GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2014 - The Grand Unveiling

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PostGRcade Christmas SigSwap 2014 - The Grand Unveiling
by Mockmaster » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:00 pm


I would like to present to you all, the Christmas SigSwap Superstars of 2014.

Over the last 2 weeks, 42 39 brave soldiers have toiled heart and soul to provide beautiful forum signatures for their partners. Below, are the fruits of this labour. Each SigSwap Superstar is required to wear their Sig until Christmas.

Every year I try and think up something amazing and beautiful for this pre-Unveiling pre-amble, but let's face facts; no-one actually cares about this bit, so let's just get on with the main event.

Thanks to all those that took part and see you next time.

Now, scroll down for the good stuff. Take your time and absorb each Signature and the accompanying descriptions.

SigSwap Superstar Partnership #1

Somebody Else's Problem and Clarkman


Somebody Else's Problem wrote:If there's one thing I know about Clarky, it's that he achieves more in one year than most people do in their entire lives. If there's another thing I know about Clarky, it's that he's into poker. Because both poker and Christmas have cards, I decided to go with that. I'm a man with a simple sense of humour.

Anyway, merry Christmas Clarky! Have a good one


Clarkman wrote:Somebody Else's Problem loves Christmas. I have chosen to represent two dominant parts of his character: naughty and nice. Naughty is his legacy as Internet Pervert, and nice is the kind office worker on probation for assault charges :slol:

To most of us he will always be MCN, so I have gone for a Christmasy insult as the centrepiece.

Happy Christmas you big festive bastard :wub:

SigSwap Superstar Partnership #2

Ad7 and Albear


Ad7 wrote:Our glorious mod leader awakens on the day after All Hallow's Eve morning to find not only a copy of his favourite soccerball game for his Sony Xbox, but his generals have one more surprise for him to view from his Mod bunker. LAUNCH THE GIFT!

I remember Albear having a crap taxidermy avatar so i hope this makes some sort of sense.

Follow Me on Facebook -

Albear wrote:Ad7, aka "Croydon Trap Stahh" has been a solid member of GRcade since may 28th, 2009.

Whilst Yahoo searching cheats for "Nigel Mansel Racing" for the Atari Jaguar, AD7 stumbled upon what is now known as the "Facebook thread". (Then known simple as "MSN Messager, the future of all communications Official Thread wakarimasen tasukete yamete!") and has remained a valuable and generous poster ever since.

Educated to 5 GCSE's level, AD7 spent his younger years excelling whilst working at Hedge End's Waitrose, behind the Meat Counter, and it wasn't long before he met his future wife there. (Jasmine "Jazz" Kindelson from Delicatessen).

AD7's star shone brightly, and before too long he had quickly climbed his way up the ladder, eventually ending up as "Assistant Digital camera and portable DVD player Manager" at Tandy's, located in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire.

There he remained for 17 years, until tragedy struck, and a freak accident involving a Sony PVR 2040 and a Logistix SHL Shutterflex resulted in AD7 spending 18 months at New Streets Children’s hospital.

Whilst Doctors were able to restore all of AD7’s bodyhair, they unfortunately were unable to resolve issues surrounding his Inner linear cortex, the part of the brain that controls a person’s ability to post on Facebook as themselves, or their choice in motor vehicle.

Despite believing he is now a 32 year old full time mummy from Telford, Ad7 has continued to contribute to GRcade, and has given us such classics over the years as

So tru hun it so tuff bein a fool time mum xxx

Inbox me k babz

My mum's vibrator had more bhp than that. Same colour though.

Go as your mum, you're guaranteed a shag then :datass:

Like your mum's ass.

Lol wot r u giyz lik

And my personal favourite

Downloaded the firmware 2.01 update yesterday but as it didn't state what was fixed (e.g. the Rest mode pulsing yellow light) I still switched the whole console off when I finished. Can anyone confirm if the Rest Mode bug has been fixed by this mini update? I left it on rest all night and it was ok...

I can only hope that the signature I have created can entail just some of the respect, admiration and love I hold for AD7.

I salute you AD7 and wish you Godspeed. You are a prince amongst common men, and a shining light to us all.

