STORYTELLERS a forum game *Clarkman wins*

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PostRe: STORYTELLERS a forum game *Clarkman wins*
by Hulohot » Wed Feb 20, 2019 9:24 pm

In the future would allowing 2 days per storyteller work? One day to write and submit the first piece, then another day for people to read and vote. It may slow down the pace a bit but it would allow more time to develop ideas and write.

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PostRe: STORYTELLERS a forum game *Clarkman wins*
by OrangeRKN » Thu Feb 21, 2019 2:46 pm

Karl wrote:@OR: This was a great experience. What are your thoughts about it in retrospect? I think it's interesting that no-one really got into the competitive aspect -- every day there were volunteers (people wanted to be part of the story?) and the writing role got shared around to anyone who wanted it.

Good question! Yes that's the main takeaway I think, that everyone wanted to play the game as a cooperative and fair experience.

One theme that seems to run throughout mafia games here seems to be having entertaining (be they overly dramatic or humorously specific) player deaths, and that was something I consciously wanted to capture in this game. I think that was achieved. Eliminating a player every day also kept the pace of the game and made for a clearly constrained story and finish. You mentioned the importance of a quick pace in your thoughts about your recent mafia games, and I think it's relevant across any forum game. Keeping the players engaged is crucial to the success of a game, and finishing a game is a lot harder than starting one, which is why they need to be well constrained. While the competitive aspect never really took hold then, I still think the daily eliminations were an important feature. Having a winner is satisfying not just for the winner themselves but for everyone, and seeing who survives gives the game a definite arc (outside of the actual story arc).

The other key part of the game I think is the flexibility in who can take the storyteller role. The effort that went in surpassed my expectations, but I think it was also a little intimidating as it put a hefty responsibility on the role. Even with the flexibility we had we came close to not having a storyteller for a day, and that was a worry. In a possible future game I think it would probably benefit from even "eliminated" players being able to have a go at storyteller. I'm not sure what game structure would work best to facilitate that. Another structure I've considered is maybe the day and night votes get combined. Two people volunteer/get voted in, and the one who dies gets to be storyteller for the next day perhaps. That would also eliminate the need for a night phase, so give some more flexibility as needed with when the day openings and endings are posted. I would also allow anyone to vote in the singular vote, players and audience combined.

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PostRe: STORYTELLERS a forum game *Clarkman wins*
by Hulohot » Thu Feb 21, 2019 5:24 pm

That's a good idea regarding allowing dead players to be storytellers. Also quite liked your idea about dead players (or maybe even the surviving player) to be a storyteller would work

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