Halo 5: Guardians (Xbox One) - Coronavirus Relief Fund DLC (p81)

Anything to do with games at all.

PostRe: Halo 5: Guardians (Xbox One) - Hammer Storm out now inc Halo 1 pistol & Firefight announced!! (p68)
by 7256930752 » Sun Feb 28, 2016 9:38 am

Finally picked this up yesterday and played the multiplayer for most of the evening. It took me a good 7-8 games to get back into the swing of things, I'm not sure if it's just the fact that I've had such an extended break from playing Halo multiplayer or if this is substantially different. Once I got back to grips with the DMR and pistol I messed around with the new player options. The hover aim and being able to slam are great additions to the gameplay and in my opinion a much better idea than having load outs so that players have different abilities. The parkour stuff works fine for the most part.

I tried a few of the game modes and so far there is nothing that will take me away from arena or SWAT. I've never been a big fan of BTB and getting spawn sniped three times in a row did nothing to change my opinion. I'd like to see some of there other maps but I can't see me playing this very often. I'm not sure what I think of Breakout yet, it's a cool idea but I just had no feel for how many shots it was taking to kill enemies.

Bit gutted I haven't played it sooner really. I was so disappointed with MCC that I forgot that I love Halo and actually enjoyed H4 quite a bit.

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PostRe: Halo 5: Guardians (Xbox One) - Hammer Storm out now inc Halo 1 pistol & Firefight announced!! (p68)
by Photek » Mon Feb 29, 2016 9:47 am

Played this for hours lastnight, warzone assault and BTB. I think people who haven't played Halo 5 berate it for the boost controls and ground slam move but like looking down the sights, it just feels normal.

You can't parkour Titanfall style and run along walls generally it just amounts to being able to pull yourself up onto a platform. The boost isn't overly complicated either, it's just a small boost in any direction.

I find unless the enemy is miles away, that I don't look down sights using any weapon and they work aswell, picked up Halo 2's BR in warzone and it was amazing. Special mention to the sound effects, playing with my new headset is amazing.

343 have managed something Halo 4 and Reach (to some extent) haven't, which is, where Reach and 4 tried to ape COD, Halo 5 has now gone the other way, it's quintessentially a Halo online game that is nothing like its competition, the amount of free stuff puts COD/BF4's season passes to shame.

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PostRe: Halo 5: Guardians (Xbox One) - Hammer Storm out now inc Halo 1 pistol & Firefight announced!! (p68)
by RockerShaun » Mon Feb 29, 2016 11:00 am

343 definitely to be commended for the constant and free DLC. I suspect the REQ system is subsidising this and while I am no fan of the REQ system in particular, it is fun to open packs and if muppets that spend real £s on these gives me free maps that's always a bonus. I think they've got the balance about right with it. Good to see the old modes coming back too. Still really wish it wasn't quite so easy to kill people though. Particularly in modes like Warzone where there are bullets flying around all over the place. Improve the shitty radar while there at it and this might start to compete with some of the older games.

Looking forward to the Halo Reach update in particular - hoping for some old maps like Ivory Tower. Also firefight, will be great to see it again - I think the game needs this as it's quite difficult to fill out the AI killing commendations on just regular warzone as so few AI bots appear and it's not often you manage to get the killing blow on the bigger enemies.

I also wish there was still a permanent skill rank rather than just the monthly ones that are reset every month. Surely they could add that while still keeping the monthly leagues?

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PostRe: Halo 5: Guardians (Xbox One) - Hammer Storm out now inc Halo 1 pistol & Firefight announced!! (p68)
by Photek » Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:00 pm

I also enjoy opening Req packs in between games, how many types of warthog's are there though? :dread:

No suspecting about it though, the Req packs are indeed subsidizing all this free content, which as you say, is fine by me, at time of writing I have 6 scorpions, 6 wraiths and 5 sniper Rifles in the bank to be used. Warzone Firefight will probably take over from Warzone Assault when it drops, I can't wait for the Reach content, my expectations are big cos 343 must have a massive team working on this since launch.

I understand why you don't like the ranks resetting every month, personally I've no problem with it, when I play Arena I'm playing with pretty much similar ranked people which is the point, I dont understand why it takes 10 matches to rank you tho, surely 4-6 would be enough, flip side is that the more matches to rank you the better division it can put you in, and its not set in stone, if you play well enough you'll go up and down divisions within that month, I haven't changed emblem but regularly gone from Platinum 2 up to Platinum 6 (or the other way around, you can't go down as such tho).

