Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Hulohot » Thu May 04, 2017 8:14 pm

Final Fantasy 15

Loved it, first game in the series I have finished.

That ending!

Game felt like a buddy bro holiday simulator with fun combat. Spending all my money on meals out :fp:

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Rax » Fri May 05, 2017 11:26 am

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Wii U :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

Finished in the sense that I have beaten the final boss. I am only at 27.21% complete according to the in game metrics.

This might be my new favourite game ever. It has everything I want, a huge world with lots to do and see, secrets and easter eggs in every corner, systems on top of systems to play with, a story that doesnt stick its oar in too much but does encourage you to explore the world, if you want. The only negative for me is the voice acting, it is absolutely gooseberry fool, especially Zelda, but its not enough to hurt the experience overall.

Im already planning a second playthrough when I get a Switch.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by KingK » Fri May 05, 2017 11:34 am

Batman Arkham Asylum (PS3) 9/10
As good as I remember from when I first played it on the 360 when it came out. Bought the PS4 remastered bundle which includes City too this week


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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by jawafour » Fri May 05, 2017 11:39 am

KingK wrote:Batman Arkham Asylum (PS3)... As good as I remember...Bats/10

"Bat... Batter... Battest" :toot: .

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by KingK » Fri May 05, 2017 12:48 pm

:lol: indeed

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Death's Head » Fri May 05, 2017 11:11 pm

Max Max (PC)

Given that you can get Mad Max for just a few pounds, there is little to dislike about this. Graphically it is competent, there is lots to do and plenty of collectables if that is your thing. Having a lot to do though is both a good and bad thing, good if you have a lot of time to fill but bad when you realise just how repetitive it all is. The Mad Max world is fairly vast so a good job they put fast travel in. Would be nice if it worked for all vehicles though rather than just the main vehicle, or at least let you use the main vehicle for the mine clearing missions rather than making you drive around the world in a weapon free car :x. The designers of this should be commended though, a great deal has been packed into this game by using the same bits of code all over the place. If you enjoy 3rd person action games and like to get a lot of game for your money, Max will be your new best friend. If however you like a lot of variety in your games he could be a friend you soon get fed up with.


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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Jordan UK » Sun May 07, 2017 1:57 am

Deus Ex Mankind Divided (PS4 Pro) [7]

With improvements made to the gunplay, praxis / levelling system and other numerous tweaks, as well as including slightly larger play areas than the previous entry in the series, this should have been a great success. However, I found this entry to be slightly poorer than 'Human Revolution' (and, by extension, the original Deus Ex). I'm left with a similar feeling as I had after completing 'Rise of the Tomb Raider' last year. Both RotTR and Mankind Divided are good games, they just both felt a little soul-less and a little too close in look, feel and execution to their respective prequels. Because both the re-booted Tomb Raider and Human Revolution were the first entries in their respective series for many years, it was quite a buzz to play these series again on modern hardware. This feeling did not carry over to their sequels and I found getting to the end of the game less enjoyable than before. It's almost as if the game came out too soon after Human Revolution or it didn't differentiate itself enough from its prequel to invoke the same response. It's a feeling that permeates this game. It is ostensibly 'better' than the previous entry, but less inspired or well-crafted. You almost get the impression that the creators felt that way, too, and have pushed this out of the door as if finishing by rote rather than for any great love of what they have created. This sentiment is encapsulated in the Prague setting...

The Prague setting is re-used a little too much in this game. It's refreshing to visit at first being set in the day time initially which seems unusual for Deus Ex. However, the same location is used three times throughout the game and it over-stays its welcome a bit, especially when the city is broken down into smaller areas that are accessible by underground (and a long loading screen) and especially when the police patrols attack during your final visit to the city (making a pacifist play through a right pain at this point). When the game does break free from Prague it ends up feeling and playing much more like the original 'Deus Ex'. Golem City is an inspired setting, especially when crossing the neck between the stacks when approaching the ARC base. Similarly
the GAARM Centre and London Apex Towers
are great locations. When the game tries less to be open world then it's more successful - which is ironic considering the small environments were criticised in Human Revolution.

