[DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence - It's a No!

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Should Scotland be an independent country?

YES (I am eligible to vote in the referendum)
NO (I am eligible to vote in the referendum)
YES (I will not be eligible)
NO (I will not be eligible)
Total votes: 190
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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence - It's a No!
by That » Fri Sep 19, 2014 9:45 pm

I doubt any of those thugs even voted. Pathetic.

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence - It's a No!
by Jay Adama » Fri Sep 19, 2014 9:52 pm

[iup=3569403]Karl[/iup] wrote:I doubt any of those thugs even voted. Pathetic.

In fairness to them, they likely don't have the intelligence to form an X on a piece of paper.

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence - It's a No!
by ladybayred » Fri Sep 19, 2014 10:22 pm

I just want to commend the 617 (approximately) people who voted both Yes and No - they got this referendum right.

Hindsight is a beautiful thing and its clear now the referendum in the form it took was a complete waste of everyone's time. So many unanswered questions and lies from both sides. There should of been an agreement on how the issues (currency, debt, trident and the nhs for example) would be resolved after the result (either way) before even the referendum began two years ago. Things like the currency situation so never have been a thing as it should have been spelled out what would happen either way.

Instead the Scottish people had to vote yes or no based almost entirely on the hype they choose to believe.

I just hope this process hasn't been entirely pointless. 45% of Scots (and I imagine a lot of the No voters as well) are massively disillusioned with the Westminster establishment. If these people's energy can be a catalyst to spark the millions of English, Welsh and N Irish who are also massively disillusioned into action we could see some radical and refreshing changes to the political landscape in the UK.

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence - It's a No!
by Grumpy David » Fri Sep 19, 2014 10:28 pm

Tl;dr: Vote UKIP for change we can believe in.

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence - It's a No!
by Irene Demova » Fri Sep 19, 2014 10:30 pm

They asked for refreshing changes not stale vomit

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence - It's a No!
by Dual » Fri Sep 19, 2014 10:31 pm

[iup=3569451]Grumpy David[/iup] wrote:Tl;dr: Vote UKIP for change we can believe in.

lol just lol

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence - It's a No!
by CuriousOyster » Fri Sep 19, 2014 10:33 pm

Guy from my work is there at all the trouble, type of hardcore loyalist bigot that gives Rangers and 'unionists' a bad name. Constantly spouting hate and racism on his fb. Get the result they want then riot :fp: Disgrace.

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence - It's a No!
by PCCD » Fri Sep 19, 2014 10:43 pm

Thank Christ there's no imminent Old Firm game :dread:

The Holly and Delusi wrote:PENALTY: Blatant lies. Five minutes in the Sin Bin.
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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence - It's a No!
by captain red dog » Fri Sep 19, 2014 10:45 pm

[iup=3569215]elite knight danbo[/iup] wrote:
[iup=3569192]captain red dog[/iup] wrote:The worry is without Salmond, the SNP will fall back. He is a once in lifetime politician. I'm actually surprised he went, don't like the bloke but he really should stay in place until Westminster deliver on their promises. One thing you can't doubt is that he passionately loves his country and genuinely wants the best for them.

Rumblings tonight that the Westminster leaders are starting to pull back on their promises, Salmond really could have taken them to task and started an anti Westminster movement across the entire UK. At the moment we only have UKIP and Farage taking that role. :|

For the record, I think Westminster need to deliver on their promises as a priority. Park the English issue until after the election. If they don't deliver what they promised then that is a strawberry floating disgrace and Scotland should be entitled to secede from the Union.

This is what you were saying a week ago :

Salmond is such a slimy, nasty little politician. He is now trying to turn it into team Scotland vs Team Westminster. I really hope Scottish voter see through his campaign. I have never seen anyone be so stealthily racist and continue to get away with it.

Is it any wonder the man left?

I stand by that. He failed because his message was for independence, just because. He had no answer to any of the questions raised and to me it seemed obvious it was based on stirring up anti-English sentiment. He was very clever to interchange "England" with "Westminster".

You see lots of Scots talking tonight about not having freedom and you wonder what planet they are on. Salmond sold them a lie worthy of the commons library!

That said, the terrible trio made promises they should be forced to keep for the good.of the union. I don't like Salmond one bit but I'd trust him to drag the deal out of them at least. If he really didn't have some kind of grudge against the English he would try and spearhead a wider movement to ensure reform for all of us.

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence - It's a No!
by Meep » Fri Sep 19, 2014 10:48 pm

More devolution will only make independence even more probably in the long term, won't it? After all, the result we saw today would have been unthinkable without the devolution that has been seen so far. IMO, it makes sense that the more independent Scotland is already, in terms of devolution, the small a leap to full independence will seem from a practical point of view.

When Blair brought about devolution he smugly boasted that it would end nationalism as a movement. Depending on how you look at it this backfired horribly. Generally if you give someone a taste of something that they like they end up asking for more.

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence - It's a No!
by Return_of_the_STAR » Fri Sep 19, 2014 11:02 pm

[iup=3569468]captain red dog[/iup] wrote:
[iup=3569215]elite knight danbo[/iup] wrote:
[iup=3569192]captain red dog[/iup] wrote:The worry is without Salmond, the SNP will fall back. He is a once in lifetime politician. I'm actually surprised he went, don't like the bloke but he really should stay in place until Westminster deliver on their promises. One thing you can't doubt is that he passionately loves his country and genuinely wants the best for them.

