Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Squinty » Wed May 09, 2018 9:38 am

Tafdolphin wrote:
Squinty wrote:Wolfenstein TNC

The plot and characterization was a big disappointment coming from TNO. I felt like it was thematically all over the place, and the pacing was much the same. It was very very silly, and throws what could have been an interesting topic out the window halfway through the game, in the most ludicrous way possible. Gameplay was fine enough, although I miss the different uses of the laser rifle. Suitably challenging game, much like the first one.


Interesting. My opinion of the game ran almost exactly the opposite of yours: the narrative and characterisations were a step up from the last game but the combat was way worse.

The plot was indeed ridiculous, it's a Wolfenstein game, but the themes it chose to explore were fascinating and went even further in highlighting the consequences of the Nazi regime on minorities and the greater populace. The characters too were great; Sigrun and Grace immediately became as iconic as any of the TNO crowd and Frau Engle was far more present in the story than Deathshead, if not quite as intimidating.

I enjoyed the plot because of its audacity. What other game would have had the protagonist confront and kill his abusive father, then take the same protagonist and cut his head off, give him a new body and have him audition for a TV serial about himself under the watchful eyes of Adolf Hitler (who then pisses on the carpet and falls asleep) on Venus . And it works. It really, really shouldn't, but it works.

My disappointment came with the combat and the often confusing level design. More than once I found myself completely unsure of how to proceed due to the more open-ended design and lack of waypointing, and they somehow managed to completely ruin stealth runs with oddly placed commanders and a far more sensitive alert system. It was often not that fun to actually play.

Still, I forgave it those flaws as I thought the plot and characters made up for it in spades.

I can't say that I agree with you on the plot, I don't think it really works that well. It builds up on certain plot points, but discards them very quickly. The narrative lacks focus and a unified theme and it really hurts the overall product. I thought that whole thing about BJ dying was really interesting, but it is resolved in the most ludicrous way possible.

I have to agree on the waypointing and confusing level design though. A lot of the time, I had no idea where I was heading to. The end of the game is extremely anticlimatic as well. There was also very little in the way of 'Oh gooseberry fool WOW' moments. The first game had a few of these (Caroline's first appearance in the robot suit springs to mind).

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by The Watching Artist » Wed May 09, 2018 10:34 am

Trelliz wrote:
Hime wrote:I felt exactly the same way about UC2, I haven't played it since release as I remember hating the end so much. The final boss is one of the worst I can think of.

I loved UC 4.

I first played UC2 on PS3 years ago and stopped playing once the blue guardian bastards come into play. However my PS4 came with UC4 and the collection was on sale at the time so I thought i'd persevere this time around. I'll get round to UC3 in a while, and even though it's not great, it'll be nice to play an Uncharted where i'm not subconsciously going "oh yeah, I remember this bit."

I've been replaying the trilogy in prep for playing 4. Only on hard mode.* :dread: Honestly if you find you don't enjoy the combat (I can totally see why) stick it on easy....... and then watch as it still takes a few headshots to kill someone every now and then. But at least you will blast through the game. 1 is shite. 2 is the best but the last act sucks and 3 is patchy and feels rushed to me.

I always forget just how much of a pain controlling Nate is at points. :dread: Like a drunk toddler learning to walk.

*actually I tried 1 on crushing before regretting it and just putting it on easy even though I've beaten it on normal before I just hate it so much I wanted it to end.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by OrangeRKN » Wed May 09, 2018 10:48 am

The way to play Uncharted combat in a fun way is to always pick up the powerful guns (i.e. the sniper rifle and that pistol) and use them to take out the what would otherwise be bullet sponge enemies. I think its easy to not do that because they have such low ammo it feels like a "waste", but it's definitely the better and I think intended way of playing.

Also run and gun with shotgun (it's funny how long the first game takes to teach you firing from the hip is a thing) is generally more satisfying than anything rapid fire as the shotguns actually have a punchiness to them. The other thing with punchiness is actual punching, and in three especially the melee is good fun.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Tomous » Thu May 10, 2018 11:54 am

Donkey Kong - Tropical Freeze

This game :wub:

I still have the bonus levels and collectables to finish off but without exaggeration, this is one of the most perfect videogames I've ever played. Platformers live or die by their levels and I'm not sure there's a bad one in here. Great variety and great imagination throughout. They look wonderful, and I love the depth and background stories they have going on but the level design itself is what they really nail. The way they drop multiple new mechanics into levels, combine them and hang everything together thematically is just pure brilliance. And it's all boosted by the score from David Wise, which is incredible. Grassland Grove is a great example of all these things. Great concept and execution of mechanics but elevated to greatness by the accompanying score. Really enjoyed the boss battles too and the swimming sections are a great addition over DKC Returns. I'd really struggle to find much fault at all with this.


