Doctor Who- OrangeRKN thought Dot and Bubble was a "brilliant episode"

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PostRe: Doctor Who - Last Christmas - Christmas Day @ 6:15pm BBC
by Alvin Flummux » Mon Dec 29, 2014 3:04 am

[iup=3644570]Sleighamorph[/iup] wrote:Also, what the hell is it with this Doctor and volcanoes?

Me thinks it may have just been a nod to Capaldi's first appearance in The Fires of Pompeii.

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PostRe: Doctor Who - Last Christmas - Christmas Day @ 6:15pm BBC
by BID0 » Mon Dec 29, 2014 11:17 am

I read a headline that Jenna has signed on for another season :(

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PostRe: Doctor Who - Last Christmas - Christmas Day @ 6:15pm BBC
by Qikz » Mon Dec 29, 2014 12:14 pm

Clara has atleast been better than Martha and Rose. I'd like to see where they take the companionship with the Doctor and her from here now they both know the truth about each other.

It's kinda gooseberry fool when they finally start getting characters in order then an actor quits or they want a change so kill a character off.

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PostRe: Doctor Who - Last Christmas - Christmas Day @ 6:15pm BBC
by BID0 » Mon Dec 29, 2014 1:06 pm

I got bored of Clara leaving, then coming back, then leaving, then coming back, then leaving.

Then coming back.

What a character arc.

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PostRe: Doctor Who - Last Christmas - Christmas Day @ 6:15pm BBC
by Lagamorph » Mon Dec 29, 2014 6:53 pm

[iup=3644752]Qikzmas[/iup] wrote:Clara has atleast been better than Martha and Rose. I'd like to see where they take the companionship with the Doctor and her from here now they both know the truth about each other.

It's kinda gooseberry fool when they finally start getting characters in order then an actor quits or they want a change so kill a character off.

She was better than Martha and Rose, but now she's getting to be just the same as them really. She was much better near the beginning, but now she's overstaying her welcome as a character.

[iup=3644801]BID0[/iup] wrote:I got bored of Clara leaving, then coming back, then leaving, then coming back, then leaving.

Then coming back.

What a character arc.

Yeah, I was never a huge fan of the whole coming and going thing, but I thought it would lessen as the series went on. Instead it just got worse.

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PostRe: Doctor Who - Last Christmas - Christmas Day @ 6:15pm BBC
by Alvin Flummux » Mon Dec 29, 2014 8:20 pm

Maybe a relative of the Doctor could turn up and be a companion for a little while?

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PostRe: Doctor Who - Last Christmas - Christmas Day @ 6:15pm BBC
by Dowbocop » Mon Dec 29, 2014 9:32 pm

So my wife really dislikes two things: facehugger aliens a la Alien, and dream within a dream plotlines a la Inception.

She was not a fan :lol:

I thought it was alright, I did enjoy the fourth wall nods to to Alien, and I'd already written it off as a non-classic as soon as Father Christmas showed up. I thought Nick Frost was awesome though.

I'm a bit sick of Clara to be honest. I like Jenna Coleman, but I think Clara had done her "thing" now.

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PostRe: Doctor Who - Last Christmas - Christmas Day @ 6:15pm BBC
by Pedz » Mon Dec 29, 2014 9:58 pm

Susan Foreman?

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PostRe: Doctor Who - Last Christmas - Christmas Day @ 6:15pm BBC
by Mogster » Mon Dec 29, 2014 11:39 pm

Susan was pretty great with the Eighth Doctor in the audios. I'm not sure she'd be suitable as a permanent companion on TV with all the continuity baggage, but it would be great to see her for an episode or two alongside Capaldi.

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PostRe: Doctor Who - Last Christmas - Christmas Day @ 6:15pm BBC
by Garth » Mon Jan 05, 2015 7:58 pm

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PostRe: Doctor Who - Last Christmas - Christmas Day @ 6:15pm BBC
by The Watching Artist » Wed Jan 14, 2015 4:37 pm

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PostRe: Doctor Who - Will return....
by Dowbocop » Thu Jan 15, 2015 11:12 pm

I getting into the old Who at the moment - I'm too young to remember them first time round and I didn't have any relatives who were into it (my uncle was a Blake's 7 man...).

