Co-Pilot | Drumstick wins!

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PostCo-Pilot | Drumstick wins!
by Herdanos » Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:40 am


Welcome to

"ʬ\ Co-Pilot /ʬ"

A pairs-based quiz game, with some perilous twists - all in mid-air!

The game is simple. First, players will be assigned a Co-Pilot. You and your assigned flight partner will then attempt to survive an onslaught of questions. Questions will be posted in the thread during any given 'Mission'.

I will post the list of assigned co-pilots in the thread, and give you at least 24hrs notice before a new 'Mission' commences. However, in this game, a mission could be any specified window - it might be midnight to midnight, it might be across more than one day, it could even just be a few hours! Each mission will probably be in a different time window and of a different length*. The notice period before a mission will also allow you to get to know your new co-pilot!

During a Mission, I will post questions in this thread. These questions will be of completely varying difficulty and theme. The first person to reply to my question with the correct answer gains one point for their pairing i.e. they and their co-pilot will gain a point. So the best kind of co-pilot, is someone who can be online at times that you cannot.

The number of questions in each mission, and when they get asked during the mission, will vary* and I shall not make any promises or guarantees as to either of these, though I shall do my best to be random and as inconsistent as possible, so as to be as fair as possible.

Any posts that can be seen to have been edited will not be counted as answers.

Once a mission is complete, I shall tally up the scores each pair has earned, and post a leaderboard. The pairs in the top half of the table will all land safely, ready to face another mission.


The pairs in the bottom half of the table will be forced to circle the air base - and make a crucial decision...

Each pilot will be asked to PM me as to whether they wish to press the EJECTOR SEAT button, which will send their co-pilot to their death, thus removing them from the game. However, if both players decide to press the EJECTOR SEAT button, then the mechanism will freeze, and the plane will crash, killing both pilots.

(A failure to reply is counted as a choice not to eject one's co-pilot - however, if both co-pilots in a pair fail to reply, their plane will mysteriously vanish.)

The only sure-fire way to survive is for both pilots to agree to leave the button alone. However, if a pilot ejects their co-pilot and lands their plane, they will receive a Mark of Dishonour. If a pilot accumulates two Marks of Dishonour, they will be suspended from the next mission. (This sounds like a bad thing, but it is not - because you'll be allowed to fly again in the mission following that. Essentially, this allows you to skip a round, safe in the knowledge that your place in the following round is assured!) They will be restored to the mission line-up again after serving their suspension.

(At a certain point, when the game has too few participants left, Marks of Dishonour will be disregarded.)

Once all the co-pilots in the bottom half of the leaderboard have made their decision, then the surviving pilots will be assigned new co-pilots and a new mission will be posted. We will continue the flying missions until we have our Champion Pilots!

(This squadron doesn't allow pilots to fly solo; therefore, if after some pilots have been eliminated, we are left with an odd number of remaining participants [not including any pilots that are sitting out the current mission due to Marks of Dishonour], then one pilot will be eliminated. This will be the pilot who has individually scored the fewest number of points throughout the game. Hopefully this won't be necessary, though!)

So, ladies and gentlemen...


Sign-ups will close at some point on Saturday, with the first mission being an extra-long mission covering both Sunday and Monday, so as to not leave anyone out.

Who wants to play?

Ace Pilot Hyperion - KIA
Winner of Co-Pilot and Champion Pilot 3.5x Ace Pilot Drumstick (dishonourable)
Rhubarb - KIA
Ace Pilot Rax (two Marks; skipped Mission Four) - not permitted to land after Mission Five
Ace Pilot jiggles (dishonourable) - not permitted to land after Mission Four
Champion Pilot 2.5x Ace Pilot Moggy (dishonourable)
Super Dragon 64 - vanished
Champion Pilot Double Ace Pilot Frank
Rocsteady - vanished
Falsey - vanished
Ace Pilot PsychicSykes - not permitted to land after Mission Five
Kezzer (dishonourable) - not permitted to land after Mission Four
IronHide - vanished
PaperMacheMario - KIA
Somebody Else's Problem - KIA
euan707 - KIA
satriales - asked to leave the squadron
Irene Demova - KIA

*The reason for these rules is that I don't know when I might not be able to be online. So to avoid disappointment, I promise nothing :slol:

Sunday 20/09/15 5:30pm - Monday 21/09/15 5:00pm

Mission One Standings wrote:1= : Hyperion & Drumstick (7pts)

1= : jiggles & Moggy (7pts)

3 : PsychicSykes & Kezzer (5pts)

4 : satriales & Irene Demova (4pts)

5 : Super Dragon 64 & Frank (3pts)


6= : Somebody Else's Problem & euan707 (2pts)

6= : Rhubarb & Rax (2pts)

8= : Rocsteady & Falsey (0pts)

8= : IronHide & PaperMacheMario (0pts)

Hyperion, Drumstick, jiggles and Moggy are elevated to the rank of Ace Pilot.