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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by The Watching Artist » Thu May 10, 2018 11:58 am


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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Squinty » Thu May 10, 2018 2:25 pm

It's just a strawberry floating great game. The K levels, some of them are genius.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by dmin » Fri May 11, 2018 2:27 am

Hitman GotY (PS4) 8/10

Completed the main missions pretty thoroughly (20 mastery on each) and the Sarajevo six bonus missions. Still a lot of content to work through in addition, such as all the escalations and contracts, but think that's me retired for a bit. Obviously, some missions were better than others (Paris, Sapienza and Hokkaido), however, the multiple opportunities and different routes through each ensured I never got bored replaying them. BTW, hadn't played Hitman since no 2 on the gamecube, so was good to slip back into the old suit!

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Parksey » Fri May 11, 2018 3:16 am

Is Tropical Freeze that much better than the original? I enjoyed that and it was a great 2D platformer, but as my parents keep saying to me, I found it difficult to truly love it.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Tomous » Fri May 11, 2018 7:30 am

Parksey wrote:Is Tropical Freeze that much better than the original? I enjoyed that and it was a great 2D platformer, but as my parents keep saying to me, I found it difficult to truly love it.

The core gameplay is obviously very similar (albeit with the addition of Dixie, Cranky and swimming sections in TF) but TF has much better level design in my opinion which is the difference. And the David Wise soundtrack. That makes a big difference too.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Kriken » Fri May 11, 2018 4:12 pm

Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition.

Though it's the special edition I should say I never played through the original. From what I gather though it's functionally the same game but with extra playable characters and other little tweaks. Also, though I've played through the main campaign, I plan on returning to this title quite a bit along with DMC3 Special Edition and the original game. They're short games but the depth and alternate modes makes them very repayable.

This game is more of the same great action. I like how the new main character Nero plays. The Devil Bringer helps set up some nice combos and helps keep them going whether you're on the ground and in the air. Triggers some cool animations on certain enemies and in boss battles too when you notice the visual cues.

I like how Dante plays the same as he does in DMC3 except you can switch styles on the fly and open up a ton of more options. I'm not too great at it yet though. Mainly been using Trickster to keep myself close to enemies and then switching to Swordmaster for aerial combos. Gunslinger is also useful for some enemies (though I'm not a big fan of the style).

Biggest downside of this game though, and it's a fairly big one, is that when the story switches to Dante about 2/3s of the way through you're basically backtracking through the same areas of the game with the same enemies (with some minor alterations) and almost exactly the same line-up of bosses. I appreciate the creative effort to recycle the levels but it doesn't completely hide the cheapness. At least there are some nice new cutscenes but for whatever reason the voices are muffled again like in DMC1.

As for story/characters, I like Nero in spite of (and I guess partly because of) him being a less flamboyant version of Dante. Dante is cool too but it feels like we don't get enough of him and he's not quite as crazy before - but he's older, so there you go. Trish looks great and it's good to see her back, but in the main story she and Lady don't do an awful lot and they are basically pure fan-service. In previous games they were badass as well as attractive - especially DMC3's Lady, but now she's a nothing character who may as well be a different person.

Like the game's content the story doesn't feel complete and I had some minor issues with it. The problem mainly is that there's just not that much there though. It introduces interesting elements like the intrigue behind Nero's arm/background, Trish disguising herself as Gloria, the order of the sword generals thinking they've been transformed into angels when they're clearly just demons. But story threads like these end up meaning little to nothing, and suddenly the antagonist is there being a generic super-powered baddie with a messiah complex.

This is a cool game I'll be playing a lot of in future along with DMC3, but the latter I find way more endearing especially from a story/character standpoint. It hit all of the right notes.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Death's Head » Sat May 12, 2018 1:59 pm

Spec Ops: The Line (PC)

I went into this game knowing next to nothing about it, other than it was some kind of FPS. Even that was wrong as I quickly found out it was a third person shooter. As the game starts you are thrown right into the action and I don’t know if I missed something that told me why I was in Dubai and what I was supposed to be doing, but that didn’t seem to be clear, although it did make more sense as the game progressed.

It is quite an interesting setting for the game, a Dubai "flooded" with sand, in some places half way up tower blocks. Other than a few cut scenes, it is basically non-stop fighting as you make your way to a particular point in Dubai. Although I only played this on normal difficulty it was fairly challenging with some sections taking multiple attempts to complete. If I die more than once trying to complete a section I find games just become frustrating and this was no exception, particularly when I feel "it isn’t my fault". Getting into cover was a little hit and miss, sometimes pressing the cover button didn’t seem to work unless you were in exactly the right position and in some places, even though it looked like you were in an area where you could take cover, it just wouldn’t put you in cover. Shooting could also be a bit of an issue. Actually shooting was easy, the hitting was the difficult part. Getting the sight to line up can be difficult as you don’t seem to have pinpoint accuracy and you are also faced with a number of enemies who seem to be able to walk off head shots. Maybe that sort of thing happens in real life…

Overall, other than a few frustrating parts I had to repeat, an enjoyable game with an interesting ending (or should I say “endings” as there are a few options on final outcome for your character). As this was free at the Humble store, difficult not to recommend (particularly if you can get it for free).


