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Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 7:20 pm
by Cumberdanes
Manwell Pablo wrote:I actually didn't think the time travel thing in Titanfall was that great (loved the game on the whole) it wasn't bad don't get me wrong but it was far from a jaw dropping piece of single player gaming.....I will immediately admit that has a lot to do with playing dishonoureds 2 take on the mechanic first which I felt was a lot better.

Probably should have spoilered that.

However minor it may be that's spoilers for 2 games.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 7:46 pm
by Manwell Pablo
IAmTheSaladMan wrote:
Manwell Pablo wrote:I actually didn't think the gooseberry fool thing in Titanfall was that great (loved the game on the whole) it wasn't bad don't get me wrong but it was far from a jaw dropping piece of single player gaming.....I will immediately admit that has a lot to do with playing dishonoureds 2 take on the mechanic first which I felt was a lot better.

Probably should have spoilered that.

However minor it may be that's spoilers for 2 games.

Edited....although your probably going to have to edit the quote as well :lol:

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 7:48 pm
by Cumberdanes
Manwell Pablo wrote:Edited....although your probably going to have to edit the quote as well :lol:

Done! Now you need to update your quote :lol:

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 8:19 pm
by Manwell Pablo
IAmTheSaladMan wrote:
Manwell Pablo wrote:Edited....although your probably going to have to edit the quote as well :lol:

Done! Now you need to update your quote :lol:

: :slol: :fp:

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 10:28 pm
by Johnny Jalfrezi
Rapidly-Greying wrote:What remains of Edith finch

What a thoroughly unique experience that was.


Hmm. Worthy of at least another 58 points, in my opinion...

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 10:34 pm
by Trelliz

One of the free humble trove games, this is a short and interesting sci-fi parable of the terrors of gamification which suggests some greater dystopian world - you turn 18 and start your job pressing uniforms, packaging rations and assembling artillery shells in a f2p/clicker-like job while the disturbingly benevolent AI tells you how wonderful things are and how bad the enemy is.

2000:1 - a Space Felony

Another humble trove, where you seek to prosecute an AI for killing its crew using photographic evidence and deductive reasoning. It uses classical music well and has a funny script and great presentation style with an interesting sudden twist at the end which puts everything into perspective.

Both were very short, but I would absolutely play a longer or more fleshed out version of each - the first could be an opening section to a dystopian action adventure while the second would be more difficult to get more mileage out of without diluting it, but both and more (some of which didn't appeal at all) are free on Humble Trove until Feb 2nd, so they are worth giving a try.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 5:54 pm
by kazanova_Frankenstein
Sorcery! 2 (iOS)

Brilliant game, with an unnerving amount of potential things that may or may not happen along the way.

Far more in depth than its predecessor but very much from the same mould. I did find the task of getting the spell lines somewhat obtuse and did not realise you only get 3 attempts to go back and look for them before you get in to something of a game over state. The rewind mechanic did soften this blow somewhat but it did make my overall journey a touch disjointed.
Text is great as before, with plenty of flavour to it, and the illustrations and ambient sounds really drew me in.

For anyone questioning the lack of quality mobile games, I would urge you to check this one (and the other 3 no doubt) out.


Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 11:39 am
by ignition
Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate edition (360)

Fallout 3 was one of my all time favourite games that I played about 9 years ago. I'd been meaning to play New Vegas ever since, but just never got round to it. I bought the Ultimate Edition with all the DLC in June 2017 and, despite a fair amount of regular crashing, it has pretty much been the only thing I've played since then.

A big draw for me is the exploration and stumbling across small settlements and characters that offer an interesting adventure and insight into their part of the world/story. I love that its optional, and I love that not every player would necessarily see and do the same things. 150+ hours later I have finally finished it, encompassing as many of the different faction's missions and side quests as I could find.

Overall I enjoyed it, but I felt that the DLC content was mostly a chore to play, and since the majority of them do not allow you to return to the 'normal' world until you have finished, I found I was playing dozens of hours worth of content that I just wasn't that into. I quite enjoyed Lonesome Road, however, as it felt more like an extension of the main game.

Looking through my old save files I reached the near-end point of the main story line within about 25-30 hours. I then spent 100+ hours just doing the DLC and all other side quests before a final few hours finishing up the (underwhelming) finale.