Rumblings tonight that the Westminster leaders are starting to pull back on their promises, Salmond really could have taken them to task and started an anti Westminster movement across the entire UK. At the moment we only have UKIP and Farage taking that role. :|

For the record, I think Westminster need to deliver on their promises as a priority. Park the English issue until after the election. If they don't deliver what they promised then that is a strawberry floating disgrace and Scotland should be entitled to secede from the Union.

This is what you were saying a week ago :

Salmond is such a slimy, nasty little politician. He is now trying to turn it into team Scotland vs Team Westminster. I really hope Scottish voter see through his campaign. I have never seen anyone be so stealthily racist and continue to get away with it.

Is it any wonder the man left?

I stand by that. He failed because his message was for independence, just because. He had no answer to any of the questions raised and to me it seemed obvious it was based on stirring up anti-English sentiment. He was very clever to interchange "England" with "Westminster".

You see lots of Scots talking tonight about not having freedom and you wonder what planet they are on. Salmond sold them a lie worthy of the commons library!

That said, the terrible trio made promises they should be forced to keep for the good.of the union. I don't like Salmond one bit but I'd trust him to drag the deal out of them at least. If he really didn't have some kind of grudge against the English he would try and spearhead a wider movement to ensure reform for all of us.

Pretty good assessment there captain.

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence - It's a No!
by Johnny Ryall » Fri Sep 19, 2014 11:04 pm

[iup=3569468]captain red dog[/iup] wrote:You see lots of Scots talking tonight about not having freedom and you wonder what planet they are on.

Who is saying this?

Used to have a link to my twitter in here
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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence - It's a No!
by Jay Adama » Fri Sep 19, 2014 11:09 pm

[iup=3569442]ladybayred[/iup] wrote:Hindsight is a beautiful thing and its clear now the referendum in the form it took was a complete waste of everyone's time.

I think this is one thing that everyone who voted, whether Yes or No, can refute with certainty. The process has energised both Scottish and British politics, got more people involved and thinking about the issues than there have been for decades and now looks like the catalyst for major constitutional change across the entire United Kingdom.

All the time spent on the referendum will see changes come in, even if they weren't the changes people were expecting.

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence - It's a No!
by Meep » Fri Sep 19, 2014 11:48 pm

I will believe it when I see it; already cracks are appearing now that they are out of the 'danger zone'. Cameron is going to be sweating it out just get his party to agree to anything and Labour are going to be highly resistant to anything that may reduce their power in Westminster, which is what they really care about.

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence - It's a No!
by Infibeyen » Sat Sep 20, 2014 12:25 am

The rioters have torched a generator at the building that produces The Herald, I think the only paper to come out in support of independence. Seen a few videos on Facebook of the scenes at George Square/Buchanan Street, it's horrendous.


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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence - It's a No!
by chalkitdown » Sat Sep 20, 2014 12:36 am

Absolute scummy banana splits of the highest order.

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence - It's a No!
by Infibeyen » Sat Sep 20, 2014 12:45 am

I walked past George Square at about 7.15pm, well before it all kicked off but there was a lot of activity there. Lots of Union Jacks waving about and lots of noise. Seemed like one spark was all it needed before it all kicked off. I also found this:


The Nazi salutes. :fp:

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence - It's a No!
by ladybayred » Sat Sep 20, 2014 12:49 am

[iup=3569485]Jay Adama[/iup] wrote:
[iup=3569442]ladybayred[/iup] wrote:Hindsight is a beautiful thing and its clear now the referendum in the form it took was a complete waste of everyone's time.

I think this is one thing that everyone who voted, whether Yes or No, can refute with certainty. The process has energised both Scottish and British politics, got more people involved and thinking about the issues than there have been for decades and now looks like the catalyst for major constitutional change across the entire United Kingdom.

All the time spent on the referendum will see changes come in, even if they weren't the changes people were expecting.

I certainly hope it results in change. My only issue as an outsider is that the decision could be boiled down to:

No : A vague promise of the status quo with devo + or max or more or less or nobody really knows.
Yes: A vague promise that rule from Holyrood is better then rule in West Minster using a undefined currency, uncertainty over debt, oil revenues and membership of the EU.

From my point of view there were so many holes in both arguments that to draw a conclusion either way required such massive leaps of faith and / or massive ignorance.

But it has shown people are interested in politics. If only the people who purported to represent us did so instead of sucking at the West Minster tit.

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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence - It's a No!
by Qikz » Sat Sep 20, 2014 12:52 am

[iup=3569508]chalkitdown[/iup] wrote:Absolute scummy banana splits of the highest order.

Couldn't agree more.

The Watching Artist wrote:I feel so inept next to Qikz...
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PostRe: [DISCUSSION] Scottish Independence - It's a No!
by Dblock » Sat Sep 20, 2014 12:53 am

TimeGhost wrote:
[iup=3569027]Dblock[/iup] wrote:All this outcry about how the English used to mistreat you and bla bla bla. Yet when it comes to reality you guys were scared to stand on your own feet.

No spine at all.

That's rich coming from a ******. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The scots have lost their mind. :lol:

''Saying it's because I was controlling you and making you sad when actually I just asked you to wear some trousers'' :lol: :lol:

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