Dishonored 2

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PostRe: Dishonored 2 - gameplay trailer p2
by Jenuall » Wed Nov 23, 2016 12:08 am

Tried the patch out tonight, no appreciable difference to my eyes. They've added some graphical options to play with but performance is still wonky in general.

It's always been playable for me, so this patch not seeming to do much isn't the end of the world personally, but it would have been nice to see it iron out the kinks.

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PostRe: Dishonored 2 - gameplay trailer p2
by Tafdolphin » Thu Nov 24, 2016 9:26 am

It's always run OK on my set-up (i5-6600k, GTX1070) but the patch has gotten rid of any slight judders and thanks to the triple buffering now actually looks nicer.

Just finished the Conservatory. I still think the hostiles seem to notice you a lot quicker than in Dishonored 1, and I still find myself save scumming, but I'm definitely enjoying it. I'm looking forward to getting it finished, then going through with Corvo on High Chaos.

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PostRe: Dishonored 2 - gameplay trailer p2
by Jenuall » Thu Nov 24, 2016 11:28 am

I think AI perception has improved to a degree, but it's shame that they haven't increased their perception at different heights - i.e. you can pretty much avoid anyone so long as you are ever so slightly above them.

Also AI perception of noise is still very lacking - you can be fumbling around, knocking things over and generally creating all sorts of noise right by a guard and they won't bat an eye. They also don't seem to hear when their friend who was stood right next to them gets tranquilized or choked. Sound propagation in general is a bit off, with some conversations sounding like they are right next to you when those speaking are actually miles away, and others being hard to hear when you are almost right on top of them.

About to enter the Stilton manor mission. Which I think is the one where you get to see the past and present versions of the same location and move between the two Should be fun!

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PostRe: Dishonored 2 - gameplay trailer p2
by Godzilla » Sat Dec 24, 2016 5:23 pm

Just started on this today. So far I'm enjoying it. Done about 3 hours so far.

I'm playing on easy and full kill everything that moves mode. I love the rat power and have upgraded that a few times. Love the freedom and the secrets too.

Wish my image sig would work

PostRe: Dishonored 2 - gameplay trailer p2
by NickSCFC » Sat Dec 24, 2016 5:41 pm

Gameplay trailer looks great, when's this out?

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PostRe: Dishonored 2 - gameplay trailer p2
by Lagamorph » Sun May 28, 2017 3:34 pm

Only just got around to completing this.
I think for me the game started to wear out its welcome a bit and didn't have the staying power of the first one for some reason.

Also the ending was pretty naff. Did a Low Chaos playthrough and the ending was basically "You win, s'all good. Bye"

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PostRe: Dishonored 2 - gameplay trailer p2
by zXe » Sun May 28, 2017 5:28 pm

Dishonored 1 runs so well, it's a shame the sequel still has issues with performance, albeit much improved.

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PostRe: Dishonored 2 - gameplay trailer p2
by Jamo3103 » Sun May 28, 2017 8:30 pm

I've just recently played through this on my PC at 1440p and had absolutely no performance issues at all, not a single noticeable frame drop. Werid. I did a high chaos play through as Corvo too so there was plenty going on!

Echo what you said about it being a great game though with stunning art direction and again I agree that the story didn't quiet match up to the first game.

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PostRe: Dishonored 2 - gameplay trailer p2
by Photek » Tue May 30, 2017 9:51 am

Runs pretty bad on consoles, bad on X1 anyway and DF says it's as bad on PS4. Shelved until Scorpio.

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PostRe: Dishonored 2 - gameplay trailer p2
by Tafdolphin » Tue May 30, 2017 11:38 am

So odd. My rig is lower high range (1070 gtx) and it's always run like butter.

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PostRe: Dishonored 2 - gameplay trailer p2
by Jenuall » Tue May 30, 2017 11:59 am

GTX 970 here - runs at mostly 60FPS but does have drops every so often, and annoyingly not in what would appear to be particularly taxing scenes.

It's better than at launch but still a disappointment given how well the original performed.

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PostRe: Dishonored 2 - gameplay trailer p2
by zXe » Tue May 30, 2017 6:26 pm

Ignorance is bliss though I suppose.

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PostRe: Dishonored 2 - gameplay trailer p2
by FatDaz » Tue May 30, 2017 8:26 pm

Got this today. Trying Corvo low chaos. Flip me it's unforgiving. 2 hits and you're dead and the guards seem to spot you easily and no kill melee is next to impossible as the parry system is really unclear.

Loving the world, setting open approach to exploring and objectives.

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PostRe: Dishonored 2 - gameplay trailer p2
by Tafdolphin » Tue May 30, 2017 9:47 pm

zXe wrote:Ignorance is bliss though I suppose.

My mantra.

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PostRe: Dishonored 2 - gameplay trailer p2
by smurphy » Tue May 30, 2017 11:41 pm

The performance was absolutely fine for me, and I'm on a pretty modest rig. Stuck on the prettiest form of dynamic resolution (which gave a barely noticeable drop in visual quality) and held a solid 60 fps. It looks brilliant, too. I started playing Dark Souls 3 on PS4 again afterwards and it looked like vomit on the screen by comparison. Quickload was also blazingly fast, especially compared to Deus Ex Mankind Divided. Almost too fast, I abused the gooseberry fool out of it to the point I almost ruined the experience.

Really brilliant game. Most of the levels perhaps aren't as memorable as the first, but the highlights are really bloody high. Sad to see this on the low sales price nose-drive it's currently on.