Many points in the story referenced and built up the final battle at Hoover Dam and, in my mind, I had created an image of what it would be like to play - a grand battle with many factions taking part - sort of like the battle for Helms Deep in LoTR. The reality was a very short linear fight against minimal foes. I reckon I probably had more taxing encounters through random engagements with the Legion in the wasteland.

On the whole its a great game, but given my relatively limited time to play games now I wish I had gone through it quicker to avoid large swathes feeling like a chore. It doesn't help that I'm a bit of a completionist and do not want to miss out on anything that might be fun to play.

I have Fallout 4 and the Witcher 3 standing by in the wings, but I think I need a long break from this style of game before I jump back in.


Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 12:01 pm
by jawafour
ignition wrote:Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate edition (360)...

Nice going, ignition. Despite loving Fallout 3 I only got around a quarter of the way into New Vegas. I liked it, though, and it's a title that I'll re-start at some point.

- - - - - - - - - -

Letter Quest Remastered (Nintendo Switch)

I thoroughly enjoyed this word-building RPG mash-up, four-starring each of the forty stages in just over twenty hours.

S out of Z.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 1:59 pm
by Ste
Wolfenstein The New Order.

I enjoyed this from the outset but about half way through something just kind of clicked and I started enjoying it even more.

This seems to a common trend with me lately in that it takes a while for a game to really grab me. Not sure if it's me or modern games. I think it might be it takes a lot longer to really master the controls / approach of modern games and it's not until you do that you can really appreciate the game.

But anyway a definite 8/10 at least. I saved Fergus first time around and will replay the other timeline straight away after which it could be a 9.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 7:57 pm
by Knoyleo
Little Nightmares - *****

Felt like playing a Studio Ghibli film, really strong Spirited Away vibes and a heavy dose of The Secret World of Arrietty.

Really basic mechanics, but the implementation was really well done. I died a lot, and it's invariably an unseen one hit kill, but it never felt unfair. Each death is how you learn the scenario, and the mechanics, and you never have to replay much more than the immediately preceeding room. If you liked inside, this is very much up your alley.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 1:20 pm
by Rocsteady
Zelda BOTW. 10/10. Obviously.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 8:54 am
by Gemini73
Silent Hill: Downpour.

Better than Homecoming, although very much a game stuck in the past in how it plays, which does lead it to being infuriating in places. That said it doesn't stop Downpour from being enjoyable and there is a certain charm to the games old school roots while still adopting Silent Hill's penchant for the weird.


Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 5:44 pm
by Squinty
Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold - 8/10

The story and most of the characters in this game were kinda wank. It's just as well the gameplay is as strong as ever. I love the exploration and map making aspect of these games. Also, good lord, the composer for these games is strawberry floating class. His stratum themes are ingrained on my brain.

But yeah, I shouldn't have played the story mode. It kinda dragged the game down a lot.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 6:30 pm
by smurphy
Brerlappin wrote:The Witcher 2: Assasins of Kings 8/10

The gameplay in this has aged quite a bit, its decidedly Euro-jank, but the story, branching quests, characters, and the fact that it still looks gorgeous kept me playing. The story really is great once you get into it. The politics of the games world are fantastic, something i completely missed when i played it originally back in 2011.

Despite being 60 hours into Wild Hunt (and no idea how far through I am) I've yet to feel as invested or involved in a storyline as I did in The Witcher 2. No doubt the third one is a better game, but man, Witcher 2 is story done right in video games.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 9:52 pm
by Jamo3103
Abzu - 9/10

Loved this, relaxing and totally beautiful with an amazing soundtrack. Been a long while since I played Journey and this brought it all back, it's probably not quite as good but that's hardly a criticism given how wonderful Journey was.

