[GRWC8] Does Gaming Become Irrelevant...[Article]

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Post[GRWC8] Does Gaming Become Irrelevant...[Article]
by A.I. » Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:27 am

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Anonymous wrote:Does Gaming Become Irrelevant - The Three Principles

Despite recent studies releasing information that the average gaming age has increased to approx 25-28 in male and female genders does this fact truly reflect the current situation, and more importantly, does it apply to me? I am an 18 year old student and after beginning to fade away from my PS2 from late 2006 - I decided to take a plunge and purchase my heart racing desire, a PS3. But why a year later, have I only used it sparingly by myself, moreso with friends, for a total of probably a weeks game time?

I have been a gamer ever since playing Mortal Kombat on the SEGA Mastersystem II, then I was given a Nintendo Gameboy with Super Mario Land 1/2 for christmas, in either 1994 or 1995 meaning that I have been involved in gaming for at least 10-11 years. Through this time I have seen the inception of 3D Consoles, myself purchasing a Playstation back in 1997, a Playstation 2 in 2002, and finally a Playstation 3 in 2007, as well as numerous hand held consoles, PC Games and a short lived experience with Nintendo Gamecube and XBOX 360. Yet as I look back on some of the great titles I have played, the Metal Gear Solid Series, The Grand Theft Auto Series, Halo, Tomb Raiders, I seem to have come to a point where Gaming has become Irrelevant. No longer do I sit for hours on end meaninglessly trying to accomplish the completion of a game within the fastest time, or in order to unlock that extra secret. Or even just to have a good "session".

A Matter Of Interests?
It may be argued that in fact gaming is not as popular with me certainly as it used to, due to a change of interests, more outside interests and activities, but this could'nt be more false. In fact I regularly join in discussions with the UK and USA gaming community, always checking the latest news via the internet and magazine medias, and to be truly honest, the past few months has seen me do pretty much nothing at all, which I find weird as why is this time, in which I am doing nothing, not being devoted to a good old game?

For example, I still recall hammering away at the mudane yet addictive career modes of WWF Attitude, and the Smackdown PS2 series, way into the early hours of the morning, often forgoing any outstanding homework I should of completed or revision for prior exams. So what has changed? I have summed it up to three basic principles.

The Principle Of Expense
The Principle Of Quality.
The Principle Of Interest.

The Principle Of Expense
Having my own employment now means I have to foot the bill for gaming software myself, however, my purchases before were if anything rare - I was never a spoilt child. Maybe the fact that £38-50 for a game which I may very well complete within a few days is off putting. Surely a game I anticipate months before release should also off great replay value?

The Principle Of Quality
This is perhaps the most defining and yet the most controversial Principle. Despite many fans of all games and consoles to me for my console, PS3, there are not enough quality games that would allow me great replay value or interest. Namely the reason I brought a PS3 -was of my like for the Playstation consoles, my back catalogue of PS/PS2 Games, and Metal Gear Solid 4. (Of course other games, GTA/WWE/Warhawk/ were also wanted) But due to the MGS Series only being on the PS3 that was a sole reason. Now it seems that there is no game I wish to play. I have interest in others, but I'm disappointed that besides online, I pretty much feel no point in replaying MGS. I have camo, and all so why continue?

The Principle Of Interest
The above pretty much leads me to assume that subconsciously with a degree of unawareness, I have just, not grew out - that would suggest gaming is childish, but moved away from gaming. It no longer holds the huge interests that it used to. Sure it is great to have multiplayer battles with friends, to pass the time having a virtual shoot out or kick around but other than that, my PS3 is collecting dust, only being used for DVD/Blueray viewing. Which is to say I have something I paid £450 including games, an extra controller for little over a year ago, which is being used as a standard DVD player, in honesty. It appears that I would rather watch a whole TV Series, a film or even go the gym instead of a game.

Summary Can It Really Be True??
I guess I have to admit personally I've just lost interest. Which is shocking to myself, and fellow friends. Especially with the birth of next gen, it is just that no game appeals to me in the next year. People will indefinitely read this article and state the endless list of awesome games that are to be released, but the fact is none appeal to me. I find myself playing on my PS2 games more now than ever, if I ever use the machine. I have the pinnacle of gaming consoles a few feet away which has lay dormant for the past 45 days.

Pray For Me!
I have even considered removing it, trading it in, at least for a 20GB version, I have a sense of possession over it, I do not want to get rid of the PS3 all together, because I fear that as soon as I do I will have a craving for gaming again. I have considered another console but after having a 360 and taking it back not long after I feel that a WII would be pointless for my needs. The same occurred with the PSP - which was a great technological feat, and addicting, yet the cost of games for that and my PS2 was off the chain. In conclusion I do not believe that it is a matter of age, no -no , it is a matter of interest. Yet somehow I have lost. Pray for me.

All comments and feedback welcome. Thank you.

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PostRe: [GRWC8] Does Gaming Become Irrelevant...[Article]
by Clarkman » Thu Aug 21, 2008 3:30 am

Reads like a blog entry instead of an article. Interesting yes, but some scope would have been cool.

