Cannibal House - THE END

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PostRe: Cannibal House - THE END
by Herdanos » Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:27 pm

Karl wrote:I just want to shout out to / publicly embarrass Dan: it should be known he was in all respects the mastermind behind the game. Though we got equal screen time the game simply could never have happened without his tireless dedication, particularly his management of a totally ridiculous, absolutely absurdly in-depth 20-page Google Docs spreadsheet. :slol:

If we're doing public embarrassing - couldn't have done it without you, mate (literally!) and you were a pleasure, gentleman and scholar to work with. Cheers. :wub:
Anyone who suspects we made anything up on-the-fly, or modified/added outcomes to make things easier/harder for one side/the other - you have me, and the solid evidence of our mammoth spreadsheet, to contend with. :nod:

Karl wrote:
I can confirm that Dan and I will be recording a post-game vlog tonight with our thoughts on running the game, so stay tuned! :toot:

-wait, what

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PostRe: Cannibal House
by Pancake » Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:30 pm

Skippy wrote:
Lagamorph wrote:
Skippy wrote:Errkal, Pancake, myself and Nun were the game-winning group by the way. Myself and Nun were Seers, he attained the powers during an event.

I'll have a run-down of what we did a little later.

Don't be a dick. A lot of people contributed by catching people out, gathering up info, making themselves above suspicion, etc.
Putting all the credit on a small group is just being, well, a bit of a dick.

Here's what our group got up to..

Day 1-3

- I seered Pancake and Errkal early on. I began contacting Pancake on Day Two and Errkal on Day Three.
- On Day Three a clue made myself, Songwirter and Super Dragon suspects. I had already seered Songwriter and so seered Super Dragon. They both came back as Omnivores, meaning one had to be the Alpha.
- At this point, knowing I could trust Errkal and Pancake, I contacted them both and formed a group.
- Nun, who gained Seer powers and had seered me, got in touch and also joined our group.
- One of us was going to run for leader, but mcjihge2 wanted to put Songwriter and Super Dragon up for the chop anyway. He was made leader and the first Alpha was killed in the evening phase of Day Three.
- Nun then seered Cheeky Devlin, revealing him to be a cannibal and he informed the group.

Day 4

- Errkal put himself forward as leader, putting Cheeky Devlin and Ironhide up for the vote.
- I suggested that Errkal should tell the thread that a seer had contacted him revealing Devlin as a cannibal. He did, that made him leader and Devlin was lynched.
- Seering Hyperion during the day phase of Day Four, coupled with already seering Ironhide and a new clue (sixth letter 'I') meant one of them had to be the second Alpha.
- Ironhide (who was the second Alpha) exploded anyway, saving us some time
- During the quiet Day Four night phase, the event gave Rik one-time Seer powers. He seered Pedz, an Omnivore.

Day 5

- On Day Five, the group used mine and Nun's prior seers, Rik’s seer and the assumption that everyone in Day Four's event was an Omnivore, to narrow down our search to a handful. We accounted for those seered before the new cannibals became active, as they could have become cannibals.
- Pancake put forward a plan to take our collective knowledge to the thread, but we were tentative.
- The lynch vote failed and the clue was useless, so in the second phase we focused on TNAG – the only player who hadn’t been seered at all. He was an Omnivore, so we turned to those seered before the new cannibals. This pointed toward Songwriter, while the pairing event pointed toward Pancake.

Day 6

- On Day Six Pancake went ahead with a plan we proposed on Day Five. He took our pooled knowledge to the group and proposed Songwriter and Pancake for the chop. Pancake panicked, made up something about an amulet and so the group voted for him. VICTORY

Good summary although you've called Pacman Pancake a few times. :lol:

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PostRe: Cannibal House - THE END
by Skippy » Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:31 pm

Fixed :lol: This game has fried my brain

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PostRe: Cannibal House - THE END
by Ironhide » Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:32 pm

The clues made thing extremely difficult for team cannibal, giving both a letter and its position made things a little too one sided imo.

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PostRe: Cannibal House - THE END
by jawafour » Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:33 pm



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PostRe: Cannibal House - THE END
by That » Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:33 pm

My only regret during this was sticking the boot in on Cora after he got lynched. He's sick and going through some tough times, and although I was playing an 'evil character' I still shouldn't have been mean to him. :( I'm sorry, Cora, I hope you forgive me.

Corazon de Leon wrote:.

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PostRe: Cannibal House - THE END
by Ironhide » Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:34 pm

Sorry I ate your face Jawa.

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PostRe: Cannibal House - THE END
by Herdanos » Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:35 pm

Ironhide wrote:The clues made thing extremely difficult for team cannibal, giving both a letter and its position made things a little too one sided imo.

