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Re: Star Trek Discovery

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 1:47 pm
by Squinty
Karl wrote:I agree that TNG takes a season to warm up - and I agree that this would be cancelled if it did the same - but I don't think a show has to be edgy and grimdark to hit the ground running. I'd go as far as to say that it's a lazy shortcut to being taken seriously -- you see it in gaming too, where the more blood and dead-eyed gruff marines a game has the easier it is to convince people that it's 'cool' in some sense.

I would even say TNG takes 3 seasons to actually get good. DS9 is the same.

I don't know, I wouldn't really class this as grimdark so far. It's quite a colourful show in places. Edgy, oh yeah, I can agree with that, it is lacking some of the humour that made you warm up to the characters in the previous shows.

But we are only at the start of this, I suppose. That could still happen. I hope it does start to flesh these people out because it will suck if it doesn't.

Re: Star Trek Discovery

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 3:24 pm
by Peter Crisp
It's a shame that new series aren't given time to bed in and build up characters and a decent story.

Battlestar Galactica had an amazing start but it also had episodes in series 1 full of character development which I feel this new Trek series needs.
We need to know about the people on the ship like who's the chief engineer or at tactical or any number of other important jobs.

It would be nice to see this ships 10 forward as well as seeing what the crew are like while relaxing is also nice to know.

Re: RE: Re: Star Trek Discovery

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 7:24 pm
by Dinoric
Peter Crisp wrote:What they need to Discover is they they're a simulation on the Holodeck of the Next Gen Enterprise and the rest of the series can just be more Next Gen.

The next episode should just start with Data saying "End simulation!".
Completely agree. At the minute it's just too dark with hardly any likeable characters.

Re: Star Trek Discovery

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 8:10 pm
by Tafdolphin
Peter Crisp wrote:We need to know about the people on the ship like who's the chief engineer or at tactical or any number of other important jobs.

Do we?

Re: Star Trek Discovery

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 8:16 pm
by Peter Crisp
Tafdolphin wrote:
Peter Crisp wrote:We need to know about the people on the ship like who's the chief engineer or at tactical or any number of other important jobs.

Do we?

You don't?
I'm intrigued with who you'd like to have as the central roles.

Re: Star Trek Discovery

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 8:19 pm
by Tafdolphin
Peter Crisp wrote:
Tafdolphin wrote:
Peter Crisp wrote:We need to know about the people on the ship like who's the chief engineer or at tactical or any number of other important jobs.

Do we?

You don't?
I'm intrigued with who you'd like to have as the central roles.

Michael. Saru. Lasco. Tilly. The head of security. The chief scientist. More than enough.

It's clear they're not doing an old Star Trek series with this, rather they've crafted a big budget sci first show around ST lore. And I'm fine with that if it remains as good as it has been.

Re: Star Trek Discovery

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 3:08 pm
by Irene Demova
Oh strawberry float that Elon Musk line

Re: Star Trek Discovery

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 3:09 pm
by Hexx
Irene Demova wrote:Oh strawberry float that Elon Musk line


Episode 4 was not good

I'm at work so not a detailed breakdown - but I think it had far to many elements going on as it tried to be serialised and a standalone story, some completely ridiculous moments/ideas [Landry and Michael both make incredibly stupid choices for no reason]

It's an episode that lacks any confidence. For viewers to be engaged everything's got to be important, dramatic, rushed. There's an OK story(ies?) under here, but everything happens at whistle speed, or to manufacture conflict becasue that's dramatic right?, that it becomes muddled. A slower, more thoughtful approach might have had better results.

"Who saved us"? /cringe :D

Maybe guard the outpost that makes 40% of your fuel better? It's just nonsense that's meant to add to stakes, but just comes across silly

Landry's death was possibly the most stupid in Trek - coupled with finding out Gregiou was EATEN...that's a bit OTT. I expect Twitter's exploded with "STD hates minority women!"...not sure I'd go that far...

