The Comments Thread

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Victor Mildew » Wed Mar 21, 2018 1:03 pm

Rightey wrote:Fun Fact: It's also illegal to deface the Queens face (at least here in Canada), which is why we don't have those penny press machines. Instead they just use a blank piece of copper the size of a penny :|


Hexx wrote:Ad7 is older and balder than I thought.
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Mar 22, 2018 12:42 pm

Blue Passports to be made in France.

How amazing the anti Brexit bias on this site.
Typical BBC.
For all you EU lovers ask yourself why you support an organisation where the auditors refuse to sign off the accounts and why the total waste of money moving the Parliament from Brussels to Strasbourg just to appease the French.
Should we be worried about South American basket state countries criticising our decision?.

Waah, waah, waah - its all the remoaniacs can do. Whinge, cry, set fire to things, loot, burgle.

Awful people should be locked-up.

When will the metropolitan elitists in Whitehall began to grasp what their job is, what they are paid to do and who they represent?
A successful manufacturer and exporter in an area of high unemployment and low investment now faces an uncertain future because of myopic bean counters who won't see the bigger picture and still make petty decisions based on their own contempt for us leaving the EU.

The fact that it is blue or that it’s not made in the UK is not that important.

But what is hugely important is that it does not say “EUROPEAN UNION” at the top.

(and I notice those words are not shown in the BBC’s lead picture. Anyone would think they have deliberately not shown those very words just to make it look like the passports are the same).

An absolute disgrace, whether you have to open up a contract or not there is no way Germany or France would let their Passport contract come to the UK, they would find a way to "veto" it just as they do whenever their interests are threatened. People laugh at Trump but at least he stated that he was putting "American Business Interests" first. As usual WE sell out to the cheapest bidder. SHAMEFULL

This is a joke. All things UK should be British made.

What an outrage and a slap in the face for a long established British business.

“Under EU procurement rules, the Home Office had been required to throw open the bidding process to European firms”

What an absolute farce that an EU company can take jobs away 400 from the UK. We should delay until we are post Brexit. and then do what right and proper.

1808. Posted by corncobuk

"I believe Germany has put in a bid to manufacture the Union Jack "

I doubt it, they are very busy building mosques at the moment.......

Passport printing never going to a French company, if you believe any different you are clueless about how the business world operates. The CEO of De La Rue was just putting pressure on the gov't through the media and the outcry he knew would happen by saying this, after the treasury probably asked him to go back and sharpen his pencil on price. Its called negotiation, and getting the best deal.


The people who hate their country will seize on this to ridicule Brexit.

But just let me say...





Pssst......Remoaners....we're still leaving....I couldn't care less where our passport is made or what colour it is, it could be pink and I wouldn't give a damn.
So long as we aren't in a situation where the German Chancellor twaddles along and invites half the world without asking anyone or without a plan, I'm happy.

I voted leave and don’t care where they’re made. Brexit wasn’t about telling Europe they’re banned from making things for us. It’s a bidding race to win a contract and these Dutch guys won, get over it.

There will be many more Brexit let downs like this.

Will only improve when all the nasty little EU sycophant Remaintwonks have been rooted out rom CS and Govt.

This is a good example of why we are leaving the EU. We are obliged to give the contract to a company abroad, threatening UK jobs, because we are currently bound by EU regulations. Strange how the Remainiacs are trying to twist things!

Great to see the remoaners jumping on a Daily Mail story. I am afraid the deal is done now. We're out. If you don't like it, leave.

I thought Remainers were moaning that they think the pound is too low?

If we can afford to get passports made cheaply by EU cheap slave wage labour then clearly the pound is not that low after all.

I wonder how many re-moaners will actually apply for this new blue British Passport?

Perhaps they would rather have a week in Skegness or Cleethorpes than admit that they were completely wrong and that they lost the argument?

Bet they now wish that they had actually bothered to vote in the EU Referendum...


It is a deliberately provocative decision made by pro EU Whitehall mandarins to stir up discontent with Brexit. The decision will be overturned long before next year.

