Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by Jenuall » Sat Mar 09, 2024 9:02 am

Yeah I got the medal as well :datass:

It's just the mechanics were very poorly explained IMO so it took some trial and error to work out how it actually needs you to do the inputs.

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by Hexx » Sat Mar 09, 2024 9:36 am

Sure you did buddy

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by Jenuall » Sat Mar 09, 2024 11:01 am

Well I got the "Stealing the Show" trophy, don't know if there's anything else you can earn there?

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by Hexx » Sat Mar 09, 2024 11:24 am

Nah I’m teasing - that’s the missable score based trophy

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by Hexx » Sat Mar 09, 2024 5:17 pm

Chocobo gliding is horrid

They really need option to invert controls on minigame only and/or minigame by minigame basis

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by Godzilla » Sat Mar 09, 2024 6:11 pm

The lack of options for mini game controls was annoying.

Speaking of annoying Odin is a **** ! Instant kill of all three party members, that's on easy. Finally beat him thanks is to revive ear rings and phoenix summon materia. Only thing that would make the battle worse would be having to fight two summons at once, one which can resurrect the other. But no game would do that.

:fp: nooooooooo!

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by Godzilla » Sun Mar 10, 2024 10:29 pm

Just saved the game before the final battle. Will hopefully finish the game tomorrow, currently at 66 hours.

Really not enjoying the last chapter, a lot of cut scenes and a lot more forced slow walking.

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by Jenuall » Sun Mar 10, 2024 11:23 pm

For some reason I'm finding how absolutely shite I am at the piano mini game to be hilarious, don't think I've laughed so much at something in ages :lol:

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by Drej » Mon Mar 11, 2024 5:37 am

Jenuall wrote:Yeah there's definitely a lot of ludonarrative dissonance going on. The Avalance crew often feel more like eco-terrorists than eco-warriors! :lol:

I have some story/focus concerns as well. (mild spoilers for stuff up to arriving in Junon) The narrative is a bit odd so far, it's lacking the drive of the original IMO. I'm 20 hours in and I still don't really feel like there's a properly compelling reason why anything is happening. The original has a very clear "following the man in black" goal for the time after you leave Midgar, whereas in this it's like - are we supposed to be chasing Sephiroth? Is that what it's about? Are we going to talk about those Whisper things again? Where did they go? We seem to be following the dudes in robes but nobody has given any real context for them? I guess we're trying to get away from Shinra who are looking for us... but then why do we head straight to the next nearest Shinra stronghold? And if they are desperate to catch us why do they give up so quickly to the point of allowing us to just wander around in front of them? :lol: It all feels a little bit sloppy.

It suffers a lot from many of the usual open world problems - icon hunts, leading you too much by the nose, appearing to be open but locking your exploration with barriers, a strangely dead feel to the overworld (no roaming NPCs to discover etc.), stumbling along areas that have nothing to do but are clearly set aside for some event later, having the characters discovering "long hidden secrets" that are literally around the corner from a town...

But, despite all of that I'm really enjoying it! The combat is really great, and the music is fantastic - those two things combined mean it's generally just fun to do knock about the world and encounter stuff which makes a huge difference in these games.

I'm having a great time with the card game as well, although Triple Triad will always have my heart :wub:

I echo that sentiment, it feels to me that the developers created a beautiful open world game, but then felt they needed to lead you by hand all around it. There is really no point in doing some solo exploration... not even some npc stunts happening ala RDR2 or a hidden dungeon where you find some weapon /armour or material.

I guess for us who played the OG we will still love this game, because we just wanted a remake of FF7 but I cannot imagine how someone who never played the original would feel about this.

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by Cheeky Devlin » Mon Mar 11, 2024 1:01 pm

Love that some of you are almost finished and I'm 12 hours in just starting Chapter 3. :lol:

Was nice to full clear the first open area. Great way to get to grips with the combat again and introduce the various tasks.
I'm also glad I stuck with Queens Blood rather than ignoring it. I don't usually bother with the card games in these things, but I spent some time getting my head around that and I quite enjoyed it. I'll be challenging people going forward I think. :lol:

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by Jenuall » Mon Mar 11, 2024 2:00 pm

Queen's Blood is great, though I'm not sure it is going to have the legs of some of the other card games in previous FF's. The fact that there only seem to be a small number of people you can actually challenge to play doesn't help.

When you reach Costa Del Sol: they put quite a cool twist on the game where your opponent has already played all their cards and you have a small set that you can play to try and turn the game back in your favour - turns it into a really cool puzzle challenge.

Speaking of Costa Del Sol, just did the beach section. Tifa's outfit...


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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by Godzilla » Mon Mar 11, 2024 5:24 pm

And finished.... Last battle and cut scenes ended the game on a high.

Overall a very good game, it gets a bit confused a points and the confusion takes away from some big scenes. But it's still a strong ending.

