Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - All done now!

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Cuttooth » Sun Jan 14, 2024 2:48 pm

Yep, Retrospect was a horrible episode to watch when it came up on TV recently.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Moggy » Mon Jan 22, 2024 7:35 am

The Killing Game: Part 1

I want to go and watch Casablanca now. ;)

I'm sure the holodeck is useful for people on long space journeys. But it really does seem more trouble than it's worth. :lol:

As it's a 2 parter I'm going to keep this brief, it was an ok opening to a longer story, but didn't blow me away, unlike several floors of the ship. ;) More of a fun "let the cast dress up!" than any serious story.

The Killing Game: Part 2

I'm sure it was great fun to make, but it wasn't a great set of episodes. It would have been better as a time travel story where aliens made an alliance with the Nazis and Voyager went back to stop them.

Not gooseberry fool, not great, just alright.

Vis a Vis

Body swapping in Trek has become better acted since the Original Series, but it's lost the hilarity of Shatner trying to walk like a woman. :lol:

Crap but entertaining.

The Omega Directive

The science here is beyond pseudoscience and into utter bobbins.

But it was an enjoyable enough episode. 7 has pretty much confirmed a Borg religion ( ;) ) though, which is weird. :lol:

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Moggy » Mon Jan 22, 2024 7:38 am

With regards to The Killing Game:

I had no idea when I wrote that review that the Enterprise series would steal my idea. :lol:

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Jenuall » Mon Jan 22, 2024 8:22 am

I couldn't get past the fact that the main guest actor in Vis a Vis was Bulldog from Frasier! :lol:

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Moggy » Sun Jan 28, 2024 12:27 pm


Some interesting ideas in this one, the race that makes people forget that they existed is a decent one.

But, I didn't buy the love story aspect, it just didn't ever feel real, which made me not care.

Yet another of the "not awful, not great" episodes.

Living Witness

I thought this was a mirror universe episode at the start. I'm glad it wasn't, it was far more interesting than that.

The Doctor (well, the back up ;) ) was great in this. The exasperation and irritation at the things that had been wrongly recorded in history was fantastic!

And some of the comments were very relevant to us today. Oppression, racism and the denial of a people's history. Although (and I'm sure it wasn't meant this way) it was a bit iffy that the oppressed race turned out to be the bad guys!

Great stuff!


This took an unexpected turn halfway through. :lol:

I think it would have been a better story if the silver blood had just altered them to be able to survive on the planet, but not away from it. They could have then searched for a cure.

Instead we now have a weird planet of clones that are just going to stay there?

A bit of a meh one overall, but had its decent moments.


They might get home a bit quicker (from their POV) if they went into stasis more often and stopped strawberry floating around at every planet, moon, nebula and rock they see. ;)

This was good, but it would have been more interesting if it was just about Seven's loneliness and her realising she needs people, rather than the radiation messing with her Borg implants.

Still, that's only a very minor complaint, this was a top tier episode.

Edit: might as well finish the season off today!

Hope and Fear

Looking at the episode air dates, this is the last Star Trek content released while I was still a child. Not long after this, I could go to the pub and drink. Because I never did that before I turned 18. Nope. Never. Honest....

The game that Janeway and Seven were playing looked just as ridiculous as the "tennis" that O'Brien and Bashir liked to play. What is it with sci-fi shows and daft looking future sports. :lol:

A so-so finale to the season. As an episode it was decent enough, but didn't feel like it was the end of a season.

It'll be interesting if Seven does work out a way of getting them to move faster. I'm assuming the series ends with them getting home and so it'll need a faster drive, time travel or a wormhole!

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Cuttooth » Sun Jan 28, 2024 12:30 pm

Demon gets a very depressing follow up episode later on.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Moggy » Sun Jan 28, 2024 12:33 pm

Cuttooth wrote:Demon gets a very depressing follow up episode later on.

I just checked ahead for my review on that and can confirm that I use the words "bleak and depressing". :lol:

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Lagamorph » Sun Jan 28, 2024 1:13 pm

Cuttooth wrote:Demon gets a very depressing follow up episode later on.

Oh god yeah, that episode was just such an incredible downer for so many reasons.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Moggy » Sun Feb 04, 2024 8:56 pm


Interesting opening to the episode. Some weird holodeck Flash Gordon story. :lol:

It was interesting to see a depressed crew, especially Janeway. Why didn't they just use the stasis pods again until they got through the void?

I didn't think much of the rest of the episode. The allegory of aliens dumping toxic waste just for profit was not very subtly done. :lol:


"I'm a doctor, not a peeping Tom!" :lol:

This should have been gooseberry fool. The premise was daft, One looked silly and sounded like leather when he walked.

But it was really good and even quite touching.

He obviously had to die at the end, but at least the Doctor gets his mobile emitter back. ;)

Extreme Risk

90s EXTREEEEEME!!!! ;)

It wasn't long ago that they didn't have the power/resources to replicate coffee. But now they can replicate materials for an experimental shuttle? :lol:

Why is it even possible to turn off the safety in the holodeck? :lol:

A mostly crap episode. They didn't handle the depression storyline very well and I wasn't very interested in the probe (kenneth.jpg).

In The Flesh

Hundreds of years in the future and their cameras are the size of a blue whale. ;)

I'm not sure what to make of this episode. It's basically a mess. But held my attention throughout and it was interesting to see species 8472 aren't monsters. The negotiations were well done, along with the paranoia on both sides.

