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Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 10:32 am
by Moggy
Drumstick wrote:
Gandalf wrote:Well the deed has been done. To be honest I really don't know why I was all stressed out. He understood completely and basically said I'm doing the right thing.

Still have the feeling of letting people down in the back of my mind though. :(

Sometimes, Gandy, you've just got to make the right decision for you and disregard how it may affect others. Especially when it comes to employment. Don't feel bad.


Plus the fact that he completely understands and thinks you are doing the right thing shows that you've made the correct choice.

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 6:43 am
by Victor Mildew
Start my new job today, feels odd.

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 7:11 am
by That's not a growth

Hope it goes well!

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 7:12 am
by Victor Mildew
Cheers. I actually have no idea what to expect as I didn't actually have an interview. I'll find out soon enough if it's for me.

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 7:13 am
by That's not a growth
strawberry floating hell, well at least you'll get paid while you're deciding.

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 7:29 am
by Errkal
Good luck! Fingers crossed they aren't crisp munchers!

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 7:30 am
by Victor Mildew

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 7:31 am
by Errkal
This is here we find you are going to a subsidiary of Walkers and they have free crisps in shelves in the offices

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 8:34 am
by Drumstick
Errkal wrote:Good luck! Fingers crossed they aren't crisp munchers!

Or people that love to talk about their babies allllllll day.

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 9:58 am
by Winckle
Errkal wrote:This is here we find you are going to a subsidiary of Walkers and they have free crisps in shelves in the offices

It's a crisp tasting plant and Ad7 is going to be working in the crunchiness monitoring division. He will be required to listen to the munching/crunching and score each brand.

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 11:23 am
by Qikz
Winckle wrote:
Errkal wrote:This is here we find you are going to a subsidiary of Walkers and they have free crisps in shelves in the offices

It's a crisp tasting plant and Ad7 is going to be working in the crunchiness monitoring division. He will be required to listen to the munching/crunching and score each brand.

Avatar quote is Ad.

Meanwhile I'm in the office and it's really busy today. It seems so loud here compared to when I'm in London.

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 5:29 pm
by Qikz
strawberry float. Picked up the phone 3 minutes before I was due to leave and just as I picked it up my Boss called me up to his office. He started talking to me after I was on the phone so I had to put this woman on hold for a second and as I come off it became apparant she wasn't even ready for us to help her. I told her what to do and asked if she could call back as I thought it was really urgent with my boss (as if I'd done something wrong) and ran up there.

It turns out he was asking me if I wanted to go to HK/China to do some work with our clients there. I would've loved to go, but I have no passport so sadly I can't. I'm really happy I got asked and will let him know tomorrow I'll sort a passport so I have one going forward. In doing that though, that woman called back and she was annoyed with me (after I already left the office). My other boss listened to my call and apparantly it didn't sound like me so I'm probably going to get in trouble with him tomorrow.

In worrying I had done something bad, I ended up doing something actually bad. Damn.

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 5:46 pm
by Dual
How did you prove you can work in this country without a passport?

Qix u an immigrant or what mate?

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 6:26 pm
by Victor Mildew
More like Stayonbenefits amirite

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 6:37 am
by 1cmanny1
Gawsh, it's annoying. I need to win the lotto.

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 7:05 am
by souljahsstory
I work for a small creative agency. Been here for just over 6 months now. The staff minus me and the Founder are white.

Recently, some of the staff would loudly pretend and mock to shout out and mock the muslim call to prayer. Which I found seriously offensive, despite not being muslim.

This was then followed by a couple of members of staff having a conversation about the use of the N-word and how if it's in a song they say it, alongside justifying using it when in an angry, but it doesn't make them racist because they didn't mean it.

I argued my point that it's something that can never be justified. Don't say it, don't use the N-word. The person who deals with the HR side of things, wanders into this conversation and gets involved by actually saying the N-word loudly and in what i found to be a provacative and seriously offensive manner.

The founder didn't say a word, didn't admonish or say it wasn't appropriate and i sat there ready to let loose. Luckily I didn't as i would have just gone "strawberry float it, here's my notice"

Afterwards i've raised it with someone else, explained my grievances, my problem with the fact that it was HR who used racist slurs, and i now felt incredibly uncomfortable.

He went and brought it up with the founders and person in question and explained it's not acceptable.

i'm now small agency where the person in HR refuses to talk to me or ask me questions that i have the answers too despite sitting next to them and it's making me feel incredibly uncomfortable and the atmosphere in the company has changed.

Do I move on? Or stick it out?

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 8:21 am
by Qikz
Honestly based on the anecdotal experience I have about HR, they never care about the staff they only do what's best in the interest of the company.

That doesn't sound like a very nice company. Stay there and look for something better at the same time imo.

In regards to my post, I called up the lady this morning and apologised. She was perfectly happy with my apology and all is good. I emailed my boss to let him know I did it (but didn't mention I heard about it last night, just that I saw it in chat this morning).

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 6:33 pm
by Victor Mildew
Qikz wrote:Honestly based on the anecdotal experience I have about HR, they never care about the staff they only do what's best in the interest of the company.

That doesn't sound like a very nice company. Stay there and look for something better at the same time imo.

In regards to my post, I called up the lady this morning and apologised. She was perfectly happy with my apology and all is good. I emailed my boss to let him know I did it (but didn't mention I heard about it last night, just that I saw it in chat this morning).

Is another office romance blossoming for Qikz? :wub:

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 6:38 pm
by Qikz
Ad7 wrote:
Qikz wrote:Honestly based on the anecdotal experience I have about HR, they never care about the staff they only do what's best in the interest of the company.

That doesn't sound like a very nice company. Stay there and look for something better at the same time imo.

In regards to my post, I called up the lady this morning and apologised. She was perfectly happy with my apology and all is good. I emailed my boss to let him know I did it (but didn't mention I heard about it last night, just that I saw it in chat this morning).

Is another office romance blossoming for Qikz? :wub:


Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 8:35 pm
by Green Gecko
I wouldn't feel comfortable in a work environment that is inconsiderate like that.

Sometimes banter is just allowed to go on with no recourse and it negatively affects the culture for the people who are marginalised by it. I'd bring it up politely 2 or maybe 3 times, and then simply leave. It's not worth banging your head against a brick wall, aside from "desensitising yourself", not something everyone should have to do to accommodate arseholes. I've done that many times in the past, even when it came right from the top. I'm extremely tolerant in the workplace. I've always regretted not sticking my neck out in the long term as you get trodden on and it whittles away your self esteem. If they have the confidence/cockiness to smack talk about something that doesn't actually hurt them in any way, if it bothers you, respond in kind. They'll either back down or you'll find yourself better off somewhere else where it doesn't happen.