Rate the E3 conferences - 2015 edition

Anything to do with games at all.

Who had the best conference?

Poll ended at Sat Jun 20, 2015 4:31 am

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PostRe: Rate the E3 conferences - 2015 edition
by NickSCFC » Tue Jun 16, 2015 6:33 am

Sony 10/10

- Last Guardian
- FF7 remake
- THAT Uncharted 4 demo
- Shenmue 3!!!!!!

Best conference ever, nothing has and never will top that!

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PostRe: Rate the E3 conferences - 2015 edition
by gamerforever » Tue Jun 16, 2015 6:36 am

NickSCFC wrote:Sony 10/10

- Last Guardian
- FF7 remake
- THAT Uncharted 4 demo
- Shenmue 3!!!!!!

Best conference ever, nothing has and never will top that!

You forgot horizon - the game of the show! I doubt nintendo will top this and this one will be remembered for years to come. Just wish i had experienced it live! Shenmue 3 has made my day!


PostRe: Rate the E3 conferences - 2015 edition
by NickSCFC » Tue Jun 16, 2015 6:45 am

I'm still trying to catch up.

My mind is blown right now, felt depressed watching the Microsoft and EA conferences, Sony reminded me why I love gaming...

strawberry floating Shenmue!!!!!!! :datass:

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PostRe: Rate the E3 conferences - 2015 edition
by SEP » Tue Jun 16, 2015 6:55 am

This E3 is doing a fantastic job of making me want strawberry floating everything.

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PostRe: Rate the E3 conferences - 2015 edition
by gamerforever » Tue Jun 16, 2015 6:57 am

Tell me about it! This is what E3 is all about and i don't think we will see such amazement for a long, long time. This is up there and even beyond that twilight princess reveal. Seeing yu suzuki and those shenmue 3 snippets has me very excited. Looking forward to what nintendo have to show, but it really does prove sony have turned the corner and are leaders. They know what gamers want - from the casuals to the hardcore.

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PostRe: Rate the E3 conferences - 2015 edition
by teh bork » Tue Jun 16, 2015 7:28 am

So far been most impressed by Microsoft, some really interesting exclusives and they didn't even show 3 of their big games at the show.

Bar No Mans Sky nothing really excited me exclusive wise about Sony, it was okay, but it was just there. Nothing there has convinced me to buy a PS4 for the next year. A shame as I was hoping they'd wow me this year.

Edit: The less said about EA this year the better.

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PostRe: Rate the E3 conferences - 2015 edition
by Photek » Tue Jun 16, 2015 8:11 am

Early access, New UI and BC? Yes please MS, an easy win. :)

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PostRe: Rate the E3 conferences - 2015 edition
by Rax » Tue Jun 16, 2015 9:12 am

Really didnt expect to say this but MS had a very solid conference, lots of games, almost no bullshit and some cool gooseberry fool to show off. Theyve actually made the Xbone a tempting prospect for me, something I thought theyd never manage. Ill see what Nintendo brings to the table before I decide who "won" though.

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PostRe: Rate the E3 conferences - 2015 edition
by more heat than light » Tue Jun 16, 2015 10:53 am

Dead heat between Sony and MS for me. I think Microsoft had the stronger lineup but that Shenmue 3 reveal is the megaton that will live longest in the memory. Great time to be a gamer. :)

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PostRe: Rate the E3 conferences - 2015 edition
by Moggy » Tue Jun 16, 2015 10:54 am

I had to go for the Xbone one as I didn't see the Sony conference and am not bothering with Nintendo's.

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PostRe: Rate the E3 conferences - 2015 edition
by Photek » Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:06 am

Sony people get free stuff to download today? my X1 is backed up cueing games lol.

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PostRe: Rate the E3 conferences - 2015 edition
by Spindash » Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:07 am

Still not seen much that makes me want to buy either console.

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PostRe: Rate the E3 conferences - 2015 edition
by Christopher » Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:13 am

Microsoft 9/10 great view of the now but a company struggling to find a real direction was evident. Some cracking looking games and adding BC in was great.

Sony 9/10 A marker was placed last night and the PS4 is starting to garner PS2 level support from both the east and west. It was a great way to show the future of the platform, sadly 2015 games like Rime were missing.

I think Microsoft impressed me most in the short term but long term the PS4 is the place I'll be playing my games.

In all honesty it felt like E3 2007 in reverse. Which was an E3 2002 in reverse.

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PostRe: Rate the E3 conferences - 2015 edition
by Buffalo » Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:15 am

Microsoft - 8
EA - 3
Ubisoft - 6
Sony - 9

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PostRe: Rate the E3 conferences - 2015 edition
by Samuel_1 » Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:35 am

Of the two I've seen in all, Sony was the clear winner for me. TLG looked similar to the last time I saw it, and I maybe alone in thinking this, but I think this is a good thing; it's sticking to the directors vision and the relationship between the boy and the beast looks to have real potential. Horizon was the best thing I've seen from all the E3 coverage; simply stunning, though the heroin could be a little less verbose. The Mm game looked charming, even if I couldn't quite get my head round it. Overall I think it's clear that Sony is not afraid to push creative boundaries, which is heartening. Sony's Christmas line up from it's first parties is virtually non existent though, which is a shame.

MS had a really solid show, however, the fact that they showed Halo, Gears, Forza and Fable as the pillars of their offering is a little depressing. I'm not saying they look bad at all, it's just that they really need to start championing some new stuff. Hololens was very impressive, but I can't really see how applicable it is to the average gamer...? And the fact that they're also partnering with Oculus leaves their "VR" offerings a little confused, in my view. But, as I said, they did have a solid show and their Christmas exclusive line up is better than Sony's. Then again it is very loaded towards the end of the year which is perhaps not entirely wise, as their games may cannibalize each other's sales....

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PostRe: Rate the E3 conferences - 2015 edition
by Rog » Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:49 am

MS 7
EA 3
Ubisoft 6
Sony 9
Nintendo 3

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PostRe: Rate the E3 conferences - 2015 edition
by chalkitdown » Tue Jun 16, 2015 5:54 pm

Nintendo 6/10

Mostly full of C-tier gooseberry fool and Amiibo trash but there were a few bright spots. Starfox and Mario & Luigi Paper Jam looked great and I liked the new look at Fire Emblem. Zelda multiplayer game might be good also I guess.

Everyone wants a new Metroid and they reveal THAT?! :dread: And all the horrible Animal Crossing shite. Just awful. I think Amiibo might be what finally alienates me from Nintendo. I cant see it as anything other than ridiculously expensive DLC.

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PostRe: Rate the E3 conferences - 2015 edition
by mikedb » Tue Jun 16, 2015 5:59 pm

Nintendo - 4

Probably the most disappointing conference of them all.

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PostRe: Rate the E3 conferences - 2015 edition
by SEP » Tue Jun 16, 2015 6:05 pm

Nintendo - 4. What the gooseberry fool was that. Still, new Paper Mario game looks cool.

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PostRe: Rate the E3 conferences - 2015 edition
by HSH28 » Tue Jun 16, 2015 6:08 pm

Nintendo - 5

Well it was better than EA...probably.

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