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Death bed regrets

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 8:37 pm
by Oblomov Boblomov
Two questions for you:

1. Right now, as things stand in your life, what would make it onto your list of death bed regrets?

2. What steps are you taking to scratch them off the list?

The first thing that jumps out in my mind is 'Never fathered a child'. I'm not ready for one yet but when I am I can't tell you what steps I'll take to address it because as I post this we are still pre-watershed ;).

Re: Death bed regrets

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 11:06 pm
by Dual
Not ready to go this deep

Re: Death bed regrets

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 11:14 pm
by Tragic Magic
I'd probably wish I'd done proper drag makeup at least once.

Re: Death bed regrets

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 11:30 pm
by Qikz
Never had a meaninful relationship with another human being. I have good friendships, but I've never been in a relationship I doubt I ever will. I signed up to bumble, but part of me has given up.

Re: Death bed regrets

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 12:22 am
by Kezzer
Tragic Magic wrote:I'd probably wish I'd done proper drag makeup at least once.


Re: Death bed regrets

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 12:30 am
by That
Tragic Magic wrote:I'd probably wish I'd done proper drag makeup at least once.

Is there any actual barrier to you doing so? Why not just go to a shop and buy some makeup? It's not like it would be really expensive. You should try drag if you want to.

Re: Death bed regrets

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 12:46 am
by Tragic Magic
It would feel wrong to hide it but I wouldn't really feel comfortable admitting about it to my wife. :lol:

I came out about using her make up before but I said I was just trying to do a glam rock look in the style of Adam Ant for a stag do idea. I think I got away with it.

Re: Death bed regrets

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 7:09 am
by Oblomov Boblomov
Qikz wrote:Never had a meaninful relationship with another human being. I have good friendships, but I've never been in a relationship I doubt I ever will. I signed up to bumble, but part of me has given up.

You're only what, 26/27? And didn't you sign up to Bumble literally one week ago? It'll take a bit more patience than that!

Re: Death bed regrets

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 12:06 pm
by False
I dont think I can resolve any of my regrets. I gave too many years of my life to things I didnt care about or the opinions of people that didnt care about me. I would go back and live the life I wanted to live.

Im trying to correct that these days but its a tricky business with all these mental walls you end up building for yourself.

Im a step father figure to a child and shes ace so me and her mother just try and impart on her the knowledge and will to do whatever she wants to do. Should I have my own nipper Id do the same and make sure they dont end up trapped by their brain and body like I have.

Re: Death bed regrets

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 2:43 pm
by Ironhide
False wrote:Im a step father figure to a child and shes ace so me and her mother just try and impart on her the knowledge and will to do whatever she wants to do. Should I have my own nipper Id do the same and make sure they dont end up trapped by their brain and body like I have.

That bolded bit is pretty much my life in a nutshell.

My physical disability has been a massive barrier to me being able to live a 'norml' life, I can't work and am almost totally dependent on others for the most basic of tasks, I'm in my late 30's and doubt I'll ever have a meaningful relationship or father any children yet somehow I don't really have any regrets for how my life has panned out so far.

Re: Death bed regrets

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:11 am
by Outrunner
I regret not going to university. I'm considering going but I'm a bit torn. Knowing the way I learn I know I have to study something I'm really interested in. The problem is I'm not sure what I'd actually do with the degree I want to do so going to university seems a little self-indulgent.

I regret not making better choices with regards to friends. I only have one close friend that I socialise with and that's only intermittent due to geography. I don't really know how to combat this is I get really lonely but when I make an attempt to expand my social circle it doesn't go well. The same goes for relationships (romantic).

I regret staying for so long in a job I no longer get anything out of. It's a wage, it's close to where I live. Management maybe relatively crap with my mental health but then I hear horror stories about how other organisations are with mental health problems. It's a relatively easy job so I've become complacent for an easy wage. I am actually taking steps to remedy this after a fairly major run in with management. I can't stay their long term so I'm looking at other options whether it's a new job, going to uni or taking some other training course (I'm thinking animal care)

Re: Death bed regrets

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:58 am
by Boo!
I basically wasted my 20s doing strawberry float all and had no idea what I was doing in life. I cant get those 10 years back but I have my gooseberry fool together now.

Re: Death bed regrets

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:48 am
by Moggy
1. Right now, as things stand in your life, what would make it onto your list of death bed regrets?

Not seeing my son grow up.

2. What steps are you taking to scratch them off the list?

Not dying.

Re: Death bed regrets

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 12:26 pm
by Peter Crisp
I think my main regret if I died now would be not watching enough Star Trek.

Re: Death bed regrets

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 2:04 pm
by Lex-Man
I feel like I've ticked enough stuff of my list to be pretty happy. I guess kids a house and making a video game would be nice though.

Re: Death bed regrets

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 2:41 pm
by Victor Mildew
That I didn't do more with my music when I was young enough to have toured and gigged. If I want to actually go and gig the songs I write now there just no way I could do it, whereas when I was in my early 20s I easily could have just strawberry floated off supporting people for a month or two.

Re: Death bed regrets

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 2:43 pm
by Peter Crisp
lex-man wrote:I feel like I've ticked enough stuff of my list to be pretty happy. I guess kids a house and making a video game would be nice though.

If you make a Sims type game you can do all 3 at once :shifty: .

Re: Death bed regrets

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 9:29 pm
by <]:^D
no ragrets guys

Re: Death bed regrets

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 9:44 pm
by still
False wrote:I dont think I can resolve any of my regrets. I gave too many years of my life to things I didnt care about or the opinions of people that didnt care about me. I would go back and live the life I wanted to live.

Im trying to correct that these days but its a tricky business with all these mental walls you end up building for yourself.

Im a step father figure to a child and shes ace so me and her mother just try and impart on her the knowledge and will to do whatever she wants to do. Should I have my own nipper Id do the same and make sure they dont end up trapped by their brain and body like I have.

Way too hard on yourself. We all make mistakes, a lot of us, (me!), have pretty gooseberry fool childhoods. But, we can learn, we can realise what really counts, and the supposedly exciting things that in the end we realise are just shallow shite. Work out what truly makes you happy and what is just a substitute. And then move forward, always move forward. Tomorrow is another......

Re: Death bed regrets

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 9:50 pm
by gamerforever
Probably spending so much time being depressed would be my biggest regret and not living life to the full during my early 20’s.

I’ve also spent more time playing videogames when depressed so am not sure whether being a gamer has been a help or hindrance. Playing shenmue again reminds me of the first time I played it on the dreamcast - lonely days and things didn’t improve for many years after that.