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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by KingK » Sat May 12, 2018 2:14 pm

Brothers: Tale of Two Sons PS4

Emotional/10. Loved it. Powerfully done scenes and all without any dialogue (real words anyway). Just goes to show the power of a well written game.

Tremendous game. Slightly let down by the dual controlling but didn't detract from the overall experience

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by more heat than light » Sun May 13, 2018 8:20 am

But without the dual controls you wouldn't have the incredibly moving part at the end where you need to use the dead brother's strength to help you. That was the bit that really got me, and turned a very good game into a great one.

Actually thinking about it, the idea of one stick per brother was how the majority of the game's puzzles worked. Not sure if there is any other way they could have done it.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Parksey » Sun May 13, 2018 10:09 am

Brothers was a great game. It create an engrossing fantasy world and believable identifiable characters, and it did it using no dialogue, minimal cutscenes and a 3 hour run time.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by KingK » Sun May 13, 2018 10:27 am

more heat than light wrote:But without the dual controls you wouldn't have the incredibly moving part at the end where you need to use the dead brother's strength to help you. That was the bit that really got me, and turned a very good game into a great one.

Actually thinking about it, the idea of one stick per brother was how the majority of the game's puzzles worked. Not sure if there is any other way they could have done it.

I agree. Just was a tad frustrating at times. Maybe I need to practice patting my head and rubbing my stomach at the same time.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Squinty » Sun May 13, 2018 10:46 am

Loved Brothers, it's a game that is worthy of a lot more praise. I really liked the dual control as well. It never really asks too much of you.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by more heat than light » Sun May 13, 2018 1:09 pm

KingK wrote:
more heat than light wrote:But without the dual controls you wouldn't have the incredibly moving part at the end where you need to use the dead brother's strength to help you. That was the bit that really got me, and turned a very good game into a great one.

Actually thinking about it, the idea of one stick per brother was how the majority of the game's puzzles worked. Not sure if there is any other way they could have done it.

I agree. Just was a tad frustrating at times. Maybe I need to practice patting my head and rubbing my stomach at the same time.

There's an old XBLA shooter called Schizoid that tasked you with controlling two shops at once, one with each stick. Don't ever play that. :lol:

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Seven » Sun May 13, 2018 2:26 pm

Fairy Fencer F - 7/10

+ Fun combat
+ Quick to pick up and play
+ Doesn't drag on too long
+ Looks good considering PSVita game
+/- It is very... anime in tropes; at times I just cringed at things but most of it did make me have good chuckle.
+/- The story I enjoyed, but it's nothing special.
+/- The animations are nice, but really, really long. If it wasn't for the fact you can skip these animations I'd probably not like the game as much.
- Combos are pretty much useless on exectuion - you'd just want to put strongest attack you can access to and just spam it
- Dull dungeons, they're pretty much copy&paste. No exploration sense, you just go in to do what you need to do then leave.
- The side stuff is bit meh.
- DLC is pretty trash; granted only 80p but I dread to think how much they used to be.

Overall, I don't regret playing through the game three times (and got all achievements), took me about 22~ hrs to simply beat it and up to 45~ hours for side stuff (had to do two extra playthroughs though), adding more time for achievements... which I will admit isn't really fun in short run but heyho, was alright when I take breaks.

£5 for all that, no bad. Not really worth more than £10 though.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Squinty » Sun May 13, 2018 5:30 pm

Transistor - 7/10

Decent game, just not really sure why it was universally adored to the level it was. Bastion was kind of the same for me as well.

The combat is indeed fantastic, the mish mash of real time and turn based stuff works well. The visuals and music were well done. But there's something lacking in it. I feel it needs more gameplay hooks, it is extremely linear. Also the constant voiceover did my head in after a while.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Jamo3103 » Mon May 14, 2018 10:46 am

Quantum Break - 8/10

I hadn't really followed this game much so I went into it fairly blind, not really sure of what to expect. I've enjoyed most of Remedy's previous output, the first two Max Payne games were great fun and I loved Alan Wake's story and setting (even though the combat really dragged it down for me). It ended up being a really pleasant surprise and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

The combat was my main concern going in as I'd found it so frustrating in Alan Wake but I thought it was one of Quantum Breaks strongest points. I found it so much fun to play around with the time abilities, it let me get really creative with the way I approached battles and always presented a reasonable challenge without ever feeling unfair.

The story was a mixed bag, I thought it was presented well but the TV episodes didn't really work for me as a method of furthering the story, I'd have rather switched to those characters and played a section as them. It also seemed to jump around a little too much at times and ended up becoming a little convoluted and hard to follow. Still, credit to them for trying something different and although I wasn't massively invested in the story itself I still found it interesting enough to keep me working through it.

My only real gameplay criticisms would be of the cover and platforming mechanics, having just played Uncharted: Lost Legacy (where they're so well refined) they just felt clunky and didn't do their job particularly well. Fortunately the cover system wasn't that necessary courtesy of the time abilities whilst the platforming was kept to the bare minimum so they didn't really hurt my enjoyment too much.

Overall I just found it brilliantly fun to play, flawed in places but hugely entertaining.

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