PsychicSykes, Kezzer, satriales, Irene Demova, Super Dragon 64 and Frank all land on time.

After some turbulence, Somebody Else's Problem and euan707 land, late but safe.
Ironhide and PaperMacheMario follow suit a short while later.

Rax ejected Rhubarb. He has been warned with a Mark of Dishonour.

Rocsteady and Falsey's plane has vanished.

satriales was then asked to leave the squadron.

Wednesday 23/09/15 4:00pm - Thursday 24/09/15 3:00pm

Mission Two Standings wrote:1 : Ace Pilot Drumstick & Rax (dishonourable) (13pts)

2 : Ace Pilot Moggy & IronHide (6pts)

3 : Somebody Else's Problem & Irene Demova (4pts)


4 : Super Dragon 64 & PaperMacheMario (3pts)

5= : Frank & PsychicSykes (2pts)

5= : Ace Pilot jiggles & euan707 (1pts)

7= : Ace Pilot Hyperion & Kezzer (0pts)

Rax is elevated to Ace Pilot.
Drumstick is elevated to Double Ace Pilot.

Moggy, IronHide, Somebody Else's Problem and Irene Demova all land on time.

After some turbulence, Frank and PsychicSykes land, late but safe.

jiggles ejected euan707. He has been warned with a Mark of Dishonour.
Kezzer ejected Hyperion. He has been warned with a Mark of Dishonour.

Finally, Super Dragon 64 and PaperMacheMario return safely to the base.


The pilots took the weekend off, and decided to play some Beach Volleyball.

Who is Top Gun? Beach Volleyball scores wrote:Rax - 3pts
PsychicSykes - 4pts
Drumstick - 8pts
Moggy - 2pts
jiggles - 1pt

As the winner of the Beach Volleyball, Drumstick was declared Top Gun. He can use his power in one of two ways:

You can either play your Top Gun status before a Mission - and by doing so, you'll start the mission with points on the board. The number of points you'll earn will be equal to ( 8 - # ) where # is the number of the mission; so for example, if you cashed in your Top Gun status for the next mission, Mission Three, then ( 8 - 3 ) = 5 meaning you'd get 5 points at the start of the mission. This could be a significant advantage!


You can play your Top Gun status just after a Mission has finished, while the planes are still in the area. If you do this, you'll be able to make the EJECTOR SEAT decision for a pilot of your choosing. You'll PM this choice to me, and neither your chosen pilot or their Co-Pilot will be told that their decision was made for them. So you could use this power if you finish in the bottom four, to ensure that your own Co-Pilot can't eject you; likewise, you could use this power if you top the table, to ensure a rival is ejected! You could even finish bottom, but if you're confident your Co-Pilot won't eject you, you could use this power to eject another pilot in a completely different pair (they have to be in the air, though - you can't eject landed pilots).

Tuesday 29/09/15 9:00am - 5:00pm

Mission Three Standings wrote:1 : Ace Pilot Moggy & Frank (13pts)

2 : Double Ace Pilot Drumstick & Ace Pilot jiggles (dishonourable) (6pts)


3= : Ace Pilot Rax (dishonourable) & Somebody Else's Problem (0pts)

3= : Super Dragon 64 & PaperMacheMario (0pts)

3= : PsychicSykes & Irene Demova (0pts)

3= : Kezzer (dishonourable) & IronHide (0pts)

Frank is elevated to Ace Pilot.
Moggy is elevated to Double Ace Pilot.
Drumstick and jiggles land on time.

Rax ejected Somebody Else's Problem. He has two Marks of Dishonour and will miss Mission Four.

Having enjoyed a leisurely and thoroughly uneventful Mission, Super Dragon 64 and PaperMacheMario, PsychicSykes and Irene Demova, and Kezzer and IronHide all return safely to the base.

Wednesday 30/09/15 2:00pm - 8:00pm

Mission Four Standings wrote:1 : Ace Pilot Frank & PsychicSykes (11pts)


2 : Irene Demova & Double Ace Pilot Drumstick (8pts)

3 : PaperMacheMario & Double Ace Pilot Moggy (2pts)

4 : Super Dragon 64 & IronHide (0pts)


5 : Ace Pilot jiggles (dishonourable) & Kezzer (dishonourable) (0pts)

PsychicSykes is elevated to Ace Pilot.
Frank is elevated to Double Ace Pilot.
Ace Pilot jiggles and Kezzer are not permitted to return to the base and are thus out of the game.

Super Dragon 64 and IronHide's plane has vanished.