Dear Remainers, I appreciate you never miss the opportunity to gloat or put your country down, however, we didn't vote for Brexit because passports would get made in the UK. You never mentioned this before and I am sure you were all certain we voted Brexit because we once saw the side of a bus. You really are scraping the barrel now, I suspect it's because your knuckles are dragging.

Remoaners are a busted flush and they know it, they whine like brat children, but don't worry, they will still be in the UK in twenty years as they know leaving the EU is just a minor treaty change and the UK will still suit their selfish needs best.

Remainers harping on - again a reason why we have to leave we cant even allow a british firm to print the new passport because it breaks eu rules you cant make it up the sooner we leave the better

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Hexx » Thu Mar 22, 2018 12:45 pm

Jesus Christ. :fp:

I'll repeat. I'm open to the idea of their being a non ignorant, stupid and/or racist Leave voter.

The longer it goes on without them making themselves known though, the less likely it seems.

I think my biggest (current :P) disappointment is that they all seem to be so thick that even as the disaster occurs around them, they wouldn't able to realise it's their fault.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Qikz » Thu Mar 22, 2018 1:43 pm

Remoaners didn't back Brexit enough and that's why it failed. The economy is bad because you're not patriotic enough

The Watching Artist wrote:I feel so inept next to Qikz...
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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Thu Mar 22, 2018 2:56 pm

Not all Leavers are ignorant racist xenophobes, but all ignorant racist xenophobes are Leavers.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Hexx » Thu Mar 22, 2018 4:09 pm

Preezy wrote:Not all Leavers are ignorant racist xenophobes

No some are just ignorant OR racist or Xenophobic :P

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Mar 28, 2018 12:39 pm

The police should need a warrant to download phone data.

If you are doing nothing wrong you've got nothing to worry about!

thousands of criminals have been caught via their phones , the end justifies the means, imagine getting a search warrant for every suspect, it would be endless, just pc do gooders at it again.

I don't see a problem. If you have done nothing wrong and have nothing to hide, why would it even affect you? If it stops one paedophile, saves one person's life, stops one crime from happening, I'm all in favour.

Not a criminal so quite happy to give over a DNA swab or phone records or any other form of proof of I.d.

Its against my civil liberties they cry. The police have their hands tied behind their backs as it is thanks to liberal do-gooders happily willing to sacrifice hundreds of lives on the altar of data protection.

THIS IS NOT A GAME! The idea is to catch criminals before they catch us! Only those who have some guilty secret - which in practice no-one gives a damn about - seem to get uppitty about it. If we want our police force to tie up even more of their time on paperwork - reduicing their effectiveness - then carry on! Remember you reap what you sow!!!

snow flake rubbish ,If don't want it made public don't put it on something that can be stolen lost and hacked and made public simples. Theses problems are self made by people who have to tell the world everything all the time. !!!!!!!!!

I have never been pulled over by the Police but I know that if for instance the get hold of a phone belonging to a drug user a who has just stolen a £10 beef joint from a supermarket to help fund their addiction, they can then get the phone number of the drug supplier and take that piece of S of the streets. I am all fort it. keep putting barriers up then complain that the police r not effective

If security services could analyse large quantities of phone data they would be able to prevent some terrorist attacks and save some lives. But is the invasion of privacy worth the lives saved?

Suppose statistics indicate that analysing ten million phones saves one life. The liberal will say "It's not worth it." Tell him that the life saved will be his, and see how quickly he changes his mind!

Police need free access to halt terrorism that is being imported under the umbrella of refugees.

The backward cultures are well known.


Keep them out, tap phones and deport.

They wouldn’t chance their arm like this at every opportunity if the general populace had guns and could hold pigs to account. Sadly it’s exactly what the NRA gun nuts say in the US. They may well have a point.

Give the police and the courts all the power they require to route out terrorists within UK communities.

This includes their immediate deportation after completed sentence no matter their generational status.

Comprehensive deportation program should be tasked with identifying and deporting all illegals at their own expense

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Tomous » Wed Mar 28, 2018 12:41 pm

Guarantee all those people would be outraged if it was their phones getting analysed by the police.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Mar 28, 2018 12:42 pm

Tomous wrote:Guarantee all those people would be outraged if it was their phones getting analysed by the police.

