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Re: Doctor Who- GRCWC- The Deadly Assassin | Twice Upon A Time 5.30pm BBC1 XMAS Day

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 7:27 pm
by jawafour
Hyperion wrote:If you watch it at all :x

I know, man. I started off well but the past two months has been a pretty disgraceful showing. I've just lost the mojo to watch stuff :( .

Re: Doctor Who- GRCWC- The Deadly Assassin | Twice Upon A Time 5.30pm BBC1 XMAS Day

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 7:36 pm
by Hypes
jawafour wrote:
Hyperion wrote:If you watch it at all :x

I know, man. I started off well but the past two months has been a pretty disgraceful showing. I've just lost the mojo to watch stuff :( .

Jawa :(
Not like you to abandon something before finishing :(

Re: Doctor Who- GRCWC- The Deadly Assassin | Twice Upon A Time 5.30pm BBC1 XMAS Day

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 10:31 pm
by Hypes
Right, events have caused me to fall well behind on this but let's get back on it.

The Time Warrior ep1
Sarah Jane!
:o :o :o

Re: Doctor Who- GRCWC- The Deadly Assassin | Twice Upon A Time 5.30pm BBC1 XMAS Day

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 1:07 pm
by The Watching Artist
Hyperion wrote:Right, events have caused me to fall well behind on this but let's get back on it.

The Time Warrior ep1
Sarah Jane!
:o :o :o

Do you have all the eps for this? Thats the next to be culled.

Re: Doctor Who- GRCWC- The Deadly Assassin | Twice Upon A Time 5.30pm BBC1 XMAS Day

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 9:11 pm
by Hypes
The Watching Artist wrote:
Hyperion wrote:Right, events have caused me to fall well behind on this but let's get back on it.

The Time Warrior ep1
Sarah Jane!
:o :o :o

Do you have all the eps for this? Thats the next to be culled.

Yes, watched it all. Top siege tricks from the Doctor!
No more Pertwee :(
Looking forward to Baker I though. Have the scarf to match now!

Re: Doctor Who- GRCWC- The Deadly Assassin | Twice Upon A Time 5.30pm BBC1 XMAS Day

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 12:35 am
by The Watching Artist
Hyperion wrote:
The Watching Artist wrote:
Hyperion wrote:Right, events have caused me to fall well behind on this but let's get back on it.

The Time Warrior ep1
Sarah Jane!
:o :o :o

Do you have all the eps for this? Thats the next to be culled.

Yes, watched it all. Top siege tricks from the Doctor!
No more Pertwee :(
Looking forward to Baker I though. Have the scarf to match now!

Excellent. If you want to see the end of Pertwee I recommend Invasion of the Dinosaurs and then his last is Planet of the Spiders. I'll try and add the new story in the morning.

Re: Doctor Who- GRCWC- The Deadly Assassin | Twice Upon A Time 5.30pm BBC1 XMAS Day

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 7:27 am
by Hypes
The Ark in Space ft. Jelly Babies :datass:

Excellent. Really liked it.
Wondered what happened in the middle of ep3 with the cut and had to watch it several times to see if I'd missed something.
So what happens at the end? Did the next story follow immediately on from them teleporting? Also, Doctor says teleport won't transport 3 people - immediately transports 3 people :lol:

Re: Doctor Who- GRCWC- The Deadly Assassin | Twice Upon A Time 5.30pm BBC1 XMAS Day

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 9:11 am
by The Watching Artist
Hyperion wrote:Wondered what happened in the middle of ep3 with the cut and had to watch it several times to see if I'd missed something.

I think I explained this in my notes. But they cut the scene because it was considered too much for the kiddies. Basically Noah asks Vira to kill him.
Hyperion wrote:So what happens at the end? Did the next story follow immediately on from them teleporting?

They nip down and have an adventure (a really good one btw) and then when going back get caught up in your next story.

Re: Doctor Who- GRCWC- The Deadly Assassin | Twice Upon A Time 5.30pm BBC1 XMAS Day

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 10:21 am
by The Watching Artist
The Deadly Assassin things.

The first story to not have a companion for the Doctor. Its also the first story to not feature at least one human.
Our first fully fledged story about the Time Lords. Many of the elements about the Doctors race originate here, things like the iconic collars and the Seal of Rassilon also make there first appearance. Despite this at the time many fans were annoyed by the portrayal of the Time Lords. In their previous brief appearances they had appeared almost godlike but here they were mainly bickering politicians. However writer Robert Holmes knew a story of such perfect all powerful beings wouldn't be interesting and so explored the idea of their greatness stagnating after ages of isolation. This is also the story that created the 12 regeneration limit.
After 3 years the Master had finally returned. Of course with the death of Roger Delgado it was decided that he would be "regenerate" like the Doctor. Its never made clear what version of the Master Delgado played and thus whether this version is a new emaciated incarnation or the same but simply on his last legs. We see this happen again in a new way in the End of Time when Simms Master is resurrected but requires energy to survive.

