The Comments Thread

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Dual » Wed Nov 22, 2017 6:08 pm

ps and nothing will come of it and they will all live happily counting their money ever after..

Agree with that.

Sex offenders on remand in Rotherham, Rochdale etc are dependent on Uber, they must be very anxious.


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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Fri Nov 24, 2017 12:38 pm

Woman asked for ID when trying to buy boozy mince pies.

Personally I detest mince pies, but as any ful nowes, the alcohol is evaporated off during the cooking process leaving the taste behind.

Heck, even the Mormons - who don't take alcohol at all - are OK with mince pies at Christmas!

Perhaps the government should legislate on mince pies? They seem to poke their nose into everything else.

The answer here is to give the little darlings 25+ mince pies and watch them be off their little faces, causing mayhem & carnage, running amok all the while filming it on your mobile phones. TBH I'd be more concerned about them gorging chocolate at Easter and getting diabetes than any resemblance of alcohol in a mince pie. Time to stop be being a nanny state. We've survived mince pies for years!!

Dear nimby pimby society...grow up!

Ban mince pies now, thats the usual screams from the snowflakes.

What no "despite Brexit" article BBC? You must have something surely? Santa's sleigh meets EU directive, meets emissions standard, crash protection for reindeers, there must be something? Oh I know, despite Brexit Santa doesn't wear a hi-vis jacket, hard hat and steel capped boots. There, saved you the trouble. As for the minced spy story, dear oh dear oh dear. An intern justifying their pay?

What a pointless article. It's been known for centuries that the alcohol content is negligible. Waste of journalistic time. Still, nice to see a BBC article that isn't obsessing over transgenderism or condemning men based on accusations, not evidence.

Refuse someone a mince pie because they don't have age ID.....? Really? Stupid, but a sympton of the modern world. And I suspect that children who are never allowed any alcohol - even a small glass of wine at Xmas - are more likely to have alcohol problems later. It becomes the "forbidden fruit".

What rubbish my children have grown up with alcohol in food I make, and shock horror my soon to be 17 year old will be drinking whatever she wants this Christmas, she keeps asking for me to get southern comfort

The Scottish government are wanting to put minimum pricing on mince pies, because they have nothing better to do and it will be an opportunity for Nicola to get her picture taken blaming Westminster for this disgrace.

Ever heard of evaporation BBC?

Mince pies are fine ( despite Brexit )

I would absolutely hate being a kid growing up in this day and age.

No experiences allowed outside the 'progressively liberal' approved list

No fun allowed outside the 'progressively liberal' approved list.

No danger experienced........unless its in words....and then there are safe spaces for that kind of stuff.

What a pathetic mindset we have allowed ourselves to be bullied into

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Benzin » Fri Nov 24, 2017 12:40 pm

Brexit stuff, but this comment is amazing












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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by KK » Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:02 pm

Divina McCall splits from her husband; Sun readers sympathetic.

Fact is she is 50, when will women understand after a certain age men can no longer get an erection when they look at them, after 30 it's just downhill for them.

From the same mound as Daniela Westbrook. He’s well rid of it. ... /#comments

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Sun Nov 26, 2017 8:58 am

Pointless letters bonus round.


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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Benzin » Sun Nov 26, 2017 12:28 pm

It's Baa Baa Black Sheep all over again...

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Nov 29, 2017 12:42 pm

Julius Caesar's Britain invasion site 'found by archaeologists'

That certainly isn't the Britain that I recognise.

Sports success, politics, engineering excellence, military might, the envy of the whole world in many respects.

Perhaps you need to get out a bit more (or at all) and cancel your subscription to "White Guilt" weekly.

Should we take down statues of Caesar for what he did? No? Then why do so for other figures from years gone by. Yes? Then where do you stop.

Wonder if Trump will have a statue anywhere (I see his latest retweets of BNP anti Muslim vids are the talk of the newsagencies - but the good ol' Beeb doesn't encourage chats on contentious issues. Maybe we are not as 'free' as we think?).

Next you'll be saying that Hitler had good intentions. The Romans were great organisers but wiped out much indigenous culture with great brutality. The biggest slave traders in history.


