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Re: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - First Trailer

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 8:49 am
by BID0
The recent hack on Sony by North Korea has revealed some internal discussions on Spider-Man. More information may come to light as the documents are still being read through. These particular minutes from a meeting took place in 2012 (before the ASM2 failure).

Sony Hack Reveals 25-Page List of Reasons It Sucks To Work at Sony
There is a general "blah-ness" to the films we produce.

we continue to be saddled with the mundane, formulaic Adam Sandler films.

we only release a dozen or so Columbia Pictures a year, for example. And will we still be paying for Adam Sandler? Why?

Are you aware that Men In Black 3 may gross $600M at the box office, and yet will lose money for SPE? Shouldn't we question that strategy? Why are some studios making Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Twilight - and we are considering movies like Moneyball, Steve Jobs story, Captain Phillips Story, Evel Knievel story, etc. Are you aware that SPE only has 1 franchise - Spiderman. Yet, it took 5 years to generate a sequel? Spidey 3 was released in summer 2007, #4 in 2012. Don't harry potters come out over 2-3 years? Are you aware that SPE has only 1 franchise - Spidey? Yet we waited 5 years after Spidey 3 (2007) to release #4? Have you read the SEC annual report? Disney will make $300M on Spidey merchandise this year alone. We won't! ... 1666264634

Re: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - First Trailer

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 12:19 pm
by BID0
Tom Rothman Replaces Amy Pascal At Sony Pictures
It came down to Tom Rothman and Doug Belgrad, and someone had to lose in the battle to succeed Amy Pascal. Sony Pictures Entertainment chairman and CEO Michael Lynton today went with Rothman, the head of TriStar and former longtime co-leader of 20th Century Fox’s filmed entertainment division. Rothman this morning was named chairman of SPE’s Motion Picture Group. ... 201380416/

Some of Tom Rothman's comic book movie leadership includes, Daredevil, Electra, X-Men Last Stand and Wolverine Origins :slol:

Re: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - First Trailer

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 1:39 pm
by chalkitdown
It's like they want to fail.