Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - All done now!

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Cuttooth » Mon Feb 19, 2024 2:26 pm

Paris' love for 1950s Americana is really annoying. Doesn't he end up with an old TV in his quarters at one point?

It would be like someone today being obsessed with the early 17th century and insisting he and his colleagues should spend their free time acting out Shakespeare plays.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Moggy » Mon Feb 19, 2024 2:30 pm

Cuttooth wrote:
It would be like someone today being obsessed with the early 17th century


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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Cheeky Devlin » Mon Feb 19, 2024 3:31 pm

Cuttooth wrote:Paris' love for 1950s Americana is really annoying. Doesn't he end up with an old TV in his quarters at one point?

It would be like someone today being obsessed with the early 17th century and insisting he and his colleagues should spend their free time acting out Shakespeare plays.

What I want to know is why they are always into "Safe" stuff like that, or classical music.

Where's the Lieutenant Junior Grade who's really into death metal? :lol:

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Moggy » Mon Feb 19, 2024 3:41 pm

Cheeky Devlin wrote:What I want to know is why they are always into "Safe" stuff like that, or classical music.


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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Cheeky Devlin » Mon Feb 19, 2024 3:46 pm

Moggy wrote:
Cheeky Devlin wrote:What I want to know is why they are always into "Safe" stuff like that, or classical music.


You can always count on Reg. :lol:

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Jenuall » Mon Feb 19, 2024 3:58 pm

Cheeky Devlin wrote:
Moggy wrote:
Cheeky Devlin wrote:What I want to know is why they are always into "Safe" stuff like that, or classical music.


You can always count on Reg. :lol:


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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Cheeky Devlin » Mon Feb 19, 2024 5:31 pm

Well, at least we can count on Mariner.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Cuttooth » Mon Feb 19, 2024 6:01 pm

I need to watch Lower Decks. :lol:

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Hexx » Wed Feb 21, 2024 10:37 pm

You really should.

And tell us about it

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Jenuall » Fri Feb 23, 2024 9:28 am

Just watched Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy. Gotta love the ECH :datass:

Such a good episode

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Moggy » Sun Feb 25, 2024 8:34 am

The Disease

The "don't strawberry float aliens" rule must have been implemented to stop Kirk continuing to shag his way across the galaxy. ;) And didn't Janeway shag an alien a few episodes ago?

I have to laugh, after praising this series in my last review, it serves up this stinky one. It's not awful, but is so solidly average that it barely deserves a review.

Course: Oblivion

Interesting idea for an episode.

I thought it was weird that it opened on Torres and Paris getting married, but had no idea that there was going to be a twist that they were the demon copies!

A very bleak and depressing ending. But was actually good to have one that wasn't a happy ending.

The Fight

In the episode where Chakotay visited the planet that species 8472 made to look like Earth, I'm pretty sure Chakotay had no idea who Boothby was and only knew him by reputation. Now he was his boxing coach?

Anyway, that mystery aside, this was shite. Utter shite.

Think Tank

George Costanza :shock: I'd have thought he was too expensive in the 90s for a show like this.

I hope the think tank wasn't one of those based in Tufton Street.

Decent episode overall, the idea of a species collecting knowledge rather than outright conquering was a good one. And it was a fun solution to the problem.


This might have been really good if it wasn't for the monster that looked like a cross between an LoTR orc and the Elephant Man.

As it was, it was entertaining but felt completely throw away.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Jenuall » Sun Feb 25, 2024 11:20 am

"Problems with the Hazari?"


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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Moggy » Sun Feb 25, 2024 11:22 am

Jenuall wrote:"Problems with the Hazari?"



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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Moggy » Sun Mar 03, 2024 7:45 am

Someone To Watch Over Me

I love the Doctor's slideshows :lol:

The ambassador plot was gooseberry fool. Nowhere near as amusing as they obviously thought it'd be.

But the Doctor and 7 story was really good. Even if it fell into cliche at the end "I have to tell you something" "yes I need to speak to you, I think we should finish, what did you want to say?" "oh never mind, it was nothing!".


It's always amazing that screenwriters seem to think ancestors look EXACTLY like their descendants. :lol:

I forgot just how obsessed with the millennium everyone was in the late 90s. Every TV show had to mention it, christ, even the Y2K bug got a mention here :lol:

I almost fell asleep watching this, just a snoozefest from beginning to end.



