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Re: GRcade Takes On Sick Kids Save Point 2015 - Sign Ups Now!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:23 am
by SEP
Cheeky Devlin wrote:
Somebody Else's Problem wrote:How does one go about streaming? I want to get set up and make sure everything is working in plenty of time, and get some practice in.

Assuming you're talking about streaming from a PC to a site such as Twitch here's a quick guide to setting up OBS.

Here's some more in depth stuff about OBS settings, with respect to Twitch.

This will help you choose the best bitrate settings for your connection speed.

I'd spend plenty of time doing test streams and getting the hang of what you can do with OBS. It's free and quite versatile. There's loads of ways to tweak the stream.

Test each game you want to stream individually. Different games can "hook" into streaming software with greater degrees of success than others so make sure you know how to get each game working properly.

If you're going to be playing multiple games over the course of your stream, test out the transition from game to game. If you have a second monitor you can set it as a "projector" which shows exactly what image you're sending out.

Learn how to load images, text elements and so on into your stream. Plugins can be extremely useful for adding in dynamic elements such as timers, chat logs etc.

If possible have another PC, or tablet next to you, that you can view the stream on. That way you see what your viewers will see along with any problems you might not be aware of on your end.

Finally, do a dry run before hand with everything in place. Make sure you can transition between games, all your elements work properly and that it streams to the site ok.

If it's console games you want to stream then you have two options.
1. On PS4/XBOne you can use the built in streaming capabilities, but you lose the higher resolutions and all the customisation options.
2. Get a capture device that takes the signal from the console and feeds it to the PC, where you can run it through OBS, complete with all the same abilities as PC games. The Elgato HD60 is pretty good from what I hear.

Thanks man, I think I got it. Over the coming weeks and months I will be doing several test broadcasts to make sure everything works OK.

Re: GRcade Takes On Sick Kids Save Point 2015 - Sign Ups Now!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:21 pm
by Cheeky Devlin
Just a quick post to give a MASSIVE THANKS to LewisD for his extremely generous donation!

You sir are a scholar and a gentleman, and we salute you! :toot:

Re: GRcade Takes On Sick Kids Save Point 2015 - Sign Ups Now!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:37 pm
by SEP
After that extraordinarily generous donation, I'd like to up my target to £150 please.

Re: GRcade Takes On Sick Kids Save Point 2015 - Sign Ups Now!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:44 pm
by SEP
I've chucked in a tenner, because it wouldn't be fair for me to ask people to donate without doing so myself.

Re: GRcade Takes On Sick Kids Save Point 2015 - Sign Ups Now!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:13 pm
by Cheeky Devlin
Somebody Else's Problem wrote:After that extraordinarily generous donation, I'd like to up my target to £150 please.

Done. :D

With SEP's donation we are now at £88 pounds! That's already 10% of our target raised in a single week! :toot:

Great job guys!

Re: GRcade Takes On Sick Kids Save Point 2015 - Sign Ups Now!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:16 pm
by SEP
Cheeky Devlin wrote:
Somebody Else's Problem wrote:After that extraordinarily generous donation, I'd like to up my target to £150 please.

Done. :D

With SEP's donation we are now at £88 pounds! That's already 10% of our target raised in a single week! :toot:

Great job guys!

I've just shared the JustGiving link with the GameCentral Lives group on Facebook, too. Might even bring in some more members!

Re: GRcade Takes On Sick Kids Save Point 2015 - Sign Ups Now!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:20 pm
by Cheeky Devlin
Somebody Else's Problem wrote:
Cheeky Devlin wrote:
Somebody Else's Problem wrote:After that extraordinarily generous donation, I'd like to up my target to £150 please.

Done. :D

With SEP's donation we are now at £88 pounds! That's already 10% of our target raised in a single week! :toot:

Great job guys!

I've just shared the JustGiving link with the GameCentral Lives group on Facebook, too. Might even bring in some more members!

Excellent news.

I've been co-ordinating with Orange Rakoon on SONM and they're going to feature this on their front page as well. Might get a few participants from there to join us. In addition we've been knocking about the idea of doing a GRcade X SONM fundraising battle next year, so that'll be fun.

Re: GRcade Takes On Sick Kids Save Point 2015 - Sign Ups Now!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:25 pm
by JChalmers
I'd consider it. Think if I was gaming for 24 hours though I'd want to do something like Diablo 3 on a console, just keep levelling and looting.

I'll let you know ASAP though, birthday is on the 12th Oct so it all depends whether we've got plans.

Re: GRcade Takes On Sick Kids Save Point 2015 - Sign Ups Now!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:30 pm
by Roonmastor
I'm interested in doing something for this. I thinking something Co-op with some other GR guys, but no idea what would work for 24 hours. If anyone is interested in joining on that, or wants to pitch a game, then great!

Re: GRcade Takes On Sick Kids Save Point 2015 - Sign Ups Now!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:11 pm
by coldspice
File me under the 'in' column.