"y r u taking my fone??? Go chk a muslamics!! PC gone mad!!!!!!"

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Lotus » Wed Mar 28, 2018 12:51 pm

If you meet someone who wheels out the 'nothing to hide' line, just casually ask for their phone. If they ask why, say no reason, you just want to have a look, or you just want to look at their photos or read their messages. They'll soon tell you to strawberry float off, thereby proving your point.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Wed Mar 28, 2018 12:56 pm

Lotus wrote:If you meet someone who wheels out the 'nothing to hide' line, just casually ask for their phone. If they ask why, say no reason, you just want to have a look, or you just want to look at their photos or read their messages. They'll soon tell you to strawberry float off, thereby proving your point.


I'd love to do that, but the "nothing to hide" fuckwits only ever appear to say such things online.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Rightey » Thu Mar 29, 2018 6:14 am

Moggy wrote:
Lotus wrote:If you meet someone who wheels out the 'nothing to hide' line, just casually ask for their phone. If they ask why, say no reason, you just want to have a look, or you just want to look at their photos or read their messages. They'll soon tell you to strawberry float off, thereby proving your point.


I'd love to do that, but the "nothing to hide" fuckwits only ever appear to say such things online.

I have a friend who told me something like this in person, it was about companies doing electronic snooping though, he told me "google already has all this, so who cares? There's no such thing as privacy anyways" :fp:

Yeah what could possibly go wrong?

Pelloki on ghosts wrote:Just start masturbating furiously. That'll make them go away.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:44 pm

Bargain Booze goes into administration.

the high street has been dying long b4 Brexit we are our own worst enemy buy buying online so we are ALL to blame not just one side as in all things like this there are NO sides just losers

Just have to go somewhere else next year to toast our freedom from the corrupt EU.

Thankfully, people are waking up to the evil of alcohol. That’s why pubs are empty and teashops and coffee houses are full. I’m happy to say that the ungodly, troublemaking alcohol-swiller is a dying breed.

Also because of Brexit, but for a change this one is a benefit. God warns us to not be drunk.

A quintessentially tory High Street now contains :

1. Charity shops.

2. Bookies.

3. More charity shops.

4. A few more bookies.

5. Shops to let.

Is there a vote coming up next week ? I think there is.

Stop the rot, vote anyone but a gormless tory or a smelly kipper.

This brexit is bad. Had a curry last night & my rear end could be used to power the flat Earthers rocket at he moment. Clearly nothing to do with the food I have eaten, can only be because of brexit & on top of that the neighbour's cat has defecated on my lawn. Clearly the fault of brexit. Before the vote all cats used public loos just like people.

We buy online as it is simple to find the best price.

For so many years all these high street retailers have been telling us its half price, sale now on and all the other rubbish they come out with.

Online you can check it out and get to the truth.

God Bless Happy Easter

As evident by the changes I have seen along the Old Kent Road in London and in many other UK cities, you will probably find that these off licenses will become pop up mosques or evangelical churches where the 7th day Adventists rock up with cutlery that would not look out of place on a UNHCR truck.

This is the direction of travel for many cities in the UK.

...and the whole of Newcastle broke down and wept.....

Good. Whilst I feel sorry for employees affected the whole ethos of businesses like this is appalling - preying on vulnerable people for profit by selling alcohol at cheap prices. No wonder we are constantly falling over drunks on the streets.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:54 pm

If God didn't want us to drink why would He invent gin & tonic?

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:57 pm

Preezy wrote:If God didn't want us to drink why would He invent gin & tonic?

He was forced to after Jesus drank all the wine.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Rightey » Thu Mar 29, 2018 5:44 pm

Moggy wrote:Stop the rot, vote anyone but a gormless tory or a smelly kipper.

What's a kipper? I thought it was a kind of fish.

Pelloki on ghosts wrote:Just start masturbating furiously. That'll make them go away.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Oblomov Boblomov » Thu Mar 29, 2018 5:44 pm

Rightey wrote:
Moggy wrote:Stop the rot, vote anyone but a gormless tory or a smelly kipper.

