Inside (XB1/PC/PS4) - Limbo Creators. Coming to Switch & IOS (p4)

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PostRe: Inside - Limbo Creators, out now!!! (XB1) & 7/7 (Steam). Reviews out now, IGN 10
by Photek » Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:40 pm

After finishing it, I'd call this a solid 8/10 game, gorgeous, at times stunning, clever marred by functionary moments in between. I'm not annoyed by things not being explained, I didnt actually enjoy the ending...... :shifty:

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PostRe: Inside - Limbo Creators, out now!!! (XB1) & 7/7 (Steam). Reviews out now, IGN 10
by Wedgie » Mon Jul 04, 2016 4:18 pm

I loved Limbo so this will be up my street.

*waits for it to appear in a sale* :(


Denster wrote:My phone messaged me yesterday after i'd encouraged him to download and play the RESi demo.

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PostRe: Inside - Limbo Creators, out now!!! (XB1) & 7/7 (Steam). Reviews out now, IGN 10
by Eighthours » Tue Jul 05, 2016 9:37 am


That last 20 minutes is right up there with the best end sequences ever.

I'm reminded of Chronicles of Riddick, in that you finally have some power and can say a big fuck-you to your previous adversaries, and I found it easily as thrilling as the closing stretch of Mass Effect.

A strawberry floating BRILLIANT game.

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PostRe: Inside - Limbo Creators, out now!!! (XB1) & 7/7 (Steam). Reviews out now, IGN 10
by zXe » Tue Jul 12, 2016 5:07 pm

This is such an amazing game, one of the best I think I've ever played.


PostRe: Inside (XB1/PC) - Limbo Creators, out now!! IGN 10. Coming to PS4 end of August?
by NickSCFC » Wed Aug 03, 2016 2:34 pm

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PostRe: Inside (XB1/PC/PS4) - Limbo Creators, out now!! IGN 10. Out now on PS4!!!
by Captain Kinopio » Wed Aug 24, 2016 11:57 pm

Absolutely loving this so far, thought it would have ended by now too. It's visually stunning, the music is gorgeous and the puzzling is just right so far.

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PostRe: Inside (XB1/PC/PS4) - Limbo Creators, out now!! IGN 10. Out now on PS4!!!
by Captain Kinopio » Thu Aug 25, 2016 9:38 pm

Well that was bloody fantastic, well worth the £16. Took me three short evenings play to complete and I'm happy with it.

The games visual and audio design is absolutely spectacular. I could have stopped playing at more or less any moment and taken a screen grab to hang on my wall, it's so pretty. I thought the puzzles were just right, while I found Limbo frustrating at times, in this I wasn't stumped for more than a few minutes on anything and as such I could just sit back and enjoy it. The story of the world had me gripped from the start and guessing at what was going on and that kind of leads into my one complaint. While I enjoyed what the the final section of the game did, I would have liked some resolution about what was happening and how this world came to be. When the credits came I was just left with an 'oh that's it' feeling rather than satisfied at the conclusion to a fantastic experience.

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PostRe: Inside (XB1/PC/PS4) - Limbo Creators. IGN 10. Out now on PS4!!!
by Photek » Fri Aug 26, 2016 11:56 am

Just to put things in perspective, I thought this game was good, brilliant in places but overall its just good, I don't quite understand the swooning it got on release, glad I bought it and glad I finished it, I DID NOT enjoy the end but I know I'm in the minority.

EDIT: I'm at top of page saying the same! :lol: :fp:

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PostRe: Inside (XB1/PC/PS4) - Limbo Creators. IGN 10. Out now on PS4!!!
by Monkey Man » Fri Jan 20, 2017 3:29 pm

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PostRe: Inside (XB1/PC/PS4) - Limbo Creators. Next game teased (p4)
by Knoyleo » Fri Jan 20, 2017 9:15 pm

I started playing this the other day. I'm still waiting to see exactly what has made people gush so much about it. It's a very basic 2D platformer, but in a dystopian setting rather than a primary colour washed cartoon land.

I'm stuck though. It's an underwater bit, and there's some ghost thing that tries to attack me unless I shine a light on it, a bit like the Boos in Mario. Then there's a bit of ceiling I have to break through, but every time I ram it, the light goes out and the ghost gets me. I can't really work out what I'm supposed to do.

pjbetman wrote:That's the stupidest thing ive ever read on here i think.

PostRe: Inside (XB1/PC/PS4) - Limbo Creators. Next game teased (p4)
by NickSCFC » Sat Sep 23, 2017 8:47 am

Soon you'll be able to play INSIDE outside on your Nintendo Switch

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PostRe: Inside (XB1/PC/PS4) - Limbo Creators. Next game teased (p4)
by still » Sat Sep 23, 2017 3:47 pm

NickSCFC wrote:Soon you'll be able to play INSIDE outside on your Nintendo Switch

I loved Limbo so this is day one.

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