I'm loving BTB, it has 8+ maps now as far as I can tell, 6 or so are based on Halo 3 maps, it brings back all the old memories. Arena is all about power weapons, to be honest, it does literally say that at start of slayer games, I can't use the Hydra canon or incinerator AT ALL so I avoid, the shotgun/scatter shot is still lethal, the sound effects of killing someone with it at close range is exquisite. The SMG is boss though, get a guy at medium distance and he's fooked! I have a Pizza assault rifle which is cool, love that the skins can be used in all game types while the weapons are used in Warzone.

The old Halo annoyances remain, they're not too bad and can be said for most online games but since BTB isnt ranked you do get some highly skilled players (although majority will play in Arena) and some under skilled folk who just don't know whats going on, I can accept not knowing maps like headlong and stuff but was playing strongholds and the amount of noobs who wouldnt stand in the stronghold with me (increasing speed of claiming) was bizarre, they'd stand OUTSIDE the area, we lost a game purely from idiots, also across Warzone AND BTB I can never get someone to get into my Warthog, I beep about and stuff and nothing, I remember in 3/Reach I'd have no problem getting someone to use the turret, in a slayer game, a good warthog team can own the opposition. The flip side is that I'm getting used to the Gungoose, totally mullered the other team in CTF last night, was great! :datass:

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PostRe: Halo 5: Guardians (Xbox One) - Hammer Storm out now inc Halo 1 pistol & Firefight announced!! (p68)
by Monkey Man » Wed Mar 02, 2016 8:46 pm

Finished the campaign today, enjoyed it and would probably give the campaign 8/10. No really outstanding levels but solid throughout. Will continue to play Warzone & Firefight and happily jump into some co-op campaign.


PostRe: Halo 5: Guardians (Xbox One) - Hammer Storm out now inc Halo 1 pistol & Firefight announced!! (p68)
by 7256930752 » Fri Mar 04, 2016 9:40 am

Had a few games of BTB last night, one of the CTF games was one of the best games of Halo I've ever had. In the dying seconds of overtime the enemy flag carrier gets killed a gnats cock away from scoring which led to an amazing battle to return the flag.

After this game I remembered why I shouldn't play Halo when tired and irritable.

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PostRe: Halo 5: Guardians (Xbox One) - Hammer Storm out now inc Halo 1 pistol & Firefight announced!! (p68)
by Photek » Fri Mar 04, 2016 9:50 am

Last second denials of CTF or Captures make Halo what it is, I played a great game of one Bomb Assault the other night, we went 1 down but the back and forth for rest of game with each team nearly arming it was amazing, we finally won 2-1 but it was hard. I reckon a team of Grcaders would kill on Arena.

Since BTB, Grifball, Bomb game types have dropped including a few maps, we haven't had a grcade sesh, I'm definitely playing tonight from about 8, if anyone wants to play just hit me up with a message or join my fireteam. :)


PostRe: Halo 5: Guardians (Xbox One) - Hammer Storm out now inc Halo 1 pistol & Firefight announced!! (p68)
by 7256930752 » Fri Mar 04, 2016 10:28 am

A good game of slayer can be equally good. In my experience Halo has bigger swings than a lot of other games in that a 8-9 deficit can be made up fairly quickly with some good play.

I'll be on tonight.

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PostRe: Halo 5: Guardians (Xbox One) - Hammer Storm out now inc Halo 1 pistol & Firefight announced!! (p68)
by mcjihge2 » Fri Mar 04, 2016 3:35 pm

Firefight!!??? That should have been included in launch. I will start playing it again when that drops.

Is the DMR easier to get in Req packs yet?

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PostRe: Halo 5: Guardians (Xbox One) - Hammer Storm out now inc Halo 1 pistol & Firefight announced!! (p68)
by Photek » Fri Mar 04, 2016 7:28 pm

mcjihge2 wrote:Firefight!!??? That should have been included in launch. I will start playing it again when that drops.

Is the DMR easier to get in Req packs yet?

I don't have it yet but mate has! :x


PostRe: Halo 5: Guardians (Xbox One) - Hammer Storm out now inc Halo 1 pistol & Firefight announced!! (p68)
by 7256930752 » Fri Mar 04, 2016 8:39 pm

Once you get it, you always have it?

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PostRe: Halo 5: Guardians (Xbox One) - Hammer Storm out now inc Halo 1 pistol & Firefight announced!! (p68)
by Photek » Fri Mar 04, 2016 10:05 pm

Hime wrote:Once you get it, you always have it?

