Gears of War 4 (XB1/Win 10) - The Final Achievements revealed etc (p37)

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PostRe: Gears of War 4 (XB1/Win 10) - Out now!!
by Monkey Man » Mon Oct 17, 2016 1:12 pm


Horde 3.0 Guide -


Prepare for battle: If you’re used to the old Horde modes you may be tempted to hurtle through the menus and lobby as quickly as possible to get started, but there are a few extra steps in Horde 3.0. First pick the class that best suits your play style (bottom left option in the lobby screen); next assign a skill in the one skill slot you have unlocked to start (bottom middle of the screen); lastly choose a bounty (bottom right) to help you level up.

There are five classes: engineer, heavy, scout, sniper, and soldier. Experiment at first to discover which you like (we’ll go in-depth on them in the next section) but it’s advisable to ultimately pick one and stick with it for a while, because leveling them up — crucial to be able to equip more skills — is excruciatingly slow. Probably best to have at least 1 Scout & Engineer on each team.

Place your fabricator wisely: Horde 3.0 revolves around the fabricator, where you build defenses, purchase new guns and revive teammates. Place it carefully on each map in a spot that’s both defensible and escapable. Your defenses are invaluable in many situations, but don’t expect your fortifications to hold through the toughest waves (especially boss waves). You want long sight-lines and lots of cover, but also multiple approaches so you can bail if your team becomes overwhelmed.

Let your scout pick up the power: Scouts gets at least double the credits of any other class. Power has nothing to do with the points you earn personally, outside of maybe getting a little ribbon at the end of a round.

Leave one enemy alive: All pickups, such as energy for your fabricator, ammo, and weapons, disappear at the start of each new round. As the waves intensify, you and your teammates will often find yourselves scrambling to pick up these valuable resources during the 30 seconds in between waves. Rather than running around and getting caught off-guard, keep one weak enemy alive near the end of a round so you can scavenge without a time limit.

Don’t always revive teammates: If your teammates are knocked down, always try to pick them up. If they’re killed outright you can bring them back to life by picking up their COG tags from where they fell and bringing them back to the fabricator. Bringing teammates back from the dead can be costly, though, and energy is precious. If a wave is almost over consider toughing it out without them.

Mark your enemies: Click the left thumbstick while pointing at enemies to mark them for teammates to see. This can help to point out strong enemies on the field, plus give players using the “heavy” class a damage bonus against them if they have the right skill equipped. Scouts can mark multiple enemies at a time (again, with the corresponding skill on). You can also mark weapons that are on the ground.

Save the big guns for the boss: In “Horde 3.0,” every tenth wave is a boss fight. Use weapon lockers (crafted using the fabricator) to store and recharge ammo for heavy weapons like the mulcher and tri-shot, and pull them out on boss waves. It’s OK to use them other times too, as the normal enemy waves get pretty intense — just make sure you have power weapons (and turrets) ready for every tenth wave.

Modifiers make it harder: After every boss wave a new modifier is added — first enemies get double health, then they become twice as accurate, then the damage each player takes gets doubled. Keep that in mind as you progress.

Use turrets: We have a whole section on building defenses later on, but there’s one essential thing about them that it couldn’t wait. Stationary turrets — the manned ones, not the auto sentries — will save your butts on higher waves. Make two or three and arrange them so they can see enemies coming from a mile away and cover one another’s flanks, but won’t all be destroyed by one unfortunate explosion.

Revive your teammates: When you see someone go down, make a beeline to revive them unless they're prohibitively surrounded by enemies, that's just good manners. If you don't reach them in time, you can still grab their tags and bring them to the Fabricator to respawn them. Be aware that this does cost your team some Power, however, so if you're near the end of a wave and you think those still alive should have no problem closing it out, just hold off, the dead ally will return next wave at no penalty. And don't take it too personally if that happens to you, sometimes it's the right move.

Play with friends: Lastly and most importantly, play Horde 3.0 with friends. Succeeding, especially on higher difficulties, requires communication and teamwork that can’t generally be accomplished by five strangers without mics. If you don’t have friends, make some. Find a community online or even hop into matchmaking and invite whoever you get matched with to a chat party. If they don’t join, quit and try again! It’s that important.

