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Re: Currently Playing in 2016....

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 7:58 am
by Preezy
Shadow wrote:Rebel Galaxy

I've been hovering over the buy button on this for the last few months. I got it on Steam as it had a fiver off yesterday, but it's on Xbox and PS4 too. It definitely feels like it was made with consoles in mind and even recomends you use a gamepad when you boot it up, so I'm sure the console versions will be excellent.

This is what I hoped Elite: Dangerous would be.

A really cool and well put together scoundrel-em-up. Looks good, sounds great, plays brilliantly. I paid a tenner, but now that I've dug a few hours in I wish I'd bought it sooner at full price.

Basically you fly around a star system in your little ship, there's loads of pirates and distress calls trying to distract you from your main mission and each one is balanced so that if you mess up it could be fatal. Complete missions, get money, upgrade your ship, boss the star system.

Dammit, Shadow, now I'm going to have to buy this :x

Re: Currently Playing in 2016....

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 10:52 am
by KingK
Playing bits of several games I've either just bought, or had on my HDD for yonks:

- Rory McIlroy PGA Tour (PS4). Love me a golf game every now and then and this fits the bill. Only £11.99 off the Store this week. Commentary is a bit off at times but plays well.

- God of War 3 Remastered (PS4). Played this on PS3 back in 2010 but couldn't resist the remake for just £15 off the Store in this week's Deal of the Week. Loving it all over again.

- Geo Wars 3 Dimensions (Vita). This has clicked with me at last after being left idle for months. Setting some decent scores and top, or top 3 in most of the Leaderboards with GR friends. Only up to level 20 at the moment. Loving the GW2 levels tucked away in Classic mode too

- Lemmings Touch (Vita). This month's free PS Plus game has grabbed me. Never really liked the idea of Lemmings but this has changed my mind. 3 starred all of the Easy levels and most of the Tricky ones. Not progressing to a new level till I've 3 starred the current one. For now.

Re: Currently Playing in 2016....

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 11:16 am
by Cumberdanes
I've played a little of the story in Far Cry 3 now and I'm really enjoying the game now, I'm finding it very addictive it's got a real "just one more mission" vibe to it.

The mission where you have to burn the canabis fields while Skrillex and Damian Marley plays was a lot of fun.

Re: Currently Playing in 2016....

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 12:41 pm
by Cal
Been spending an inordinate amount of time in Dying Light (clocked 75hrs with the PC version alone - no idea how much time I've spent on the PS4 version, but I'm guessing it takes me to approx 100hrs total across both platforms).

On the PC version I use a trainer, not for God mode, but for continuous stamina, weapons durability and unlimited sprint. I also turn on 'mega backpack' (far more carrying capacity) and 'remove shop level requirement' (shops offer higher tier weapons, so it's just a matter of collecting enough coin and you can buy into much more powerful weapons). Other than that, I'm pretty honest with the game and I can still be wounded or killed if I'm careless or too cocky. But just these few changes make the game so much more enjoyable for me (whilst not breaking the career/skill progression, etc). I'm doing pretty well - really getting into the flow of it all and no longer absolutely terrified of everything, all the time. I'm sure I've probably been VAC-banned for using a trainer, but I couldn't care less - I never have online mode turned off, anyway as I'm just not interested in any of the online modes in the game.

If Jeff Gerstmann can be unashamedly public about his use of cheat engines, then so can I. I just wouldn't have put so much time into Dying Light without the use of one - and it opens up so many more possibilities for enjoyable gameplay. It's a brilliant game world and I seem to enjoy spending time just wandering about there - really taking my time, just exploring and sometimes pushing the main storyline ahead when I feel ready to move on.

Re: Currently Playing in 2016....

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 1:34 am
by Peter Crisp
I'm playing Uncharted 2 from the collection and I'm on hard and I'm completely stuck on the strawberry floating train guy.
I keep getting his hat off only to be beaten senseless every time and to top it off they have ammo strewn all over the floor that keeps popping up to be picked up in the middle of a fight where you have to wait for a triangle prompt which in a stroke of genius is also the prompt you get to pick up the strawberry floating ammo.

I'm on the verge of just giving up and saying strawberry float this.

Re: Currently Playing in 2016....

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 10:15 am
by KingK
Language Peter!

I know what you mean as I too struggled recently on that part on Hard. I ended up getting lucky when my health went down but not quite all the way and grenade spammed him which dizzied him long enough for my health to get better. Think I ended up running from one end of the carriage to the other quite a bit too. Stick with it and let us know how you get on

Re: Currently Playing in 2016....

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 1:19 pm
by Peter Crisp
I managed to finally beat him last night but the difficulty spike is insane.
I'm now doing the odd snow trekking part that completely slows down the game again and I've just entered a temple where I'm not sure what to do but I assume I'll work it out.

Re: Currently Playing in 2016....

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 2:00 pm
by Rax
Still working my way through Xenoblade Chronicles X, Im loving every second of it. Some of the missions are massive blind fetch quests but I actually dont mind doing them, I get to see some more of the world, fight gooseberry fool and level up. Im about 35 hours in now so Im rocking around the place in a Skell, it really does change the entire scale of the game, things that were far off in the distance can be reached in no time, huge boulders are now stepping stones to mountain tops. I believe there is a flight module later in the game which will change all of this again and allow you to reach the currently impossible to reach parts of the world. Combat was very passive at the start but its a bit busier now, trying to match up what Im doing with what my party want, doing binds with the Skell, I feel like Im much more involved. It still has that feeling of awe though, especially when you round a corner and theres a giant level 90 tyrant coming your way, you go from feeling invincible to being a tiny little coackroach in a split second.