What's a kipper? I thought it was a kind of fish.


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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Fri Apr 13, 2018 12:37 pm

The lottery results are moving to ITV.

Perhaps the BBC are making room to broadcast Enoch Powell's marvelous, prophetic "Rivers of Blood" speech every week instead?

After Brexit we’ll all be millionaires so get over it.

Ok, official complaint made about this article and the HYS.I doubt they will do anything, but at least i can rant about it to them and not you lot. :)

This is a ridiculous non-story.

We pay the same TV license fee for years and years and we get less and less from the BBC. What is the money being spent on exactly? Only the Boat Race and Wimbledon left now on BBC.

Excellent, now we won't have to put up with the appallingly poor BBC version.

I've never had much luck on the lotto. Once had £88 off 4 numbers. I'm more likely to win £100 from a category B3 fruit machine e.g. Reel King, Thai Flower, Ooh Aah Dracula etc.

Trump playing toy soldiers with Putin and May telling us that she really doesn't have time to consult Paliament because she has proof that Putin really does has weapons of mass destruction and there's no time to waste talking, except that now Trump has decided to wait, oops, whatever you think about it the question is why are the Beeb not letting us, all they let us talk about is a load of balls!

A critical subject to be opened on HYS.

Potential war, anti drink lobbyists at it again and so much more and we get to comment on a load of balls changing channels...

Irish lottery far better than are money making Camelot

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Preezy » Fri Apr 13, 2018 12:47 pm

Disappointed at the lack of Ed Balls puns in the comments section.

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PostRe: The Comments Thread
by Moggy » Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:37 pm

HD movies of Earth from a satellite.

How far is "505 kilometres"? Since when has Metres been the official standard of measure for distance in the UK? I don't recall any road signs being changed. Show BOTH metric and Imperial if you must, BBC, not Metric only, it means nothing to most Brits.

29 Lewcee...if you've been educated in UK in past 25 years, the empirical is the odd one out. "

I think you meant "Imperial." Empirical is something quite different.

Nevertheless, can you immediately tell the difference between somene's height at 1.80 metres and 1.83?

Feet and inches are vastly more comprehensible. Metric is incomprehensible - OK for scientists.

And the DVLA will be interested in tracking your every move......

Hardly 'news'.

Impressive though the images are, it's not as though military satellites haven't been doing the same but with higher resolution for decades.

Perhaps they should show what they know about Syria?

The images didn't do a lot for me I'll be honest.

However it's British, its quite good, it's working and it's despite Brexit so all good.

Why does the satellite not crash into the earth if the satellite is stationary? The ISS stops crashing into the earth because of centrifugal force (spinning around the earth), yet this satellite is stationary.

You don't need spacecrafts and satellites to justify this technology, high attitude balloons are being used everyday.

NASA is not an agency you can trust. We are all being told great lies. Science has become a religion and people need to wake up. Question what you are told.

At the risk of lots of down ticks, and as crazy as I sound I am a flat earth believer. Not that I care if you or anyone else believes in the globe model.
Over time I have seen far to much agenda driven media, from Kenney, 911, moon landings etc. so much just don't add up to me.
I don't think we will ever see a real picture of earth, only cgi ones that the begin of films and documentaries show.

Won't need Police helicopters, parking wardens, speed cameras, litter wardens dog catchers.

We'll just get a direct debit straight to our online bank account and a notification straight to the chip behind our left ear.

Thank the lord for technology. we may et a domestic robot sometime in 2096.
But maybe not that would be to helpfull.

Police helicopters will be redundant. So that'll be lower Council Tax bills then!

Meanwhile, NASA shows it's blatant sexism - "The first person on Mars 'should be a woman'" but I don't see much in the way of howls of protests from the 'equality as long as it's my way' mob.

If a cheap satelite can do this from 505km up, how much detail can the best ones we don't know about get from less altitude?!

The detail they get it almost certainly intrusive to everyone which will also be why they can never admit it!!!

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