God bless


SigSwap Superstar Partnership #3

Dangerblade and Spindash


Dangerblade wrote:Two obvious things come to mind when thinking of Spindash: Manchester City and Sonic the Hedgehog. I wanted to capture Manchester City's title win, as they are indeed the current holders, but I was alerted to a problem: Yaya Toure would kick up a fuss if I used his image to wish good tidings to somebody else. Therefore, in a SEGA font on a Manchester City shirted background, I wish the right honourable Spindash Merry Christmas. And a Christmas-hatted Yaya, too. Sonic also makes an appearance, as does a "hashtag", which I understand will be the number one gift this Christmas.

Spindash wrote:Good evening. Here is my sig for Dangerblade. :wub:

As I'm not very artistic I decided to keep it simple. I have paid homage to the two individuals who I most associate with the great Dangerblade. On the left is Seung Mina from Soulcalibur, who was the subject of his avatar on old GR. It was quite difficult to find a suitable image of her, as opposed to images of people dressing up as her. On the right is Rachel Riley of Countdown fame. In this case, there was a wide selection of hi-res images to choose from. As it is Christmas, they are both wearing festive hats. Finally, the Christmas greeting is in the Sonic the Hedgehog title font, as it is one of his favourite series of games.

SigSwap Superstar Partnership #4

Dan. and rinks


Dan. wrote:I didn't have to go too far to learn much about rinks: a quick look at his GRcade profile tells me that he is currently aboard the train that goes around the world. I've assumed (possibly erroneously) that rinks is UK-based, so I've shown the train setting off from the British Isles and heading into Europe. Volgarr the Viking is shown sailing around the Bay of Biscay simply because rinks has mentioned that his is a game he's enjoying currently. The Black Sea, on the other hand, is inhabited by a fish bowl man, as this is rinks' current occupation. I've included a couple of toilet stops on rinks' journey simply because rinks apparently likes to mention his bathroom visit regularity on his blog. Also featured is Zhang Lanlan, because she went missing for six years and it would seem that rinks also went MIA for a similar length of time. On the off-chance that their fates were similarly entwined during their six-year hiatuses, I thought it best to include her. She is positioned to the far east of the globe for geographical thematic consistency. As for the band 'chilling' in the Alps - well, I have no clue who they are or what they're doing there. Merry xmas rinks!


rinks wrote:Sepp Blatter sits on the Iron Throne, laughing at Dave Grohl throwing a snowball at two mating polar bears. My original design had, instead of the polar bears, Jill Dando dressed as Santa Claus buggering an elf, but it didn't look right once it was reduced to sig size.

SigSwap Superstar Partnership #5

Hyperion and abcd



Hyperion wrote:A sig for abcd. He doesn't have sigs turned on so I thought this was fitting. He can also choose a swear-free sig as well, but he probably doesn't give a gooseberry fool. Happy Christmas abcd! :D

abcd wrote:I noticed that Hyperion likes to play Mario kart....

So here is a picture of Mario Kart. You will notice that Hyperion himself is driving one of the karts. He has the body of an ape but the head of a king.

I'm not sure who the king is, but he has a rather lovely red hat.

In fact, all the other characters have a lovely red hat.

You will also notice that the lead character in the banner (Mario. The one at the front) now has a white beard. This represents a figure in christian cultures as a "Father Christmas"

SigSwap Superstar Partnership #6

LewisD and Errkal

LewisD wrote:Santa wouldn't use a sleigh and shitty reindeer in Errkal's universe.
He'd hit the apex of present delivery with his Ferrari F1 car, powered - as you can see - by a handful of smaller F1 cars.

As you can see, Errkal himself is at the helm of the Ferrari, delivering presents to all over the night skyline of London - though I don't quite approve of the drink driving/flying.
The whole sig is given a 16-bit-esque pixellation as a homage to our brotherly gaming heritage.

Merry Christmas one and all!


Errkal wrote:My inspiration for this piece was the wonderful festive season, the fry up this person excels at making, and the Yorkshire Pudding.

SigSwap Superstar Partnership #7

kommissarboris and jawafour



kommissarboris wrote:I apologise now for the mess I have created :fp:

I apologise to Jawafour personally, and the forum as a whole, I didn't want to be that guy who makes a strawberry floating shame of a sig. This is the best of four attempts before I got tired and angry with my sausage balloon fingers trying to manipulate a laptop touch mouse thing, this is no excuse, and again, I apologise.

It's possible to look upon the above abhorrent gathering of images as ironical, when compared to Mr Jawa's legendary Sig and image making glory's, unfortunately this is not, this is a homage, not just Jawa's love for Ninty, but also a mirror into me, as a piss poor artist on T'puter.