Tonight Im going to get myself a new Skell I think, Ive used up all the insurance on my starter one so its about time I made an investment in a decent one. I have no idea how far through the story I am and I dont care, right now I plan on playing this as much as I can for as long as I can.

Re: Currently Playing in 2016....

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 1:13 am
by Seven
Forza 5.

Grabbed GoTY edition on sale as I always liked racing cars though I'm not massively fan of simulation games, it does have options that allows me to play it as arcade racer... sorta. I just like be able to drive in pretty cars looking at pretty environment, and this scratches that itch.

So far so good. Just taking my time with it.

Re: Currently Playing in 2016....

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 9:32 am
by Saint of Killers
Tales from the Borderlands - Loving it

CoDBlOps III - Oh it's that guy from Law and Order SVU! Everything else: :yawn: Only playing as filler between completing Borderlands and the release of new Far Cry, but I don't think I have it in me to play any more. It's just so... boring.

Re: Currently Playing in 2016....

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 9:58 am
by Cumberdanes
Still Far Cry 3. Just hit the second island last night, cleared all outposts, activated all radio towers and gonna find all the collectibles before doing any missions.

Re: Currently Playing in 2016....

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 10:33 am
by jawafour
I've returned to Watch Dogs on the PS4 and I completed Act I last night. I like the combination of the differing styles; the driving, gunplay and hacking is an interesting mixture. The player character, Aiden Pearce, is a tad dull and - having just bounced back into this from Mad Max - it would've been better if a quirky sidekick character was involved to add a little humour to proceedings*. This issue is slightly alleviated by the feel of the city itself. The environments are busy and surprisingly detailed.

I'm enjoying this and I think I'll stick with it.

* There is a spot of unintentional humour - when you hack traffic lights it seems that drivers lose their minds... they suddenly feel a need to immediately accelerate and crash into each other! It's kinda fun to just stand nearby and see the chaos play out :-).

Re: Currently Playing in 2016....

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 2:48 pm
by Squinty
Still playing Professor Layton and The Miracle Mask.

I think this is the worst Layton game I've played. I've got to this bit where I'm in a tomb (in Layton's past) and it feels like such an out of place segment. Their isn't much happening in the story, and the antagonist hasn't really upped the stakes quickly enough (he just wanders around doing bizarre magic tricks that will be explained as everybody not opening their strawberry floating eyes). Overall, it hasn't really got its hooks in me like the past entries. The third game does a great job of this within the first half an hour.

Saying that, it's not so bad that I would stop playing it.

Re: Currently Playing in 2016....

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 5:25 pm
by Cumberdanes
Okami HD on PS3. I bought this ages ago (in a sale I think) and never got around to playing it. I started the Wii version years ago but didn't get very far as I just couldn't get the Wii remote to draw straight lines for love nor money (though I later realised you could lock the brush to straight lines by holding a button down I had traded the game by then). I'm not very far in but enjoying it this far.

Re: Currently Playing in 2016....

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 4:09 pm
by Seven
Dark Cloud (PS2) on PS4.

I'm loving it, didn't know it was done by Level 5 though (nor that it's their first game too :o ). Only just done first village/dungeon bit, I'm now onto second village/dungeon. So far Xiao is stronger than Toan because of bandit slingshot... that gooseberry fool is OP in early game, managed to clear floors with ease thanks to her :slol: Trying to resist using her as I really need to level up Toan's weapons.

With that being said there's some annoyances though. Like weapons breaking :x

Re: Currently Playing in 2016....

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 5:14 pm
by Cumberdanes
Dragon Quest Heroes on PS4. This is fun but repetitive so far which is to be expected from a musou type game. I just wish the enemies would put up a little bit more of a fight as a lot of the time they just stand there waiting for me to pummel them.

Re: Currently Playing in 2016....

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 8:12 pm
by Squinty
Sunset Overdrive, I just beat the LARPing segment, I thought that was hilarious surprisingly. Most of the humor doesn't really strike a chord with me in this game.

The over world is absolutely fantastic, I love the emphasis on grinding and bouncing around through combat. Having a blast with it so far, I hope it keeps up the pace and doesn't fizzle (no pun intended) out.

Re: Currently Playing in 2016....

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 9:09 pm
by KingK
My God of War mass play continues apace.
Completed GoW3 Remastered on PS4 a couple of weeks ago, finished GoW1 on PS3 this week and now playing GoW2. Next up is GoW Ascension.

Re: Currently Playing in 2016....

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 10:00 pm
by Jazzem
Street Fighter V

Even with the lack of content, this is getting put on daily due to how damn good it is. Love this series so much :wub: Helps that I have a friend who I'm playing frequently with, plus a few GRcade matches here and there. Currently trying to get good as Nash.

Life is Strange

This is immensely likeable! I'm only on chapter 2 but am very much engaged, even when little is happening. A few of the dialogue exchanges are a bit clunky, but it pulls through with mostly endearing characters (admist a few caricature ones) and an entrancing atmosphere. Looks gorgeous too, even with the limited animation

Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed

Already one of my favourite racers of all time on Wii U, the PC version of this is something else!...even if I spent ages trying to improve on the lacklustre packed in anti-aliasing <_<

But man the drifting mechanics in this are spot on, helps that they're basically lifted from Outrun 2, another one of my favourites in the genre. Couple that with wonderfully imaginative tracks and a bucket load of Sega love and tributes...yeah it's a good time for me.

Re: Currently Playing in 2016....

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 9:56 am
by Rax
Pokemon Picross

Pretty good, I never played a Picross game before but it really seems to be my kind of thing. The Pokemon powers seem a little bit tacked on and surplus to requirements so far but theyll probably become more useful as the puzzles get harder.