Last Game You Finished and Your Rating

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Pedz » Tue Oct 23, 2018 5:29 pm

Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins DX

I really loved this as a kid, It was awesome, such a step up from Super Mario Land in every aspect. Well, I decided it was time to return to it after a very very long time. It's still an amazing game and the DX fanmade hack for it is great. I like the fact the someone put a lot of time into given it a proper colour scheme and the option to play as Luigi. Anyway, I'm not going to say much else other than it is way easier and shorter than I remember. I played it for around an hour or maybe a little more.



I played as the best brother LUIGI

Also, my playthrough for anyone wanting to have a look at the DX version.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by RainbowGazelle » Wed Oct 24, 2018 3:45 pm

Squinty wrote:
Knoyleo wrote:
Death's Head wrote:Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition (PC)

Although I do like third person type games, for some reason I’ve never been a big fan of the GTA games. So to play one and enjoy it almost all the way through is fairly rare for me. Maybe it is the setting (the streets of Hong Kong), your character (an undercover detective) or the story (infiltrating a triad gang).

Or maybe it is just because this does everything well – a main story as part of the triad, a separate number of optional missions relating to police work, loads of side quests and loads of races. Meeting certain characters adds them to your mobile and calling them up during the game gives you the option of more side quests. Then we have collectables (one type is a set of statues with each one collected allowing you to learn a new fighting skill) and rather than just one or two types of puzzle (such as picking locks), this has picking locks, hacking cameras, safe type combination locks, tuning in to frequencies and triangulating phone positions – five different types of puzzle to stop things becoming too repetitive.

Unlike GTA, this games is more fighting based (because Everyone Loves Kung-Fu Fighting) which is enjoyable and there are a few missions where you can get your hands on guns to spice things up. If you do like your guns, look out for a special set of missions around a prototype car – I’ll say no more.

The Definitive version comes with two extra episodes, the first an attempt to add zombies (which now seems absolutely necessary in every game, Z-Tetris awaits) but here it is more of a supernatural twist and the second is where you are a uniformed cop dealing with a mad bomber trying to end the world on new year’s eve.

Unfortunately neither are that great and only require a couple of hours to complete. Whilst overall the graphics are functional, the character models can look a little dated at times but given the age of the game, not unexpected.

If you are a fan of the GTA genre, pick this up to play the best GTA game yet. If you aren’t a big fan of GTA and find this cheap, pick it up to see how good GTA could be.


Sleeping Dogs :wub:

I echo the Sleeping Dogs love. Fantastic game. It just gets so much right. Love the combat and the brutal as strawberry float environmental finishers.

I loved what I played of it, but the bit where everybody I gave a toss about died just killed all interest in the story for me.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Alvin Flummux » Thu Oct 25, 2018 4:23 am

Assassin's Creed: Rogue Remastered (PS4)

Another 18th century AC game, featuring series favorite character Haytham Kenway in a supporting role, set during my favorite old war (the Seven Years War). Gameplay is standard solid AC fare, mixed up a bit with a new weapon or two, the two overworlds are suitably varied and interesting, and the cities (erm, city and small towns) seem to be better designed than the ones in AC3. The soundtrack is decent, there's some new stuff to do that you don't find in other AC games (mainly the interceptions), the sea gameplay is still good, and the story on the whole felt complete and not stale in the least, so it's all pretty enjoyable. The modern day stuff didn't get too much in the way, either, which was nice. If I have a quibble, I think it's probably just that there aren't enough side quests to do; a limitation of its original platform, I'm sure. I think that more could've been done to make the HD outing a good bit fuller in the content department, so as to make more use of New York and the various River Valley towns and North Atlantic settlements.

Also I could've sworn they'd cast Matt Berry as Christopher Gist. That voice is unmistakable, but alas, it seems I was mistaken.

Very sold 8/10.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Wedgie » Thu Oct 25, 2018 1:55 pm

Grim Fandango Remastered (PS4)

Don't really like this game at all. Probably one of the worst games that comes out of Lucas Arts. The dialogue isn't as good as Monkey Island ones.



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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by JediDragon05 » Thu Oct 25, 2018 3:41 pm

Split Second

I’ve nearly finished this but I’ve played it to death & I'm dead set on giving it 2/5.

