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Politicians the least trusted "experts" in the UK; Leave EU voters less likely to trust any

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 3:31 pm
by KK
YouGov wrote:Leave voters are less likely to trust any experts – even weather forecasters

YouGov research shows that class and politics seem to be the biggest indicators on whether people trust experts.


For many people, the most memorable comment of the EU referendum campaign will have been Michael Gove’s remark on experts.

Appearing on a Sky News Q&A session about three weeks before voting day, Gove proclaimed that “people in this country have had enough of experts”.

The comment was controversial, but with the majority of experts backing the case for Britain remaining in the EU the eventual vote to leave would seem to have borne out Gove’s case.

Now a new YouGov survey has tested how far the British public trust various different types of experts when they talk about their own fields of expertise.

(It is worth pointing out that Gove’s own experts comment was relatively narrowly defined – “experts from organisations with acronyms”, whereas we have asked about a broader selection of experts).

At 84%, the group of experts the public was most willing to trust was nurses. The opinions of doctors were almost equally trusted, at 82% for doctors in general and 80% for people’s own GP.

Scientists and historians also performed well, with 71% of people saying they trust them when they talk about their own areas of expertise.

At the other end of the scale politicians in general were the least trusted, with just 5% of people trusting them – although this does increase to 20% for people’s own MP.

Also coming off poorly were civil servants (26%) and economists (25%).

Politics and class divide opinion on experts

We already knew that during the referendum campaign Leave voters were unlikely to trust any experts’ opinions on whether or not Britain should leave the EU. But it would appear that Leave voters’ distrust of experts extends far more widely.

The results show that Leave voters are less likely than Remain voters to trust every single type of expert listed. This trust gap was especially pronounced for certain types of experts: Leave voters are 21 percentage points less likely to trust economists than Remain voters, 20 points less likely to trust scientists and civil servants and are even 15 points less likely to trust weather forecasters.

In terms of party politics, those who voted for the Conservatives and UKIP in 2015 were markedly less likely to trust experts than those who voted Labour or Lib Dems, with UKIP voters especially likely to be more distrustful.


Class also seems to be a strong indicator of whether a person is likely to trust experts’ opinions. Although the difference between the classes is slightly less pronounced, working class people (those in the C2DE social group) are less likely to trust experts than middle class people (those in the ABC1 group). ... perts-eve/

Poor politicians.

Re: Politicians the least trusted "experts" in the UK; Leave EU voters less likely to trust any

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 3:33 pm
by BID0
Historians equal to Scientists :lol:

Re: Politicians the least trusted "experts" in the UK; Leave EU voters less likely to trust any

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 3:34 pm
by Moggy
Except for Nigel, he tells it how it is!

Re: Politicians the least trusted "experts" in the UK; Leave EU voters less likely to trust any

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 3:35 pm
by BID0
Moggy wrote:Except for Nigel, he tells it how it is!

He isn't a politicians, he is one of the lads

Re: Politicians the least trusted "experts" in the UK; Leave EU voters less likely to trust any

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 3:41 pm
by Alvin Flummux
"Nutritionists" :dread:

It's dietician you utter nobs.

Re: Politicians the least trusted "experts" in the UK; Leave EU voters less likely to trust any

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 3:46 pm
by Moggy
BID0 wrote:
Moggy wrote:Except for Nigel, he tells it how it is!

He isn't a politicians, he is one of the lads

Yeah he drinks beer and smokes! Legend.

Re: Politicians the least trusted "experts" in the UK; Leave EU voters less likely to trust any

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 4:05 pm
by Lotus
When politicians refuse to even answer a basic yes or no question, it's no real surprise. It's a dire situtation when the people in control of our destiny are mainly in it for themselves, and/or insistent on pushing their own agenda rather than taking into account what people want. I can't remember a time when anybody's had general trust in polticians. 'twas ever thus, as far as I can recall.

Re: Politicians the least trusted "experts" in the UK; Leave EU voters less likely to trust any

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 4:07 pm
by Hypes
71% :datass:

Re: Politicians the least trusted "experts" in the UK; Leave EU voters less likely to trust any

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 9:00 am
by PaperMacheMario
Alvin Flummux wrote:"Nutritionists" :dread:

It's dietician you utter nobs.

Aren't they different things? My wife's a dietitian and gets mildly irritated when she gets referred to as a nutritionist.

Although in this case I imagine they've probably grouped them together.

Re: Politicians the least trusted "experts" in the UK; Leave EU voters less likely to trust any

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 9:13 am
by Lotus
PaperMacheMario wrote:
Alvin Flummux wrote:"Nutritionists" :dread:

It's dietician you utter nobs.

Aren't they different things? My wife's a dietitian and gets mildly irritated when she gets referred to as a nutritionist.

Although in this case I imagine they've probably grouped them together.

Anybody can call themselves a nutritionist. You can spout all kinds of shite under the title of 'nutritionist', but in reality know nothing and not have any knowledge or qualifications about what you're discussing. With dietitians there's an authorised body, set qualifications and an associated register of practitioners.