I think Deus Ex works best when you're given a location to infiltrate, loads of options and you have to make informed decisions about how to level your character and use your abilities and resources to break-in or get out. Rarely in the modern Deus Ex games have they managed to emulate this feeling that was so great about the original Deus Ex - which seems quite baffling considering how old that game now is. Even in this entry, for pretty much every time you're tasked with entering a location / room, you can see immediately that you can either hack a door / computer or sneak in a duct or punch if a wall or take down the patrols. Rinse and repeat for 20 hours. It's just a little flat and one-tonal. I felt with the original Deus Ex, your resources were stretched and you were forced to be creative, adapting tactics on the fly - being forced to improvise choke points when it was too dangerous to stun - adapting your playstyle on the basis of the limited nano-augmentations that you were allowed. You could study the environment from afar and plan your approach. It just felt more emergent rather than simply getting past a block in the path.

With this game, it feels like you're simply waiting to level-up enough or find enough praxis points to open up a skill so that can now either (a) move a heavy crate our of the way of the door or (b) jump over a wall. And both of these decision are muted by the fact that you are swimming in enough ammo and stun rounds to simply kill or incapacitate any one on the path anyway. What's more your achievements and character customisation decisions are further neutered by the fact that, if you're willing to, you can spank money on buying individual praxis points as monetized DLC / levelling. This left quite a bad taste in my mouth. The game should be crafted so that the customisation of your skills matter not so that you can simply hardwire Jensen from the outset if you're willing to pay through the nose.

Also, Adam Jensen is great but, after two games and a smattering of DLC he really does become a bit boring. Why not change the protagonist? A female lead might have made a refreshing change (and yes I do know you can select to play as a female Denton in Invisible War). Again, it goes back to the fact that, stylistically, it's just a little familiar.

Aside from the greedy monetization and over reliance on the previous game's design and mechanisms, there are also some baffling oversights that could have quickly been rectified. For instance, you need to move incapacitated bodies fairly regularly so who in their right mind thought this game's system of dragging the bodies by their limbs as they flop and flap and drag on the scenery was a good system? I'm sure the original Deus Ex allowed you to at least carry bodies over your shoulder avoiding this bizarre loop of carefully and efficiently downing an enemy with a silenced stun round before taking six passes at dragging them by their foot around a door frame while rousing the suspicions of a previously-EMP disabled security camera that's come back to life in the time it has taken me to jam a folded and battered body through a four-foot wide door gap.

The graphics look great when up-scaled to 4K on my Pro. At times, the scenes are truly like what I pictured the original Deus Ex looking like on future hardware. However, the graphics can be really yanky. A 60fps 1080p variant would have been appreciated. The juddery 4k presentation compounds the terrible lip syncing, and the animations (especially during the many one-to-one character conversations) are stilted and puppet-like.

So, after all of these criticisms, would I recommend the game? Yes (especially as it can now be picked up for about £8 new). At its core, 'Deus Ex' is such a compelling gameplay experience and the story (although a much smaller game than previous entries) is appealing. I also really enjoyed how the game is increasingly placing a greater emphasis on characters and organisations that featured in the original Deus Ex's storyline. It just all feels a little too lazy as if Square Enix felt like they had an easy-win on their hands after the success of Human Revolution. "Let's pump-out a game that's stylistically and mechanically the same as the previous one, make it narrower in scope, couple it with a poorly considered pre-launch pre-order DLC campaign and monetized DLC levelling system and call it part of a new 'Deus Ex Universe' where we plan to release a similarly narrow iteration of the same game again next time. Let's even make the box art practically identical! They'll love it"

The thing is, I do love Deus Ex. I will probably buy another sequel (if it gets released after the new Marvel-related game the team is working on) even if it is another 'cookie cutter' sequel like this one - but try and mix it up a little bit more next time, please Square Enix.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Cumberdanes » Sun May 07, 2017 11:31 pm

Resident Evil VII on PS4. In short awesome, thoroughly enjoyable from start to finish, very scary throughout and the first game in the series since Code Veronica or Zero to feel like a proper Resident Evil. It wasn't quite perfect I mean for a start it's a little short but for rejuvenating a flagging series and offering a good linear campaign in an era of rampant open world fatigue this gets a healthy 9/10.

Last edited by Cumberdanes on Mon May 08, 2017 8:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Johnny Jalfrezi » Mon May 08, 2017 10:49 am

What Remains of Edith Finch - 10/10

Definitely more of an interactive story than a conventional 'game', but one that could only be told through the medium of video games, showing more imagination and creativity in two hours than a lot of games struggle to show in twenty. It also throws some seriously emotional punches that are genuinely shocking and heartbreaking. The missus is going to play through this tonight and I can't wait to get her take on it - she hates anything remotely abstract!