A horrible game with two good modes. That is all what this game has to offer.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Diceman » Thu Oct 25, 2018 11:27 pm

A Hat In Time (PS4)

Bit gutted, actually. From what I'd read, I thought this was going to be a platformer that made me constantly grin with a mix of old-school Banjo-era 3D gameplay with fun, surprising ideas. It wasn't, really.
It's fiddly at times, and a couple of worlds are rather uninteresting visually. There are stealth bits in which you can't completely trust the game to react fairly. Some of the platforming, actually, was a bit devoid of precision.
Slightly above average. 6/10

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Pacman » Sun Oct 28, 2018 3:12 pm


So much fun. I have to agree with Yahtzee, there's a 10/10 game in there somewhere, but it's pulled down by crappy forced stealth elements with the other characters and the Arkham clone stealth combat with Spidey is initially fun but not fleshed out nearly enough.

That moment when all the villains are tag teaming Spidey during the prison break was some top tier gooseberry fool, definitely the peak.

Combat was also too easy for the "hardest" setting. And now I've UNLOCKED a harder setting?

Disagree with Yahtzee on the pacing of Doc Oc though - I liked how beautifully gradual that was.

Overall it's hard to have anything other than minor issues with such a fun and almost perfect game. 9/10.

Final niggle - is there any need for the closing credits to be THIRTY MINUTES LONG? I like watching the credits at the end of a game, it's the perfect time to reflect on the experience, but that seems excessive. Plus they had a nice "In memory of Steve Ditko" message at the end (something about him making the world amazing with the stroke of a pen) but only a small percentage of people are going to see it because they put up a big flashing "SKIP" button and made them almost impossibly long :fp: Interested to know if there's a legitimate reason for this, maybe they were going for the world record for longest credits. Try that in a movie and you'd have cinemas cutting them short so they can start the next picture. 30 minutes :lol:

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by dmin » Mon Oct 29, 2018 1:13 pm

God of War 3 Remastered - 8/10

Just about made it past Kratos being a massive tit and it being a bit button mashy, to award this a solid 8. The levels were mostly joyous, with lots of memorable set pieces and boss fights.

All set for the new God of War now!

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by FatDaz » Mon Oct 29, 2018 8:00 pm

dmin wrote:God of War 3 Remastered - 8/10

Just about made it past Kratos being a massive tit and it being a bit button mashy, to award this a solid 8. The levels were mostly joyous, with lots of memorable set pieces and boss fights.

All set for the new God of War now!

New god of war is definitely GOTY material and is head and shoulders above all the other ones. Really is one of my defining games. Last game that grabbed me this much was the last of us. Perfect blend of mature storytelling and fantastic mechanics combined with the best graphics this gen.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by dmin » Mon Oct 29, 2018 11:08 pm

Yup, looking forward to it. It's winging it's way to me from an ebay seller at the mo. Managed to get it for £15 (hadn't logged into ebay for a while and got given a £10 voucher; woohoo!). Once I finish Horizon Frozen Wilds, I'm planning on getting stuck into it.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Kriken » Fri Nov 02, 2018 10:54 am

Deltarune (Chapter 1)

It's pretty good. Basically more Undertale but with the focus mainly on new characters, and a more expanded battle system. Pretty curious to see where this is going to go.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Earfolds » Sat Nov 03, 2018 8:09 am

Kriken wrote:Deltarune (Chapter 1)

It's pretty good. Basically more Undertale but with the focus mainly on new characters, and a more expanded battle system. Pretty curious to see where this is going to go.

Might have to wait a long time, sadly. I'm pretty excited, though!

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Errkal » Sun Nov 04, 2018 3:45 pm

Batman Arkham Asylum. 8/10 very enjoyable on the most part, however the croc lair bit is strawberry floating tedious

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Trelliz » Mon Nov 05, 2018 7:59 am

Yakuza 0 - PS4

I was always aware of the Yakuza games, that they were this odd series of beat 'em up RPGs that had a cult following, but I never really paid them any attention. Through a confluence of rebuying a PS3 and seeing some of the series available as downloads quite cheaply I picked them up as well as 0 and the PS4 entries because i'm a weirdo like that - I'll buy an entire series of a game to 'make sure' I have them all. Anywho, I debated playing them in release or narrative order and went with the latter, going in with a sense of curiosity of what all the quiet fuss was about after coming off the back of AssCreed Origins, one of the latest iterations of the Ubisoft Ur-game and one of the taste and trend-driving series of the mainstream "AAA" industry, i'll come back to that later.