CLASSES (General Guide/Possible 2 best starting Skill Cards/Youtube Guide)

There are five classes in Gears of War 4’s “Horde 3.0.” Though none of them stray too far from Gears’ core running and gunning — there’s no medic, for example — each has its own strengths. There are definite advantages to planning your team makeup carefully, and you’ll want to consider each class’s fortes before diving in.

Soldier: The soldier is the class for players who don’t really want to deal with the class system. It’s the one that lets you play basically how you’d play if there was no class system — using whatever weapons you want, basically not changing your behavior at all. The soldier’s skills include things like extra ammo capacity, extra damage for grenades and assault rifles (like the lancer and hammerburst), and extra damage protection while in cover.

Assault Rifle Damage - +10% Lancer/Retro/Hammerburst damage, with an additional 10% per skill level
These guns are the workhorse weapons and have high fire rates, a 110%+ damage output adds up to a lot of extra damage.
Active Reload Boost - +20% Active Reload bonus, additional 20% per skill level
This applies to all weapons. Pretty huge if you're reliable with active reloads, especially stacked with the above skill. Make sure you empty the clip for maximum effect.

Sniper: The sniper is self-explanatory: if you like popping heads with the embar and longshot, the sniper is for you. Snipers can get extra headshot damage, extra ammo for precision rifles, and the ability to mark more enemies at a time, plus the ability to make enemies explode with headshots (at least for lucky players who get that rare skill card; more on that later).

Headshot Damage - +20 damage from headshots, additional 20% per skill level
You gonna be a sniper, you better be good at headshots. You should clean up with this skill.
Explosive Headshots - 75% explosion damage to nearby enemies when one is killed by headshot, additional 75% per skill level
Stack with the previous skill and it's gonna be pretty devastating. Keep in mind that the cards for this skill are very rare, though, so it's going to be very slow going to level it up, or even obtain it in the first place.

Engineer: Although any team member can craft fortifications at the fabricator, your team should rely on the engineer to do so most of the time. This class gets discounts when building and can create stronger defenses, with better health and higher rates of fire for turrets. The engineer also spawns with an essential tool: a repair gun that can heal barriers and turrets, and replenish turrets’ ammo. Other players can buy the repair gun from the fabricator, but it’s expensive and that energy is best spent elsewhere, with repairs left to the engineer.

Repair Boost - 20% cheaper and faster defense healing with the Repair tool, additional 20% per skill level
As Engineer, job #1 is maintaining the health and ammo of your teams's defenses, you're the only one that can. Being able to do it cheaper and quicker is a no-brainer.
Turret Health - 20% additional health for manned turrets, additional 20% per level
Manned turrets are god-tier defenses, and they're really expensive to replace if they get destroyed. Make sure they can withstand a beating.

Heavy: The heavy is an expert in heavy weapons, including boomshots, mulchers and everything else that makes a big explosion or chews through Swarm flesh like bloody popcorn. This class gets better damage and reload speed on these weapons, plus special abilities like a mortar strike — if you’re lucky enough to get the rare skill card.

Marked Damage - 10% bonus damage on marked targets, additional 10% per level
A damage boost for any weapon so long as the target is marked. Another no-brainer and stacks well with the Heavy's more weapon-specific skills.
Turret Damage - 10% bonus damage from the manned turret, additional 10% per level
It's hard to pick between the various weapon bonuses the Heavy can get, but I feel the turret one pays the most dividends assuming the team can maintain turrets well. Their damage output is already insane and they can pick enemies off from long distance much more effectively than the other power weapons.

Scout: The scout is the trickiest class to play, but also one of the most essential, particularly for teams who plan to tackle all 50 waves on higher difficulties. The scout gets a bonus when depositing energy from fallen foes into the fabricator, which means this player spends most of their time running around behind enemy lines picking up energy and trying not to get killed. To help they get more health and faster movement, plus the abilities to regain health from shotgun and melee hits and see enemies through walls.

Deposit Bonus - 10% additional power when depositing at the Fabricator, additional 10% per level
Equip this skill and tell everyone else to kindly f*** off from gathering power, and your team's war chest will be so much better for it.
Shotgun Damage - 20% bonus damage with the Gnasher and Overkill, additional 20% per level
What is best in Gears? To shotty your enemies and hear the lamentations of their gibs. Now you can do that even faster and more effectively! Really devastating with the Overkill's rapid fire. (Probably better to use the Health Boost skill if you're playing Hardcore or Insane, though, as getting close to enemies is a big liability there.)


