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Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 8:51 pm
by Jazzem
Snake Pass

Absolutely lovely, was quite surprised this got a mixed reception as it's now easily one of my favourite games of last year. It's a concept that could certainly prove to be unwieldy and fiddly, but the game's polished to such a sheen that the control scheme clicked pretty quickly for me. I never got especially frustrated despite a few irritating deaths, perhaps partly because of the game's calming atmosphere but also because I felt it was my own error each time.

It's also a gorgeous game with beautiful lighting + environments, bolstered nicely by a sublime David Wise soundtrack. Can't recommend this enough, if you received it in the recent humble monthly get on it asap!


Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 10:09 pm
by Cain
I finally got around to finishing Mario Odyssey (too the final boss at least, still have a lot too do)

I must admit, I didn't enjoy it as much as previous Mario games, I prefer the more platforming focused Galaxy games.
It was fun though, it was always surprising when I would think I've seen everything a level has to offer, only to find some hidden section with loads more too do.

It's a great game to just mess around in, and for a game with as much content, and as polished as it is, to launch in the Switches first year, is pretty impressive.


Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 8:38 pm
by jawafour
Night in the Woods (Switch)

I've chatted a little bit about this in the "Currently playing" thread. It has characters that are interesting and genuine alongside a compelling storyline that I loved playing through. It ain't gonna suit all tastes but, for me, it's a complete gem. [10]

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 8:52 pm
by Blue Canary
jawafour wrote:Night in the Woods (Switch)

I've chatted a little bit about this in the "Currently playing" thread. It has characters that are interesting and genuine alongside a compelling storyline that I loved playing through. It ain't gonna suit all tastes but, for me, it's a complete gem. [10]

I played this one a while back. For me I found it took ages to get going introducing characters and setting up the groundwork, and then the end was lacklustre for me:

WOOooOOoo! Hot Fuzz! Spooky!

But halfway to 3/5's of the way through there was an hour or two where everything just clicked and for that brief period it was great. Outside of that it was just alright for me.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 8:55 pm
jawafour wrote:Night in the Woods (Switch)

I've chatted a little bit about this in the "Currently playing" thread. It has characters that are interesting and genuine alongside a compelling storyline that I loved playing through. It ain't gonna suit all tastes but, for me, it's a complete gem. [10]

Just finished this tonight as well, loved it, great little game and i’m glad I waited to play it on Switch.

Question for you, what character did you spend the most time with? I tended to spend all the opportunities with Bea, she had quite a sad life and I felt really sorry for her.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 9:00 pm
by jawafour
ITSMILNER wrote:...Question for you, what character did you spend the most time with? I tended to spend all the opportunities with Bea, she had quite a sad life and I felt really sorry for her.

I think I probs spent slightly more time with Gregg, but I tried to speak with everyone each day.

So many "real-life" situations that kicked me right in the feels a fews times.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 9:02 pm
by Blue Canary
jawafour wrote:
ITSMILNER wrote:...Question for you, what character did you spend the most time with? I tended to spend all the opportunities with Bea, she had quite a sad life and I felt really sorry for her.

I think I probs spent slightly more time with Gregg, but I tried to speak with everyone each day.

So many "real-life" situations that kicked me right in the feels a fews times.

Doesn't who you spend the most time with determine who you are with on the sofa at the end? Who was Mae with in that scene? I spent the most time with Bea although I tried to split it evenly when I played

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 9:09 pm
Blue Canary wrote:
jawafour wrote:
ITSMILNER wrote:...Question for you, what character did you spend the most time with? I tended to spend all the opportunities with Bea, she had quite a sad life and I felt really sorry for her.

I think I probs spent slightly more time with Gregg, but I tried to speak with everyone each day.

So many "real-life" situations that kicked me right in the feels a fews times.

Doesn't who you spend the most time with determine who you are with on the sofa at the end? Who was Mae with in that scene? I spent the most time with Bea although I tried to split it evenly when I played

Oh really? I had the same sofa scene as yours

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 9:21 pm
by jawafour
Blue Canary wrote:
jawafour wrote:
ITSMILNER wrote:...Question for you, what character did you spend the most time with? I tended to spend all the opportunities with Bea, she had quite a sad life and I felt really sorry for her.

I think I probs spent slightly more time with Gregg, but I tried to speak with everyone each day.

So many "real-life" situations that kicked me right in the feels a fews times.

Doesn't who you spend the most time with determine who you are with on the sofa at the end? Who was Mae with in that scene? I spent the most time with Bea although I tried to split it evenly when I played

Oh really? I had the same sofa scene as yours

I didn't know that! Uhm... I'm trying to think... yeah, Gregg was on the sofa whilst Bea was in the bed/computer room and Angus was in the kitchen.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 12:49 pm
by Pedz
SteamWorld Dig 2 8/10.

