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Alvin Flummux
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PostRe: Republican Primaries 2012
by Alvin Flummux » Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:10 pm

Would they? Republicans tend to do the opposite to their stated aims (when those aims are not "be a pointlessly obstructionist asshole and do NOTHING else") in office. Public spending rises, spending on scientific stuff goes up etc.

All we have to fear from the Republicans is homophobic, xenophobic retardation. And that's enough.

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Scotticus Erroticus
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PostRe: Republican Primaries 2012
by Scotticus Erroticus » Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:17 pm

Oh come on, Pat. They provide us with the driest comedy the World has ever known.

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Grumpy David
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PostRe: Republican Primaries 2012
by Grumpy David » Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:26 pm

Ron Paul has been saying (and voting) the same things he's said for the last 30 years! There's no more consistent candidate running.

Gary Johnson hasn't been in politics as long but his record is just as consistent.

Neither of them are Republicans-in-name-only.


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Alvin Flummux
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PostRe: Republican Primaries 2012
by Alvin Flummux » Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:36 pm

If Ron Paul could get the Cincinnati-Columbus-Cleveland high-speed rail link reinstated, I'd think him much improved over the Republican Party proper.

Why not ban all political parties and force everyone to run on their own merits?

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Grumpy David
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PostRe: Republican Primaries 2012
by Grumpy David » Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:49 pm

Alvin Flummux wrote:
Why not ban all political parties and force everyone to run on their own merits?

I had the exact same idea myself. Would want it done in the UK too. Screw party whips, let MPs vote the way they feel best represents their constituents wishes rather than what leaders of the party feel is what's best for the party.

Would probably be a little bit chaotic but it's a trade off I see as desirable.

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PostRe: Republican Primaries 2012
by Moggy » Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:29 am

Grumpy David wrote:Ron Paul or Gary Johnson are the only two candidates I would like to see as President.


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Scotticus Erroticus
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PostRe: Republican Primaries 2012
by Scotticus Erroticus » Sun Jan 08, 2012 1:26 pm


Seriously though, imagine the chaos Ron Paul would cause in his first term as president. Balancing the budget and removing red tape are all things that sound great, but people have benefits and assistance for a reason. Just imagine $1trillion dollars being removed from the economy for nothing more than an ideology. I'm sure Ron Paul is a very nice man and all that, but he doesn't really expect removing half the federal budget to be a good thing, does he? Seriously?

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Grumpy David
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PostRe: Republican Primaries 2012
by Grumpy David » Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:58 pm

John McCain Forgets Romney's Name (Youtube embedding didn't seem to work): ... WEdrdoz8Z4

Scotticus Erroticus wrote:Seriously though, imagine the chaos Ron Paul would cause in his first term as president. Balancing the budget and removing red tape are all things that sound great, but people have benefits and assistance for a reason. Just imagine $1trillion dollars being removed from the economy for nothing more than an ideology. I'm sure Ron Paul is a very nice man and all that, but he doesn't really expect removing half the federal budget to be a good thing, does he? Seriously?

"Removed from the economy" doesn't make sense because it's taxes which remove money from the real economy and deficit spending is funded by printing money or borrowing money which ultimately weaken the overall economy. Neither does "for nothing more than an ideology" make much sense. Sure libertarian principles guide his actions, but libertarian economic principles leads to successful economies such as Hong Kong and Singapore. Going away from those principles retards economic growth.

And the 1 trillion would be cut from cabinet departments, overseas military spending, foreign aid and returning to the 2006 budget. Social security isn't even dealt with. That's how much fat there is in the US government budget that you can cut 1 trillion in the first year without really tackling a big chunk of the overall US budget - social security.

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PostRe: Republican Primaries 2012
by Slartibartfast » Sun Jan 08, 2012 9:46 pm

Grumpy David wrote:Ron Paul has been saying (and voting) the same things he's said for the last 30 years! There's no more consistent candidate running.

Gary Johnson hasn't been in politics as long but his record is just as consistent.

Neither of them are Republicans-in-name-only.


Consistency in and of itself isn't a positive or negative attribute.

If anything, it shows his message has never been very appealing, it's only in the light of a lack of direction from the Republicans that means he is doing well.

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Grumpy David
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PostRe: Republican Primaries 2012
by Grumpy David » Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:25 pm

Slartibartfast wrote:Consistency in and of itself isn't a positive or negative attribute.

If anything, it shows his message has never been very appealing, it's only in the light of a lack of direction from the Republicans that means he is doing well.

So Alvin says Republicans tend to do the opposite of things they say. I point out Ron Paul is anything but a flip flopper (Alvin's post suggests flip flopping is a negative attribute) and now instead of being a negative attribute, you're saying consistency is a neutral attribute? I'd say flip flopping is a negative attribute myself, I like to know I'm voting for a person who will behave in power the way I expected them to when I loaned them power with my vote. I don't think that's too much to ask.

