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Re: Currently Playing in 2018....

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 7:28 am
by Squinty
I'm on disc 3 of Final Fantasy VII.

This is still a great game despite the visuals being dated. I really love the materia system. Currently grinding 2x cut materia in the magic pot zone of the North Cave.

I will hopefully get that to birth another, then I will go and do a few side quests and finish the game. Can't be arsed breeding the chocobos for Knights of the Round.

Re: Currently Playing in 2018....

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 8:44 am
by GrinWithoutaKat
Only 10 years late to the party, but started playing MGS4 for the first time. I'm a big MGS fan and a big stealth fan, always aim to do things undetected and without killing where necessary. Almost at the end of Act I and so far it's just been a bloodbath. Don't know what's wrong with me.

Re: Currently Playing in 2018....

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 10:48 am
by Lotus
Squinty wrote:I'm on disc 3 of Final Fantasy VII.

This is still a great game despite the visuals being dated. I really love the materia system. Currently grinding 2x cut materia in the magic pot zone of the North Cave.

I will hopefully get that to birth another, then I will go and do a few side quests and finish the game. Can't be arsed breeding the chocobos for Knights of the Round.

I really want to re-play FFVII. I never actually completed it, despite putting 70-odd hours into it when I was a teenager. I think I got to a boss that I couldn't beat and kinda gave up. What format are you playing on?

Re: Currently Playing in 2018....

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 1:10 pm
by Cheeky Devlin
Tacoma - Been trying out games in my Steam Library that I didn't think my old PC could handle (Though to be fair it probably could have played this perfectly fine) and I'd totally forgotten about this game. I was a huge fan of Gone Home, so Tacoma had been one that I'd been looking forward to at the time. Anyway I'm about 90 minutes into it and I'm enjoying the "AR" components of the game. Being able to watch the various interactions and events that the AI on the station recorded is pretty cool, especially being able to move around and follow different peoples stories. Looking forward to going back to it tonight.

Re: Currently Playing in 2018....

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 1:21 pm
by Squinty
Lotus wrote:
Squinty wrote:I'm on disc 3 of Final Fantasy VII.

This is still a great game despite the visuals being dated. I really love the materia system. Currently grinding 2x cut materia in the magic pot zone of the North Cave.

I will hopefully get that to birth another, then I will go and do a few side quests and finish the game. Can't be arsed breeding the chocobos for Knights of the Round.

I really want to re-play FFVII. I never actually completed it, despite putting 70-odd hours into it when I was a teenager. I think I got to a boss that I couldn't beat and kinda gave up. What format are you playing on?

Steam version. I seem to remember putting an absurd amount into the PS1 version, I haven't even hit 30 hours and I'm at the final zone. I am really surprised how quick I've been progressing.

Re: Currently Playing in 2018....

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 7:54 pm
by Squinty
Brerlappin wrote:I loved FFXIII. Mostly for Lightning and the battle system. The story was eh, whatever, and the world, while gorgeous, was linear as gooseberry fool. But it was a damn good JRPG. XII-2 and LR were too low budget for my liking tho. I couldn't take to them at all.

The battle system was pretty great. That's why I finished it. Really didn't like the story and most of the characters.

It was weirdly compelling to me. Like, I agree with most of the criticism it got, but it kept me playing to end, so it must have been doing something right. It's nowhere near the best FF game for me, but it's decent enough.

Never got on with XII-2. It felt really disjointed and kind of like a cash in.

Re: Currently Playing in 2018....

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 2:25 pm
by Vermilion
Back to WWII for me, which can only mean one thing, it's clobberin' time!!!

Re: Currently Playing in 2018....

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 2:34 pm
by Gemini73
Vermilion wrote:Back to WWII for me, which can only mean one thing, it's clobberin' time!!!

The shovel Lord returns! :lol:

Re: Currently Playing in 2018....

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 2:52 pm
by Squinty
I'm about halfway through Sleeping Dogs. After what I thought was a slow beginning, it keeps getting better and better.

Re: Currently Playing in 2018....

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 9:10 pm
by 7256930752
Horizon:Zero Dawn
The traversal is a bit archaic after playing Zelda and Assassin's Creed recently but actually having a story and some world world building makes it well worth it. It's quite difficult compared to other open world games but after levelling up and buying some new outfits and weapons I'm getting to grips with it. Loving it so far.

God of War
I wasn't going to bother with the Valkyrie's but I really like this game and I keep getting the urge to go back.