I liked it a lot, but, and it's an odd but, it didn't have the same impact on me as SteamWorld Dig. The game is clearly a step up and is a better game, but I think that playing the first on wing nothing at all about it, surprised me so highlighted the quality to me more, where as with 2 I knew what to expect. Anyway great game and should be played by all.

Anyone else felt this way about a sequel? It's better, but there's some reason that the predecessor somehow holds a finder place for you?

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 1:48 pm
by Regginator3
South Park - The Stick of Truth (Xbox One)

Actually played this game before on PC but never finished it. Bought The Fractured But Whole on Xbox One and it came with a free download of Stick of Truth so I thought, why not give it another go?

Overall thought it was a great game. Humour was fantastic, and the gameplay was solid. It wasn't particularly difficult, but still each battle felt very satisfying to win. The world also felt pretty authentically South Park, and the style/dialogue was awesome. It's a shame the difficulty wasn't higher, main story was quite short and there wasn't actually that much to do. Still very fun though.


Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 2:32 pm
by Jamo3103
Wolfenstein II - 9/10

Frenetic action, great set pieces, some really fun story elements and all round simply a great continuation of the series. Not quite as good as the first but still better than most other FPS games out there, only major criticism would be the Submarine hub-level which was a pain to navigate but you don't spend a great deal of time on it so it's hardly game breaking.

Shelter 2 - 7/10

Absolutely beautiful, much like the first and similar to the original it is an emotional rollercoaster. Unfortunately I feel that with the decision to make it more open world and add the freedom to explore it lost some of the direction of the original game. Still a great experience though.

What remains of Edith Finch - 10/10

I've played a fair few 'walking simulators' including Dear Esther and Gone Home and had some enjoyment from them but I've always found the way they tell their story to be fairly dull and this is where 'What Remains of Edith Finch' really shines. The varied sections and styles of gameplay all work brilliantly and are so much more inventive than reading a letter, or hearing a sound clip. The game as a whole is incredibly creative and I loved the setting and story, I didn't quite feel the ending reached a satisfying conclusion but regardless, it's an absolutely amazing experience.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 8:06 pm
by Gemini73
Quake (PC)

I play through this at least once every year. Such a marvellous game on so many levels and as playable now as when it was first released. One of the true greats of gaming.


Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 10:28 pm
by Trelliz
The Norwood Suite - PC

Fundamentally this is a walking simulator, but that is an extremely reductive approach to such a bizarre and enthralling game. It is a profoundly surreal and Lynchian experience and a more developed followup to Off-Peak, a weird and much shorter game which is free on steam. You arrive at a hotel and end up doing errands for the guests, however there are several sub-plots and a weird sense of unease which, coupled with the Dadaist decor, structure and imagery of the hotel makes it dreamlike and utterly unique.

I found it fascinating and amazing, but am glad that it's quite short - any longer and it would have started to outstay its welcome. I'm putting this in the same bracket as Deadly Premonition, Leviathan: The Old City and the original Off Peak - completely off the wall games which explore what you can really do with the medium when you stop trying to rebuild reality and push the boundaries of what the medium can do.

However I can absolutely see why it could be called nonsensical wanky bollocks, so take my review with a massive pinch of salt.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 8:35 am
by Squinty
Deus Ex Mankind Divided - 9/10

Loved this. I think it is better than the first one. The level design is slightly better than the first game, I feel. The new powers seem cool, but I'll get to use them all when I do a kill everything in sight run. Prague was wonderful as a hub. There's quite a bit to explore there, and the sidequests were really fun (the cat woman quest :lol: ).

I kind of just ends though. That is the only thing I can fire against it. And the fact that we probably won't see a sequel is kind of saddening.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 6:52 pm
by Kriken

It was alright. Too many mundane tasks, too much waiting, weirdly strict in a lot of missions. I get why - it's for the realism, but I just didn't find it that fun. I liked the characters a lot though. Having three different protagonists was a cool idea.

I might go back to it now and again as there's still much I have yet to explore. So might warm to it.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 10:57 am
by Gemini73
Warriors All-Stars - PS4

Only finished one play through and there are multiple endings for different characters which I'll look at another time. As spin offs go, though, All-Stars is a fun game if a little simplistic. The huge list of characters, multiple endings and collectables certainly gives it a lot of replay value.


Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 4:49 pm
by dmin
Journey - 9/10

Relaxing, beautiful, mesmeric and epic. Will definitely be revisiting in the future.

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 11:50 pm
by Lotus
F1 Race Stars - 6/10

+ Looks nice and runs smoothly
+ Sense of humour
+ Good tracks...

- ...but not enough of them
- No powerslide
- Poor/annoying collison detection
- Cheating AI
- Rubber-banding

Re: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 1:13 am
by dmin
RiME 7/10

The gameplay consisting mostly of puzzles is fairly relaxed and the visual style, music and story are beautiful. The game itself feels a little too slight to propel it into the essential category; but I enjoyed the brief time spent in its world.