His policies aren't generally as popular with older voters compared to younger voters (he's absolutely dominant in the young voter categories, possibly indicating the future of the Republican party might be in a more libertarian direction rather than Christian social conservative direction?), he's doing better now partially because older voters die more frequently than younger voters and because more Republicans recognise the USA is over stretching themselves in foreign policy and the economic situation has been made worse through Keynesian economic policies whilst all the time Ron Paul has been correctly predicting this mess for years and voters are acknowledging this fact. It helps he can raise tremendous amounts of money from a very loyal fanbase too.

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PostRe: Republican Primaries 2012
by Winckle » Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:47 pm

Winckle wrote:
Santicus Clausicus wrote:No, Republicans don't like intelligent people. Ron Paul knows this, but he is trying to prove a point more than anything. He excells in the Republican debates and wiped the floor with McCain and Thompson last time round. He doesn't stand a chance though.

Good. Ron Paul is probably worse than the rest of them: ... -paul.html

"A well-known libertarian editor just back from New York told me: 'The ACT-UP slogan, on stickers plastered all over Manhattan, is "Silence = Death." But shouldn't it be "Sodomy = Death"?'"

Gay People Enjoy Getting AIDS

"They enjoy the attention and pity that comes with being sick. Put it all together, and you've got another wave of AIDS infections, that you, dear taxpayer, will be asked to pay for."

"On sharing needles: this is one of the customs among dopers. They use the same needle out of addict solidarity. Sterile syringes would be just as available on the black market as illegal drugs if the demand were there. Addicts want to share needles. Too bad they have to die so expensively at taxpayers' expense."

"When blacks kill whites, however, it's not defined as news."

We should migrate GRcade to Flarum. :toot:
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PostRe: Republican Primaries 2012
by Tineash » Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:51 pm

You missed out the fleet-footed blacks one, that was my favourite.

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PostRe: Republican Primaries 2012
by Moggy » Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:15 am

As Ron Paul does not flip-flop, is it safe to assume that he holds the same views?

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PostRe: Republican Primaries 2012
by OnlyShallow » Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:17 am

Yes. A racist homophobe. But thats ok.

Many Lives -> 49 MP wrote:People like you OnlyShallow are terrible banana splits. I hate you forever.
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PostRe: Republican Primaries 2012
by Moggy » Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:18 am

OnlyShallow wrote:Yes. A racist homophobe. But thats ok.

It's ok because he will cut foreign aid and will not change his mind?

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PostRe: Republican Primaries 2012
by Meep » Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:39 am

Grumpy David wrote:Ron Paul has been saying (and voting) the same things he's said for the last 30 years! There's no more consistent candidate running.

Gary Johnson hasn't been in politics as long but his record is just as consistent.

Neither of them are Republicans-in-name-only.


That picture is a little misleading. I'm assuming the whole Left Vs Right text is part of a logo or something and not associated with the above bit, because it seems to associate the left/right political axis with the liberalism/authoritarianism axis when in fact one can be in either end of both those at the same time.

I have to admit through, the Democrats have muddied their usual stance as being pro-rights verses republicans. The American public has grown too paranoid and business too powerful, so now both parties are persueing anti-rights legislation that is eroding civil liberties (which I think was the jist of that diagram in the first place). Even the Occupy movement has turned against Democrats and rightly so.

However, is this going to improve under Republic leaderingship? Hells no. :lol:

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Alvin Flummux
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PostRe: Republican Primaries 2012
by Alvin Flummux » Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:18 pm

The Cold War has poisoned America. Ever since it began, its media's general response toward anything even remotely left-wing (and probably things that aren't but which they can paint to look like they are) has been obfuscation, paranoia and almost militant right-wing propaganda (the assertions of which are often shrouded in misleading half-truths and general falsehoods), all of which continues to fuel all of those terribly misguided mid-20th century prejudices against the left.

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PostRe: Republican Primaries 2012
by Phatman » Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:39 pm

What always irritates me is this very American idea that someone can be a libertarian and wish to impose socially conservative policy. So, less government intervention and more freedom, but not for homosexuals, pregnant women etc. Hypocrisy of the highest order.

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Fatal Exception
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PostRe: Republican Primaries 2012
by Fatal Exception » Mon Jan 09, 2012 1:55 pm

Grumpy David wrote:
Alvin Flummux wrote:
Why not ban all political parties and force everyone to run on their own merits?

I had the exact same idea myself. Would want it done in the UK too. Screw party whips, let MPs vote the way they feel best represents their constituents wishes rather than what leaders of the party feel is what's best for the party.

Would probably be a little bit chaotic but it's a trade off I see as desirable.

True that. That would be an idea I could get behind.

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Alvin Flummux
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PostRe: Republican Primaries 2012
by Alvin Flummux » Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:01 pm


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