Wee Reggie's face makes me smile though. :simper:

I think Jawafour plays COD too, thus Mario with bazooka and camo gear.

Happy Xmas, holidays, Christmas and what eva the strawberry float.


jawafour wrote:Image link

Image content description
- Stalin because... that's Boris!
- Blade Runner,Terminator and film strip - Boris is a film buff and these are two of his favourites.
- Lego Metalbeard ship - Boris is a Lego fan and he built this model.
- Soviet fist - the POWER of the Kommissar!
- Sega Saturn - Boris got this at Christmas 1995. Happy times!
- Nintendo Gameboy - Boris' mum bought this for him at Christmas 1989 :-).
- Louise Nurding / Redknapp - a girl that Boris "likes"...
- Christmas tree and snowy background - dat festive spirit :datass:.

SigSwap Superstar Partnership #8

Poser and Fade


Poser wrote:I've always thought Fade seemed like a likeable chap, but I realised on starting this exercise that I know little about him - he seems to keep his cards pretty close to his chest.

So I did what I always do when short of other ideas - opted for a terrible play on words.

I hope he likes it!


Fade c/o Falsey wrote:Yeah its the wrong (right) scoob in the pic, but thats what poser gets for buying the wrong one in the first place. Hopefully santa brings him some wonderful grooming supplies to make up for being jilted by his sig brother.

SigSwap Superstar Partnership #9

Ironhide and Seven


Ironhide wrote:"The image of my epic masterpiece came to me in a shaman-like vision during a night of cheese fueled dreams, unfortunately I lacked the skills to create it so made this instead"


Code: Select all


Seven wrote:Also made a bonus avatar, if he wants to use it:

Code: Select all


I hope he likes it!

I don't really know Ironhide much, considering we never talk to each other but he does seem cool guy and I do know he likes Transformers. I've spent a while trying to find Transformers christmas but none of them seem good so I just went for generic, though pretty Christmas tree as background. I've wanted to do transparent signature of sorts, so... here it is.

I also wanted to do avatar since I haven't done one in while, so I made it in avatar form if he wants to use it.

SigSwap Superstar Partnership #10

Rog and Skarjo



Rog wrote:Obviously we know he likes Scar Jo. So I took a look at his post history and it was 90% Doctor Who and Pokemon. I don't like Pokemon so I strawberry floated that off and made this sig of Scar Jo as The Doctor. Amy Pond returns in a christmas jumper just as Santa is giving the greatest gift. Pretty much made this for myself :lol:
The avatar is chrismassy wiss-missy. Deal with it.


Skarjo wrote:As ever, my SHITTY AS ALL strawberry float paint skills are clear for all to see. I don't know Rog particularly well, but a search of his post history seems to show that he's spent a lot of time recently playing Driveclub and his potential funeral song is Highway to Hell by AC/DC. As such, I thought I'd give his death a Christmassy spin and have everyone's favourite saint driving down a wintery highway (to hell) whilst, of course, on strawberry floating fire. Happy Christmas Rog!

SigSwap Superstar Partnership #11

JChalmers and Qikz


JChalmers wrote:It's StayDead, you know it's going to be Christmas Anime themed and hell least we can all sleep sound this festive season knowing that with this weather he has no deadly hayfever to worry about ;)


Qikz wrote:Dear Super Nintendo Chalmers

I recieved your Christmas letter early this year and while I think it's admirable of you to want a pony, I think this signiture would be better at least for now. You never know what you might find under your tree Christmas day if you've been a good boy!

Through christmas magic I saw you liked Warhammer fantasy so I'm hoping that although I haven't seen you really mention them that you like the ogres as much as my elves have told me. Ogre Santa, my cousin has been seen with his elves leaving presents all around the world and I hope you will enjoy yours come Christmas Day!

I'm sorry it isn't a masterpiece, but I hope you like it and have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Y2K15.

SigSwap Superstar Partnership #12

Lucien and Faust


Lucien wrote:I know he likes UKIP, so here is Nigel Farage (UKIP's leader) lording it up over David Cameron and Ed Milliband, who are elves. Look, it says UKIPmas. It's like Christmas but a UKIP version.



SigSwap Superstar Partnership #13

Dual and Photek


Dual wrote:Please find above my bespoke Xmas sig for the forumite known as Photek -

I have never had any interaction with this forumite before and I know very little about her, however a long 5 minute read of Photek's latest posts revealed a great deal of information. Here is what I learnt:

Photek LOVES England; his country of residence. I know he will be proud to wave the St.George's flag throughout the month of December. Be proud Photek. God save the Queen.

