Who won E3 2019?

Anything to do with games at all.

Who won?

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PostWho won E3 2019?
by Tomous » Tue Jun 11, 2019 7:54 pm

Nintendo easily had the best presentation. The pacing is so much better-they show the same amount of content (if not more) in half the time thanks to ther format. And they had two great moments with Banjo and 3D Zelda. While the Animal Crossing delay was disappointing everything they showed looked great for the most part.

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PostRe: So, who won E3 2019? Rate the conferences
by Robbo-92 » Tue Jun 11, 2019 7:57 pm

Nintendo hands down, they showed a lot of stuff that looked amazing. Only thing that was slightly disappointing was the Animal Crossing delay but getting to know the next Zelda is a direct sequel to Breath of The Wild almost made up for it.

Microsoft, Ubisoft and Bethesda each showed off some good stuff but nothing to beat Nintendo’s efforts in my opinion.

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PostRe: So, who won E3 2019? Rate the conferences
by OrangeRKN » Tue Jun 11, 2019 8:01 pm

Nintendo for the games, Ubisoft for the E3 style entertainment

Zelda :wub:

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PostRe: So, who won E3 2019? Rate the conferences
by Balladeer » Tue Jun 11, 2019 8:01 pm

I'm biased as heck, I acknowledge this. That said, I watched some bits of UbiSoft and MS and, while they were showing off some genuinely great-looking games I'd love to play, I'm reminded how much of your average E3 conference is unnecessary talking. I didn't even care about Keanu, which apparently makes me an emotionless android. I can do captcha codes though, so suck it Keanu-lovers!

Nintendo managed to get the pacing right this year and had a bunch of good games shown, including some great ones (but we knew about them or they were too far away). Also: minimal talking heads, apart from that bit with Bowser at the beginning, which was fun. So they won almost by default. (Must admit I didn't watch Squeenix's, which also seems to be pretty popular.)

...aaaaaand everybody beat me to it. :|

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PostRe: So, who won E3 2019? Rate the conferences
by SEP » Tue Jun 11, 2019 8:06 pm

Nintendo did the "one more thing...here's a new Zelda game" thing, so that.

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PostRe: So, who won E3 2019? Rate the conferences
by Knoyleo » Tue Jun 11, 2019 8:07 pm


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PostRe: So, who won E3 2019? Rate the conferences
by jawafour » Tue Jun 11, 2019 8:22 pm

EA - 2/10 - I watched the Star Wars slot (looked neat) and the FIFA slot (sounded neat but zero footage).

Microsoft - 5/10 - Lots of games but, for me, nothing particularly eye-catching. Worth seeing but not that exciting.

Bethesda 7/10 - Plenty of games that are to my taste and so I enjoyed it.

Ubisoft - 7/10 - Nailed the "showcase" aspect and had a bit of razzmatazz. Lots of "big"mgames and I was excited to see the new Watch Dogs.

Square - 4/10 - Beyond FFXIV, there wasn't that much that caught my eye and the presentation was just okay.

Nintendo - 8/10 - Tons of games with some fun surprises. I'm disappointed about the Animal Crossing delay and I'd thought we were getting a whole new Banjo-Kazooie game following their appearance ( :fp: ) but... yeah... lots of games that I'm keen to learn more about!

Edit: Oh, and picking up on what Cheeky Devlin is saying in the Square E3 thread, the shows were bad for showing CGI / pre-rendered footage this year. I'd thought we'd got away from all that now. The use of [name fashionable track here] music over the top of the CGI stuff was frustrating, too.

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PostRe: So, who won E3 2019? Rate the conferences
by Xeno » Tue Jun 11, 2019 8:33 pm


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PostRe: So, who won E3 2019? Rate the conferences
by Godzilla » Tue Jun 11, 2019 8:35 pm

Nintendo killed all, Ubisoft failed hard compared to last year. A TV show and a gooseberry fool version of Netflix.

Square was a let down as was Microsoft, I did like Keanu but they have failed this generation and they still don't seem to get people want a triple A game not another world exclusive of something obscure.

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PostRe: So, who won E3 2019? Rate the conferences
by PuppetBoy » Tue Jun 11, 2019 8:43 pm

I didn't watch EA/Bethesda/Devolver, although I have caught up with the Star Wars stuff from EA.

Of the rest, it's between Nintendo and Square for me. Final Fantasy 7 is a Big Deal for me (who would've guessed that) and I think it looks very impressive. The remaster of 8 was a really welcome surprise too, so bonus marks there.

Nintendo probably edge it on quantity - Luigi and Link's Awakening look excellent (I was a little worried about LM3 beforehand, so that's a relief). Pleased that a new proper No More Heroes seems to be a thing. A slight shame that Animal Crossing has been delayed, especially as it looked so polished in the treehouse footage afterwards.

I think Watch Dogs was the other thing that really grabbed me this e3. I haven't dipped into the series yet - I
expect that may change as the new one looks excellent.

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PostRe: So, who won E3 2019? Rate the conferences
by rinks » Tue Jun 11, 2019 8:45 pm

There are no winners.

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PostRe: So, who won E3 2019? Rate the conferences
by JediDragon05 » Tue Jun 11, 2019 8:54 pm

Been thinking hard about this so here goes

Nintendo > Microsoft > Ubisoft.