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PostRe: [GRWC8] Does Gaming Become Irrelevant...[Article]
by Pilch » Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:30 am

Clarkman wrote:Reads like a blog entry instead of an article. Interesting yes, but some scope would have been cool.

I was thinking exactly the same thing.

It's a strong article that I can definitely relate to, but I'll point out a couple of things that can easily be corrected because I'm helpful like that. ;)

People will indefinitely read this article...

I'm afraid that doesn't really make sense. Consider replacing "indefinitely" with something else.


Yeah, yeah, I know it's a real word. That doesn't make it any less horrible. Please use "addictive" instead!

There are several other typos and grammatical errors but I'm not going to highlight them all as you are the competition, after all. I hope this doesn't all seem too negative. That's not my intention at all. I feel it's only fair to mention a few simple improvements that can be made.

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PostRe: [GRWC8] Does Gaming Become Irrelevant...[Article]
by TS2Master » Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:47 pm

??? wrote:could'nt

Oooh that made me cringe. How can you write so nicely for the first bit and make a mistake like that? Although it was probably a slip of the fingers on the keyboard.


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PostRe: [GRWC8] Does Gaming Become Irrelevant...[Article]
by TS2Master » Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:57 pm

Right, I finished reading it now, and there were more funny spelling mistakes but I don't care about that.

As an article I would say it was poor, mainly because of the structure. As Pilch and Clarkman said; bloggish.

I also felt there wasn't much of a sense of conclusion about the piece. The final answer is very much what I expected after one line. The article had little effect on my preconceptions and thus, I give this

4/10 Nice try, but not my cup of tea.

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PostRe: [GRWC8] Does Gaming Become Irrelevant...[Article]
by Unsung » Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:27 pm

I understood what you were getting at, but there were a lot of grammatical errors that other people have already pointed out and then some.

"...and so if we're all stuck working in Microsoft's mines one day, I just want you let you all know that I strawberry floating called it."
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PostRe: [GRWC8] Does Gaming Become Irrelevant...[Article]
by Hero of Canton » Fri Sep 12, 2008 4:10 pm

Not the worst piece, but far from the best. It does read like a blog entry, and I'm not keen on the structure, really. That said, you do make some interesting points, and I can empathise with some of what you're saying.

Anyone that enters this is alright by me, so well done for entering, but this isn't getting a vote from me. Sorry.

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PostRe: [GRWC8] Does Gaming Become Irrelevant...[Article]
by Kinetic » Sat Sep 13, 2008 4:19 am

No offence to the author but the way in which this piece was written made it nigh-on impossible for me to read without a confused frown. It almost felt as though it was written in someone's second language, which I suppose may or may not be the case (if so, then well done!), if not, then well...

It may be argued that in fact gaming is not as popular with me certainly as it used to, due to a change of interests, more outside interests and activities, but this could'nt be more false. In fact I regularly join in discussions with the UK and USA gaming community, always checking the latest news via the internet and magazine medias, and to be truly honest, the past few months has seen me do pretty much nothing at all, which I find weird as why is this time, in which I am doing nothing, not being devoted to a good old game?

This paragraph in particular seemed particularly bad.

A good effort, but won't be receiving a vote from me, sorry.

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PostRe: [GRWC8] Does Gaming Become Irrelevant...[Article]
by Eighthours » Sat Sep 13, 2008 11:02 am

I think Kinetic's onto something. It could be a second language, or the author might be deaf. Under either circumstance, to write a piece like this would be an achievement in itself and I don't mean that in a patronising way.

Taken by itself without applying any of the above context to it, there are far too many grammatical and sentence structure issues for me, and some of the writing almost comes across as "stream of consciousness". However, the theme of the article is one that I'm sure many on here have thought about from time to time, and as such it held my interest to the end. I won't be voting for the piece, but the basic idea was sound enough.

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PostRe: [GRWC8] Does Gaming Become Irrelevant...[Article]
by Suffocate Peon » Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:41 pm

It does read a bit slowly. The beginning of the second paragraph detailing the consoles you've owned is really uneeded. I can identify with the feelings so I quite liked it. But it's a bit of a uninspired moan, like you're proposing all these suggestions as to why you might have become bored by gaming, but should have done all this before writing the article and then focussed on what's really the root of the apathy.

I don't really think expense or outside interests factor. Imo, it's nothing to do with principles and whatnot; gaming isn't evolving at the same rate as it used to and isn't nearly as exciting anymore. Same old stuff, and at a time when gaming is no longer fresh for you as a player.

For example, I still recall hammering away at the mudane yet addictive career modes of WWF Attitude, and the Smackdown PS2 series, way into the early hours of the morning, often forgoing any outstanding homework I should of completed or revision for prior exams. So what has changed?

...could have just lead onto something about how those wrestling games were for the first time, excellent. The peak of wrestling games, what with how comprehensive they were with the create-a-wrestler options.

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