I think you'll find that honour goes to the muslims, in all their various guises - Ottomans, Saracens, Barbary Coast pirates, etc.

Not sure the Roman's did so much damage/change to the British. They adopted many local Gods and in Claudius' invasion many of the smaller British tribes welcomed the Romans..."


So you're saying that upon arriving here and demanding we change our culture/laws/values to suit them, they adapted to meet ours instead... and it worked well.

Imagine that!

I'm surprised Tusk and Juncker haven't insisted it's sovereign EU territory via grandfather rights.

Still, give it time...

It wasn't an invasion, it was an introduction of diversity and cultural enrichment.

Have we demanded an apology from the Italians yet for their vicious attack on our defenceless country, and their brutal colonisation of bits of Britain?

“That’s Britain over there Caesar, they don’t want anything to do with us Europeans” said the Centurian. Naturally he came, he saw, he concurred and went back home.

In 2000 years time they'll be excavating and saying this is where the British used to live.

The last decent thing to come here from Europe?

I'll get my coat...

What is the point of identifying and understanding our heritage, if we are in the process of systematically giving it away.

@57 "the biggest slave traders in history" you forgot to mention the EU..


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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Nov 30, 2017 12:33 pm

Kellogg's to cut sugar in kids' cereals.

What happened to the plastic soldier you used to get in cereal packets?"

He wasn't gender inclusive, and might be upsetting to minorities who side against the British army.

Here we go again snowflakes running the show. there is nothing wrong with these products the way they are now. the do gooding community are running everyone's lives with their constant this is not right that not right for you. I for one will eat what I want when I want. I will keep away from the tasteless food that we are now forced to eat thanks to these interfering people!

All cereals are " sugar "




(Carbohydrate = Sugar)

Forget 5 a day fruit


Forget Wholegrains


(Which is why they're pumped into Geese for Fois Gras, fat liver pate)

Grains are for farm animals

SO Go to work on an egg (& bacon !)

My and my friends were all discussing this problem in McDonald's the other day. Of course, we made sure we had diet coke with our Big Macs, large fries and chicken nuggets. We then went home for dinner. Again, just plain water with our fish and chips, followed by cheese and biscuits. We're all very careful about our sugar. It's just not fair that we've all gained 2 stone in a year! ROFL :) LOL etc

Fat kids were like unicorns in the 80's. And the cereals and sweets were way better than the dross today. No Limits!

Too much time on the couch nowadays, in front of the one eyed god.


We didn't ruin the country by voting BREXIT for this - ruddy immigrants.

Stop being controlled by NANNY


Doctors No Jack , Stop smoking to be healthier, YES right, See more Doctors now in the past year then i have ever done in 45 years of being a smoker

Wonder If the Cigarettes been keeping the Diseases away from me in the past, The Victroians use to clean greenhouses of pests using Nicotine???????????

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Thu Nov 30, 2017 3:21 pm

The worst bit of news off the back of this is that they're scrapping Ricicles completely in the UK :(

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Tue Dec 05, 2017 12:38 pm

Northern Ireland and England schools in global top 10 for reading.

Well done - the BBC has managed to totally exclude boys from this article which fits very well with the sinister feminist agenda at the corporation.

Great to see that we continue to excel in terms of education and skills from an early age.

It's just a shame that not all these children will be able to follow their dreams, when organisations like the BBC are advertising jobs where whites are 'banned from applying'.

It Must be Christmas. BBC have managed an entire article without blaming Brexit for something!

"Almost 320,000 pupils took the tests, with girls ahead in almost every country"

Oooh clever girls eh BBC? But what about the LGBT kids that you are so obsessed with? We really should be worrying about 8 year old cross dressers, shouldn't we?

Russia in at number one. Doesn't really fit with the rhetoric that they are evil barbarians only interested in rigging our elections, does it?

Must have killed the BBC to leave that data in there.

Russia faked the test!

It must be true, Hillary Clinton & Louise Mensch told me.