Nintendo was fast paced & to the point by showing games & gameplay (first time I’ve watched a Direct)

Microsoft was good. Saw a few things I liked such as Cyberpunk 2077, Lego Star Wars & indie games.
The only niggle was a lot of games where cgi trailers kind of makes me think that they are still in
early development :?

Ubisoft. Oh this was the worst conference I’ve seen since Microsoft 2013. A strong opening then HOLY strawberry float SUNSHINE. JESUS TITTY strawberry floating CHRIST. They spent about 50 minutes showing off Tom Clancy games & updates along with multiplayer.
I won’t deny it, I’m as thirsty as a horse on vodka for a new Splinter Cell. Yup a new Splinter Cell is what I wanted.
What I got was Sam Fisher in some mobile crap. Those cheese eating bastards.

I hope their conference was bad because they’re gearing up for next gen next year. Legit disappointed with Ubi.

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PostRe: So, who won E3 2019? Rate the conferences
by jiggles » Tue Jun 11, 2019 8:55 pm

The PC Gaming Show had Frankie, so...

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PostRe: So, who won E3 2019? Rate the conferences
by Captain Kinopio » Tue Jun 11, 2019 9:01 pm

Nintendo>Square>Microsoft>Ubisoft / Bethesda>EA>>>>Get in the bin Sony

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PostRe: So, who won E3 2019? Rate the conferences
by Godzilla » Tue Jun 11, 2019 9:12 pm

The thing I liked about Nintendo was the fact that a lot of stuff is out this year or very soon. I prefer that to getting excited about something which is a year away.

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PostRe: So, who won E3 2019? Rate the conferences
by Balladeer » Tue Jun 11, 2019 9:26 pm

Godzilla wrote:The thing I liked about Nintendo was the fact that a lot of stuff is out this year or very soon. I prefer that to getting excited about something which is a year away.

While this is true, their biggest two surprises were both longer term projects (NMH3 and BotW2).

Still, it says a lot about their approach that I didn't think BotW2 was that big an announcement, purely because it's a way away. In any other conference it would have blown the roof off!

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PostRe: So, who won E3 2019? Rate the conferences
by SEP » Tue Jun 11, 2019 10:36 pm

I think Nintendo have proven the strength of the current Direct format over a more traditional press conference this year. They managed to be polished and straight to the point, showing a steady stream of games without having to wait for people to come on to stage, or for the crowd to cheer/whoop etc. It was a tight, content packed presentation. Stage shows are looking really old-fashioned nowadays.

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PostRe: So, who won E3 2019? Rate the conferences
by Cheeky Devlin » Tue Jun 11, 2019 11:59 pm

I kinda miss when the conference's/directs were a lot more compacted together (Say Sunday/Monday). It was far more of an event sitting down for the day and watching loads of these shows one after another with a few videos in between.

Now it's just feels spread too thin and with Sony not showing up at all it was all a bit bland. I think Sony might have recognised that and not wanted to overexpose LOU2 and Ghost of Tsushima too early.

So overall I thought it was distinctly average with only a couple of peaks and troughs in an otherwise flat couple of days.

MS was solid, but nothing too exciting beyond Cyberpunk which isn't an exclusive.

Bethesda had Doom and a whole lot of meh (Though Ghostwire Tokyo sounds cool).

Ubisoft had Watchdogs 2 and not much else other than Tom Clancy stuff.

Squareenix really had me hopeful after the FFVII segment but again descended into "meh" territory. No gameplay for Avengers at the show was a mistake.

Nintendo stole it again, despite having an average show by their standards. No big barn busting Game Of The Show candidate that I could see, but more titles that I'm looking forward to playing than the other platforms. BOTW2 sealed it for them.

The fact that I can barely remember most of the games I saw since Saturday shows just how un-memorable a lot of it has been.

So a very bland year and definitely shows an industry biding it's time for Scarlett and PS5. 2020 I'm expecting to be a next-gen blow out.

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PostRe: So, who won E3 2019? Rate the conferences
by OrangeRKN » Wed Jun 12, 2019 12:09 am

Somebody Else's Problem wrote:I think Nintendo have proven the strength of the current Direct format over a more traditional press conference this year. They managed to be polished and straight to the point, showing a steady stream of games without having to wait for people to come on to stage, or for the crowd to cheer/whoop etc. It was a tight, content packed presentation. Stage shows are looking really old-fashioned nowadays.

On the other hand, can you imagine how awesome it would have been to see a live audience react to the Zelda trailer?

I think Directs are a great format, but I definitely still miss the live E3 show.

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PostRe: So, who won E3 2019? Rate the conferences
by Clarkman » Wed Jun 12, 2019 12:12 am

Microsoft - 5/10 - Got me hyped for Cyberpunk, but I won't be buying it on Xbox lol

Bethesda 5/10 - DOOM enough to carry the show - looks likely to be GotY. Everything else was Tom Clancy.

Ubisoft - 5/10 - Watchdogs London is hype, but I'm biased as a Londoner. Not sure I understand the overall game beyond recruitment missions though.

Nintendo - 9/10 - Calmed down a bit and will give it a 9, but you can confidently say that this year's line up is a huge step up from 2018. Completely charmed by Link's Awakening. The angle on Animal Crossing is totally acceptable and multiplayer sounds cool. Astral Chain looks like it could be pretty solid. Portable Witcher 3 is tempting. The major BotW2 was the only genuine surprise, but I'm sure we'll get a September Direct fleshing out 2020.

EDIT: forgot NMH3. Likely day 1.

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