Stories Untold - 8/10

Very good game, unique and quite challenging at points too, it didn't end up going in the direction I expected at all with the story but I thought they brought it all together really well.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 7:37 pm
by Death's Head
Alan Wake (PC)

Alan Wake and Dead Rising on the 360 were among my favourite games of last gen. I played the HD version of Dead Rising on the PS4 last year and really didn't enjoy it that much, so much that it would no longer be considered as one of my favourites from last gen. Alan Wake however, is still good. The character models (particularly in the cut scenes) can look a little poor, but everything else looks good, certainly wouldn't look out of place on current gen hardware. I can't remember when I first played Alan Wake but although I could remember the start and most of the end, remembered very little of what happened inbetween so felt like playing a new game for most of it. Not sure if there is a bug in the Steam version but the cut outs and one game I could find couldn't be collected and it remains a mystery where the rest of the game and cut out collectables are (not that I found all of the other collectables, but at least I found some of them!)

Overall, still a really good game and struggle to understand why some people have been unable to enjoy this. Still hoping for a sequel, but I guess Alan's time is up.


Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 1:08 pm
by deathofcows
Oxenfree - I guess like 6/10 overall maybe?

My thoughts copied from Switch Thread:

I started a second play, which seems to be slightly (slightly) more than just a simple repeat. Fancied getting those letters to complete the story's logic and the scavenger hunt. It's also a bit more fun playing through knowing what the game is, accepting and settling into its tempo without wishing it was different.

My thoughts on the first play-through:

Fantastic music and atmosphere. Also great video-mashup-scenes, with their quick-cuts and analogue filters etc.

The HD rumble for the radio and radio-sequences adds a lot, and it's hard to think that it might not have had it had I played it on PC.

I love the radio as a device and wish it was used a little more as a gameplay item such as in the aforementioned radio 'sequences'. I appreciate it's a 'story' game but the unintrusive ability to flip it out without it impeding your walking, and the gentle satisfaction of dialling left and right with the subtle rumble is so tactile and satisfying that it feels underused.

The art is lovely but having such a zoomed out perspective throughout (as minimising as it is probably meant to feel for the characters in their island context) probably doesn't help with the humanity and empathy with the characters.

The voice acting is well done in the main and you warm to the characters overall, but the dialogue is bullshit; overly self-aware and constantly, self-consciously 'funny'/snarky. There's also far, far too much of it. No one talks like this, or as much as this. I've found the effect much better on the second play where I'm selecting almost no dialogue choices for the interstitial chitter-chatter whilst walking around - helps the game's naturalism no end (sorry developers!). If you liked stuff like Chloe in Life is Strange, though - you'll probably have more truck with it. Remember when Alex Garland was drafted in to help with Team Ninja's DmC? And he pared back so much of the dialogue and it felt understated and natural? I do.

The game has a sluggish feel to it. Alex's top clip running isn't bad but arbitrarily she's mainly made to walk slowly, and her only speed for stairs/diagonals seems to be slooowww too. I appreciate the 'point' of the game ('game') is the conversations en route - but they're naff so no thanks.

Loading between areas is a little long.

The End.

TL:DR - Quite liked, but I'd prefer to play a game solely built around the radio mechanic and the event-horizon style quick-flash void scenes. The most satisfying parts of the game for me. But the walking-talking stuff seems to chime better with others so likely a taste thing. And I am ambling through a second-time so... :?:

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 11:15 am
by Jordan UK
Assassin's Creed Syndicate (Xbox One) [8]

Was turning out to be (and probably just about still is) my second-favourite Assassin's Creed game.
+Evie and Jacob are likeable protagonists and I thought a lot of the supporting characters and villains were quite memorable, too.
+What I initially thought was quite an ugly game (by Assassin's Creed's standards) was quite beautiful at turns, particularly at night: the game (either deliberately or through technical limitations) makes use of fogging, it's got a moody lighting system and the heavy use of (admittedly low-quality) reflections create a really moody ambience that I like. It was certainly evocative of nights I've spent in London so I think they got the atmosphere in this regard pretty much spot-on.
+Exploring recognisable architecture certainly gave the game a new edge for me. There were plenty of... "Ah, I know this junction," kind of moments, and, although the map is more of an amalgamation of London, it certainly made me think how much of London's architecture must have been lost over the years, through bombing or modernisation. The sheer number of man hours that must have been spent on this recreation of London is boggling.
+The writing, graphics and setting combine beautifully at times. The missions that have a darker and more gothic beat are my favourites. The ones set in Lambeth Asylum or involving the capture of Springheeled Jack are stand outs.
+It's fair to say they've really used the setting and the era to great effect.
+I enjoyed the subtle links to Unity and more explicit links to the Kenway saga.
+The fighting system (which is often a cause of frustration for me in AC games) is probably as good as it has been in any AC game in Syndicate (and I include Origins with that). Borrowing heavily from the Arkham style of combat, it is slightly more responsive and nuanced than most AC games (which is faint praise, really), but there's still room for improvement.
+the "hook shot" (I forget it's actual name) was a good addition and works okay to aid with the traversal of the larger architecture (this is, after all, the most modern, in terms of setting, of all AC games and the architecture needed a solution to enable the Assassins to climb it more easily).
+The first half of the game was technically less of a mess than Unity (certainly two years after release).
+The sections involving Lydia Frye could have been expanded (and could have made great DLC had the developers chosen to).