Well the name escapes me but if you get a 'type' of that gun then yeah you always have it, still need points in warzone to unlock. I won't be on tonight as I'm watching terminator genysis, hime are you on my friends list?


PostRe: Halo 5: Guardians (Xbox One) - Hammer Storm out now inc Halo 1 pistol & Firefight announced!! (p68)
by 7256930752 » Fri Mar 04, 2016 11:03 pm

Photek wrote:
Hime wrote:Once you get it, you always have it?

Well the name escapes me but if you get a 'type' of that gun then yeah you always have it, still need points in warzone to unlock. I won't be on tonight as I'm watching terminator genysis, hime are you on my friends list?

I think I know what you mean, I opened all my req packs tonight and got a special SAW which I think is what you mean. When you get the card can you use the credits you use to buy req cards just to buy that gun?

Yeah you're on my friends list.

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PostRe: Halo 5: Guardians (Xbox One) - Hammer Storm out now inc Halo 1 pistol & Firefight announced!! (p68)
by Monkey Man » Sat Mar 12, 2016 2:19 pm


The next Halo 5 content drop is on the way, and teams across the studio are hard at work to get things finished, polished, and ready for the early April release. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be taking a closer look at what’s inside, and some new visuals are not too far below. Ghosts of Meridian will bring with it brand new weapons and weapon skins, helmets and armors, assassinations and emblems, vehicles, and a new Warzone map. Speaking of the last two, let’s…speak a little bit about the last two.


Our newest Warzone battleground, Skirmish at Darkstar will allow you to battle it out amidst scattered elements of colonial reclamation as humanity attempts to take back the world’s charred surface.

The upcoming map brings an entirely new feel to the Warzone experience, with a variety of unique sightlines, flank routes, and cover pieces that invite you to push across and throughout the map, dodge danger from patrolling vehicles, and perfectly time an attack on opponents. If you’ve been anxiously awaiting a new place to bust out your finest REQs and lay down destruction, this is it.

To take a closer look at the map, we’ll start by unveiling some fantastic art from the concept team, with a note from Josh Kao:


For Skirmish at Darkstar, the team decided on having a derelict ship in the middle of the map on the mining planet of Meridian - which you can see to the left of the concept. I originally thought about having a space elevator in the concept, but we decided against it because there was already one in the campaign. I also wanted to capture the mood of what a mining planet would feel like, with the sunlight peeking through its heavily polluted atmosphere.

We’ll be showing you more of Skirmish at Darkstar as we get closer to the update, and Grim will be diving into the fiction around the map in a future Canon Fodder, but for now, here’s another brand new screenshot, hot off the presses, just approved by the Environment Art team this morning:



You first saw a sneak peek of it during our last live stream. You asked WHAT IS THAT THING?! And we haven’t told you yet. But now we are. It is the Hannibal Mantis. Here’s the first look at some official concept art:


We’ll be diving into more details on both of the above items as well as everything dropping with Ghosts of Meridian – from REQs to game updates – over the next few blogs, and of course, a live stream.

More at the link - https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/comm ... -the-storm

Also congrats to GRcade Spartan Company who recently passed 2000 Multiplayer Games between us.

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PostRe: Halo 5: Guardians (Xbox One) - Ghosts of Meridian out early April, preview (p69)
by Garth » Sun Mar 13, 2016 2:57 am

Lttp here, just getting into the online side of this now - Arena is fantastic! Only gripe I have so far is I think the hammer combined with both sprint and the boost move is a bit crazy, I was slayin' foos all over the show with that combo :slol:


PostRe: Halo 5: Guardians (Xbox One) - Ghosts of Meridian out early April, preview (p69)
by 7256930752 » Sun Mar 13, 2016 9:30 am

Amazing fan service with these updates.

Can't wait to play some more when I'm not dying of cold.

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PostRe: Halo 5: Guardians (Xbox One) - Ghosts of Meridian out early April, preview (p69)
by Monkey Man » Fri Mar 18, 2016 3:07 pm

Halo 5 is £22.50 or £34.62 on Live until very early on Monday morning.
Halo World Championship starts at 4pm today, final is 11pm on Sunday with a $1m 1st prize.
Get a Free Req Pack if you watch the final.
There's a sneak peak at Firefight during Sundays final.

More details below -

Halo 5: Guardians Digital Editions 50% Off During HaloWC Weekend

For those of you who haven’t picked up a copy of Halo 5: Guardians, this may be the deal you’ve been waiting for! Starting now until midnight PT on Sunday, you can purchase the digital Standard or Deluxe editions of Halo 5: Guardians for 50% off through the Xbox Store.