Defenses are the other new addition to Horde 3.0, and learning their ins and outs is essential to success. Some types are more useful than others, but several different options will come into play during almost any Horde round. Be careful, though, because enemies will target and destroy your defenses if you let them.

Each fortification comes in multiple strengths, depending on the level of your fabricator, which levels up as you buy things from it. A barrier purchased from a level 3 fabricator, for example, becomes a level 3 barrier — it costs more, but is much stronger. Also, once your fabricator levels up you can pick up older fortifications around the map and upgrade them for a cost.

Barrier: Barriers slow enemies that walk over them and slowly take damage as your foes struggle to free themselves. Weaker enemies will often die outright when caught on a barrier. Barriers are useful when placed in choke points, but they’re easily destroyed as well.

Decoy: Decoys distract enemies and can take some of the heat off you and your teammates during waves where the sheer number of opponents can be overwhelming. They’re best placed near more valuable fortifications, like turrets and weapon lockers, to keep enemies from destroying your other defenses, or inside kill lanes where you’ve set up turrets to chew threw foes.

Machine gun sentry: Machine gun sentries are automatic turrets that detect and shoot at enemies within a certain radius in front of them. They’re great for watching stairs and choke points, particularly when paired with a barrier.

Shock sentry: Shock sentries have a more narrow field of view than machine gun turret and they slow enemies instead of damaging them.

Turret: Unlike sentries, turrets must be manned — a player takes the reigns and aims, holds the trigger down, and unleashes hellfire on every enemy in sight. Turrets are probably the single most valuable fortification you can build, as they absolutely shred most enemies. They’re easily overtaken since they’re stationary, but with the right defensive arrays they’re essential. They are often what will keep your team going through wave 50.

Weapon locker: Weapon lockers are also highly valuable. Weapons you store in them automatically and freely regenerate ammunition — so you grab a power weapon off the field, use almost all its ammo, then stick it in a locker for a round. That way you get a constantly rotating arsenal of heavy weapons. Upgrading the lockers even lets you store more than one weapon on each.


Surprisingly, the Gears of War 4‘s new microtransaction system may be the most complex, intimidating new aspect of Horde mode. It’s actually simpler than it seems, though, and can be less intrusive — as long as you don’t mind advancing a little more slowly than those who cough up cash. No doubt this will prove a contentious point, but there are ways to navigate the card system one way or the other.

You can spend either real money or credits earned in-game on booster packs that contain a random assortment of cards. They’re pretty cheap, and the credits earned in-game seem to arrive at a steady clip, at least for the first several hours of playing. Once you have cards you can equip them, use duplicates to upgrade them, or dismantle them to earn “scrap,” which you can then use to craft specific cards.

These packs are divided by mode. For now we’ll talk about just the Horde booster pack cards, which contain both bounty and skill cards.

Skill cards: These cards allow you to equip class-specific abilities that provide your class’ unique strengths. A soldier, for example, can use “assault rifle damage” and “cover boost” (extra armor while in cover) cards. As we mentioned before, the Heavy can equip a card that makes them do more damage against marked enemies.

You have to pick and choose which to equip, especially early on when your skill card slots are limited. The classes don’t have these abilities naturally, but gain them when you equip the corresponding card, so picking the right ones is just as important as picking the class itself.

Bounty cards: These cards give you experience or credits for completing certain tasks, like beating wave 20 on hardcore difficulty or getting 100 kills with assault rifles. You equip them before the game starts, in the bottom right corner card slot. Pretty self-explanatory, and essential for leveling up, which, again, is a shockingly slow process.

Often after a lengthy Horde session you’ll head back to the menu and see you’ve earned enough credit to grab a new card pack, which is just icing at that point. Otherwise, if you have lots of cash and nothing better to spend it on, just buy as many as you want. You’ll get the bounties to level up your classes more quickly (which you’ll be very happy about) and the skills to beat wave 50, which even on normal difficulty is a serious challenge.

