Last film you watched and your rating: The Directors Cut

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PostLast film you watched and your rating: The Directors Cut
by Moggy » Tue Sep 02, 2014 7:53 am

Under the new thread rules, I think it is time to start a new thread.

Die Hard: 10/10
Die Hard 2: 7/10
Die Hard 3: 9/10
Die Hard 4: 7.5/10
Die Hard 5: 1/10

Previous Thread

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PostRe: Last film watched and your rating: Part Two (Directors C
by Fatal Exception » Tue Sep 02, 2014 8:26 am

Dead Silence - Turned if off halfway through because it was so gooseberry fool/10
Boring as strawberry float. I turned it off. It takes a special kind of gooseberry fool film to make me quit.

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PostRe: Last film watched and your rating: Part Two (Directors C
by Gandalf » Tue Sep 02, 2014 8:58 am

[iup=3554064]Moggy[/iup] wrote:Under the new thread rules, I think it is time to start a new thread.

Die Hard: 10/10
Die Hard 2: 7/10
Die Hard 3: 9/10
Die Hard 4: 7.5/10
Die Hard 5: 1/10

4 isn't better than 2, Mr Moggs! :?

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PostRe: Last film watched and your rating: Part Two (Directors C
by Wedgie » Tue Sep 02, 2014 9:42 am


It's Kevin Spacey, fools.


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PostRe: Last film watched and your rating: Part Two (Directors C
by Poser » Tue Sep 02, 2014 9:49 am

[iup=3554076]Fatal Exception[/iup] wrote:Dead Silence - Turned if off halfway through because it was so gooseberry fool/10
Boring as strawberry float. I turned it off. It takes a special kind of gooseberry fool film to make me quit.

Yes. I too turned off Dead Silence. And I sit through some really poor horror films.

Black Rock - painfully mediocre film. 4/10. Additional point given for scenes of unnecessary full-frontal female nudity.

Spoiler (plot, not nudity):

Three women trying to escape nutters with guns on a small island. It's dark, they are crawling along a beach to swim to a boat moored offshore. Fully strawberry floating screaming at each other as they go. It was the most infuriating scene I've ever witnessed in a film. :evil: :fp: I actually punched the air when the noise alerted the baddies and he headshotted one of them. :nod:

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PostRe: Last film watched and your rating: Part Two (Directors C
by Skarjo » Tue Sep 02, 2014 5:08 pm

Back to the Future - 10/10

Went to the Secret Cinema event, and it was incredible. The film was amazing enough, but the sheer effort that went into the larger production was fantastic. My face genuinely ached the next day from grinning so much. I also forgot how efficient a movie BttF is; nary a wasted line of dialogue. It moves along so fast that it goes in a blur.

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PostRe: Last film watched and your rating: Part Two (Directors C
by Vermin » Tue Sep 02, 2014 8:52 pm


A work of Art/10

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PostRe: Last film watched and your rating: Part Two (Directors C
by Squinty » Tue Sep 02, 2014 9:32 pm

Rocky 3 - 7/10

I don't hate Balboa, but I pity the foo'

Rocky 4 - 9/10

Cheesy and awesome. The training montages :wub:

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PostRe: Last film watched and your rating: Part Two (Directors C
by Joer » Tue Sep 02, 2014 10:53 pm

Non-Stop - 5/10

Decent enough but also nothing great.

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PostRe: Last film watched and your rating: Part Two (Directors C
by superfurryfox » Tue Sep 02, 2014 11:25 pm

Am I the only person who liked Dead Silence? Freaked the gooseberry fool out of me when I first watched it... Though I was off my tits on Benzo Fury at the time :shifty:

Anyway latest film Inbetweeners 2 8/10 probably funnier than the first film

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PostRe: Last film watched and your rating: Part Two (Directors C
by Osito » Wed Sep 03, 2014 8:16 pm

[iup=3554536]Skarjo[/iup] wrote:Back to the Future - 10/10

Went to the Secret Cinema event, and it was incredible. The film was amazing enough, but the sheer effort that went into the larger production was fantastic. My face genuinely ached the next day from grinning so much. I also forgot how efficient a movie BttF is; nary a wasted line of dialogue. It moves along so fast that it goes in a blur.

What was the event like? I've heard some great things, but don't really know what happens there.

Anyway, as a result of this post, I watched it on Netflix last night; it's a great film, but I regret not watching it when I was a kid as that would have been incredible (watched it for the first time a couple o years ago). I really enjoyed it though, and ended up watching the sequel when I got back this evening. It's also really good, and has got me excited for the technological advances were going to see over the next twelve months.

I've never seen part three, so I might get around to that this evening.

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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating: The Directors Cut
by Fruits Punch Samurai » Wed Sep 03, 2014 10:08 pm

Lucy 2/10 One of the dumbest films I've seen. Villains and extra characters were incredibly pointless to Lucy's percentage adventure, which was a total bore of bad cgi and inconsistent tone.

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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating: The Directors Cut
by Call and Answer » Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:03 pm

[iup=3554763]Joer[/iup] wrote:Non-Stop - 5/10

Decent enough but also nothing great.

Frustratingly, it could have been great. First half has a lovely line in understated tension, really cranks the paranoia angle, takes pleasure in wrong-footing you constantly. Then the second half just pisses it all away with dreadful dialogue (more blatantly so than in the first half), boiler plate action, a crap baddie reveal, and a boring resolution.

In some fashion, Non Stop has to be congratulated: I had absolutely no expectations when I sat down to watch it, yet it did its best to offer me something so I could still feel robbed by the time the credits ran.

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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating: The Directors Cut
by Vermin » Thu Sep 04, 2014 5:04 pm

Edge of Tomorrow

Really very good sci-fi action groundhog day.


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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating: The Directors Cut
by Squinty » Thu Sep 04, 2014 9:53 pm

Rocky 5 - 6/10

Kinda flawed but not as bad as people say. It had some good moments. Talia Shire looked really old in this. Street fight at the end was hilarious.

Rocky Balboa - 7/10

Thought this was a fitting tribute. The rival was crap though, easily the worst out of all of them.

2 > 1 > 4 > 3 > Balboa > 5

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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating: The Directors Cut
by Ironhide » Fri Sep 05, 2014 12:25 pm

The Raid 2 - holyfuckingshit/10

I thought the first one was great but this just blows it out of the water, some of the fight scenes had me wincing at the more brutal bits Dual claw hammers to the face :shock:

That music in the end credits is brilliant, anyone know what it is?

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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating: The Directors Cut
by Monkey Man » Fri Sep 05, 2014 7:28 pm

Magic Magic - 4/10. Pretty uneventful and dragged on to an unsatisfying end.

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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating: The Directors Cut
by Dangerblade » Fri Sep 05, 2014 8:09 pm


Sadly I got lost in the plot towards the end (googling tells me I'm not the only one) but I certainly enjoyed the first 3 quarters at least. Very tense, and an incredibly creepy setting.

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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating: The Directors Cut
by False » Sat Sep 06, 2014 6:44 pm

Sin City 2

7.5/10 - .5 below #1

I cant be the only one who thinks that Eva Green isnt a particularly good actress. I think she gets a lot of roles because she is the only 'a list' willing to have her flaps out for pretty much the duration.

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PostRe: Last film you watched and your rating: The Directors Cut
by Dblock » Sat Sep 06, 2014 7:06 pm

Think like a man too. strawberry float off/10

Hercules : surprised that the rock was pretty decent in this 7/10

''Saying it's because I was controlling you and making you sad when actually I just asked you to wear some trousers'' :lol: :lol:

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