This. Game. Man oh man, this game. It took me about 70 hours to get to the end of the story, including LOTS of dicking about with side-missions and, contrary to AssCreed, I enjoyed every moment and after the credits rolled I want to go back and finish the property/cabaret club, I want to do the remaining side stories (that don't involve Mahjong/Shogi etc) because they are so varied, different, funny and often profoundly surreal, in stark contrast to the serious and tragic main story of the underworld falling on each other and anyone who gets in the way over a tiny square of land which is the lynchpin of a massive property dispute. There were moments of genuine, actual emotional impact among the melodrama which kept me interested throughout the increasingly complex unravelling of betrayals, counter-betrayals and "this was my plan all along" reveals among the equally complex structure of Japanese organised crime structures. Majima's gradual fall from rationality and even sanity is sad to watch and it'll be interesting to see how his respective involvement in the rest of the games plays out with this context that wasn't there before.

In another glaring contrast to open world games which dick-wave their map size as a marketing ploy, Yakuza goes the other way, offering orders of magnitude more variety and interest in a tiny fraction of the miles of empty desert that AssCreed Origins does. There are so many minigames, side activities and places to visit that you get to know over the course of the game, rather than simply tidy up icons on a map. On the one hand its a clever cost and development time-saving measure but on the other it makes the environment a character in itself which over the course of several games you get to know better and see evolve over time, I imagine.

The other thing that this gets right in a way so many games (including AssOrigins) get fundamentally wrong is building the drama and animosity between the protagonist(s) and antagonist(s). Throughout Yakuza 0's length it earns the rivalry between Kiryu/Majima and their respective crime boss nemeses; sparking off them over and over as the stakes rise and events unfold. By the time of the final and lengthy end sequence with multiple one-on-one fights each one had the weight of previous events driving them forwards. By the time of each final battle I was emotionally invested in beating their respective nemeses to hell and back for everything they'd done. Going back to AssCreed Origins the difference is staggering. You kill a load of baddies who you're told are awful and eventually encounter for a couple of minutes before offing them, with the final villain just sort of popping up out of nowhere in the last third of the game having not been mentioned at all beforehand.

Saying that, as a prequel all about setting up the relationship between Kiryu and Majima, I was expecting more direct interaction between them, perhaps building a friendship of sorts against their common enemies which gets broken as events unfold, however there wasn't much of that at all - despite being loosely aware of each other as things progress, all you get is a brief cutscene right at the end where they meet and suddenly Majima is all weird now.

I've become disillusioned by videogames, the industry and "gamers" over the last few years - partly as a product of getting older, partly as a response to increasingly toxic online environments and the politicisation/polarisation of what was supposed to be a fun hobby, as well as the increasingly open and brazen greed by publishers to sustain unsustainable growth and appease shareholders through aggressive monetisation, dlc, microtransactions, preorders, lootboxes etc., offering less/worse experiences for more money. All this, for lack of a better term, 'noise' has made me reconsider how much and what I want to play in the future, if anything, and left me with the nagging desire to distance myself from it as much as possible. I'm not saying that Yakuza 0 has made me 'see the error of my ways' or changed my opinions on any of the above, but it casts a clear and damning light on the rest of the industry, showing what a brilliant, self-contained and complete experience that tells a good story with plenty of depth and variety can be. It absolutely earns everything it asks of you in terms of your time and cognition by offering so much in return.

With another 7 games in the series and pseudo-sequel Judge Eyes coming out soonish I've got a LOT more to go, however I would rather keep going with this and a few other key series/genres and simply step away from the vast majority of the rest of 'gaming' as much of it is even lower in my esteem by comparison after finishing this.

jawa2 wrote:Tl;dr Trelliz isn't a miserable git; he's right.
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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Pzvejas » Wed Nov 07, 2018 11:50 am

Yesterday I finished Mafia 2. It was a nice game, nice story 9/10.


PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Gemini73 » Sat Nov 10, 2018 1:15 pm

The Walking Dead S1 (X1S)

This is my second play through and while it's even more evident that my choices have little to no real impact on the direction of the story it's still very enjoyable.