Get Ready for the Halo World Championship 2016

With more than 900 registered teams and over 4000 players from around the world competing in the biggest Halo tournament ever, it’s finally time to find out who will stand at the top of the podium at the Halo World Championship 2016!

Starting tomorrow, 16 of the best Halo teams hailing from the United States, Mexico, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore will battle each other to determine who will earn the title of Halo World Champions and win their share of the $2.5 million prize pool. The winning team will be crowned Halo World Champions and receive $1 million – the biggest individual prize in console esports history!

The Story So Far…

Each of the 16 teams have fought and won against their respective peers to get to the world stage, and each team carries something heading into the tournament. For many of the squads based outside the U.S., such as Mexico’s Chosen Squad or Team Immunity from Australia, it will be up to them to prove to the world that they’re ready to compete against the traditionally stronger North American players. Others are excited to see how far the U.K’s two titans, Epsilon eSports and Team Infused, can go in the tournament with the potential to become a dark horse in the race.

For North America, all eyes will be on rivals Counter Logic Gaming and Evil Geniuses, who have battled since the start of the tournament in December. Top teams such as Team Allegiance and Denial eSports are also positioned to win it all, bringing a great contrast of veteran leadership versus raw talent.

Earlier this week, we shared where and when fans can tune-in to watch the playoffs starting at 9 a.m. PT on Friday and Saturday, followed by the Finals at 4 p.m. PT on Sunday – don’t forget to tune-in during the Finals to receive the free Halo World Championship REQ Pack and watch the world premiere of Warzone Firefight!

Below is the full schedule and a few more special things planned going into the weekend!

Friday, March 18: Halo World Championship Playoffs – Day One
4 p.m. to 3 a.m. GMT via Twitch.tv/Halo (Mainstage) and Twitch.tv/ESL_Halo (Second Stage)

Saturday, March 19: Halo World Championship Playoffs – Day Two
4 p.m. to 4:30 a.m. GMT via Twitch.tv/Halo (Mainstage) and Twitch.tv/ESL_Halo (Second Stage)

Sunday, March 20: Halo World Championship Finals
11 p.m. to 1 a.m. GMT via the XLEi app on Xbox One and Twitch.tv/Halo

And for the complete match schedule visit Halo.gg.


Tune-in to Receive a Free Halo World Championship REQ Pack and HaloWC Gamerpic

What better way to show your love for Halo esports than to wear it on your (armored) sleeve? In celebration of the tournament, anyone who watches the Finals broadcast – starting on Sunday at 4 p.m. PT on their Xbox One (through the Xbox Live Event Interactive app) or Twitch – can get the Halo World Championship REQ Pack for free. This special HaloWC REQ Pack includes the all new Ultra Rare “Challenger” armor set and HaloWC 2016 emblem. Act fast as this is only available until 9 a.m. PT on Mar. 21! Also, as a special thank you to the Halo esports community, Xbox is rolling out a Halo World Championship Xbox One Gamerpic throughout this week for the entire community.


First Look at Warzone Firefight during Sunday Finals

Since Warzone Firefight was first teased during the “Hammer Storm” Content Update unveil last month, Halo fans have been chomping at the bit for more information on this exciting new PvE mode. Get a sneak peek at Warzone Firefight during the Finals broadcast on Sunday, March 20, providing a glimpse at what’s to come later this year.

https://news.xbox.com/2016/03/14/tune-i ... this-week/ & https://news.xbox.com/2016/03/17/get-re ... ship-2016/

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PostRe: Halo 5: Guardians (Xbox One) - £22.50 on Live this w/e. Halo World Championship starts at 4pm. $1m 1st prize (p69)
by Monkey Man » Fri Mar 18, 2016 3:23 pm


Maps/Gametypes -


Groups -


Schedule, add on 7hrs for UK Time i.e 9.25am PST = 4.25pm GMT -


Final on Sunday from 11pm to 1am.

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PostRe: Halo 5: Guardians (Xbox One) - £22.50 on Live this w/e. Halo World Championship continues at 4pm. $1m 1st prize (p69
by KingK » Sat Mar 19, 2016 2:42 pm

Snapped this up at that price. God knows when I'll play it though

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PostRe: Halo 5: Guardians (Xbox One) - Halo WC final at 11pm, tune in for a Free REQ pack/1st look at Firefight (p69)
by Monkey Man » Mon Mar 21, 2016 12:12 am

The Free Halo World Championship REQ Pack is up now on the store until 4pm on Monday. CLG 2-0 up in the final v Allegiance at Twitch.tv/Halo .


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