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Death's Head » Thu May 11, 2017 6:59 pm

Bastion - interesting graphical style coupled with fun but repetitive beat-em-up/shoot-em-up mechanics wrapped up in a nonsense uninteresting story. Plus you get someone talking to you all the way through the game. 5

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Pedz » Thu May 11, 2017 11:20 pm

The narrator is great.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Death's Head » Sun May 14, 2017 5:13 pm

The Deadly Tower of Monsters (PC PS4)
Recently picked this up on the PC as part of a humble type bundle for $1. Started playing it and when about an hour or so in, realised it was available on the PS4 and I actually already had it as part of PSN+
Preferring trophies over Steam achievements, I switched to the PS4 version. This is a fairly good fun beat-em-up/shoot-em-up set in a 50s sci-fi movie. There aren't many games with this setting, although the story suffers a little from rather than having an actual story, the game centres around being the game of a film that doesn't exist and the whole thing becomes an action type game that doesn't take itself seriously, deliberately making a joke about sci-fi films of the era.

The games is pretty short (I completed it in about 5 hours) and although I didn't get all of the trophies in my run through, I have no incentive to play it again as there is no game+, you just need to play exactly the same game over. The game could also do with a little polish and some help with where to go next in some parts (not helped by the fact it is a fixed camera). There was one part where I almost gave up as I was stuck on the moon and the video run through I found on YouTube suggested that there was a transporter location I should be able to use that wasn't open in my game!

Overall though, good fun and if you get it for a £1 on Steam or have it sitting in your PSN+ catalogue, play it.


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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Jazzem » Sun May 14, 2017 5:51 pm

Pedz wrote:The narrator is great.

Agreed, he added so much personality to the game

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Pedz » Sun May 14, 2017 5:59 pm

Jazzem knows the score.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by KingK » Sun May 14, 2017 6:15 pm

KingK wrote:Batman Arkham Asylum (PS3) 9/10
As good as I remember from when I first played it on the 360 when it came out. Bought the PS4 remastered bundle which includes City too this week


Now finished the PS4 version. 9.5/10

Am actually still playing to mop up all 240 Riddler trophies, up to 213 at the moment ( way higher than I normally get). Not going for the challenges though for the plat.
Great game and I'm nowhere near all Batted out yet. May play Arkham City next

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by SMPL » Sun May 14, 2017 11:18 pm

MGSV - 9/10

Probably the best game I've played in terms of mechanics - nearly perfect. A third (more urban) area and a tidier plot would have been amazing. Must admit that I've no interest in returning to the open world for the time being though, just seems a bit pointless.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Cumberdanes » Sun May 14, 2017 11:53 pm

Gargoyle's Quest on Gameboy and Garoyle's Quest 2 on NES. These are both fun albeit brief and rather linear platformers with light action RPGs elements. The sequel is a pretty big improvement over the original mostly due to the removal of random encounters on the world map but it feels more like a remake than a true sequel.

The first get's a 6/10 and the sequel a 7/10. I did attempt to play the third in the series Demon's Crest on SNES but it got frustratingly difficult after the first couple of stages and I decided to leave it for now.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by dmin » Mon May 15, 2017 7:55 pm

Gargoyles Quest; that's a blast from the past! I remember when I first got it, I couldn't get past the first section for ages. Found it pretty tough with the controls and pixel perfect jumps, though eventually got the hang of it and finished it. Would still rate it as one of the tougher GB games I played. Heard good things about Demons Crest but remember the reviews saying it was pretty rock.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Jamo3103 » Tue May 16, 2017 10:14 pm

Dishonored 2 - 9/10

A wonderful game, brilliantly playable - a superbly crafted world, outstanding level design, a great atmosphere and mechanics that are just so much fun to play around with. Overall I probably didn't enjoy it quite as much as the first, it wasn't as fresh as the first felt at the time and I preferred some of the settings/story aspects of the first more, despite that a really excellent game. I played in high chaos throughout, killing is just too much fun in Dishonored and you can have such a good time toying with your enemies, I think I probably got the darkest possible ending but I think that's quite appropriate for a game with such a bleak setting anyway.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Cheeky Devlin » Wed May 17, 2017 12:20 am

Kamiko - Switch - 7/10

Thoroughly enjoyable little action RPG-lite, well worth the £4.99 I spent on it.
Only four levels, though there are three different characters to play through with. Could have done with something for finishing it with all three characters.
Good fun though.

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