Pointless article. Why are we teaching children to read in the first place? I had to do English for my whole school life and I hated every second of it. What's the point? I have never once had to use anything I learned in English in my working life. Nobody has ever asked me to read a Shakespeare book as part of my job. Same with maths, it's pointless. We should be teaching them REAL life skills.

Your first photo's main character is black

Can I remind the BBC that black people represent 4% of the population.

With the customary picture of the non white child! Tick another box BBC!

Notice how often the BBC illustrates a general news article with a black person.

I've no issue with that per se, but it's totally disproportional to the UK population.

The BBC is clearly following an internal policy here, I think they should publicise why they're so obviously and disproportionately pro-minority.

I think we deserve to know, that's all.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Dual » Tue Dec 05, 2017 2:07 pm

"Why are we teaching children to read in the first place?"

This isn't real.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Tue Dec 05, 2017 2:39 pm

Dual wrote:"Why are we teaching children to read in the first place?"

This isn't real.

I think it is. They are moaning about Shakespeare rather than the English language itself.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Fri Dec 08, 2017 12:41 pm

UN signals 'end' of throwaway plastic

A few seabirds dying in plastic bags does not the end of the world make. Plastics DO break down in the environment, just not fast enough for Western sensibilities.

We could have made more biodegradable ones by now, at modest cost, if they had directed more resources to real chemists. Instead, government and the UN shovels money towards global-warming alarmists who make nothing of value. Ever.

"UN signals 'end' of throwaway plastic"

Oh yeah? And what is the UN going to replace it with, paper?
Also, wood and rock and sand etc all produce indigestible small particles, and have done so for billions of years. But the world still keeps turning, and will do long after UN bureaucrats and extreme environmentalists have gone the way of the dinosaurs. Complaining stupidity for the sake of it

UN spending 10 minutes not attacking Israel, that makes a change.

Those who want plastic packaging to be banned can you tell us exactly what you want used instead?
Glass returnable bottles/jars? No, far too expensive, far too heavy to transport, far too energy intensive to make and transport.
Paper? Unhygienic and too expensive plus you would not like all the forests cut down for the paper. Or are we all going to live in Teepee's eating lentils in a commune.

Science has gone into reverse.

Progress used to be about using scientific knowledge to solve problems.

Clever ways to dispose of things, re-cycle things, AI automation to remove plastic from sea, etc

But now. No.

Apparently we have to not drive anywhere, not consume anything, not throw anything away, not even breathe.

This isn't progress.

Being widely travelled in my opinion Asian, African, & Indian countries are the worst offenders, all rubbish goes anywhere but the bin.

Where I live in the uk we are lucky I can recycle everything, glass, metal, orange juice containers, plastic, cardboard, it all goes to the recycling centre, it's sorted from there. I sometimes do not put out my grey bin for a month.

The UN is telling us what to do! Brexitears here is your que to start screaming about sovereignty and demand that we leave the UN because it's not what we signed up to in 1948:-) how dare those unelected foreigners tell us what to do with our plastic!!

Space junk,sea junk - it's all the Chinese at fault.

We must do our bit but this one of those situations where the big bad evil West will take all the blame and be made to foot all the bill when actually we are powerless to alter the behaviour of populations of developing countries and their institutionally corrupt leaders that will most likely pocket our money for themselves.

How ironic that all the worst parts of the bible are coming true, and it's mainly due to corporate interests who have never read one!

Gender dysmorphia is celebrated and encouraged, Trumps doing his best to start a war between East and West, Obese people are getting benefits whilst children starve around the world and now this!

I think it's time people "up high" took responsibility!

All Mass consumerism needs a Mirage effect so it would stand to 'reason' if promoting humanity (mainly consumers/borrowers) as The Arts,then almost wholesale, promote a dual switch on/off Jarring/scaring of people then resort to a pampering sycophancy, to then counter act that, then rest of the media that does the same has the same confusion objectives?
Good or Bad? Comedy makes us care less

All the 15 top polluting nations are from Asia & Africa, funny, there was a BBC article a little while back stating 'pollution' was a white western phenomena and therefore 'racist', but then most BBC articles are disparaging to the white Christian West in some way!