Re: Politicians the least trusted "experts" in the UK; Leave EU voters less likely to trust any

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 5:20 pm
by PaperMacheMario
Lotus wrote:
PaperMacheMario wrote:
Alvin Flummux wrote:"Nutritionists" :dread:

It's dietician you utter nobs.

Aren't they different things? My wife's a dietitian and gets mildly irritated when she gets referred to as a nutritionist.

Although in this case I imagine they've probably grouped them together.

Anybody can call themselves a nutritionist. You can spout all kinds of shite under the title of 'nutritionist', but in reality know nothing and not have any knowledge or qualifications about what you're discussing. With dietitians there's an authorised body, set qualifications and an associated register of practitioners.

I'm sure there was a separate course at her university that was for nutrition rather than dietetics though? I just assumed it was a different kind of profession first and a bullshit title second.

Anyway, it's dietitian. :shifty:

Re: Politicians the least trusted "experts" in the UK; Leave EU voters less likely to trust any

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 7:54 pm
by Meep
Lucien wrote:
BID0 wrote:Historians equal to Scientists :lol:

Don't see what's funny/surprising there.

History is often very subjective and often has contradictory accounts of the same thing from different sides. It's usually fairly simple to prove or disprove a scientific hypothesis but trying to figure out exactly what transpired centuries ago, or even decades ago, can get every political and contentious.

Re: Politicians the least trusted "experts" in the UK; Leave EU voters less likely to trust any

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 7:57 pm
by Lex-Man
Apparently my local MP is much more trustworthy than the average MP.

Re: Politicians the least trusted "experts" in the UK; Leave EU voters less likely to trust any

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:20 am
by Lex-Man
I think polls are alright. It's just that they are only accurate within a certain percent. Also it's much hard to get data from younger voters.

Re: Politicians the least trusted "experts" in the UK; Leave EU voters less likely to trust any

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:29 am
by Rex Kramer
Which makes it bizarre that Leave voters, who were constantly told by experts (scientists, economists etc) that voting leave was a mistake, took the word of politicians as their basis for making a decision.

Re: Politicians the least trusted "experts" in the UK; Leave EU voters less likely to trust any

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:31 am
by That's not a growth
It's easier to believe something if it's what you want to hear.

Re: Politicians the least trusted "experts" in the UK; Leave EU voters less likely to trust any

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:34 am
by Moggy
Rex Kramer wrote:Which makes it bizarre that Leave voters, who were constantly told by experts (scientists, economists etc) that voting leave was a mistake, took the word of politicians as their basis for making a decision.

Yes but the historians reminded them of Hitler and Napoleon and they remembered that Europe cannot be trusted.

Re: Politicians the least trusted "experts" in the UK; Leave EU voters less likely to trust any

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:51 am
by Oblomov Boblomov
That's not a growth wrote:It's easier to believe something if it's what you want to hear.

This. It's called confirmation bias and it is something thick and/or narrow-minded people suffer from quite severely.

Re: Politicians the least trusted "experts" in the UK; Leave EU voters less likely to trust any

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 9:51 pm
by Moggy
PaperMacheMario wrote:
Lotus wrote:
PaperMacheMario wrote:
Alvin Flummux wrote:"Nutritionists" :dread:

It's dietician you utter nobs.

Aren't they different things? My wife's a dietitian and gets mildly irritated when she gets referred to as a nutritionist.

Although in this case I imagine they've probably grouped them together.

Anybody can call themselves a nutritionist. You can spout all kinds of shite under the title of 'nutritionist', but in reality know nothing and not have any knowledge or qualifications about what you're discussing. With dietitians there's an authorised body, set qualifications and an associated register of practitioners.

I'm sure there was a separate course at her university that was for nutrition rather than dietetics though? I just assumed it was a different kind of profession first and a bullshit title second.

Anyway, it's dietitian. :shifty:

The trouble with the titles is that nutritionist sounds like the real one. :lol:

Re: Politicians the least trusted "experts" in the UK; Leave EU voters less likely to trust any

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 6:48 am
by Pancake
PaperMacheMario wrote:
Lotus wrote:
PaperMacheMario wrote:
Alvin Flummux wrote:"Nutritionists" :dread:

It's dietician you utter nobs.

Aren't they different things? My wife's a dietitian and gets mildly irritated when she gets referred to as a nutritionist.

Although in this case I imagine they've probably grouped them together.

Anybody can call themselves a nutritionist. You can spout all kinds of shite under the title of 'nutritionist', but in reality know nothing and not have any knowledge or qualifications about what you're discussing. With dietitians there's an authorised body, set qualifications and an associated register of practitioners.

I'm sure there was a separate course at her university that was for nutrition rather than dietetics though? I just assumed it was a different kind of profession first and a bullshit title second.

Anyway, it's dietitian. :shifty:

Spot on, they're simply different professions. Technically anyone can call themselves a nutritionist but there is still a professional association and register of fully qualified nutritionists. I'm not too clear on the difference but I think dietitians are more similar to doctors in that they give clinical advice to patients whereas nutritionists often work in advocacy roles and the like. A nutrition course at a university still involves a lot of science, it's not some wishy washy nanny state nonsense as some people seem to think.