I'd like to raise £100 if I could. Is it not possible to have the GRcade JG page as a 'team' then? I think it would work alot better then as we can see individual amounts raised.

Fair enough if not, I'll work out what I'll do.

Re: GRcade Takes On Sick Kids Save Point 2015 - Sign Ups Now!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:18 pm
by SEP
Roonmastor wrote:I'm interested in doing something for this. I thinking something Co-op with some other GR guys, but no idea what would work for 24 hours. If anyone is interested in joining on that, or wants to pitch a game, then great!


EDIT: Suggestion from one of the people at Gamecentral Lives:

It was just a thought as I wonder if people would be willing to pay for say an hour joining in. Maybe even see if that wretched Stampy Cat or Ballistic Squid would donate time to get it more promoted and generate interest from wider audience.

Re: GRcade Takes On Sick Kids Save Point 2015 - Sign Ups Now!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:43 pm
by Cheeky Devlin
Minty14 wrote:File me under the 'in' column.

I'd like to raise £100 if I could. Is it not possible to have the GRcade JG page as a 'team' then? I think it would work alot better then as we can see individual amounts raised.

Fair enough if not, I'll work out what I'll do.

The way it works is that you set up a JG page and join the SKSP6 team. The guys who run SKSP wanted to be able to keep track of the overall total raised without having to go round every person taking part and adding it up, which having a team allows you to do. That meant that there was no way for us to have a GRcade group with lots of individual pages AND be part of the SKSP team. We'd have to have set up our own Team and it meant that everyone taking part from GRcade would have to set up their own page. It would also prevent us from being listed on the SKSP6 Team page and we wouldn't be contributing to their total.

Like I said before if you'd prefer to have your own individual target, that's not counting towards the GRcade one then you can of course do that. NBK has his own page and is doing quite well for it.

Whatever you want to do is cool. It's all money towards a great cause. :D

Re: GRcade Takes On Sick Kids Save Point 2015 - Sign Ups Now!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:49 pm
by Corazon de Leon
I'm kind of swaying - I'd like to be part of the team effort, but at the same time I don't want to be advertising the forum to family and friends who might come on here and see the kind of gooseberry fool I post on here, all day every day. :slol:

Re: GRcade Takes On Sick Kids Save Point 2015 - Sign Ups Now!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:50 pm
by Slayerx
Should hear back from work soon about a donation of £100 :)

Re: GRcade Takes On Sick Kids Save Point 2015 - Sign Ups Now!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:55 pm
by Cheeky Devlin
Corazon de Leon wrote:I'm kind of swaying - I'd like to be part of the team effort, but at the same time I don't want to be advertising the forum to family and friends who might come on here and see the kind of gooseberry fool I post on here, all day every day. :slol:


Text donations are your friend. Only the online donation provides a link to the forum.
Slayerx wrote:Should hear back from work soon about a donation of £100 :)


Re: GRcade Takes On Sick Kids Save Point 2015 - Sign Ups Now!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 6:42 pm
by OrangeRKN
Just to let you know that we've made Devlin's thread on SONM a global as well as featuring this on our home page. I hope to take part, we're just trying to think about the possibility of getting a Civ 5 game going for the 24 hours. If that's of interest to anyone here then do let me know (:

Re: GRcade Takes On Sick Kids Save Point 2015 - Sign Ups Now!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:20 pm
by Nintendoofus
OrangeRakoon wrote:Just to let you know that we've made Devlin's thread on SONM a global as well as featuring this on our home page. I hope to take part, we're just trying to think about the possibility of getting a Civ 5 game going for the 24 hours. If that's of interest to anyone here then do let me know (:

Hello there GRcade! I am one of the mods over at SONM, and I think a civ game would be pretty cool to do. I was also thinking of a couple of other games, and if there's any Awesomenauts players afoot that might be a neat idea for a bit of VS action for a good cause.

Re: GRcade Takes On Sick Kids Save Point 2015 - Sign Ups Now!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:27 pm
by That
Thanks for coming over! A 24-hour game of Civilization does sound pretty radical. :D

Re: GRcade Takes On Sick Kids Save Point 2015 - Sign Ups Now!

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 7:35 am
by Tragic Magic
I'd probably be interested in Civ V. I would like to take part in this I think but I need to look into streaming and see if I can do it. I wouldn't want to take part without streaming as I imagine most people outside of the forum wouldn't see the point in playing a game at home for 24 hours.

Re: GRcade Takes On Sick Kids Save Point 2015 - Sign Ups Now!

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:41 pm
by NBK
Cheeky Devlin wrote:
Somebody Else's Problem wrote:After that extraordinarily generous donation, I'd like to up my target to £150 please.

Done. :D

With SEP's donation we are now at £88 pounds! That's already 10% of our target raised in a single week! :toot:

Great job guys!

Dat progress :datass:

Brilliant to see so much chat around this, and welcome to our SONM compatriots too!

I've yet to formulate any kind of schedule for mine, I can see more time being spent thinking about all the games that I won't be getting to play!