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How hard do you like it?

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:28 pm
by Peter Crisp
With the news that the Destiny 2 new raid has only been completed by 18 people in the first day I thought it would be interesting to see just how tough you like games to be?

Do you think content that can only be completed by a handful of the community is a good thing as it really sets the best of the best from the rest or would you prefer that at least a decent number of players can at least have a chance to complete it?

I personally don't mind being beaten by a game if I feel I've tried and the game felt fair and it was just me being gooseberry fool but if I feel the game is just pointlessly hard simply for the fun of being pointlessly hard it just pisses me off. I also don't see the point in games like Dark Souls not having a less difficult mode as I'm unsure how it takes away from the people who want to play the harder modes?

So, how hard do you like it?

Re: How hard do you like it?

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:32 pm
by Pedz
I'll give it to you as hard as you'd like.

Re: How hard do you like it?

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:32 pm
by Spindash
Nothing against difficult games in general, but there are not many quicker ways for a game to lose my interest than for it to claim "being hard" is a feature.

Re: How hard do you like it?

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:39 pm
by Peter Crisp
Pedz wrote:I'll give it to you as hard as you'd like.

Thanks :toot: :toot: .

Re: How hard do you like it?

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:56 pm
by Alvin Flummux
I like a good challenge, and if I enjoy the game enough playing on Normal I'll give it another run on a harder difficulty setting.

Re: How hard do you like it?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 1:00 am
by Kriken
I like games to be hard but I don't mind there being lower difficulty settings - preferably when you're locked to a difficulty on a save file though, as I don't like the temptation of being able to lower the difficulty.

That said I almost always pick the 'normal' or middle difficulty option when I first play through a game because among other reasons I want to complete the game in a reasonable timeframe. And another big reason is that I don't feel like difficulty scales up well in some games. Sometimes enemies just become damage sponges and action is mostly just prolonged/made more frustrating than challenging. Sometimes you also may not be equipped to take on hard mode yet as a newbie.

I did go through a stint of starting off on hard though, and if I like the game enough or want more of it, I'll play it again on hard. I'll always do that on an Advance Wars game.

High difficulty can force you to approach a game in ways you otherwise wouldn't, making it a lot more enjoyable and satisfying when you overcome the challenge.

Re: How hard do you like it?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 6:49 am
by Errkal
I hate difficult games.

I want to play a game for fun and getting ass pounder dry over and over by a game isn't fun.

I play everything on easy because I want to play and go through the game and just enjoy it.

If I'm steaming through with no challenge I'll up the diff as I don't want to walk in everything drop fldead, but I don't want to have repeat stuff over and over until I luck into a win.

Re: How hard do you like it?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 8:32 am
by Ste
I dont know anything about Destiny and that seems a little OTT but generally I think if the game does it right/fair you get the most out of the experience playing it on the harder settings.

I'm currently playing Halo 2 on Legendary and I'm absolutely loving it after being someone who thought it was average after playing it when it first came out years ago.

Also playing Arkham City on Hard. Just recently got passed the fight with Joker were he calls in a load of goons, the one arm clown and a titan. Must have took me over 30 attempts (I'd only upgraded combat armour once which didn't help) but I never once got frustrated. I knew I could do it and it was fair and I just had to be better. I actually really enjoyed it.

I think when a game is harder so you can't just whizz through it that is when you really get to appreciate the level design and having to master the combat element makes you appreciate it more and get the full true experience.

Re: How hard do you like it?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 8:43 am
by Cumberdanes
I typically like a bit of a challenge but not at the expense of the game being fun. I think From get this idea nigh perfect with the Souls games. Every failure leaves you better prepared for success.

That said I’m not above playing something super easy that I can just breeze through for a Platinum Trophy.

Re: How hard do you like it?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 10:54 am
by rinks
I like games that are designed to be easy, and games that are designed to be hard. Given a choice, I'll start on Normal but replay later on the hardest setting (unless it's an epic-length game - no time for that). As far as I know, I've never given up on a game because it's too hard. I'm stubborn and will not be beaten.

Re: How hard do you like it?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 11:06 am
by Death's Head
Errkal wrote:I hate difficult games.

I want to play a game for fun and getting ass pounder dry over and over by a game isn't fun.

I play everything on easy because I want to play and go through the game and just enjoy it.

Pretty much the same, but I'll normally start on normal and only when the game reaches a point of frustration will I set the level down to easy. I do sometimes get frustrated on easy in which case I resort to saying stupid things like "I chose easy because I expect it to be strawberry floating easy" expecting the PC/console to automatically lower the difficulty further.

Re: How hard do you like it?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 3:28 pm
by Ironhide
I nearly always play on 'normal'' difficulty setting the first time I play a game but might crank it up to a harder setting if I'm feeling it's a bit too easy.

I don't like it when games penalize you for playing on easy though, like the original Devil may cry did by basically removing an entire section of the game in the easy campaign, that was quite annoying.

Re: How hard do you like it?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 3:52 pm
by Manwell Pablo
Depends on the game and the achievements connected to it. I do tend to not play on harder difficulties if there is no reward but normally I am good enough to tackle most harder difficulties if I take it on. But like a lot of people on here time is not exactly at a premium these days so prefer to not have to have loads of attempts at something.

Ultra hard/inconceivable type difficulties are normally where the line gets drawn though.

Re: How hard do you like it?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 3:56 pm
by Tragic Magic
I always play games on "hard" these days. I think it's ever since playing the SoulsBorne games. Nothing scares me anymore.

Re: How hard do you like it?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 8:51 pm
by Corazon de Leon
I'm capable of playing any game on hard difficulty settings. Whether I do or not really depends on whether or not I feel like a challenge, but I'll never go below the intermediate level.

Re: How hard do you like it?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 9:10 pm
by Trelliz
It very much depends on the game, but I err on the side of easy to normal for most games. I don't have the patience or the lack of backlog to bash my head against a game for ages, especially if its something massive like the witcher series or mass effect. I know i'm missing out on the exact careful preparation of witcher potions/weapon coatings to fight every monster etc, but i doubt I would go the distance if I had to. With the mass effect games i started on normal but inevitably dropped it down to easy at some point. I have nothing to prove to anyone and don't care about getting all the achievements or whatever.

Re: How hard do you like it?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 9:45 pm
by Curls
Ironhide wrote:
I don't like it when games penalize you for playing on easy though, like the original Devil may cry did by basically removing an entire section of the game in the easy campaign, that was quite annoying.

Resident Evil 4.

Absolute shambles that was. Cut off about 2 hours of the game. Just give them more herbs and ammo, and make the guns and upgrades a bit cheaper. Simple.

Re: How hard do you like it?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 11:05 pm
by Trelliz
Now I remember Jim Sterling did an interesting vid talking about Kirby's Epic Yarn and difficulty and how games can approach it in different ways:

Re: How hard do you like it?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 9:50 am
by <]:^D
it really depends on the genre of game
try as i might im always gooseberry fool at strategy/RTS games so i tend to go for easy/medium
im good at racing/fps/sports games so i normally go for the hardest difficulty
cant really say theres a blanket difficulty though

Re: How hard do you like it?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 9:58 am
by jawafour
I usually select "easy" mode if available; for games with multiple skill selections I'd stick with "easy" rather than "very easy". Probs no surprises there.

But... I do ramp up the difficulty in PES on the rare occasions that I'm playing against the computer rather than online. It's the one game that I'm "slightly above average" at :datass: .