Here’s the best advice for “Horde 3.0:” keep trying. Even through failing you learn and improve, both in your skills as a player and within the class you’re playing as. Maybe unlocking a new skill slot for your heavy and getting a few more points of damage with turrets is all you need to win, or maybe you just need to stay up all night banging your collective heads against waves 48, 49 and 50 just to say you did it.
Either way, have fun. ... e-guide/2/ &


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PostRe: Gears of War 4 (XB1/Win 10) - Out now!!
by Monkey Man » Mon Oct 17, 2016 1:16 pm

Photek wrote:
Pedz wrote:Is there a setting, like on PS4, to allow your voice to be broadcast?

I've no idea, I think it's in their personality settings, cos MM could be heard. To be fair the xbox's told them they would not be heard... maybe when it pops up hold onto X button and it'll bring you to reason...

Yep a notification pops up, hold the X button which takes you to a menu where there is a check box.


PostRe: Gears of War 4 (XB1/Win 10) - Out now!!
by 7256930752 » Mon Oct 17, 2016 1:17 pm

Photek wrote:Just out of interest, Glowy and Hime. do you have the Twitch app? I wonder if you need that to be able to broadcast your voices.

Yeah I do, I'll have a look at the settings.

Do you think it would be best to stick to certain classes? I doubt any of us have the time to level them all up.

*edit* Never mind, thanks MM.

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PostRe: Gears of War 4 (XB1/Win 10) - Out now!! Horde 3.0 Guide (p26)
by KingK » Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:00 pm

In my 1 game I played as a Scout. It seemed to be a decent class for me. However I'm happy to try the other classes out

Glowy - no sweat. I saw you dive off seconds later so guessed youd finished for the night. Maybe this week sometime?

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PostRe: Gears of War 4 (XB1/Win 10) - Out now!! Horde 3.0 Guide (p26)
by Photek » Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:11 pm

In Monkey Mans tips for Scout it also says:

Equip this skill and tell everyone else to kindly f*** off from gathering power, and your team's war chest will be so much better for it.


Hime, yeah best stick to the same classes.

I'm very happy being jonny scout pants, also, if we could choose different characters to use as 2 of yee used same avatar...I'll be the chick. MM is the beardy guy, outof time is the black lad...

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PostRe: Gears of War 4 (XB1/Win 10) - Out now!! Horde 3.0 Guide (p26)
by Photek » Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:14 pm

Maybe we all choose avatars and have em in OP, just a thought when everyone is up and running. :)

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PostRe: Gears of War 4 (XB1/Win 10) - Out now!! Horde 3.0 Guide (p26)
by Glowy69 » Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:21 pm

We'll stop picking up the money when you stop killing the last enemy :shifty:

Fabian Delph is a banana split.

Drumstick wrote:I'll go on record in stating that Villa won't finish inside the top 6 this season.

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PostRe: Gears of War 4 (XB1/Win 10) - Out now!! Horde 3.0 Guide (p26)
by mcjihge2 » Mon Oct 17, 2016 6:21 pm

The scout pick up bonus only applies during the round. In between rounds the scout gets no pick up bonus. However the scouts deposit bonus will still apply. That tip to leave the last enemy alive is a good one.

The turrets are the best offence. I was in a game with a random German guy who really knew how to deploy/ shoot/ pick up and move to a new position / deploy - repeat, really effectively. got to round in the mid 30s before i had to go. I was an engineer with 40% repair efficiency - so i just followed him around restocking the ammo.

The active reload boost for the soldier is an interesting one.

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PostRe: Gears of War 4 (XB1/Win 10) - Out now!! Horde 3.0 Guide (p26)
by Photek » Mon Oct 17, 2016 6:30 pm

That guide is great, looking forward to dem tactix!

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PostRe: Gears of War 4 (XB1/Win 10) - Out now!! Horde 3.0 Guide (p26)
by mcjihge2 » Mon Oct 17, 2016 6:37 pm

Tagging enemies (aim then left thumb stick press) is really useful. Pouncers and guardians being particularly sneaky.

The rifles, shot guns and pistols replenish ammo between rounds, but the sniper doesnt (not sure about the boomshot, torquebow etc), so its best to leave the ammo chests to snipers (and heavies?).