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PostRe: Dishonored 2 - gameplay trailer p2
by zXe » Wed May 31, 2017 1:41 am

smurphy wrote:The performance was absolutely fine for me, and I'm on a pretty modest rig. Stuck on the prettiest form of dynamic resolution (which gave a barely noticeable drop in visual quality) and held a solid 60 fps. It looks brilliant, too. I started playing Dark Souls 3 on PS4 again afterwards and it looked like vomit on the screen by comparison. Quickload was also blazingly fast, especially compared to Deus Ex Mankind Divided. Almost too fast, I abused the gooseberry fool out of it to the point I almost ruined the experience.

Really brilliant game. Most of the levels perhaps aren't as memorable as the first, but the highlights are really bloody high. Sad to see this on the low sales price nose-drive it's currently on.

Funny you say this actually, I tend to agree that having quick saves in games like this one encourage a sort of perfectionist play style, in that you'll reload the quick save until you clear an area or room in such a desired way that you are then satisfied to move on. This is heightened based on your method and creativity you want to employ. This way of playing a game spoils the unexpected and dynamic free play. Which is to think in the moment and go with the flow of the game, which can actually be more thrilling to play because when you allow things to just happen you get surprised. When you get shot or spotted, make too much noise etc and then restart it starts to become this obsessive habit and can spoil the experience. Understandably if you want to get say silent assassin in hitman or say the achievement rewards on harder difficulties required of the player. But on a first play through I try to not quick save if I can help it too often and just let things happen and try to handle the situation naturally as the game would expect. I used to play max payne 2 and quick save before entering nearly any room and just do it over and over in different ways, with different weapons choices and just see what was the most entertaining or cool looking :fp:. Fine a few times sure, but 10-20 times a bit mental. It's easy to play like that in games like dishonored as well the deus ex games, thief series and so on because it sets you up for these specific encounters where enemies usually have a set path or location. I guess making enemies more unpredictable and changing spawns would counter this better.

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PostRe: Dishonored 2 - gameplay trailer p2
by Squinty » Wed May 31, 2017 10:20 am

Gonna start playing this next week when I'm off. Looking forward to it, loved the first.

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PostRe: Dishonored 2 - gameplay trailer p2
by smurphy » Thu Jun 01, 2017 10:45 pm

zXe wrote:Funny you say this actually, I tend to agree that having quick saves in games like this one encourage a sort of perfectionist play style, in that you'll reload the quick save until you clear an area or room in such a desired way that you are then satisfied to move on. This is heightened based on your method and creativity you want to employ. This way of playing a game spoils the unexpected and dynamic free play. Which is to think in the moment and go with the flow of the game, which can actually be more thrilling to play because when you allow things to just happen you get surprised. When you get shot or spotted, make too much noise etc and then restart it starts to become this obsessive habit and can spoil the experience. Understandably if you want to get say silent assassin in hitman or say the achievement rewards on harder difficulties required of the player. But on a first play through I try to not quick save if I can help it too often and just let things happen and try to handle the situation naturally as the game would expect. I used to play max payne 2 and quick save before entering nearly any room and just do it over and over in different ways, with different weapons choices and just see what was the most entertaining or cool looking :fp:. Fine a few times sure, but 10-20 times a bit mental. It's easy to play like that in games like dishonored as well the deus ex games, thief series and so on because it sets you up for these specific encounters where enemies usually have a set path or location. I guess making enemies more unpredictable and changing spawns would counter this better.

Haha yes, this is exactly me. Mankind Divided and particularly Dishonored 2 are the first games that I think doing it has been to their detriment, though. I don't know if it's the way they're designed, or if maybe I've changed the way I like to play, but I think I'm going to stop. I started replaying D2 on the hardest difficulty without using saves at all, and it was amazingly tense. Me and Kil once had a no saves run through of Hitman Blood Money too, seeing who could do the best. Was a bloody good time (and I won).

Brerlappin wrote:Bruh. Really? Dynamic resolution? That is some strawberry floating console level gooseberry fool if i ever heard it. Id rather have framedrops than use that. Thats strawberry floating disgusting.

Go and wank on a mannequins face.

(Sidenote: it wasn't so much to get 60fps as it was to lose the frame timing issues the game has. It was making me nauseous.)

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PostRe: Dishonored 2 - gameplay trailer p2
by zXe » Sat Jun 03, 2017 12:20 am

Brerlappin wrote:I could wank on a thousand mannequins and still go to bed with a clearer conscience than a man who uses dynamic resolutions even once

I use it in quake champions as it's the only way I can achieve a constant framerate over 144fps (it's in beta atm, so performance will improve for final release). That being said, that really is the only game I've had to use it. Plus graphics are the last thing that matter in quake, responsiveness and high framerate being upper most importance. If I was playing any other kind of game that was't a competitive shooter and which didn't demand a lot from my machine in terms of power, then I can't imagine I'd ever use it. Lowering resolution just muddies up the graphics too much, but it depends how far you go with it. Can see the benefits of it though if you machine isn't the best.

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PostRe: Dishonored 2 - gameplay trailer p2
by KjGarly » Tue Jun 06, 2017 6:12 pm

To those PC players who held off buying it due to complaints it got over performance, there's a Yarrrr'd version out there just so you can see how it runs on your system :shifty:

Little try gave me 60fps constant at 1080p on Ultra :shifty: Only installed on mine just to see how it runs so I can get it once its dirt cheap as I still haven't played the first game.


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