Rally enjoyed my time with the game, a lot of variety, some frustrating mini games and a lot of fun combat. A very beautiful final cut scene too.

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by Hexx » Mon Mar 11, 2024 5:59 pm

Just lost an hour or two progress. The checkpoint system is so good I rarely manual save,

Got to a difficult fight near end of Chapter 11 and realised I forgot to heal up before -> return to checkpoint and it's about 3 hours ago and several story sections ago. Feels like a bug as I'd had checkpoints between then and now.

My only manual save is at the start of this section - with forced party and puzzle section with  my least favourite :(

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by Hexx » Tue Mar 12, 2024 2:00 am

​So pretty hard boss fights at the end of Chapter 11 (and summon chat)

Galian Beast was a pain - in the end had one character just spamming debuffs on him to keep him managable but was still touch and go as he gets more frantic. Might even have been the hardest boss so far.

Odin was hard - just even getting enough time to get ATB before he starts his one shot at the start was hard.

Start of Chapter 12 spoilers

I'd done everything in all 5 areas, for a clean slate before pushing the end game.

​​​​​​Of course I've now got new sidequests all over the shop, new minigame prizes, Queensblood players and a new treasure map  :fp:

I think this game might need to learn sometimes less is more.

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by jiggles » Tue Mar 12, 2024 8:07 am

I’m just up to the start of Chapter 5, 22 hours in. I’ve done everything as I’ve gone along.

The only gripe I have is that I wish it was a little clearer when your weapon levels up. I end up with a new materia slot or a new perk slot some times but don’t realise til later by accident.

Not sure I get the where the complaint that the inputs for the parade are confusing is coming from. The game pops up an explanation that Red = tap once, Blue = hold and Yellow = rapidly tap, right before forcing you in a tutorial where you have to perform all three types of interaction, in which it stops before each type to explain again what the action is, before finally offering you a chance to repeat the whole tutorial for a refresher before the big show. Maybe it’s more confusing if you’re colourblind and have to rely just on the different shapes of the gems, but I can’t even remember what the shapes were.

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by Jenuall » Tue Mar 12, 2024 8:28 am

jiggles wrote:I’m just up to the start of Chapter 5, 22 hours in. I’ve done everything as I’ve gone along.

The only gripe I have is that I wish it was a little clearer when your weapon levels up. I end up with a new materia slot or a new perk slot some times but don’t realise til later by accident.

Not sure I get the where the complaint that the inputs for the parade are confusing is coming from. The game pops up an explanation that Red = tap once, Blue = hold and Yellow = rapidly tap, right before forcing you in a tutorial where you have to perform all three types of interaction, in which it stops before each type to explain again what the action is, before finally offering you a chance to repeat the whole tutorial for a refresher before the big show. Maybe it’s more confusing if you’re colourblind and have to rely just on the different shapes of the gems, but I can’t even remember what the shapes were.

Meh, it wasn't the end of the world, just think it could have explained the inputs better. The issue for me was those explanations were badly worded and therefore slightly ambiguous. Red - tap when it hits the shape. Bingo no problems there. Blue - press and hold when it hits the shape. Uh, okay but why do I keep getting a miss when I release and hold for the second shape? Oh, what you meant to say in your instructions was "Start holding when it hits the first shape and release when it hits the second". :fp:

Maybe this is standard expectations for rhythm games but I don't play those so the instructions telling me one thing but the actual inputs being another was initially off-putting. Once I worked out what it actually needed from you it was a piece of piss.

Hexx wrote:I think this game might need to learn sometimes less is more.

This is probably my main overall note for the devs - in pretty much every aspect of the game there are excesses that do not enhance the experience and would have been better trimmed down. But I do think (so far at least) it's something of an improvement on Remake in this regard so there's hope for the next instalment!

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by Wedgie » Tue Mar 12, 2024 10:01 am

Chapter 5 have the big laughs for me so far. Well played, Red. Well played.


Denster wrote:My phone messaged me yesterday after i'd encouraged him to download and play the RESi demo.

Super Intelligent Phones Are Here!!!! We are dooooomed!
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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by Jenuall » Tue Mar 12, 2024 10:53 am

I've definitely laughed a lot a this game, there's some really good humour in there

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by Godzilla » Tue Mar 12, 2024 9:41 pm

I've hit max level, currently going back through and getting any side quests and activities I've missed. Probably done with the game soon as some of the mini games are frustrating and I think I've seen all the best bits of the game.

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PostRe: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth [PS5]
by Wedgie » Tue Mar 12, 2024 9:59 pm

The piano mini game can strawberry float off.


Denster wrote:My phone messaged me yesterday after i'd encouraged him to download and play the RESi demo.

Super Intelligent Phones Are Here!!!! We are dooooomed!

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