-I encountered quite a few bugs, particularly in the later stages of the game and especially with some of the paid DLC ('The Last Maharaja' is a particularly buggy and an unpleasant cash-grab). One particularly jarring one occurred at the end of last night's play about 5 minutes before completion. Literally sent my console into a hard crash then back to the home screen.
-Many of the traversal and combat systems are just about okay. I'm always struck, given how much effort is poured into these AC games, how little thought is actually given to making them play enjoyably. You play a parkour ninja yet fighting input is still laggy and lacks strategy or variety, and traversal (despite the use of the "hook shot") still feels clumsy and practically the same since the first AC game all those years ago. I would love for the developers to somehow make these games more responsive and, I don't know, more of a "rush" to play. I don't think they've captured what I imagine parkour would feel like at all very well and there are many better combat games out there. Simple things could remedy this, like panning the camera out a little during combat so that characters aren't lost off screen, shortening animation cycles, placing the camera closer to the Assassin's head to emphasise speed when running or the dizzying heights when climbing, etc.
-The game still relies on a collection mechanic to bolster the game's playtime. You can understand why Ubisoft do it: what's the point of making a painstaking recreation of London if players don't take the time to enjoy it? But the playtime, even without the gang mechanic and helix glitches to collect, is long anyway. I think Ubisoft use it as a means to cover-up the fact that missions in and of themselves don't really involve a great deal of skill so players are unlikely to replay then, and so they need some means to justify the asking price.
-Related to this, I hate the insidious use of monetisation in these recent AC games. Ubisoft - makes your retail games balanced to begin with. Don't flood the maps with boring collection icons to level-up or unlock amour sets and then provide an extortionately expensive way to short cut the process via payment. I hate, hate, hate this mechanic and the sooner developers drop it (and it's mainly just Ubisoft) the better.
-There's some really interesting things contained within about what Abstergo are doing or what happened to Edward / Haytham but they are buried within the encyclopaedia. A lot of the game's narration is contained within these text-heavy info dumps and I haven't really been bothered to read all of them yet. Outside of the encyclopaedia, the games narrative is pretty skimpy in terms of what it adds to the mythos (with the "modern" sections being entirely CG and frustrating - you'll know what I mean if you've seen the last of the modern sections of CG at the end of the game). Clearly, this game was to set the stage for a follow-up that never happened. Also, haven't we been seeing the digital ghost of Minerva for quite a while now? When will she have an actual impact on proceedings. It's like Ubisoft don't quite know what to do with the whole First Civilisation aspect of the games (which I love - although find very confusing).

Even with all of these gripes, I still enjoy AC games and - for what it's worth - this was one of the better ones. I just get frustrated as I feel they could be much more. I'm going to finish 'Jack the Ripper' next on then I think I'll try 'Hidden Ones'.

Here's my 'Order':

AC4:BF > AC: Syndicate > AC III > AC: Origins > AC: Unity > AC: Revelations > AC: II > AC: II Brotherhood > AC

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 12:22 am
by GuitarHero
SuperHot VR 9/10

This is one of the games you need to try if you want to be convinced about VR. It is basically feel like a badass simulator and it is sublime to perform some incredible combos and do things by the skin of your teeth. Like the original SuperHot I wish it was a bit longer, but its still great fun to come back and do some of the challenge modes and such. However, it is certainly my favourite VR experience to date