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Cheeky Devlin » Fri Dec 08, 2017 12:55 pm

All Mass consumerism needs a Mirage effect so it would stand to 'reason' if promoting humanity (mainly consumers/borrowers) as The Arts,then almost wholesale, promote a dual switch on/off Jarring/scaring of people then resort to a pampering sycophancy, to then counter act that, then rest of the media that does the same has the same confusion objectives?
Good or Bad? Comedy makes us care less

Did Errkal write this?

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by jawafour » Fri Dec 08, 2017 12:57 pm

Partridge Iciclebubbles wrote:
Comments wrote:"Science has gone into reverse...

I enjoy reading Adventure Time and that sounds like the kind of thing I’d see in it :lol: .

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Errkal » Fri Dec 08, 2017 12:58 pm

Dick Thornburg wrote:
All Mass consumerism needs a Mirage effect so it would stand to 'reason' if promoting humanity (mainly consumers/borrowers) as The Arts,then almost wholesale, promote a dual switch on/off Jarring/scaring of people then resort to a pampering sycophancy, to then counter act that, then rest of the media that does the same has the same confusion objectives?
Good or Bad? Comedy makes us care less

Did Errkal write this?

That is someone using many words to say nothing so they seem clever, I just use the plain wrong words or an abstract spelling of the word but usually have actual point behind it.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Cheeky Devlin » Fri Dec 08, 2017 1:00 pm

Christmas CrackErrkal wrote:
Dick Thornburg wrote:
All Mass consumerism needs a Mirage effect so it would stand to 'reason' if promoting humanity (mainly consumers/borrowers) as The Arts,then almost wholesale, promote a dual switch on/off Jarring/scaring of people then resort to a pampering sycophancy, to then counter act that, then rest of the media that does the same has the same confusion objectives?
Good or Bad? Comedy makes us care less

Did Errkal write this?

That is someone using many words to say nothing so they seem clever, I just use the plain wrong words or an abstract spelling of the word but usually have actual point behind it.

True. You tend to have something coherent behind the nonsense. :lol:

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Fri Dec 08, 2017 1:02 pm

Dick Thornburg wrote:
Christmas CrackErrkal wrote:
Dick Thornburg wrote:
All Mass consumerism needs a Mirage effect so it would stand to 'reason' if promoting humanity (mainly consumers/borrowers) as The Arts,then almost wholesale, promote a dual switch on/off Jarring/scaring of people then resort to a pampering sycophancy, to then counter act that, then rest of the media that does the same has the same confusion objectives?
Good or Bad? Comedy makes us care less

Did Errkal write this?

That is someone using many words to say nothing so they seem clever, I just use the plain wrong words or an abstract spelling of the word but usually have actual point behind it.

True. You tend to have something coherent behind the nonsense. :lol:

I think there was a compliment buried in there. ;)

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Cheeky Devlin » Fri Dec 08, 2017 1:05 pm

Partridge Iciclebubbles wrote:
Dick Thornburg wrote:
Christmas CrackErrkal wrote:
Dick Thornburg wrote:
All Mass consumerism needs a Mirage effect so it would stand to 'reason' if promoting humanity (mainly consumers/borrowers) as The Arts,then almost wholesale, promote a dual switch on/off Jarring/scaring of people then resort to a pampering sycophancy, to then counter act that, then rest of the media that does the same has the same confusion objectives?
Good or Bad? Comedy makes us care less

Did Errkal write this?

That is someone using many words to say nothing so they seem clever, I just use the plain wrong words or an abstract spelling of the word but usually have actual point behind it.

True. You tend to have something coherent behind the nonsense. :lol:

I think there was a compliment buried in there. ;)


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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Mon Dec 11, 2017 10:35 am

Partridge Iciclebubbles wrote:
How ironic that all the worst parts of the bible are coming true, and it's mainly due to corporate interests who have never read one!

Gender dysmorphia is celebrated and encouraged, Trumps doing his best to start a war between East and West, Obese people are getting benefits whilst children starve around the world and now this!

I didn't know the Bible got that specific.

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