Somehow I'm getting worse at this, just getting a kill feels like an achievement now

Still enjoying it but I'm getting bored of the weapons now, looking forward to a modern setting again

Re: Currently Playing in 2018....

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 10:27 pm
by Ironhide
Gemini73 wrote:
Vermilion wrote:Back to WWII for me, which can only mean one thing, it's clobberin' time!!!

The shovel Lord returns! :lol:

I love the fact that this is the work of a man who collects royal memorabilia.

Re: Currently Playing in 2018....

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 9:17 am
by Knoyleo
Cultist Simulator

Really interesting card game. From one of the team who worked on Sunless Sea, and it's got that same Victorian gothic theme, but plays more like Fallen London. The resource balancing is well implemented, as it's easy enough to keep your health and finances stocked up, so it doesn't feel like a core to manage them just to keep paying, but they're always a consideration when you're taking riskier actions as you progress further. Cards can be used to support others in a variety of ways which means you can play the same card for slightly different outcomes, and it's not long before you're starting complex expeditions, sending out followers and resources to work for you.

Only attempted one playthrough so far, but it looks like there should be plenty of different paths to take.

Re: Currently Playing in 2018....

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 5:28 pm
by Gemini73
State of Decay 2. (X1S)

Put several hours in so far and it's been very enjoyable. There's a lot to like here and I can see it being one of those games I'll keep returning to.

Aside from the hud occasionally flickering and a bit of slow down I've not experienced any bad bugs so I'm guessing the last patch sorted out quite a few issues.

Re: Currently Playing in 2018....

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 7:39 am
by Robbo-92
Just about wrapped up my second play through of Ultra Moon, just have the Rainbow Rocket episode to beat. I have to say, I've enjoyed it a lot more playing it a second time than I thought I would.

Suppose after this I'll go back to Zelda or Xenoblade Chronicles 2, I think I'm nearing the second divine beast in Zelda but I know I still have a lot of the region to explore before I beat the divine beast. Got to get them Korok seeds!

Re: Currently Playing in 2018....

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 12:12 pm
by Lotus
Xenoblade Chronicles
Think I'm 105 hours into this now. Still plenty of sidequests. :slol: Just when you think you're nearing the end you find out there's loads more to do (which isn't necessarily a bad thing). I'm at the point now though where the quests I want to complete or the items I need require beating enemies who are 20+ levels above me. :dread: Going to take a long time to get to the point when I can beat them, which means many more hours of quests, grinding, etc.

I spend maybe 30 mins on this at a time, which is enough to get a few races done. The frustrations with handling and AI cars are still there, but it's good fun still to cure that racing itch.

Saints Row The Third
I've put some proper time into this now and it's good fun. I like the city's design and the missions and activities so far. The plot's pretty poor, but everything else is decent. Easy to lose time to this one.

Re: Currently Playing in 2018....

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 2:46 pm
by DarkRula
Downloaded Battlefield 4 on the Xbox One so I could get to some online conquest action [why the new Star Wars Battlefronts don't have this mode is just poor excuses to make them different and I hate it], so quick match to conquest and finish up the tail-end of a Seige of Shanghai map. Next map loads - Seige of Shanghai. Third map - the same one. I had been quick-matched into a Seige of Shanghai Conquest server.
And I'm fine with that.

Re: Currently Playing in 2018....

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 8:36 pm
by GrinWithoutaKat
Playing LA Noire for the first time, and really not sure what to think. I like how it's all seemingly about the case you're working on instead of side missions and open world activities. I love the motion capture. I just finished the 3rd/final case for the traffic desk however, and while I got most of the clues and such, one of the ones I missed was pretty vital to the entire case, and it seemed a bit crazy that when I got to the end it was all 'well done for nailing that one' when Cole really shouldn't have been able to piece it together from what I had.

Re: Currently Playing in 2018....

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 8:52 pm
by Death's Head
I'm about a quarter through HZD (according to stats) but I'm not overly enjoying it. Too much talking and although this probably sounds ridiculous as the game is based around robot dinosaurs, I find them a nuisance as I always need to cross their paths to progress.

Been trying to stick to the main story to just get the game competed but then get distracted by various side missions so the game must be doing something right.

Re: Currently Playing in 2018....

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 6:35 pm
by Vermilion
Five bad guys have taken over a house! Time to send in John McClane Vermilion...

Re: Currently Playing in 2018....

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:36 pm
by Squinty
I've about 9 hours on the clock on Sleeping Dogs. Really solid game.

It manages to do a lot of things very well. Cool combat, nice driving mechanics, decent enough shooting bits. The story is quite interesting.