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Re: The American Politics Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 12:23 pm
by Hexx

Re: The American Politics Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 12:26 pm
by Alvin Flummux
Senility? Alzheimer's? Has to be something like that, right?

Re: The American Politics Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 12:27 pm
by KK

Re: The American Politics Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 1:25 pm
by Memento Mori
Alvin Flummux wrote:Senility? Alzheimer's? Has to be something like that, right?

Like the week after he was inaugurated he didn't realise Rudy Guiliani was sitting right in front of him. Something's going on.

Re: The American Politics Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 2:38 pm
by Drumstick
Ron Ryan. :lol:

Re: The American Politics Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 2:45 pm
by Rightey
Alvin Flummux wrote:Senility? Alzheimer's? Has to be something like that, right?

I've forgotten people's names as well who I work with for a few minutes. Sometimes it just doesn't come to me, I don't think this itself is an indication of senility.

Re: The American Politics Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 3:15 pm
by Memento Mori
It's not an isolated incident. Trump's father died from Alzheimer's disease so he's more likely to get it than most people.

Re: The American Politics Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 3:22 pm
by Drumstick
Rightey wrote:
Alvin Flummux wrote:Senility? Alzheimer's? Has to be something like that, right?

I've forgotten people's names as well who I work with for a few minutes. Sometimes it just doesn't come to me, I don't think this itself is an indication of senility.

You are not the leader of the free world.

Re: The American Politics Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 9:46 pm
by Monkey Man

Re: The American Politics Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 9:53 pm
by Moggy

Wait, is Trump going to run a forum game? :shock:

Re: The American Politics Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 9:56 pm
by DML
Moggy wrote:AYA!?

Wait, is Trump going to run a forum game? :shock:

Well he did shoot his bullets pretty early.

Re: The American Politics Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 9:57 pm
by Lagamorph
Are you an American
A game in which Americans try to band together to lynch the immigrants.

Re: The American Politics Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 10:13 pm
by Return_of_the_STAR
Whats trump supposed to have done in that video? I don't get it?

Re: The American Politics Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 11:18 pm
by Lex-Man
Moggy wrote:AYA!?

Wait, is Trump going to run a forum game? :shock:

Clearly Trump is secretly somebody on the forum. This whole thing has been the setup for the best forum game ever.

Re: The American Politics Thread

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 12:48 pm
by Cheeky Devlin
lex-man wrote:
Moggy wrote:AYA!?

Wait, is Trump going to run a forum game? :shock:

Clearly Trump is secretly somebody on the forum. This whole thing has been the setup for the best forum game ever.

Are You An Ego-Maniacal Orange Faced Idiot?


Re: The American Politics Thread

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 12:51 pm
by Hexx
lex-man wrote:
Moggy wrote:AYA!?

Wait, is Trump going to run a forum game? :shock:

Clearly Trump is secretly somebody on the forum.

Cal's had a lot more free time from here recently...

Re: The American Politics Thread

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 7:57 pm
by KK
Donald Trump's First 100 days documentary on BBC1 tonight at 9pm.

Re: The American Politics Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 11:31 am
by Preezy
Pinched this from NeoGaf but it's worth sharing:

Transcript of AP interview with Trump
By The Associated Press

AP: You did put out though, as a candidate, you put out a 100-day plan. Do you feel like you should be held accountable to that plan?

TRUMP: Somebody, yeah, somebody put out the concept of a hundred-day plan. But yeah. Well, I'm mostly there on most items. Go over the items, and I'll talk to you ...


TRUMP: But things change. There has to be flexibility. Let me give you an example. President Xi, we have a, like, a really great relationship. For me to call him a currency manipulator and then say, "By the way, I'd like you to solve the North Korean problem," doesn't work. So you have to have a certain flexibility, Number One. Number Two, from the time I took office till now, you know, it's a very exact thing. It's not like generalities. Do you want a Coke or anything?

AP: I'm OK, thank you. No. ...

TRUMP: But President Xi, from the time I took office, he has not, they have not been currency manipulators. Because there's a certain respect because he knew I would do something or whatever. But more importantly than him not being a currency manipulator the bigger picture, bigger than even currency manipulation, if he's helping us with North Korea, with nuclear and all of the things that go along with it, who would call, what am I going to do, say, "By the way, would you help us with North Korea? And also, you're a currency manipulator." It doesn't work that way.

AP: Right.

TRUMP: And the media, some of them get it, in all fairness. But you know some of them either don't get it, in which case they're very stupid people, or they just don't want to say it. You know because of a couple of them said, "He didn't call them a currency manipulator." Well, for two reasons. Number One, he's not, since my time. You know, very specific formula. You would think it's like generalities, it's not. They have — they've actually — their currency's gone up. So it's a very, very specific formula. And I said, "How badly have they been," ... they said, "Since you got to office they have not manipulated their currency." That's Number One, but much more important, they are working with us on North Korea. Now maybe that'll work out or maybe it won't. Can you imagine? ...

AP: So in terms of the 100-day plan that you did put out during the campaign, do you feel, though, that people should hold you accountable to this in terms of judging success?

TRUMP: No, because much of the foundation's been laid. Things came up. I'll give you an example. I didn't put Supreme Court judge on the 100 (day) plan, and I got a Supreme Court judge.

AP: I think it's on there.

TRUMP: I don't know. ...

TRUMP: OK. The one thing I've learned to do that I never thought I had the ability to do. I don't watch CNN anymore.

AP: You just said you did.

TRUMP: No. No, I, if I'm passing it, what did I just say (inaudible)?

AP: You just said —

TRUMP: Where? Where?

AP: Two minutes ago.

TRUMP: No, they treat me so badly. No, I just said that. No, I, what'd I say, I stopped watching them. But I don't watch CNN anymore. I don't watch MSNBC. I don't watch it. Now I heard yesterday that MSNBC, you know, they tell me what's going on.

AP: Right.

TRUMP: In fact, they also did. I never thought I had the ability to not watch. Like, people think I watch (MSNBC's) "Morning Joe." I don't watch "Morning Joe." I never thought I had the ability to, and who used to treat me great by the way, when I played the game. I never thought I had the ability to not watch what is unpleasant, if it's about me. Or pleasant. But when I see it's such false reporting and such bad reporting and false reporting that I've developed an ability that I never thought I had. I don't watch things that are unpleasant. I just don't watch them.

AP: But in terms of tax reform, how are you going to roll that out next week?

TRUMP: Well I'm going to roll (out) probably on Wednesday, around Wednesday of next week, we're putting out a massive tax reform — business and for people — we want to do both. We've been working on it (unintelligible). Secretary Mnuchin is a very talented person, very smart. Very successful (unintelligible). ... We're going to be putting that out on Wednesday or shortly thereafter. Let me leave a little room just in case (unintelligible). ... And that's a big story, because a lot of people think I'm going to put it out much later.

AP: Do you have any details on that in terms of rates?

TRUMP: Only in terms that it will be a massive tax cut. It will be bigger, I believe, than any tax cut ever. Maybe the biggest tax cut we've ever had. ...


Re: The American Politics Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 11:44 am
by Moggy

Re: The American Politics Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 11:55 am
by KK
An almost unintelligible word salad of absolute strawberry floating horse gooseberry fool.