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Colonization remake

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 11:17 am
by jj_hunsecker

Ah, the memories.

The original Colonization on the Amiga is still one of my all time top strategy games. It was a cracking game, tasking the player to colonize America with one little chap on a ship. You had to manage your colonists and colonies, the economy, the military, relationships with the natives, relationships with your old country and explore the map and probably other stuff I've forgotten about, all the time trying to build up your forces knowing you'd have to fight for your independence by the end. Personally I have happy memories of playing and listening to the Evening Session for many a night.

I never really got in to later Civ games due to a Total War addiction, but this one will definitely be on my shopping list. Shouldn't be a PC breaker either, as it's another Civ4 extension.