I love that 29th century ships appear to have the same equipment as the 24th century ones. The transporter pads and the computer consoles look identical. And 500 years into the future and the Federation still don't have sensors as good as the Borg ocular implants? :lol:

I adore a good time travel story and this was a decent one. It was nicely confusing and probably didn't actually make much sense, but so what, it was fun.

They should make a Star Trek: Relativity show and just have increasingly ridiculous time travel timelines. ;)


I am not sure what the advantage is of making a bomb that smart. Just seems like a daft idea, with no real benefits.

Ignoring the silliness, it wasn't too bad an episode, although I still think Kim is the most boring character in any of the Trek series.

Equinox: Part 1

I was getting Battlestar Galactica vibes from them unexpectedly stumbling across another ship and the captain of the other ship being a total arsehole.

Wikipedia tells me that this was the last episode to air before the end of DS9. It's nice to know that I am finally "in the future" when it comes to episodes. Well until Enterprise goes backwards anyway. ;)

A very good season closer, I'm not hanging about, I'm going straight to part 2!

Equinox: Part 2

A cracking two parter. When there is a really good first part, I always worry the part two will be gooseberry fool, especially when it's split over different seasons. I'm glad that wasn't the case.

It was brave to make Janeway go against her usual principles by basically using torture and be willing to risk a prisoners life. And for Chakotay to go against her. I always forget he was a Maquis, he is usually completely loyal to her.

A good start to the new season.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Moggy » Sun Mar 10, 2024 9:21 am

Survival Instinct

It's hard to rate this as it raises some really interesting points, but overall the episode wasn't great.

It seemed crazy to even consider giving them back to the Borg. It's not what any of them would have wanted and would have just added to the Borg numbers. I can see why the Doctor thought that way, but none of the others should have seriously considered it.

Barge of the Dead

In Klingon religion, after death parents are punished for their kid's behaviour? Crazy bastards. :lol:

A mostly gooseberry fool episode, reading up about it, it seems it was the last time Ronald D Moore and Bryan Fuller worked on Trek (until Fuller with Discovery). They both went on to do good things, so it was probably for the best.

Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy

A guess based just on the title: this will be a terrible holodeck episode with the Doctor playing a spy role - like Bashir in DS9.

That song :lol:

Ok I was completely wrong, no holodeck and it wasn't gooseberry fool. Daft and a little crazy, but really good fun!

The Doctor remains the best character and it's not even close.


Who the strawberry float is Alice?

Paused near the start. Abaddon? The angel of the abyss? I'm assuming he's going to be a very bad guy!

Ok Abaddon wasn't too bad, just a bit of a banana split.

The episode is basically what would happen if you took Christine, gave it a sci-fi makeover and then made it really gooseberry fool.



"A brain from a lesser species", strawberry floating hell. :fp: It's bad enough the xenophobic aliens attacked the black guy, now the Doctor is going full eugenicist. :dread:

Parts of this were boring, but there was enough good stuff to make it decent overall. I liked the Sundays joke. :lol:

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Jenuall » Sat Mar 16, 2024 12:35 am

I'm up to season 6 now, just watched Blink of an Eye - might be one of my favourite VOY episodes, even if it is kind of treading on some familiar ground we've seen in TNG

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Moggy » Sun Mar 17, 2024 9:29 pm

Dragon's Teeth

Imagine being in a stasis pod for 900 years. Although I bet we'd still be ruled by a bunch of inept Tory bastards (Rishi Sunak became PM today). ;)

I liked this, interesting new alien, they reminded me of the Cardassians in a lot of ways.

Do we know the origin of the Borg? They seem to have been around in the Delta Quadrant for almost 1000 years, you'd have thought they'd have colonised everywhere in that time.

One Small Step

Mars in 2032? Thank strawberry float Elon Musk didn't cameo in the episode.

Stupid NASA, their Ares IV was only going to reach the Moon, not Mars. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ares_V#Ares_IV

Chakotay was a dick, I get he wanted to recover the module, but to risk everyone? And then to date accuse Seven of having an attitude? :lol:

"History is irrelevant", really Seven? It was just the last episode where you knowing the history of this area of space was pretty damn useful. :lol:

Overall a good episode. Some really daft decisions made by Chakotay, baseball chat and 300 year old parts working in their shuttle aside. ;)

Oh and why take a 300 year old body out of being lost in space, only to fire it back out into space? :slol:

The Voyager Conspiracy

Seven would strawberry floating love Q-Anon ;)

I think it was way too obvious that Seven was just being paranoid. This would have worked much better if she had stuck with one conspiracy and the episode left us all wondering if she was right.


