Monster Hunter: World - PC, PS4, XB - Iceborne expansion due 6/9 - Gameplay trailer released

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PostRe: Monster Hunter: World - Out now on PS4, XB - (Autumn 2018 for PC) - EuroGamer Essential award
by Mafro » Mon Mar 05, 2018 3:13 pm

I just realised the other day you can save gear loadouts like you can with item loadouts. Not sure if it saves what you have in each decoration shot though.

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PostRe: Monster Hunter: World - Out now on PS4, XB - (Autumn 2018 for PC) - EuroGamer Essential award
by Godzilla » Mon Mar 05, 2018 5:05 pm

Currently running two builds. One switch axe and one bow. It's taking ages to grind for decorations but it's fun enough. Not sure if I'll try to build a third weapon set.

Current rumour is DevilJo is coming on March 9th. Which if true is very good news.

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PostRe: Monster Hunter: World - Out now on PS4, XB - (Autumn 2018 for PC) - EuroGamer Essential award
by Godzilla » Mon Mar 05, 2018 5:06 pm

Mafro wrote:I just realised the other day you can save gear loadouts like you can with item loadouts. Not sure if it saves what you have in each decoration shot though.

It saves decorations too so will auto swap them in for you. Also saves your quick access wheel, colour of armour and mantle equipped.

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PostRe: Monster Hunter: World - Out now on PS4, XB - (Autumn 2018 for PC) - EuroGamer Essential award
by HaruKazuhira » Mon Mar 05, 2018 5:24 pm

My younger cousin who's 13 has started getting into MH thanks to World. He has his own group of friends who are also new to the game. Always telling me about his achievements and progress. It's cool to see World bring in new generations to this beautiful series. He now keeps going on about me not being good enough to play with him. Calling me the noob. Kids these days dang >,> I would have never in a million years guessed he would be a Hunting Horn user tho. Always handy to have them around.

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PostRe: Monster Hunter: World - Out now on PS4, XB - (Autumn 2018 for PC) - EuroGamer Essential award
by Parksey » Tue Mar 06, 2018 5:29 am

I'm slowly starting to get in to this. It's pretty overwhelming at first and the game doesn't really teach you what you need to know.

With regards to investigations, I can ignore/delete 90% of them right? Do you just do the ones you need certain materials for?

I'm trying to do bounties too but the basic ones seem neverending. I presume you just stick six easy ones in as you go and turn them in whenever they get completed.

I'm starting to learn which items do what and what I need to look for on certain quests.

Annoyingly I still can't stick to a weapon. Do people normally just use one, or do they use two or three types depending on the monster? I still button mash too.

As a complete aside, known MH4 on 3DS but have only played it for about an hour. Is that still worth going back to eventually or is MHW better in almost every way?

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PostRe: Monster Hunter: World - Out now on PS4, XB - (Autumn 2018 for PC) - EuroGamer Essential award
by PiGreat » Tue Mar 06, 2018 5:47 am

Parksey wrote:With regards to investigations, I can ignore/delete 90% of them right? Do you just do the ones you need certain materials for?

Yep, pretty much.

Parksey wrote:I'm trying to do bounties too but the basic ones seem neverending. I presume you just stick six easy ones in as you go and turn them in whenever they get completed.

Yep, pretty much.

Parksey wrote:Annoyingly I still can't stick to a weapon. Do people normally just use one, or do they use two or three types depending on the monster? I still button mash too.

I'd actually actively recommend AGAINST sticking to just one weapon. Start with two or three 'mains' to begin with, then start branching out into other weapons once you feel you've mastered them. Once you've been completely consumed by the series you should have a pretty solid grasp of how every single weapon works. Keeps the game fresh, and helps you work around your team. Also, yeah: certain weapons are better against certain monsters. For example, I wouldn't dream of taking a Lance against Rathalos due to the near constant wind pressure from his wings interrupting your combos. Insect Glaive and Hammer are my weapons of choice against him.

With regard to the button mashing: there's an ingame training arena that teaches you the controls and possible combos for your weapons. That'll be your best friend if you're new. I also recommend watching tutorials on Youtube. Pat from Super Best Friends Play did a very informative tutorial stream of the beta shortly before the main game came out, where he taught a friend of his (who was also new) the ins and outs of all of the weapons.

Parksey wrote:As a complete aside, known MH4 on 3DS but have only played it for about an hour. Is that still worth going back to eventually or is MHW better in almost every way?
Yes and no. 4 Ultimate is currently the best game in the series by far, in terms of content. A lot of the monsters from that game are most likely not coming back in World (definitely not the insects, probably not the snakes), but once World gets its DLC in full swing and once G-rank gets added, 4 Ultimate will probably be made irrelevant.

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PostRe: Monster Hunter: World - Out now on PS4, XB - (Autumn 2018 for PC) - EuroGamer Essential award
by Parksey » Tue Mar 06, 2018 6:12 am

My main problem with 4U was that it felt a bit cramped on the 3DS. I dabbled a bit with MH3 on the Wii U (though only maybe a dozen or so hours), and it felt like a downgrade on such a small screen. It doesn't help that it's the original-size New 3DS, but it had me wishing for a Switch version. It felt like a console game squashed down on to a handheld, which is probably a bit illogical as I think it was actually designed for the system from the start.

