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Re: Overwatch

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 6:45 pm
by Fade
Lagamorph wrote:They say that every time a new hero comes out. And every time the hero doesn't shake up how the game plays, it just causes people to complain how broken the new hero is and then Blizzard spend a year nerfing them.

Baguette really did shake up the game though, she's in like every pro team at the moment. Hammond hasn't had quite the same impact but he he's still very good.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 6:50 pm
by That
Lagamorph wrote:They say that every time a new hero comes out. And every time the hero doesn't shake up how the game plays, it just causes people to complain how broken the new hero is and then Blizzard spend a year nerfing them.

I'm salty about how they handled Brigitte too (goodbye Overwatch's rose :cry: ) but I'd be surprised if Baptiste + the PTR changes don't churn the game up a bit, at least in quick play and at silver-to-plat level ranked. The hero has a very interesting toolkit and the balance changes are really quite extensive.

Hammond and Ashe were both fairly well-balanced on release and didn't generate any huge community hate. (Hammond has a really interesting buff on PTR, actually!)

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 6:52 pm
by Fade
Brig is still really good though, she's just more defensive now, you can't just combo people to death anymore.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 7:05 pm
by That
Fade wrote:Brig is still really good though, she's just more defensive now, you can't just combo people to death anymore.

Brig is obviously still great in GOATS, sure! My problem with how she's been handled is that when they eventually break GOATS - Lucio, Zen, and Zarya nerfs on PTR might just do it - I don't think there's any way she will fit into another composition. She doesn't have the heals or ult to fit into a "normal" off-heal slot on a team that isn't built around her IMO.

I think she should have been more fundamentally & incisively tweaked, aimed at taking away her ability to brawl, rather than having all her numbers nerfed 30 times in a row. There was a long stretch where the devs were panicking & didn't correctly identify the reasons why she (and GOATS) is strong IMO. She would play very differently (and much more in-role as an off healer) if her shield shattered on bash for example.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 1:09 am
by Psychic
I'm wondering if the best route for the character is a rework at this point. I'm not sure how you can tweak the numbers to make her viable without further solidifying GOATS as the strategy of choice.

Hopefully the nerfs on the PTR makes GOATS a team comp of choice, rather than the team comp of choice. Baptiste should offer more options and a boost to static comps at least.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 5:16 pm
by Mafro
Think I'm getting a bit too into this :dread: Bought it on two formats, watching the League on Twitch, playing it as soon as I got up this morning etc.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 5:56 pm
by Mafro

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 8:48 pm
by That
Which heroes are you playing as Maf?

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 10:40 am
by Mafro
Karl wrote:Which heroes are you playing as Maf?

Mostly been playing as Ashe, Bastion, Mei and Reaper. Might try out some tanks and support this afternoon.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 9:36 pm
by Fade
You playing more on PC or PS4?

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 10:05 pm
by Mafro
Fade wrote:You playing more on PC or PS4?

Haven't touched the PS4 version since I got the PC version :lol: :fp: At least I can play the PS4 version in bed.

I strawberry floated about with the settings a little more. Got it running at 60fps 1440p medium.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 2:24 pm
by Mafro
Why is there always a lack of medics on PS4? Almost every single game I play on that starts without one.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 7:06 pm
by Mafro


Re: Overwatch

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 7:24 pm
by Psychic
Mafro wrote:Why is there always a lack of medics on PS4? Almost every single game I play on that starts without one.

Unfortunately there's a segment of the player base that views the game as an FPS first, objective game second. Combine that with the concept of "carrying a game" as DPS that so many are obsessed with and it leads to scenarios like the one you outlined.

Shame really, as the supports are usually among the strongest characters at any given point in the games lifespan.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 7:37 pm
by Mafro
PsychicSykes wrote:
Mafro wrote:Why is there always a lack of medics on PS4? Almost every single game I play on that starts without one.

Unfortunately there's a segment of the player base that views the game as an FPS first, objective game second. Combine that with the concept of "carrying a game" as DPS that so many are obsessed with and it leads to scenarios like the one you outlined.

Shame really, as the supports are usually among the strongest characters at any given point in the games lifespan.

Yeah I've noticed at the character select screen it's like a race to not pick healer or tank and going for your favourite DPS character :lol: I was kinda forced into playing Zenyatta and has he been buffed a lot since I last played or something? Dunno if I was put against a team of crap players or what but I was destroying them left right and centre with him :dread: The R2 charged attack seems really powerful.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 8:13 pm
by Psychic
Depending on when you last played he might have been nerfed. That charged volley attack used to have the shots fly out even faster until last year. He's a strong character still.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 11:51 pm
by Johnny Ryall
I adore overwatch

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 11:57 pm
by Lagamorph
Moira has been my go to support lately.

Mainly because I get to do this,

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 12:53 pm
by Manwell Pablo
Mafro wrote:Why is there always a lack of medics on PS4? Almost every single game I play on that starts without one.

I've been trying to play this a bit more recently and I always play as Mercy or Lucio for this very reason on PS4......not that it helps as team mates don't understand the concept of protect the vulnerable healer that is keeping the rest of the team alive.

I love the game but it's finally close to getting traded in because it's so frustrating now no one I know will play it and it's all randoms. You get some good players but a lot just run round as solider and reaper trying to shoot anything that moves.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2019 7:14 pm
by Mafro