Photek's 2nd love is England's national sport 'soccer.' Now to be honest, what I know about soccer could be written on a very small piece of paper, but what I do know is Manchester United are a big deal in this sporting industry. Therefore it seemed obvious to me to include the 'Man You' logo in the sig somewhere.

Finally Photek is a big gamer (who isn't? lol) and from what I can gather he is currently enjoying the hit PS4 title Destiny, so I had to get the main character from the game on the sig. I have adorned the sig with other Christmas + Playstation related paraphinalia, please note: the Xmas tree made up of the PS controller buttons; sackman dressed up as Father Christmas; a dual shock controller dressed in a santas hat. So festive, very Christmas.

I needed a personal touch to make the sig Photek's so I found a great quote from his post history which I feel really sums up his character.

'Unless you on the dev team you dont know anything, and you're merely speculating.'

A true gamer through and through.

Well that's it, I hope you like the signature Photek. As you can see I spent a lot of time on it.

Merry Christmas




Photek wrote:He mentions, 'the boys' or 'out with the boys' a lot and also having 'banta with the boys' so took that as my inspiration and he goes on about going to the gym... not much to go on really apart from that, couldn't find out what football team he supports or even which console or games he prefers.. :fp:

SigSwap Superstar Partnership #14

Moggy and The Watching Artist


Moggy wrote:My stalking of The Watching Artist revealed that he has a Wario avatar and supports Arsenal. Shockingly I found out that he is also a fan of Doctor Who! Who would have guessed!

My artistic abilities are appalling and I can only apologies that you have to wear this monstrosity over Christmas. Just pretend that I have done it as a joke and that this isn't the best I can do. If it helps you forgive me this is actually the second sig that I made for you, just imagine how bad the first one was.... :dread:



The Watching Artist wrote:On Sunday I'm going to a special Doctor Who event and meeting various former cast members and as such I've got stuff to do like work out how to kidnap them all. By which I mean try to hard and fail spectacularly. Thus it proves to be a metaphor for life. A true work of art. Something that bridges the mundane and the metaphysical. Something that teaches us to be more then we are, to reach for the stars. Something........ wanky.

Yours truly,
That banana split that plays Mario Kart

SigSwap Superstar Partnership #15

Alvin Flummux and Jay Adama


Alvin Flummux wrote:Merry Christmas to you all! This year, my partner was Jay Adama, a jovial chap of the sort you don't find much of nowadays, except in Jay Adama's house, where wishes come true on a daily basis, where wives are won and lives are lost, where things go on that you don't quite understand, but seem fine at the time.


So, just like last year, I did the usual sig swap research; profile, post history, you know the drill. I found out some horrifying things, but we'll get to that later. Fortunately, I also found out that the man presently dwells up in the Scotch capital, and he's learning about Japan. Strange place to learn about it if you ask me, should've done a Fanboy and went to Canada to steal PSPs from gullible-yet-desperate Brits if you ask me, but I digest. If that's what he's into, far be it from me to criticize... Anyway, along the way I also discovered a love of small fat Italian go-karters, and some Star Wars references scattered hither and yon. He's also a stickler for the rules! Such a stickler.

Aaaanyway, I've gone on long enough. Here it be, for all o' ye (but mainly Jay Adama), my Xmas Sig Swap 2014 submission... behold!

(JPG link if necessary:


Jay Adama wrote:Alvin Flummux
I decided to go simple this year and try to not draw on Alvin's penchant for big ladies or the fact he lives in America. We share a love of Doctor Who so I combined this with his Kabutops avatar and placed it in a chrsitmas scene. Enjoy!

Bonus Avatar:

SigSwap Superstar Partnership #16

The Alchemist Penguin and Fatal Exception



The Alchemist Penguin wrote:I have submitted two sigs, because I'm a rebel!

I wanted to keep it (slightly) classy, so tried to go with the traditional Christmas theme of red backgrounds with barely readable cursive text. A Happy Fatal Exception can have many meanings: Perhaps the reader will have enjoyed the post he made that this sig is below, or perhaps FE is wishing that you'll have a happy death. I'll leave that open to interpretation, but hopefully this sig will make him a Happy Fatal Exception.

