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Re: Terminator Genisys - u wot m8?

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 1:08 pm
by That's not a growth
Andrew Mills wrote:
KjGarly wrote:There's a 1080p Korean subbed yarrrr copy doing the rounds for those who wouldn't be willing to part with cash to go watch it. I'll give it another watch as I loved it :shifty: and I have the LE Blu Ray pre-ordered too.

Cheers for the heads up. :shifty:

My mate downloaded that so a few of us watched it yesterday evening. It was surprisingly good until T1000 turned up, and then it showed they didn't know the point of terminators is they're meant to be scary. Too, too easy to run away from and no peril. Got pretty bored in the second half once John turned up again and they went to stop skynet.

Re: Terminator Genisys - u wot m8?

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 1:31 pm
by Miguel007
I watched this Saturday night & quite enjoyed this, I think because my expectations were so low - I was pleasantly surprised.

My two main gripes were:

Emilia 'Mother of Dragons' Clarke calling Arnie 'Pops'. Everytime it was said it I developed a cringe twitch :fp: and I didn't get used to it, it was just as jarring at the beginning as it was at the end.


Jai Courtney - he seemed dead behind the eyes and his performance was one tone.

If anymore films gets made - I'm interested to see how they progress now.

Re: Terminator Genisys - u wot m8?

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 5:31 pm
by Preezy
Watched this with my 8 week old baby, she enjoyed it from what I could tell. It wasn't quite as bad as I'd been led to believe, and to be honest I don't know how I would make a Terminator movie work in this day and age. It's been totally played out and they're just churning the series on the back of nostalgia and fanboyism, so to expect a clear and coherent Terminator movie that doesn't imitate any of the previous ones is a tad unrealistic.

This film messed up the timelines for sure, but do I really care? Nah I don't think so. Terminator 1 and 2 will always be this separate entity in my heart that any sequels can't erase or replace, so if they want to try something new and have some fun with the franchise then what the hell I'll still watch it.

Sarah Connor was too young and hot, lacked that gritty Vietnam-vet look that Linda Hamilton had, but that's a minor niggle. Jai Kourtney was a bit bland, but not this block of wood that some people have made out. Arnie was great, he's still got it :wub:

Also really liked the future war scenes and the Skynet complex stuff, very cool to finally see the time machine which had only ever been spoken about in previous films. It was a cool design and met my expectations.

So yeah, I wanted to hate this for raping my childhood memories, but in the end I kinda sorta guiltily enjoyed it for the most part (warts and all).


oooh also T2/T1 > T:G > T4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> T3

Edit: also a word on the visuals - the trailers made it look like a Sci-Fi channel crapathon but the visual effects were mightily impressive for the most part, especially the 1984 Arnie.

Re: Terminator Genisys - u wot m8?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:50 am
by BID0
Yeh I watched it over the weekend and agree, it was okay. Maybe because I went in with such low expectations.

The trailers for this were poorly done, and everything I thought about the movie based on the trailers turned out to be okay and just cut poorly.

The worst movie I've seen this year still has to be Jurassic World.

Re: Terminator Genisys - u wot m8?

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 10:46 pm
by Victor Mildew
Saw this recently and was enjoying it right up until Sarah turned up and then it just became strawberry floating dire. As mentioned above, terminators are supposed to be scary, none of them in this ever had any hint of threat about them. The John Conner being a terminator was utterly wank and just broke what little bit of plot buy in I had. Pops :dread: :dread: :dread:

I actually burst out laughing at the ending too, was like something out of saved by the bell, almost expected canned laughter and an OH YOU! Lookin Sarah's face.

strawberry floating gooseberry fool.

Re: Terminator Genisys - u wot m8?

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:15 am
by Squinty
I still think this movie was alright. Nowhere near T1/T2 levels of goodness but better than all the ones after those two.

Re: Terminator Genisys - u wot m8?

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:58 am
by Lagamorph
Did anyone bother waiting for the mid-credit scene? I only did because the drunk man in the cinema demanded everyone wait for it.