I have a long flight coming up so might give it another try. I'm probably not looking at pouring a hundred hours into it, given I have World now, but I'd like to see some of the unique monsters.

I could also easily pick up XX on the Switch too if that's any good? My Japanese ability is hopefully decent enough, unless it uses loads of specific, niche words. Which it probably does.

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PostRe: Monster Hunter: World - Out now on PS4, XB - (Autumn 2018 for PC) - EuroGamer Essential award
by Seven » Tue Mar 06, 2018 8:18 am

Got this for my birthday and I've been playing it little by little each day, really enjoying it but I still stink at it haha.

Last MH game I played was MH3U on Wii U so not exactly new hunter but still nowhere near veteran levels.

Using bow a lot with daggers as secondary though I should branch out and use other weapons more...

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PostRe: Monster Hunter: World - Out now on PS4, XB - (Autumn 2018 for PC) - EuroGamer Essential award
by Fade » Tue Mar 06, 2018 12:25 pm

I love the hammer but pretty much have to use my secondary (gunlance) on some monsters because I can't reach their heads.

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PostRe: Monster Hunter: World - Out now on PS4, XB - (Autumn 2018 for PC) - EuroGamer Essential award
by Mafro » Tue Mar 06, 2018 12:36 pm

R2 second stage charged upswing should reach the head of everything I think? It's pretty much the go-to move for smashing heads of monsters that aren't downed.

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PostRe: Monster Hunter: World - Out now on PS4, XB - (Autumn 2018 for PC) - EuroGamer Essential award
by OrangeRKN » Tue Mar 06, 2018 1:05 pm

Parksey wrote:I could also easily pick up XX on the Switch too if that's any good? My Japanese ability is hopefully decent enough, unless it uses loads of specific, niche words. Which it probably does.

Probably not worth it if you don't have the nostalgia for the series that the game plays off.

Anyone who has started the series on world will probably find it near impossible to go back to the previous games tbh, even if there is a ton of great content there.

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PostRe: Monster Hunter: World - Out now on PS4, XB - (Autumn 2018 for PC) - EuroGamer Essential award
by Mafro » Tue Mar 06, 2018 1:09 pm

There's a demo of XX on the Japanese eShop so you could always try it first and see.

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PostRe: Monster Hunter: World - Out now on PS4, XB - (Autumn 2018 for PC) - EuroGamer Essential award
by Seven » Tue Mar 06, 2018 6:28 pm

Is there GRcade squad up on PS4 that I can join?

Also I'll be playing this today online, so if anyone wanna join in and help me out or mess about feel free - I'll be using keyboard so I can do text chat.

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PostRe: Monster Hunter: World - Out now on PS4, XB - (Autumn 2018 for PC) - EuroGamer Essential award
by HaruKazuhira » Tue Mar 06, 2018 8:36 pm

I've yet to play online still since I'm going solo only for now. Trying to relearn a lot of fundamentals and general know how of playing MH again. I'm still making a lot of mistakes and want to be a bit more consistent before I head out online with other players >,>

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PostRe: Monster Hunter: World - Out now on PS4, XB - (Autumn 2018 for PC) - EuroGamer Essential award
by OrangeRKN » Wed Mar 07, 2018 8:08 am

The wiggler hat :wub:

I'm also now a level 3 mushroomancer. Game complete B)

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PostRe: Monster Hunter: World - Out now on PS4, XB - (Autumn 2018 for PC) - EuroGamer Essential award
by Godzilla » Wed Mar 07, 2018 1:21 pm

Trying to tidy up all the mission and side missions as I've got loads of them left to do. Did the last egg fetch quest this morning. Been putting it off for weeks.

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PostRe: Monster Hunter: World - Out now on PS4, XB - (Autumn 2018 for PC) - EuroGamer Essential award
by Mafro » Wed Mar 07, 2018 1:39 pm

The egg quests are a pice of piss with the ghillie mantle and those gauntlets that reduce stamina use when carrying something.

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PostRe: Monster Hunter: World - Out now on PS4, XB - (Autumn 2018 for PC) - EuroGamer Essential award
by OrangeRKN » Wed Mar 07, 2018 1:56 pm

Yeah ghillie mantle completely breaks egg quests

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PostRe: Monster Hunter: World - Out now on PS4, XB - (Autumn 2018 for PC) - EuroGamer Essential award
by HaruKazuhira » Wed Mar 07, 2018 9:04 pm

What is the point of Dodogama lol. Also first time hunting Lavasioth since MHFU which was a trip. Was kinda expecting more tho. I wish we got more lava monsters like Agnaktor. Seem like an odd choice to bring back Uragaan when we already have Radobaan.

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PostRe: Monster Hunter: World - Out now on PS4, XB - (Autumn 2018 for PC) - EuroGamer Essential award
by Mafro » Wed Mar 07, 2018 9:17 pm

HaruKazuhira wrote:What is the point of Dodogama lol. Also first time hunting Lavasioth since MHFU which was a trip. Was kinda expecting more tho. I wish we got more lava monsters like Agnaktor. Seem like an odd choice to bring back Uragaan when we already have Radobaan.

I think I've fought Dodogama twice and that's it :lol:

Uragaan was probably easier to add in since it's so similar to Radobaan.

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