I had this impression in my mind that FE had a fondness for Asian ladies, and so I thought he'd appreciate them making an appearance in his sig. In case I'm wrong, I decided to provide a backup. His posts in GGC suggest he's a fan of Assassin's Creed (particularly 2, which is, of course, the best one), and so I also provided the sig in a "Christmas Ezio" variant.

(If you like neither of these things, I'm so, so sorry. :dread: )


Fatal Exception wrote:I had a look through a few pages of TAP's post history and couldn't find much about him other than he likes games. So I thought I'd stick to the facts. He likes penguins, alchemy and Apollo Justice. I thought I'd be topical and use the John Lewis Advert, the mail order bride comment is in relation to the ending of that advert, not his taste in ladies. Much photoshop skills.

SigSwap Superstar Partnership #17

Kezzer and Karl


Kezzer wrote:These are the best I could do while bobbing around in the ocean with only my phone. One is the sig the other is a special handwritten card for Karl which is okay for the rest of the forum to see.

Please pass on my apologies and condolences to Karl for this abomination.

Thanks a million!



Karl wrote:On Christmas Day, Kezzer is thrilled to receive his import of Big Fat Ugly Douglas Goes To Military School (また、私の息子名はボルトです, Nammu Son assu Bortu-san), and naturally strokes his Thrustmaster flight stick all night 'til Boxing Day.

SigSwap Superstar Partnership #18

Falsey and 1cmanny1


Falsey wrote:A very southern hemisphere christmas celebration


1cmanny1 wrote:Sorry for my bad photoshop skills (although it is better than my last effort). The sig says it all really. I am glad you didn't die from ebola xox.

SigSwap Superstar Partnership #19

Stugene and aayl1


Stugene wrote:In order to see a special screening of Die Hard on Wednesday the 24th of December - Christmas Eve, Aayl1 must appease Orange Wednesday by defeating the strongest Smash Brother of all: Little Mac. However, this Christmas miracle does not go according to plan, and the combined forces of King Dedede and Ganon are defeated by the festive gloves of Little Mac. As the two Smashing Brothers lay defeated, a single snowflake falls into frame. By the time we pan out to Mac, the snow falls hard on their bodies. Fade to white.

Merry Christmas.


aayl1 wrote:Attached is my sig for Stugene. I noticed he had that girl from that moe anime k-on on his sig already, so I put in her with a christmas hat in case he is scared of unfamiliar things. Also he posts a lot about Nigel Farage, so he made it in too, Christmas style. Finally I put some snowflakes in coz it snows at crimbo innit?

I am sorry I am bad at image creation, Stugene. I am very sorry.

SigSwap Superstar Partnership #20

ianf and Lagamorph


ianf wrote:I've artfully turned Laga into a snowman who wants a free house, as he likes getting stuff for free, or something, he won't abide slow internet and he posts awful pictures in the pics and gifs thread. Which is lovingly represented by him shitting on the ground. Thx.


Lagamorph wrote:Well, Elmo comes from the avatar of course, and Santa there is on the beach in Australia, perhaps the real life ianf come Christmas day. And, as far as I know, he's Scottish and likes football, hence a Scottish football.

That or I've researched completely the wrong person

SigSwap Superstar Partnership #21

Frank and Dark Dragon 64


Frank wrote:Do you ever have one of those concepts that you can picture in your head that looks perfect, but then when you get it down it's a disgrace?

I'm so sorry.

I knew that Dragon was fairly big in the GRcade Mario Kart games, so that set the main theme for the sig, then I noticed this post from Floex, setting up what I assume is some kind of rivalry. So with that in mind, I set about creating a nice christmassy sig for Dragon, where, instead of dishing out justice in Mario Kart, he instead goes around dishing out wonderful presents in his Christmas Kart (I was going to add fairy lights and a bit more decoration, but I forgot).

I've tried to keep it stylistically similar to his current sig, because I liked how Samus poked out further than the background. Classy.


Dark Dragon 64 wrote:I started by looking at Frank's post history in GGC which led me to a post about Nintendo toys in McDonald's Happy Meals. 'Rosalina or bust' gave me the idea to try to find a Christmas image of Rosalina and work from there for Frank's sig. I found a great image of Rosaline and a Christmas tree which makes up the background of the sig.

After reading some of Frank's other posts I saw that he liked Dr Who and Lego. I couldn't work out exact characters to use from these franchises but I did manage to find the Tardis snow globe which I thought would make a great addition to the sig. Finally, to build upon the Lego idea, I looked for a Lego Santa who takes his place opposite Rosalina, on the other side of the tree.

Merry Christmas!