So far I've seen Tomb of the Cybermen and Genesis of the Daleks. TOTC was okay, I enjoyed Troughton as the Doctor and was surprised at some of the wit and humour he displayed. I liked the fact that the American guy strawberry floated up a line royally and just carried on like he was in the theatre, it's a completely different world to today :lol:

GOTD was just amazing, I didn't think it'd be that awesome. I was going to watch a couple of episodes during the ironing and I ended up watching the lot in one night!

In terms of other arcs to watch, does anyone have some obvious suggestions? Should I watch more of each Doctor before I go for any of the crossover stories or Trial of a Timelord? Is the Netflix selection good, or should I stick with second hand DVDs?

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PostRe: Doctor Who - Will return....
by The Watching Artist » Fri Jan 16, 2015 12:46 am


You've made your first step into a better life. :wub: You happen to have watched a couple of the best already. So not bad! Alas I don't know what the Netflix selection is like.

There are very little arcs in classic Who. But obviously companions and Doctors come and go and over the years continuity builds up... sometimes. Sometimes its wiped out! :slol: Anyway. I recommend a few stories for each Doctor. Just so you get a flavour of the different periods and see what you like most. Please feel free to check out the Classic section in the OP. PLEASE. It took me ages to link all that. Hopefully that will inspire you a bit.

You might as well start at the beginning so....
For Hartnell-
An Unearthly Child
The Daleks
Dalek Invasion of Earth (watch The Daleks first)
The Time Meddler
The Tenth Planet (first Cybermen)

The Web of Fear
The Mind Robber
The Invasion
The War Games

Spearhead from Space
Doctor Who and the Silurians
The Daemons
The Time Warrior
Planet of the Spiders

Tommy B-
The Ark in Space (BETTER THEN ALIEN :datass: )
Terror of the Zygons
Pyramids of Mars
The Deadly Assassin
The Talons of Weng-Chiang
Horror of Fang Rock
City of Death

The Keeper of Traken
Logopolis (bit of a lose arc between these and is handy to see The Deadly Assassin before but not urgent)

Castrovalva (watch after Logopolis)
The Visitation
Snakedance (only watch after Kinda)
The Five Doctors
The Caves of Androzani

Dear old Sixie :wub: -
Vengeance On Varos
Revelation of the Daleks
Poor Sixie :( Trial of a Time Lord is pretty good but the context means its not the most traditional of Who stories.

Time And the Rani :dread: :dread: :dread: (I dont recommend this on quility but its a regeneration story so its nice to see..... maybe.)
Remembrance of the Daleks
Ghost Light
The Curse of Fenric

McGann has the TV Movie which is ok. I've bolded the regeneration stories so that you can leave them till a bit later as they might have more of an affect if you've seen more of each Doctor. If you see any trailer in the OP and want to know about the story just ask. I know not all have them, that because they are either lost stories or because I have not made my mind what trailer to link. :fp: If I cant give you an opinion then Ord can. That guy knows strawberry floating EVERYTHING. I could easily have picked a few more but its easy to get overwhelmed. City of Death is usually the go to story for people who have only seen New Who. "What a fantastic butler! He's so violent!"

I'd personally say get a few of each Doctor and move on a Doctor at a time. Maybe make sure you see the first of each Doctor but its not hugely important. But obviously depends on what you have access to.

Hope that helps. :D

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PostRe: Doctor Who - Will return....
by Jingle Ord The Way » Fri Jan 16, 2015 6:06 pm

Pretty much what The Watching Artist said. Just had a look on Netflix and the ones that you should watch are -
The Aztecs (purely historical but fab all the same)
The Mind Robber (fun romp)
Spearhead from Space (Pertwee's first story)
The Carnival of Monsters (Doctor gets shrunk like Antman)
The Three Doctors (great fun)
The Green Death (when push comes to shove it's probably my favorite Pertwee story)
The Ark in Space (a masterpiece if you can get over the bubble wrap hand)
Pyramids of Mars (Fan-fucking-tastic!)
Horror of Fang Rock ("ah you must be Reuben the Rutan!" :lol: )
The Visitation (cracking story)
The Caves of Androzani (the fifth Doctors finest hour. The creature is a bit gooseberry fool though but Peri's cleavage makes up for it)
The Curse of Fenric (my favorite Seventh Doctor story.

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PostRe: Doctor Who - Will return....
by The Watching Artist » Tue Jan 20, 2015 4:28 pm

[iup=3655688]The Watching Artist[/iup] wrote:then Ord can. That guy knows strawberry floating EVERYTHING.