Double Ace Pilot Moggy ejected PaperMacheMario. He has been warned with a Mark of Dishonour.
Double Ace Pilot Drumstick ejected Irene Demova. He has been warned with a Mark of Dishonour.

We are thus left with five pilots for Mission Five, making it the Final Mission.

MISSION FIVE - The Final Mission
Thursday 01/10/15 10:00am - 3:00pm

Mission Five Standings wrote:1 : 2.5x Ace Pilot Drumstick (14pts)


2 : 2.5x Ace Pilot Moggy (5pts)

3 : Double Ace Pilot Frank (3pts)


4= : Ace Pilot Rax (0pts)

4= : Ace Pilot PsychicSykes (0pts)

Drumstick is elevated to the rank of 3.5x Ace Pilot.

Ace Pilot Rax and Ace Pilot PsychicSykes are not permitted to return to the base and are thus out of the game.

Our Champion Pilots are therefore Double Ace Pilot Frank, 2.5x Ace Pilot Moggy, and 3.5x Ace Pilot Drumstick.

Having won the Final Mission, and with a final rank of 3.5x Ace Pilot, the Winner of Co-Pilot is Drumstick!

Last edited by Herdanos on Thu Oct 01, 2015 3:18 pm, edited 55 times in total.
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PostRe: Co-Pilot
by Hypes » Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:41 am



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PostRe: Co-Pilot | FORUM GAME | Sign-ups open NOW!
by Drumstick » Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:42 am


Check out my YouTube channel!
One man should not have this much power in this game. Luckily I'm not an ordinary man.
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PostRe: Co-Pilot | FORUM GAME | Sign-ups open NOW!
by Rhubarb » Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:44 am


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PostRe: Co-Pilot | FORUM GAME | Sign-ups open NOW!
by Rax » Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:48 am

Im always up for a quiz so count me in.

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PostRe: Co-Pilot | FORUM GAME | Sign-ups open NOW!
by Kezzer » Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:49 am

So close to 9/11 as well.

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Tomous wrote:Tell him to take his fake reality out of your virtual reality and strawberry float off

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PostRe: Co-Pilot | FORUM GAME | Sign-ups open NOW!
by jiggles » Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:51 am

In. Just don't pair me with someone who's going to lock me out of the cabin and fly the thing in to the ground.

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PostRe: Co-Pilot | FORUM GAME | Sign-ups open NOW!
by Moggy » Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:52 am

Kezzer wrote:So close to 9/11 as well.


In, although I am worried I will be crap at the quiz. :lol: :toot:

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PostRe: Co-Pilot | FORUM GAME | Sign-ups open NOW!
by Super Dragon 64 » Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:57 am


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PostRe: Co-Pilot | FORUM GAME | Sign-ups open NOW!
by Frank » Tue Sep 15, 2015 12:15 pm

This sounds horrifying.


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PostRe: Co-Pilot | FORUM GAME | Sign-ups open NOW!
by Rocsteady » Tue Sep 15, 2015 12:29 pm

Sounds fun, in.

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PostRe: Co-Pilot | FORUM GAME | Sign-ups open NOW!
by False » Tue Sep 15, 2015 1:11 pm



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PostRe: Co-Pilot | FORUM GAME | Sign-ups open NOW!
by Psychic » Tue Sep 15, 2015 2:07 pm


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PostRe: Co-Pilot | FORUM GAME | Sign-ups open NOW!
by Kezzer » Tue Sep 15, 2015 2:48 pm

In but I am going to bomb.

Pun intended.

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Tomous wrote:Tell him to take his fake reality out of your virtual reality and strawberry float off

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PostRe: Co-Pilot | FORUM GAME | Sign-ups open NOW!
by Ironhide » Tue Sep 15, 2015 2:50 pm


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PostRe: Co-Pilot | FORUM GAME | Sign-ups open NOW!
by PaperMacheMario » Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:35 pm

Sounds interesting, I'll give it a go.

HSH28 wrote:Sounds what you really need is a sense of humour.
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PostRe: Co-Pilot | FORUM GAME | Sign-ups open NOW!
by SEP » Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:15 pm

In like Chuck Yeager

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PostRe: Co-Pilot | FORUM GAME | Sign-ups open NOW!
by euan707 » Thu Sep 17, 2015 6:38 pm

As long as I get off to a Flying start, I'm in.

FatDaz wrote:So we murdered Euan and somehow are worse off
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PostRe: Co-Pilot | FORUM GAME | Sign-ups open NOW!
by Herdanos » Fri Sep 18, 2015 9:49 am

I'm bumping this.

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PostRe: Co-Pilot | FORUM GAME | Sign-ups open NOW!
by Herdanos » Sat Sep 19, 2015 12:00 pm

One hour left if anyone's interested.

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