And that's it. 42 Sigs.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone.


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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2014 - The Grand Unveiling
by Albert » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:05 pm

Well I'm not going to lie, I love my Sig.

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Alvin Flummux
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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2014 - The Grand Unveiling
by Alvin Flummux » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:05 pm

Good effort this year, I'll wear mine with pride. :wub:

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2014 - The Grand Unveiling
by Spindash » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:07 pm

I love it. Thank you Dangerblade :wub:

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2014 - The Grand Unveiling
by False » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:09 pm

Thanks manny :wub:

Even though you spelt my name wrong in the middle, I still love it.

Some really, really good ones this year.

Last edited by False on Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2014 - The Grand Unveiling
by Albert » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:11 pm

To be fair, it's a difficult word to spell what with getting all 6 letters correct and in the right order.

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2014 - The Grand Unveiling
by Kezzer » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:12 pm

KARL! :wub:

It is brilliant wish I could have done one as good for you :oops:

This post is exempt from the No Context Thread.

Tomous wrote:Tell him to take his fake reality out of your virtual reality and strawberry float off

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2014 - The Grand Unveiling
by Herdanos » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:13 pm

Just tried to change my sig:

User Control Panel wrote:Your images may only be up to 550 pixels wide.


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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2014 - The Grand Unveiling
by Frank » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:14 pm

Saving the best until last there, Mocky 8-)

Amazing scenes :wub:

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2014 - The Grand Unveiling
by Ironhide » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:14 pm

I'll definitely be using that avatar.

Nice work Seven.

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2014 - The Grand Unveiling
by Lagamorph » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:17 pm

[iup=3621113]Dan.[/iup] wrote:Just tried to change my sig:

User Control Panel wrote:Your images may only be up to 550 pixels wide.


And only 150 high which mine is more than :(
Can't we temporarily disable (or increase) the limits just for sigswap period?

Last edited by Lagamorph on Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Zellery wrote:Good post Lagamorph.
Turboman wrote:Lagomorph..... Is ..... Right
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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2014 - The Grand Unveiling
by Jay Adama » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:17 pm

Cheers Alvin! This is pretty much my life summed in a 315x70px image so good work.

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2014 - The Grand Unveiling
by Qikz » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:18 pm

[iup=3621115]Ironhide[/iup] wrote:I'll definitely be using that avatar.

Nice work Seven.

The avatar made me burst out laughing for some reason, it's so simple yet so funny.

Thanks for the sig Chalmers the writing on it is unbelievably true. <3

The Watching Artist wrote:I feel so inept next to Qikz...
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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2014 - The Grand Unveiling
by Mockmaster » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:21 pm

[iup=3621121]Qikz[/iup] wrote:
[iup=3621115]Ironhide[/iup] wrote:I'll definitely be using that avatar.

Nice work Seven.

The avatar made me burst out laughing for some reason, it's so simple yet so funny.

Thanks for the sig Chalmers the writing on it is unbelievably true. <3

Also I love that Seven calls him Ironman.

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2014 - The Grand Unveiling
by Mockmaster » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:24 pm

Anyone who's sig is too big I will resize for you, just let me know. Dan. and Laga, I have PM'd you.

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2014 - The Grand Unveiling
by Errkal » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:26 pm

Thanks LewisD it's awesome! Got to love that v8 gift giving sound!

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2014 - The Grand Unveiling
by Victor Mildew » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:26 pm

Holy gooseberry fool at the extension girl and penguins one :lol:

Thanks Albear :wub:

Can a mod put my sig in please as the massive blank space strawberry floats up getting the link on my iPad.

Hexx wrote:Ad7 is older and balder than I thought.
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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2014 - The Grand Unveiling
by That » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:28 pm

The sig limits have been lifted for Christmas. :)

Kiezer (KEZZER): Thanks so much, the sig is great, and I loved the card! :wub:

(EDIT: Though I'm going to make it just a little bit smaller, just so it doesn't annoy anyone - I hope that's okay!)

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2014 - The Grand Unveiling
by Skarjo » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:29 pm

Love it.

Thanks Rog!

Karl wrote:Can't believe I got baited into expressing a political stance on hentai

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2014 - The Grand Unveiling
by Rog » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:29 pm

There are words but my sig does not motivate me to use them.

:wub: It needs resizing though which I will do when I get home. I've gone from dead donkeys last christmas to a funeral song and dead-on-arrival-game based sig. That is sort of a step up.

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