[iup=3656196]Ord[/iup] wrote:Pretty much what The Watching Artist said.

Such modest. Wow.

Dat theme. :datass:

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PostRe: Doctor Who - Will return....
by The Watching Artist » Thu Jan 29, 2015 7:53 pm

You have been warned....

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PostRe: Doctor Who - Will return....
by Alvin Flummux » Sun Feb 01, 2015 4:31 am

D'awwwww that Sweep! :wub:

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PostRe: Doctor Who - Will return....
by Dowbocop » Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:39 pm

Thank you very much for the great suggestions guys! Apologies for not posting about this sooner, I got distracted when writing this post and haven't finished the draft of what I was going to write until now.

I started scouring charity shops based on TWA's list, and I'm going to cross reference that against Ord's Netflix list. Current findings indicate that nobody gives Dr Who stuff to charity shops! I actually found the first three Hartnell stories in a box set in HMV for a tenner so I have that for now. When HMV, Forbidden Planet, and the BBC shop are competitively priced I know I'm in a world I don't understand! I have actually seen the first Hartnell story but I'd like to watch it again (it was on Channel 4 for some reason...). I've also seen McGann, but I don't count him as classic even though he is. Growing up in the late 80s and early 90s meant Dr Who was an "old" show. I put him as a sort of "teenage" Doctor in my head...

My wife hates old Dr Who, as she prefers the more Star Trek episode format of the new ones (which she loves). I stupidly started her on Tomb of the Cybermen instead of Genesis of the Daleks, and now she doesn't want to know about Tom Baker :fp: . She did like reading Shada (Dr Who meets Dirk Gently :wub: ), so there is hope. What is the TV version of Shada like? I'm imagining quite different to the book...

Thanks again for all the help with this, I cannot wait to get started!

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PostRe: Doctor Who - Will return....
by The Watching Artist » Mon Feb 02, 2015 2:03 am

Dowbocop wrote:My wife hates old Dr Who

Divorce her. :shifty:
Dowbocop wrote:What is the TV version of Shada like?

:slol: :slol: :slol:
Sadly, unfinished. Strikes interrupted filming. The DVD release features Tom Baker providing the missing material. Its part of The Legacy Collection set. Also features an animated version of the story, which you can find links for in the OP. :shifty: If she likes Shada, then City of Death and The Pirate Planet are worth looking at as they are both Douglas Adams stories.

The Beginning set is a good place to start. Have you any geeky comic/gaming/toy shops about? They might have 2nd hand Who DVDs. The online BBC shop isn't that bad for prices really but obviously if your trying to get a bunch it all adds up. The Beginning set is currently £8.99 so you only paid £1 more in store and a lot of older releases are just over £5. In my experience the BBC shops are usually the cheapest to buy new.

Any questions just ask. I'm happy to help someone get into classic Who. :wub:

DAT MUSIC. :datass: :wub:

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PostRe: Doctor Who - Will return....
by Garth » Wed Feb 04, 2015 2:31 pm


LEGO Doctor Who to materialise later in 2015


CONFIRMED: Fan concept for a Doctor Who LEGO® set will enter production in 2015.

The LEGO Group have announced that they will be producing a LEGO Doctor Who set. The concept for a Doctor Who set came from the LEGO® IDEAS website where fans can submit ideas for a set and vote for their favourite idea to be produced.

The Doctor Who concept from fan Andrew Clark received the 10,000 votes requisite for The LEGO Group to consider it for production.

A licensing agreement between BBC Worldwide and The LEGO Group will see the new set available in all of The LEGO Group’s key markets before the end of the year.

Andrew’s winning design featured a range of Doctors, companions and monsters across the show’s history, but fans will have to wait until later this year to discover what will be produced.

Marcus Arthur, MD of BBC Worldwide UK said, “Both Doctor Who and LEGO enjoy a particularly close relationship with their fans and I can’t wait to see what LEGO produce.”

Emma Owen, UK spokesperson for LEGO Ideas commented: “We’re extremely excited to announce that a Doctor Who and a WALL-E set will be released as our next LEGO Ideas fan based sets, congratulations to the designers Andrew Clark and Angus MacLane!

“After receiving over 10,000 votes from the online community and having gone through rigorous toy testing from our expert panel, these awesome sets are on track to be on shelves later this year. The final set designs, pricing and availability are being worked out as we speak, so watch this space for the final details!” ... er-in-2015

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