Ched Evans - should he play football again?

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PostChed Evans - should he play football again?
by Eighthours » Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:31 am

It's can of worms time!

Ched Evans: Footballer released from prison after rape sentence

Former Sheffield United striker Ched Evans has been released from prison after serving half his five-year sentence for rape.
The 25-year-old was found guilty in April 2012 of raping a 19-year-old woman in a hotel in May 2011.
Evans maintains his innocence and will make a "very personal and profound" statement on his website next week.
Sheffield United boss Nigel Clough has held talks with club officials about the possibility of Evans returning.
But almost 150,000 people have signed an online petition urging the club not to take the Wales international back.
Evans left Wymott Prison near Leyland in Lancashire in a car at about 05:30 BST on Friday.
United signed Evans for £3m in 2009, but released him the month after he was convicted of raping a woman at a hotel near Rhyl, Denbighshire.
The footballer denied the offence, but was found guilty by a jury at Caernarfon Crown Court.

Professional Footballers' Association chief executive Gordon Taylor said last week that Evans should be allowed to continue his career after his release.
And Clough told BBC Radio Sheffield on Wednesday: "We've had one or two discussions and the owners will make a decision on it.
"It is above a football level. If he comes back then we [the coaching staff] will decide whether to play him or not."
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg urged the club's owners to "think really long and hard" before re-signing Evans.
Clegg, MP for Sheffield Hallam, said: "When you take a footballer on, you are not taking just a footballer these days, you are also taking on a role model."
Richard Caborn, former sports minister and ex-MP for Sheffield Central, said Evans must "show remorse and say sorry" before he can be considered for a return to playing professionally.

Former Manchester City forward Evans, capped 13 times by Wales, scored 48 goals in 113 games for the Blades before his imprisonment.
Jill Saward, who was raped in the notorious Ealing Vicarage case in 1986, believes allowing Evans to play professional football again would send out "a totally wrong message".
"We don't want young people being influenced by icons or celebrities who have a past like this," Saward, a high-profile victim of crime campaigner, told BBC Breakfast.
"I'm not saying he can't do anything in football but I don't think he should be playing."
Christopher Stacey, director of reformed offenders' charity Unlock, argued on Breakfast that Evans deserves a second chance.
"There is a difference between condoning his behaviour and giving him a job," said Stacey.
"People like Ched Evans have to go somewhere. They are back in the world and we have to find a way of reintegrating them.
"Ultimately people have to be the best at the job they are going for and that's a decision Sheffield United have to make as an employer."

I think this is a really difficult one. I totally believe in offenders being able to rehabilitate themselves after they've served their sentence. On the other hand, when footballers are supposed to be 'role models' (whatever that means, considering some of them), allowing Evans to rejoin his team as though nothing has happened, and make fuckloads of money again, seems all kinds of wrong to me. Sigh. I don't know what the answer is. Maybe for Evans not to have raped that girl in the first place.

What say you, GRcade?

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PostRe: Ched Evans, rapist - should he play football again?
by Fatal Exception » Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:34 am

In theory if they've served their time, they should be allowed to work. But when their job is being in the public eye I'm not sure it's right. Think of his victim, seeing him in the papers and possibly on TV.

I'm not sure why a club would allow it, no sponsors will want to be funding a rapist.

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PostRe: Ched Evans, rapist - should he play football again?
by Lagamorph » Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:36 am

When he's going to be in a position to be potentially seen as a role model, then no, he shouldn't.

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PostRe: Ched Evans, rapist - should he play football again?
by Gandalf » Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:42 am

First off I have to say that rapists are the lowest, vile, pieces of gooseberry fool to be considered human beings.

In one way I do hope he goes back playing. Imagine the abuse he would get from the fans in each and every game. Plus the ribbing/abuse off the other players and I hope he gets kicked and booted everytime he gets the ball.

On the other side, like what Eighty said, imagine how the victim feels seeing his name on TV and newspapers and for him to go back on the obscene amount of money that he, quite frankly, doesn't deserve.

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PostRe: Ched Evans, rapist - should he play football again?
by Return_of_the_STAR » Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:51 am

I don't understand why he is a role model? Why are all footballers regardless of their level labeled as role models? Just because children aspire to be footballers?

They also want to be police officers, train drivers, doctors, builders, scientists, lorry drivers etc do they all have to be role models?

I can't imagine any kid saying they want to be ched Evans.

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PostRe: Ched Evans, rapist - should he play football again?
by Death's Head » Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:52 am

I think he should be allowed to go back and play. As I see it, he has served his set time and made amends for his crime. For him not to be able to go back to play kind of makes a mockery of the legal system - if he shouldn't be playing again the sentence should have included stipulations on what jobs he would be allowed to take once freed, much like other prisoners who are released but not allowed to work somewhere that is considered a risk.

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PostRe: Ched Evans, rapist - should he play football again?
by blackoutHERO » Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:53 am

He has served his sentence so he can do whatever he wants like anyone else who isn't in jail.

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PostRe: Ched Evans, rapist - should he play football again?
by Psychic » Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:57 am

[iup=3592071]Death's Head[/iup] wrote:I think he should be allowed to go back and play. As I see it, he has served his set time and made amends for his crime. For him not to be able to go back to play kind of makes a mockery of the legal system - if he shouldn't be playing again the sentence should have included stipulations on what jobs he would be allowed to take once freed, much like other prisoners who are released but not allowed to work somewhere that is considered a risk.

Pretty much my thoughts.