Once Upon A Time

Erghh a kid episode with a weird and annoying blue creature. Can I skip this one? :dread:

Erghh, I should have skipped it. What a load of gooseberry fool, the worst episode I've seen for a long time.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Lagamorph » Sun Feb 04, 2024 9:43 pm

Moggy wrote:Hundreds of years in the future and their cameras are the size of a blue whale. ;)

In fairness the imagers aren't just a camera, it's basically a full sensor setup to record a holographic recording of not just what you're pointing at but also the surrounding area too, so that you can re-create the actual moment on a holodeck.

Also yeah, Once Upon a Time is just a "What the strawberry float were they thinking with that in Star Trek" episode. See also 11:59

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Tineash » Sun Feb 04, 2024 10:13 pm

Lagamorph wrote:
Also yeah, Once Upon a Time is just a "What the strawberry float were they thinking with that in Star Trek" episode. See also 11:59

It's the worst it's just the strawberry floating worst awkward sentimental ugly gooseberry fool. At least Sub Rosa is spectacularly dumb & funny.

"exceptionally annoying" - TheTurnipKing
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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Moggy » Sun Feb 11, 2024 7:11 am


Episode 100 :toot:

Drunk 7 :lol:

That was great! I'm a sucker for a time travel story, but I thought that was very well done. Even if fedora-wearing misogynist LaForge showed up. ;)

10 years off their journey, not too bad!

Infinite Regress

I forget her name, but the actress who plays 7 was excellent here. The Ferengi was great. :lol:

This was really good for most of the episode, but fell apart a bit towards the end. And I really cringed at the very end "I will comply"....erghh.

Nothing Human

The Doctor's slideshow :lol:

The alien looked bloody ridiculous, it completely destroyed any chance I had to suspend my disbelief.

The Cardassian part was decent though, with a lot of moral questions raised. Hard to answer moral questions as well, there is no right answer.

Thirty Days

I didn't think much of this, I thought it was quite boring.

Oh no, Paris is an ensign now! How will any of us cope! It's going to change everything! Meh.


The aliens in this reminded me of the Empire in Star Wars. :lol:

I'm 50/50 on this one. Parts of it were really good, but parts seemed to drag.

I didn't buy the Janeway relationship at all. While it turned out it wasn't quite real, she looked quite sad at the end. I just don't believe somebody like Janeway would fall for a dickhead like whateverhisnamewas

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Lagamorph » Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:10 am

The crash sequence from Timeless is one of my favourite action sequences in Trek, right up there with the crash sequence in Generations.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by SEP » Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:14 am

Lagamorph wrote:The crash sequence from Timeless is one of my favourite action sequences in Trek, right up there with the crash sequence in Generations.

It's incredibly well done. You almost feel the impact when the ship hits the ground.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Lagamorph » Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:07 am

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Jenuall » Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:19 am

It's a decent sequence but I just hate the move from model work to CGI.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Lagamorph » Mon Feb 12, 2024 4:33 pm


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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Jenuall » Wed Feb 14, 2024 9:17 am

Guess we found the real reason Paris went to jail - printer theft!

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Moggy » Sun Feb 18, 2024 8:02 am

Latent Image

That was really good! The Doctor is easily my favourite character and the actor was amazing in this.

The best Trek episodes (imo) are the ones that either make you think or offer up a difficult moral question. This one was both, who do you save if both have an equal chance of survival. And what would that do to an AI designed to save life?

Bride of Chaotica!

Pre episode predictions based on the title alone:

1. This will be some holodeck nonsense.
2. This will be gooseberry fool.

I loved the dig at the start about reusing sets/locations :lol:

Ok I was right on both predictions. But I should have added:

3. It was a lot of fun

Ridiculous, dumb and utter utter gooseberry fool. But I thoroughly enjoyed it. :lol:


"I'm a doctor, not a battery!" :lol:

That was a good episode, I like the difference in the way time was running, it hurts my brain to think of time running so differently in different places.

Tuvok has an interesting back story, I hope they explore more of it. He seems to be a very underused character.


Top security on Voyager's computer systems, to access restricted files all you need to do is remove a panel and take out a chip. :lol:

This should have been a gooseberry fool episode, the idea of being tricked into a giant pitcher plant is very silly.

But it was actually decent, Seven (and the annoying kid who wasn't actually annoying here) against a brainwashed crew was very well done.

"I'm a doctor, not a dragon slayer!" :lol:

The Doctor and the alien guy would make a good spin off series. A sitcom of the two of them wandering the galaxy fighting monsters. :lol:

Dark Frontier - Parts 1 & 2

What sort of parents go to a Borg cube with their kid. :fp:

Why do they want to get a transwarp coil anyway? Don't they remember that it'll turn them into lizards? ;)

This was a fantastic double episode, right up there with the best Trek in any of the series. Some great effects in this, especially for the late 90s. They should have not bothered with Nemesis and made this a movie.

Sorry to the DS9 fans, but Voyager kicks the absolute gooseberry fool out of it. For me it's going to rival TNG, unless it falls off a cliff in the last couple of seasons.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Jenuall » Mon Feb 19, 2024 12:41 pm

The Adventures of Captain Proton are generally annoying elements in whatever episode they show up, but Bride of Chaotica just about gets away with - thanks in no small part to just how well Mulgrew ham's the strawberry float out of it as Queen Arachnia :lol:

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