This version of the Master, played by Peter Pratt, would go on to appear again in the tv series as well as various audio stories, but played by Geoffrey Beevers. Who incidentally was married to Caroline John, who played the 3rd Doctor's companion Liz Shaw until her death in 2012.
The cliffhanger to ep3 infamously pissed off Mary Whitehouse for being too scary for children. Her campaign to clean up TV forced the BBC to edit it for the repeats.
The intro is the first time the show used narration.
We see actor Bernard Horsfall for the 3rd time! Previously being Gulliver in The Mind Robber and then in The War Games as one of those Time Lords. He also starred in Jon Pertwee's Daleks greatest hits story, Planet of the Daleks.
The concept of the Matrix here is far more imaginative then that presented in that overrated film. :P

Re: Doctor Who- GR Classic Who Club- The Robots of Death

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 10:47 am
by The Watching Artist
A new year! A new companion! After surviving The Deadly Assassin the Doctor would arrive on a jungle planet to find two tribes fighting. One had a member by the name of Leela. As a warrior of the savage tribe Sevateem, she helps the Doctor and then joins him on his adventures.

She is as deadly as she is brave. Often carrying a knife or a lethal Junis thorn!

Story 18-

The Robots of Death

On a distant planet in the future the Fourth Doctor and his new friend Leela land on a sandminer searching for precious metals. But the crew are being murdered one by one......

Originally Broadcast- 29 January - 19 February 1977
Written by- Chris Boucher


Re: Doctor Who- GR Classic Who Club- The Robots of Death

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 12:36 pm
by The Watching Artist

Re: Doctor Who- GR Classic Who Club- The Robots of Death

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 12:47 pm
by jawafour
The Watching Artist wrote: Really nice interview with Stephen Moffat.

I'd heard of Big Finish but I wasn't really sure what they produced. Checking out their website I am amazed at the volume of stuff available; monthly (!) Doctor Who audio adventures and lots of other characters, too. Will take a more thorough look later - thanks for the heads-up, Matt!

Re: Doctor Who- GR Classic Who Club- The Robots of Death

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 2:50 pm
by Zaichik
Robots of Death is another out-and-out classic. It looks more expensive that it probably was, the titular robots look amazing and the script is really sharp. It's one of my favourites of all time.

Listen out for a brilliant put-down from the Doctor after he and Leela are apprehended.

Re: Doctor Who- GR Classic Who Club- The Robots of Death

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 9:18 pm
by Hypes
Genesis of the Daleks
Absolutely amazing. Dark, terrifying, thought provoking. Finally watching this after hearing and reading about it, and seeing little clips has been great. The Doctor questioning whether he could destroy a whole race and then the Daleks showing what they really are made for a great final episode (with a slightly rubbish after ending dancing around a ring).



Re: Doctor Who- GR Classic Who Club- The Robots of Death

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 11:04 pm
by The Watching Artist

You've no idea how much I want that as my doorbell.

Glad it lived up to your expectations.

Re: Doctor Who- GR Classic Who Club- The Robots of Death

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 1:28 pm
by The Watching Artist
The Robots of Death stuff....
Ok. So there isn't a huge amount to say about this one but its great and brilliant so I had to share it. But its got a few things to mention! This story contains one of the few attempts to explain how the TARDIS is dimensionally transcendental and its also the final time the wooden console room would appear. The concept of Robophobia is off course very similar to the uncanny valley effect but in the story it is referred to as "Grimwade's syndrome." This is actually an inside joke as Peter Grimwade, the production assistant, complained that he always got the stories with robots in. Pamela Salem, who played Toos, was one of the other actresses considered to play the role of Leela. She would go on to appear again in Doctor Who (we might see her ;) ) and was also Miss Moneypenny in the not James Bond Jame Bond film "Never Say Never Again".

"Please do not throw hands at me."

The Christmas special for 2007 "Voyage of the Damned" was a story about a subtle as me seeing an attractive lady and flirting with her by rubbing my genitals in her face. But it did feature service robots heavily inspired by those here.


Re: Doctor Who- GR Classic Who Club- The Talons of Weng-Chiang

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 1:40 pm
by The Watching Artist
Story 19-

The Talons of Weng-Chiang

The Doctor arrives in Victorian London to show Leela how her ancestors lived but they are quickly involved in a plot of murder, missing women and a Chinese gang. The lives of our intrepid heroes, Henry Gorden Jago and Professor George Litefoot are about to change forever.......... Corks!

Originally Broadcast- 26 February - 2 April 1977
Written by- Robert Holmes


Re: Doctor Who- GR Classic Who Club- The Talons of Weng-Chiang

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 6:50 pm
by Hypes
Terror of the Zygons.

Hmm, not one of my favourites. Was nice to see the original Zygons, but I couldn't understand what they were saying most of the time. Part of the story was very similar to Terror of the Autons which was much better.
Missed why Nessie was following the tracker and eating the oil rigs.

Re: Doctor Who- GR Classic Who Club- The Talons of Weng-Chiang

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 11:53 pm
by The Watching Artist
Get your ears cleaned and watch it again you fool.

Re: Doctor Who- GR Classic Who Club- The Talons of Weng-Chiang

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 3:50 pm
by Hypes
Nah, it wasn't good enough.

Pyramids of Mars
Excellent, back on track. Good adventure and mythology with a bit of the crystal maze at the end. Not sure about a couple of things, why there was a forcefield, and whatever the end cop out was. Liked Sutekh even if he was just sitting down for most of it, the mummies were good as well even if people should have just been able to walk quickly away from them.