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Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:58 pm
by rudderless
Anung wrote:Seen this tonight. Thought it was really good. Andrew Garfield is an excellent Peter Parker and Spider-man and much better than Tobey. Emma Stone is lovely :wub: and Martin Sheen made an excellent Uncle Ben. Ifans was a good as Curt Connors and the Lizard wasn't as bad as I expected.....his body looked good, should have kept him in rags though and his face was super gooseberry fool. Nailed Spideys powers though his web swinging and agility were amazing.

Flaws were that they obviously messed with the story and took some of the aspects out parents angle with his powers and Dr. Ratha they should have used the line "With great power...etc etc" and it would have fitted in perfectly with uncle bens phone speech bit I thought that Peters character arc was much better explored in this and am genuinely looking forward to a sequel.

EDIT: thought the score was underwhelming and American Flags :fp:

Agree with all this. I thought the 3D was pretty great, though. Really quite noticeable in places and definitely added to some of the web-slinging bits. Neat shot at the end where he zips out of the screen, too.

One other thing I'd mention is that there were a few tonally jarring moments. When things got a little more serious, Spidey was still cracking wise, and his quips sounded out of place. I'm not saying all superhero films have to be The Dark Knight, but The Avengers seemed to know when to unleash the gags and when to put its serious face on. A decent start, but it was curiously unexciting at times. One or two set-pieces fell slightly flat, but Garfield and Stone had real chemistry and the acting was great pretty much across the board.

Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:15 am
by Igor
They should have had a reboot with Peter Parker as an adult. He's not a perpetual teenager, he grows up and becomes an adult. That could have been good.

Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 7:46 pm
by Alpha eX
How comes Peter's powers are permanent after a single spider bite and Doctor Connors needs to keep topping up? That didn't make much sense, also, when was the vaccine created and why? Seemed to be there only to save the day.

The Sony product placement was a bit of a joke though the dumbest thing about the whole movie was "PROPERTY OF PETER PARKER" suddenly on the camera in massive bold writing, it looked like it was added in post production.

I think Garfield did a great job aside from the car jacking scene that was really over the top and out of character for him, a shy nerdy kid throughout the whole film and even after it, he could hardly talk to the lovely Emma Stone, who did an amazing job. Rhys Ifans played a great Dr Connors and I don't think the lizard really looked that bad, how do you expect a human turned lizard to look in real life? :fp:

Nagging aside, I enjoyed the film but I really missed J.K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson, he was perfect. Thecop after Spiderman's bloodwasn't convincing at all though I did like their parts towards the end, just a shame things panned out as they did.

Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:45 pm
by Alpha eX
Anung wrote:Probably because of his family tampering with his DNA is why the Spider-bite makes his powers permanent

Did I miss a second post credits scene? I'm pretty sure that wasn't in the movie at all. strawberry float sake, post credit scenes are great but not if the cinema cuts them off :fp:

Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:50 pm
by Hexx
Alpha eX wrote:
Anung wrote:Probably because of his family tampering with his DNA is why the Spider-bite makes his powers permanent

Did I miss a second post credits scene? I'm pretty sure that wasn't in the movie at all. strawberry float sake, post credit scenes are great but not if the cinema cuts them off :fp:

Nah - they cut that element of the story out all together, but you can pretty much piece it together from the trailers.

There's a link a few pages ago about it.

Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:28 am
by Psychic
Watched this last night. Obviously the makers were a bit hamstrung by having to retell the a story 90% of the audience would already know but I found the film enjoyable for the most part despite it treading old ground. There was still the odd moment where it felt a bit disjointed but they didn't really stand out at the time, however I can see it being a film that falters in repeat viewings. I felt the casting was superb and compared with the previous series of films everyone seemed much more likeable, particularly Andrew Garfield who I felt got the split behind the Peter and Spidey down well. Really enjoyed some of the wisecracks from Spidey, something I felt was lacking in the first set of films.

Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:05 pm
by Venom
Why's this thread so little, are people not going to see this film? I thought Garfield was great in the Social Network so I definitely want to see this at the cinema.

Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:26 pm
by Foxhound
Film really suffered from being released so soon after the first. Garfield, Stone and Ifans were all great, though I wasn't convinced by Sheen, Field or Leary. The changes they made to the original were too small, to be honest. Things like the burglary that led to Ben's death felt petty and insignificant in comparison to the way it happened in Raimi's version. Webb also lacks a lot of the flair of Raimi and several elements of both the plot and the direction felt incredibly lazy. I did prefer the overall tone of this film though. Reckon the second could be pretty good.
Still, Cranes, Flags and Skateboards :fp: (Though the last bit did make me think of THPS2...)

Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 7:04 pm
by Madness
I thought this was really good (though some dickheads behind me wouldn't shut up all the way through. I had to tell them to shut up, and one did. The rest didn't. banana splits).

It suffered from superhero origin story syndrome, but it was just different enough to make it interesting.

One of the best things about it was the amount of times spider-man caught falling people with one web-line at the chest. That kid, Gwen, etc. watch their necks!

Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 7:40 pm
by Foxhound
Foxhound wrote:Film really suffered from being released so soon after the first. Garfield, Stone and Ifans were all great, though I wasn't convinced by Sheen, Field or Leary. The changes they made to the original were too small, to be honest. Things like the burglary that led to Ben's death felt petty and insignificant in comparison to the way it happened in Raimi's version. Webb also lacks a lot of the flair of Raimi and several elements of both the plot and the direction felt incredibly lazy. I did prefer the overall tone of this film though. Reckon the second could be pretty good.
Still, Cranes, Flags and Skateboards :fp: (Though the last bit did make me think of THPS2...)

Oh and the score was rubbish. I'm not a big fan of Danny Elfman, but his was pretty memorable at least.