And why is Micheal just getting her inheritance now? And who went and got it from the ShenShzou...and left the rest behind? Worst salvagers ever

Re: Star Trek Discovery

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 3:14 pm
by That
I'm kind of looking forward to ep 4 now, sounds like a car crash :slol:

Re: Star Trek Discovery

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 3:17 pm
by Hexx
Karl wrote:I'm kind of looking forward to ep 4 now, sounds like a car crash :slol:

I'm not sure it's a car crash - but it's....not good.

This is minor plot point - I've spoiled for safety, but you can read no problembut there's a time pressure in the episode. The discovery has got 6 hours to save X.

But X isn't some random colony or outpost. It's the federation fuel mines for half the fleet(you can tell they're miners as they have dusty faces while wearing hard hats and mine dilithium...ok)

It could easily be a random colony for similar effect - but no it's that make or break. Why can't others help?
Why is it so vulnerable to start with? WHY DO THEY WEAR HARD HATS? Why are only 4 ships attacking it so Discovery can stop them? How did they break through the defenses of this place? It's all just nonsense thrown in to try and add DRAMA

Actually I just remembered it features the most stupid death in all of Star Trek, and possibly television. It is a car crash

Also - Federation DPD deliveries constantly beep until you open them? WHY!?!?!?!

Re: Star Trek Discovery

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 7:57 pm
by Mafro
"Who saved us? (._. )"

Go away, child.

Hexx wrote:Actually I just remembered it features the most stupid death in all of Star Trek, and possibly television. It is a car crash

It was pure slapstick.

Re: Star Trek Discovery

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 8:00 pm
by Hexx
Mafro is my spirit animal

Re: Star Trek Discovery

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 8:15 pm
by Mafro
Hexx wrote:Mafro is my spirit animal

Wouldn't put it past them to have her mind meld with the creature :3

Re: Star Trek Discovery

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 8:43 am
by Squinty
My word, BSG woman's death was so strawberry floating stupid.

That episode was a

Re: Star Trek Discovery

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 5:15 pm
by Green Gecko
I'm not sure why but I watched the After Trek thing. You could tell that actor wasn't especially happy that they lasted a mere 3 episodes and also copped it in the most braindead way.

Then decided to watch TNG cos dat theme, sometimes watched it when I was a kid. Fell asleep after 1 episode tbh. It really does look kind of ridiculous nowadays. Q, what the strawberry float is going on there. And is that Tyrion ringing a bell? :lol:

Edit: no it isn't, I wouldn't blame myself for being mistaken though


Re: Star Trek Discovery

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 5:30 pm
by Squinty
Get an episode guide and skip most of Season 1 and 2. That's when the show was mostly trying to be The Original Series, and it doesn't work.

Re: Star Trek Discovery

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 5:35 pm
by Green Gecko
I do remember the show as basically being a sea of sitcom style wittering where occasionally something fascinating happened. A bit like sipping a cup of tea with a good jazz station on and then suddenly, a powercut! Get the torch :shock:

Except in space, of course. That, for me, is the basic premise of Star Trek.

This is a bit more full on but sure it lacks character development a bit too much hollywood "oh yeah really" narrative.

Re: Star Trek Discovery

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 7:43 pm
by That
I'd argue Season 1 is the only really bad season of TNG. Seasons 3-6 are the golden years for sure though.

Re: Star Trek Discovery

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 8:13 pm
by Lagamorph
I didn't mind that episode really.
The death was strawberry floating stupid but overall it wasn't a hugely bad episode.

My biggest issue is this new Spore Drive. I know the makers said they weren't going to get bogged down in continuity but they're really stretching it.
All I can think is that, with the way things are going, Starfleet eventually declare the technology too dangerous and unstable, or just unethical, since it only works by plugging in a hugely dangerous creature that's put under distress through the process. Maybe it ends up laying the foundations for Starfleet's early Transwarp experiments.

Re: Star Trek Discovery

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 8:24 pm
by That
My main problem is with all the bad decisions and wooly motivations. It's less important in the slightly camper Star Trek of shows past but this show is expecting us to take it super seriously.