Mad Murdock and Troi!

Barclay is such a weirdo. Why the strawberry float hasn't Starfleet banned him from ever going near a holodeck. :lol:

Cracking episode and one that should mean some big changes to the show in the future.

And this episode means I finally get to say goodbye to 90s Trek. Roll on the new millennium. ;)

Fair Haven

Wow, Y2K's so advanced that this show looks like the future. :shock: ;)

Oh strawberry float, it's an "Irish" episode. These normally go so well.... :dread:

Oh it's ok, there won't be any leprechauns and everything is authentic, phew! :lol:

I guess the stereotyping and inaccuracies can be explained by it being created by Paris, who doesn't strike me as the most reliable world builder. ;) But still, strawberry floating hell :fp:

Ultimately a dreadful episode, but Janeway's "delete the wife" line was hilarious. :lol:

2024 edit: I'm glad I got to post the Fair Haven review on St Patrick's Day. :lol:

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Moggy » Sun Mar 17, 2024 9:31 pm

As Jenuall posted about it, I'll post an extra bonus review, seeing as this episode was next!

Blink of an Eye

An excellent episode, but raises some questions!

Why would the astronauts still be experiencing time differently once they boarded Voyager? They saw everybody "frozen", but they would have then been in the same rate of time?

Why would they only send one ship up to view/dock with Voyager?

If a ship had been in the sky for centuries, I really don't think they'd fire on it.

Minor niggles though, I thought this one was great!

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Jenuall » Tue Mar 19, 2024 9:15 am

Moggy wrote:As Jenuall posted about it, I'll post an extra bonus review, seeing as this episode was next!

Blink of an Eye

An excellent episode, but raises some questions!

Why would the astronauts still be experiencing time differently once they boarded Voyager? They saw everybody "frozen", but they would have then been in the same rate of time?

Why would they only send one ship up to view/dock with Voyager?

If a ship had been in the sky for centuries, I really don't think they'd fire on it.

Minor niggles though, I thought this one was great!

the attitude to the sky ship is a bit odd at times, they go from worshipping it to "ah strawberry float it, lets blow the thing up!" without any real trigger - although I guess the ship they sent up there seeming to disappear might be enough reason? Still seems a bit of a leap, but then humanoids are constantly shown making dick moves in the show so it's consistent at least.

I'm assuming the astronauts experiencing time differently is some wibbly wobbly science about them still being temporally linked to their point of origin for a period of time? Doesn't make much sense but lets us have a couple of cool "everyone is frozen" moments so I give it a pass!

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Moggy » Sun Mar 24, 2024 10:59 am


Just watched the intro. Coupled with the title, this is going to be a musical episode isn't it? For strawberry floats sake :dread:

Hmm, not as bad as I feared and had some very funny moments. And at least there were no space hippies.

But it was mostly gooseberry fool.


I'm didn't think much of this.

Why leave the transmitter going? :lol: Stick up a memorial by all means, but not one that strawberry floats with peoples brains, strawberry float off Neelix. :fp:


Ok I paused as he walked into the arena. I saw his name in the opening credits, but what the strawberry float? I was never a wrestling fan, but The Rock is literally just doing the Rock? Eyebrow and all? :lol:

I might not have recognised Weyoun, but that voice is way too distinctive!

A bizarre episode, looking it up it seems a lot of people believe it was a crossover with the wrestling.

Still, it wasn't actually awful, it was entertaining. But bizarre.


Back to playing poker? At least DS9 had them playing darts instead of just copying TNG ;)

Tuvok is ice cold "just kill the kids" ;)

I laughed when the baby was crying but the mouth wasn't even moving :lol:

A bit of a gooseberry fool episode overall. It had its moments, and for once the child actors weren't too bad, but there have been much better Borg episodes.

Spirit Folk

Oh for strawberry floats sake, going back to Fair Haven? :dread:

There's only one way to review this and that's with a facepalm. :fp:

By now, the Federation must be aware that beings on the holodeck can become self aware. And yet they keep creating and destroying them. The Federation are monsters. ;)

Say what you like about Trek, but when they have a dreadful idea, they like to revisit it and make it even worse.

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