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PostRe: Ched Evans, rapist - should he play football again?
by degoose » Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:22 pm

i won't get in to too many of the politics as hwta he has done has been done but he has done his time and when people come out of prison the idea is that they should have learnt and reformed and if so then they should be allowed to have a career still. If that is denied then what will they do to make money , pay their taxes and live a life. I doubt going on the dole is really the best idea and would of course cost the tax payer.

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PostRe: Ched Evans, rapist - should he play football again?
by Cal » Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:23 pm

I think most people believe in the concept of rehabilitation for those convicted of crimes and who have served their time as a result. The problem is that some crimes are regarded by large numbers of people as incompatible with any notion of rehabilitation - most often crimes of sexual offence. This is a problem. If Evans is permitted to return to professional football how about letting Max Clifford return to PR work when he gets out of prison?

Tricky. Then again, we either mean it when we talk about rehabilitation or we don't.

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PostRe: Ched Evans, rapist - should he play football again?
by BSA » Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:27 pm

No way should he back in the public eye, imagine being the victim? The person who scarred you for life is basically being shoved in your face.

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PostRe: Ched Evans, rapist - should he play football again?
by degoose » Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:33 pm

[iup=3592088]BSA[/iup] wrote:No way should he back in the public eye, imagine being the victim? The person who scarred you for life is basically being shoved in your face.

yeah if you watch league one football and specifically sheffield united , so your saying that basically he isn't allowed to have a career again using the skills he has. What would you recommend then?

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PostRe: Ched Evans, rapist - should he play football again?
by more heat than light » Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:45 pm

I think he should be allowed to play, but only for Millwall.

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PostRe: Ched Evans, rapist - should he play football again?
by coldspice » Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:47 pm

If Lee Hughes was allowed to play again, this guy definitely should.

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PostRe: Ched Evans, rapist - should he play football again?
by Buffalo » Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:48 pm

It's like applying for any job, I guess. You make it known to them if you have a criminal record or not, and any prospective employer makes a decision based on that. Would an accountancy firm hire someone who was convicted of fraud? No. Would a retail outlet hire someone convicted of shoplifting? No. But this guy, working in a predominantly male environment, having shown aptitude before his conviction? Tricky.
I'd weigh up ramifications such as potential loss of sponsors, reduced attendances and negative press against his actual ability, then make a decision.

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PostRe: Ched Evans, rapist - should he play football again?
by Dig Dug » Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:49 pm

Didn't know he was being released. Wonder how that is all going down back home seeing how we went to the same High School and everything. My sister was in the same year as the girl he was convicted of raping, lets just say my sister did not have a very good opinion of this girl but she doesn't deny that Evans did by definition rape her.

I've never met Evans but I know back in his Man City days everyone was speaking highly of him and wanted to be his mate. I wonder if the family are going to start putting those banners up again like he did when he was originally accused?

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PostRe: Ched Evans, rapist - should he play football again?
by Irene Demova » Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:55 pm

In principle yes he should be allowed back to work but I can understand if no club wants to touch him considering that signing him now will open up their players and supporters to a lot of abuse, plus it's bound to upset a lot of sponsors

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PostRe: Ched Evans, rapist - should he play football again?
by Poser » Fri Oct 17, 2014 1:20 pm

I would be gutted if he signed for my club.

I'd like to see football as a community shun him, TBH. If footballers believed their career could be cut short every time they took home and roasted/strawberry floated a truly incapacitated young woman, then maybe it would happen less.

If I raped someone, my career would be in tatters and I'd be left doing a gooseberry fool job for minimal pay for the rest of my life. Obviously I'm not saying 'it's not fair, I can't rape anyone'. I'm saying there are societal ramifications for committing horrendous crimes beyond simply the prison sentence. For some people, prison alone isn't enough of a deterrent. If we could all commit crime and then just pick up our lives exactly as we left them before we went to prison, there would be a lot more crime.

What's the difference between Ched Evans three weeks ago, and Ched Evans today? They're both rapists, it's just that one was in prison three weeks ago. Is his victim happy now he's done half his sentence, or is she still dealing with it? Likewise, he should still be dealing with the consequences of what he's done. He can suck it up and be content that he got out relatively quickly, and get on with his life in a menial.

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PostRe: Ched Evans, rapist - should he play football again?
by Dowbocop » Fri Oct 17, 2014 1:22 pm

I think the reason this is such an emotive issue is because he's going back to one of the most desirable jobs on the planet. If the council had let him come back as a bin man nobody would care.

If Sheffield United really felt he was a liability then they should have sacked him when he was convicted. As it stands, he shouldn't be precluded from doing his job, but he'll need to find a club where what he brings to the team outweighs what he takes away from their reputation. He might have to look pretty far and wide to find that employer.

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PostRe: Ched Evans, rapist - should he play football again?
by Dig Dug » Fri Oct 17, 2014 1:26 pm

[iup=3592126]Dowbocop[/iup] wrote:I think the reason this is such an emotive issue is because he's going back to one of the most desirable jobs on the planet. If the council had let him come back as a bin man nobody would care.

If Sheffield United really felt he was a liability then they should have sacked him when he was convicted. As it stands, he shouldn't be precluded from doing his job, but he'll need to find a club where what he brings to the team outweighs what he takes away from their reputation. He might have to look pretty far and wide to find that employer.

Sheffield United did sack him. The stories going around about Sheffield United is whether or not they will be willing to offer him a job because he was one of the teams key players when he was convicted.

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