hopefully upgrade my ship to something a bit more snazzy.

Re: Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 5:39 pm
by Venom
One thing I remember from the Elite: Frontier game is that the on-board computer had listings of jobs from people. There were a number of religious groups/zealots. Are there any in this game?

Re: Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 2:32 pm
by Preezy
No religious factions that I've seen so far, but who's to say there isn't a system somewhere out in the far reaches of the Milky Way that has an ISIS equivalent?

Got up to 30k credits so far just through trading, going to keep plugging away at that until I can afford to get a better ship.

Re: Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 8:08 pm
by Xeno
Has anyone played with the new ships in the 1.2 update?

Re: Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:51 pm
by Preezy
Haven't had the chance to yet, what's new about it?

Re: Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:40 am
by Xeno

Re: Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:41 am
by Lagamorph
I'll give the makers this.

It takes balls to make a game where the controls are the exact opposite of fun and combine that with a ship that can't manoeuvre for gooseberry fool while the AI runs literal circles around you.

Elite game makers wrote:Shall we put in any in-game tutorials or anything?

Nah, just link to Youtube from within the game. That'll be fine

So far, I'm feeling pretty ripped off at £40.

Re: Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 5:59 pm
by Jordan UK

So I finally gave this some time today...It took me a while to figure-out how to come out of supercruise / hyperdirve and I figured out a fairly simple three station trade route. It took me all morning to earn 10k! And I can't upgrade my ship's capacity to start speeding things up. Might have to explore other routes / ventures.

Re: Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 11:32 am
by Wiggy G32
So this is on steam now! FD are apparently getting "feedback" on getting steam keys to existing backers..... They really should of sorted that before they went on steam

Re: Elite: Dangerous

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 11:34 pm
by Jordan UK
Second day playing... and I'm starting to get to grips with trading. I wish there was someway to search places by their imports and exports - it might make trading a bit easier.

I've completed a bulletin board run involving 5 gold (which I literally had to strip my ship for parts to be able to afford) but it did give 82K. Might try taking the shield generator out next and really max out storage in my ship for a few runs to make a bit more cash.

I'm caught between love and frustration with this game. It's great that things have a real value and better ships have to earned...but it can feel a bit too much like work at times, especially when some runs can take ten minutes to complete.