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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Errkal » Sun Nov 11, 2018 12:03 pm

Rime 8/10 lovely game few annoying puzzle bits that the way to go wasn't clear due to tweaking the way it showed places to jump and grab but lovely none the less.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Squinty » Sun Nov 11, 2018 12:32 pm

Splatoon 2 Campaign

I finished this a few days ago. It was good, but not brilliant. I found some of the level design kind of obnoxious. The finale isn't as good as the first games campaign as well.

But good lord, the online is like the first game, improved exponentially. Salmon Run is addictive as strawberry float, I absolutely love that mode. Turf War is still great, the new maps have some really interesting stuff in them. Some of the mechanics from the single player in Splatoon have made it into multiplayer (sponge cubes, ziplines).

Still an outstanding multiplayer title, slightly underwhelming single player. I would still give it a 9 for the overall package.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by Trelliz » Thu Nov 15, 2018 5:28 pm

Forza Horizon 4 - Xbox One

On the one hand it is visually stunning, extremely well produced with features like the route creator giving near-infinite options for depth and player customisation, along with the long-running car livery editing suite which helped define the Forza series from the start. The car models are detailed and there is a massive stable of rides to pick from.

However there are many things which individually aren't necessarily huge problems but by their powers combined push me away.

Rivals mode (leaderboard-based time attack with ghosts of other racers) has been heavily watered down and reduced from the previous Horizon. Before, any time and ghost from a single player event was saved into rivals mode, giving you a huge leaderboard for each track at every class level with no extra work from the player to fill it. Now there are heavy restrictions of what performance rating and car type you can use on each track, with many events giving you a specific car to use. As such there are swathes of the car list that are functionally useless as they are higher than the given performance bracket for an event. I can absolutely see why this was done; shaving milliseconds off lap times falls under the purview of the more hardcore end of the spectrum, who would gravitate towards the Motorsport games if not more serious racers like PCARS, iRacing, rFactor etc. I loved taking D or C-class cars rallying/point to point racing and this doesn't really facilitate that.

The single player races have no meaning to them or any bigger stakes - beyond the handful of seasonal championships, regardless of where you finish the event is marked as "complete" so, coupled with race rewards tied to difficulty, you get more money for finishing last on the highest difficulty than 1st on the second highest. Therefore the only real meaning to any event is how fast or slow you level up to unlock more...stuff. This all ties into the game's economy which has problems inherent to the open world "live services" platform. The real mental effort and focus of the game is making numbers go up - event levels, overall levels, cash balance. You're always looking for the next level reward, saving money to buy the properties, spending skill points on each car's own skill tree etc. I was lucky enough to get two "Forza Edition" cars which boost XP or cash gained after an event, meaning that from the perspective of optimising one's grind they were the only cars worth driving in the whole game as anything else would make the numbers go up slower. This is made even more egregious by the VIP DLC which doubles your cash after each race. I can't imagine what playing this without that is like, but knowing that i paid extra to avoid the slow progress lane is a nagging and negative thought every time the "VIP bonus" pops up after an event.

It, like so many big games these days, gives you a never-ending trickle of things to do to keep you coming back for more and being "engaged", however none of them are particularly memorable or noteworthy, instead hitting your brain with numbers and meters filling up rather than being actually interesting. You are showered with cars from levelling up and from wheelspins (when you aren't getting hats or shoes for your achingly hipster character) to the point that you never need to get to know or optimise any of them unless going for the aforementioned rivals leaderboards, and even then as mentioned most of them are heavily restricted in their use.

Ultimately this game saddens me, as it is emblematic of both a franchise I have enjoyed for many years moving in a direction I'm no longer interested in, along with a large portion of the industry/a hobby I've been interested in for a long time. I was thinking of downloading it on PC to keep playing there but I'm not sure I can even be bothered with that, even when the first expansion comes out.

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PostRe: Last Game You Finished and Your Rating
by JediDragon05 » Thu Nov 15, 2018 6:28 pm

SoulCalibur II HD Online

Just about done. Loses marks on :

Dungeons that go on & on & on & on & on. Put a bloody sock in it. Christ.

Annoying bitch ass pussy AI that does drugs & roids up so you can’t defend yourself from after you’ve slapped them like a pimp slapping his hoe.

Class yourself lucky Bandai / Namco :capnscotty: because other than that, it’s a great game.


Yo mama.

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