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PostRe: Gears of War 4 (XB1/Win 10) - Out now!! Horde 3.0 Guide (p26)
by Photek » Mon Oct 17, 2016 6:39 pm

We have an odd situation of horde being quite popular, I can see folk being left out in coming days and weeks! :(

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PostRe: Gears of War 4 (XB1/Win 10) - Out now!! Horde 3.0 Guide (p26)
by mcjihge2 » Mon Oct 17, 2016 6:41 pm

Also, If you use the zombie Dom avatar, every so often he says "BRAINS!!"which can be quite disconcerting.

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PostRe: Gears of War 4 (XB1/Win 10) - Out now!! Horde 3.0 Guide (p26)
by mcjihge2 » Mon Oct 17, 2016 6:53 pm

Lucien wrote:Do you pretty much need to level up your character before going for 50 waves? And you do that via playing the class in horde?

I would imagine with good tactics and a co ordinated team you could get to 50 waves on casual or normal with the starting power ups and classes at level 1.

I got to mid 30s with randoms on hardcore - with my level 1 engineer, not sure what the other guys had, but given that the game has only been out a short time and thier level where no much higher than mine (about 35) it should be a 'need' to have your class fully levelled. But it does help.

And yes you up you class level by completing horde waves. If you google it, its estimated that on insane/hardcore you have to do 4000ish waves to get to level 10 and on casual its about 8000. (or somthing, just google it)

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PostRe: Gears of War 4 (XB1/Win 10) - Out now!! Horde 3.0 Guide (p26)
by KingK » Mon Oct 17, 2016 8:15 pm

What time are we Hordeing tonight then chaps?

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PostRe: Gears of War 4 (XB1/Win 10) - Out now!! Horde 3.0 Guide (p26)
by mcjihge2 » Mon Oct 17, 2016 8:18 pm

Its a bit confusing but: ... 843c/posts

And from another google search:

The Gears of War 4 Horde mode has not only brought new enemies, but it has also introduced a new class system. While playing the game, if players quit after the first wave, they will be required to play 8000 casual waves in order to reach level 10 in that particular class. Similarly, quitting after the 10th wave requires around 7300 casual waves and it goes on. Those who play until level 50 will need only 5700 casual waves to hit level 10. Similarly, the normal, hardcore and insane play requires around only 3900, 2900 and 2300 waves respectively to reach level 10.

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PostRe: Gears of War 4 (XB1/Win 10) - Out now!! Horde 3.0 Guide (p26)
by Monkey Man » Mon Oct 17, 2016 8:29 pm

Turret Health - 20% additional health for manned turrets, additional 20% per level

1 thing I'm not sure about. Does this apply to all my teams turrets or only the turrets I place?

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PostRe: Gears of War 4 (XB1/Win 10) - Out now!! Horde 3.0 Guide (p26)
by KingK » Mon Oct 17, 2016 11:27 pm

So another game with randoms tonight. Reached wave 31 but I gave up with the selfishness of some of them. No reviving. No talking. No saving of credits to buy the turrets. No leaving the credits for me, as scout, to pick up for increased value. Just everyone for themself largely. We must have had dozens of useless barriers dotted around and zero turrets :fp:

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PostRe: Gears of War 4 (XB1/Win 10) - Out now!! Horde 3.0 Guide (p26)
by KjGarly » Tue Oct 18, 2016 12:32 am

Yeah randoms can be right banana splits. Had some smashing King Of The Hill games of late but today has been a rift ball ache. People starting the games and then not moving from spawn points which was annoying as they weren't getting kicked for inactivity then people quitting mid game. Why bother starting if your going to be a twat?

Yeah it's been a rage filled day in Gears for me, though I've hit rank/level 42 today might just hit 50 tomorrow and trying to save my coins for an Elite Pack (3,500 coins needed, at around 2,700 now)

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PostRe: Gears of War 4 (XB1/Win 10) - Out now!! Horde 3.0 Guide (p26)
by KingK » Tue Oct 18, 2016 10:42 am

Are we Hordeing tonight? From 9.30pm probably best suits me if anyone around then? :shifty:

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PostRe: Gears of War 4 (XB1/Win 10) - Out now!! Horde 3.0 Guide (p26)
by KjGarly » Tue Oct 18, 2016 4:37 pm

And finished the campaign! I guessed quite early on in the game that Kaits mum was related to Queen Myrra so I did grin when she showed her grandmothers pendant. Sitting through the credits now, isn't there supposed to be an end credits scene?


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