Perhaps, but you never made a play to try and gain the Leader's position - which we made clear from the outset was the key to the game. The clues were revealing, yes - and the omnivores arguably got lucky with the ones they actually got (all RNG'd, by the way), and their rate of success with picking the correct cannibal out of the potentials each clue offered up was ridiculous, with a three-in-a-row the most impressive period of the game IMO. But at the same time, had the Cannibals attempted to gain the Leadership and offer up alternatives, the system wouldn't have seen so one-sided. The idea was to reward the risk.

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PostRe: Cannibal House - THE END
by Denster » Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:35 pm

Sorry to be a sore loser but the Letter clues were a real game breaker.

Allied to the fact that the Lynch votes had to be in thread (thus removing our ability to block vote) meant we had little or no chance.

I appreciate it's difficult to change things and get the balance right and I would like to thank Karl and Dan for what must have been considerable effort on their part.

But still it was immensely frustrating for us to play against a stacked deck.

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PostRe: Cannibal House - THE END
by jawafour » Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:36 pm

Ironhide wrote:Sorry I ate your face Jawa.

It's all part of the game, dude :toot: .

... :x :x :x .

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PostRe: Cannibal House - THE END
by Skippy » Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:36 pm

Ironhide wrote:The clues made thing extremely difficult for team cannibal, giving both a letter and its position made things a little too one sided imo.

There always being an Alpha would have balanced that out (and probably given the cannibals victory) if we hadn't had two Seers working together

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PostRe: Cannibal House - THE END
by Errkal » Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:37 pm


I got to the end and didn't do something stupid :D

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PostRe: Cannibal House - THE END
by Herdanos » Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:38 pm

Spoiler alert: if the final phase ended without a win for either side, there'd be one last, PM-based vote. All active players were to nominate X number of players, X being the remaining number of cannibals. Their nominations would be who they suspected to be the last cannibal(s). Once I'd tallied the votes, if all the remaining cannibals held all the top spots on the nomination list, the Omnivores would win. If they didn't (i.e. the surviving group didn't collectively identify the remaining Cannibals) then the Cannibals would win.

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PostRe: Cannibal House - THE END
by Errkal » Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:38 pm

Denster wrote:Sorry to be a sore loser but the Letter clues were a real game breaker.

Allied to the fact that the Lynch votes had to be in thread (thus removing our ability to block vote) meant we had little or no chance.

I appreciate it's difficult to change things and get the balance right and I would like to thank Karl and Dan for what must have been considerable effort on their part.

But still it was immensely frustrating for us to play against a stacked deck.

I kind of see what you mean, it did really narrow things down quite a bit :D

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PostRe: Cannibal House - THE END
by euan707 » Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:38 pm

If we're doing awards I want spreadsheet of the game.

FatDaz wrote:So we murdered Euan and somehow are worse off
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PostRe: Cannibal House - THE END
by Denster » Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:40 pm

In reply to Dan and going for the leadership - I went for it. After that four of the five of us were potential suspects and any leadership challenge would have seemed like an admission of guilt. I also don't think the thread should have known that the cannibals were aware of the outcomes for the tasks. Again this hampered us as we couldn't mislead and get away with it.

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PostRe: Cannibal House - THE END
by Songwriter » Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:40 pm

*FINALLY....Songwriter drinks the Purple Potion*

The rooms turns hazy and distant. Sounds speed and slows. Hearts race. Darkness comes, with a swirl of purple.

Songwriter wake up bolt up in a bed, soaked in fear. To his left on a table, is a shotgun. To his right is a large dark figure, groaning, slobbering loudly with its back to it.

His arm moves to the gun. He must be destroyed, his mind chants. The gun glows purple, the same colour as the potion. He reaches for it.
I must end it. He agrees.

He aims. He pulls the trigger. the thunderous echo finally ends to be replaced by whilsting in his ear.

The hole in the disgusting beast smokes as it has a split second to face him.

It's Denster. Eating a vagina. "Oh FFS. YOU banana split!" It snarls. and falls.

I look at my badge. Vigilante.

I wake up again...Safe.
For now

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PostRe: Cannibal House - THE END
by Denster » Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:41 pm

I do appreciate it was your first crack st the game, guys and balancing is extremely difficult to do. Id love you both to do another one in the future.

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PostRe: Cannibal House - THE END
by Ironhide » Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:41 pm

I too would like to thank Dan and Karl for running this game, the effort and commitment required is simply staggering and for that I salute you both :toot:

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PostRe: Cannibal House - THE END
by Moggy » Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:49 pm

Karl wrote:My only regret during this was sticking the boot in on Cora after he got lynched. He's sick and going through some tough times, and although I was playing an 'evil character' I still shouldn't have been mean to him. :( I'm sorry, Cora, I hope you forgive me.

Corazon de Leon wrote:.

Cora falling asleep was amazing, the highlight of the game for me. :lol:

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