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Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 5:36 pm
by Errkal
Sounds fun, you should leave.

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 6:33 pm
by Green Gecko
That sounds like hell.

I also had to write a 10,000+ word report on my digital processes. Took strawberry floating days in total isolation to be able to complete it. It was the least fun thing I ever did.

I literally spent yesterday making crabs with christmas hats, so it's better now.

It's that kind of disruptive/trigger-happy startup stuff from director's/CEOs that will eventually kill the company. You'll end up buried in unfathomable tech with nobody able to support it or understand it, endlessly rewriting code, etc etc. Not even an external agency will take it on. Don't worry, they won't last long, because someone somewhere will have bothered to at least retroactively or occasionally document stuff so that they can cope with change and the scrappy startups will be left behind.

And without which the company is worth pretty much nothing, so there's that aspect as well. I attended a seminar on how to value and sell a company. It isn't worth gooseberry fool if nobody knows how anything works so they can actually buy the business and do something with it. Management rarely have the kind of foresight required for things like this because they are only interested in seeing instant results. It's really bad for the long term health of the company and its employees, but management won't realise this until they're (a) bleeding money or (b) sacking employees left and right because they have "a poor work ethic" or "are just too slow". Anyone who does join the company won't be able to figure gooseberry fool out. It goes downhill from there.

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 6:42 pm
by Victor Mildew
Qikzen wrote:Guess who just got promoted.

I am now senior management!

It's all quiet for now until they announce it fully. I cannot believe it right now I am beaming.


Well done!

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 6:43 pm
by Qikz
Advent7 wrote:
Qikzen wrote:Guess who just got promoted.

I am now senior management!

It's all quiet for now until they announce it fully. I cannot believe it right now I am beaming.


Well done!

thnx! inbox me later hun x

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 9:30 pm
by That
Qikzen wrote:Guess who just got promoted.

I am now senior management!

It's all quiet for now until they announce it fully. I cannot believe it right now I am beaming.

Congrats mate.

Hatsune Miku's gonna be so proud. :wub: ;)

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 9:35 pm
by Victor Mildew
just sorting through my portfolio and I've found some work i did on designing the star citizen Saitek range packaging. It looked strawberry floating great and never saw the light of day :x

edit: in fact there's a lot of great stuff in here that never got released. I've got a few early printed samples but it's annoying to think it was so close to being out there.

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 7:39 am
by Moggy
Tell Karl his brother is dead wrote:
Hatsune Miku's gonna be so proud. :wub: ;)

Why would Timon and Pumbaa care about Staydead's promotion?

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 7:42 pm
by Victor Mildew
Job interview tomorrow...

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 7:44 pm
by Qikz
Advent7 wrote:Job interview tomorrow...

If I can do it, you can! :toot:

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 7:46 pm
by shadow202
I applied for a new job and have got an interview for it, it's less money but it's got no weekend work and I won't have to deal directly with customers so I feel the pay cut is worth it overall

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 7:51 pm
by False
They are binning off our (gooseberry fool) bonus scheme and giving us all payrises starting this month. Bonuses used to be really good but the last few years they have been sinking more and more. In a bizarrely cognisant move they have come out and said they arent good enough and so they will buy us out of them for a different percentage pay increase depending on our banding blah blah.

I think I get a 7% boost and then when I get my increase they apply it on top of that, so I should be near a 10% pay jump come April. Interesting to see if I actually notice a difference.

Congrats StayDead.

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 2:26 pm
by Tragic Magic
2 weeks left of my 3 month notice and work want me to stay because they can't find a replacement. They said they could give my workload to someone else so I basically said "no, that wouldn't be fair on my colleagues who are equally busy. You can give me a pay rise, extra holiday and different hours though" (with reasons).

So they've called me in today and categorically said no to extra holiday. I'd asked for 5 days extra to help with all the hospital appointments I have to take for my wife's arthritis and our fertility appointments. But they said it wouldn't be fair on everyone else if I had more holiday.

They wouldn't meet my request on the pay rise, which I requested to match my current MAAT status following the passing of my AAT exams. They did offer me a slight raise though but it'd be part of a promotion in which I'd be doing more work than I already am.

Now I've typed this out I do think I'm not happy at all with their offer and I still want to leave.

The only thing that's making me double think it though is that I haven't got a new job lined up yet and I'm really worried about starting the new year, unable to find work.

Also work were very "nice" with their offer in a way that was probably meant to make me feel like a dick of I turn them down.

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 2:29 pm
by Tragic Magic
I guess I'm in the same situation as when I handed my notice in. I'm taking a gamble in the hope of finding a company I can be happy to work for. I took the jump 3 months ago but now I've been hanging over the edge and don't know whether to fall into the unknown or climb back up to the place I leapt from.

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 2:38 pm
by Moggy
So you asked for extra holiday, a pay increase and different hours and they basically said no to everything but a slight pay increase but that would involve extra work?

If you had another job lined up then I would tell them to strawberry float off. But in your situation I would probably gooseberry fool myself and accept anything they offered. :lol:

Maybe hold out for more cash at least? Do they know that you have nothing else lined up? If they are that desperate then you might be able to get a better salary increase than what they have currently offered.

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 2:42 pm
by Tomous
Tragic, I can understand why they turned down your annual leave request but your request for a pay rise in line with your qualification status is entirely reasonable and their response is a piss take.

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 2:53 pm
by Drumstick
Tomous wrote:Tragic, I can understand why they turned down your annual leave request but your request for a pay rise in line with your qualification status is entirely reasonable and their response is a piss take.

Absofuckinglutely. Go back to them and offer to meet them in the middle acknowledging that your request was perhaps excessive but their counter-offer was way below anything you could consider. Categorically spell out that:

-You want to be paid appropriately (anything else would be disrespectful quite frankly)
-You'll continue to do the same level of work you do now (but at least you're better compensated)
-If they can agree to that, you will accept receiving the same level of annual leave as you do now.

Final offer, only offer, no further negotiation, otherwise you're off to the job you've already secured in the New Year and your existing company are strawberry floated and make sure you spell out that they need you a whole lot more than you need them.

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 2:55 pm
by Moggy
I saw the terrorism comment Drummy. :lol:

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 3:06 pm
by Tragic Magic
Thanks guys. Harry Ellis that's incredible advice. I just wish I was confident enough to lay it out like that. I think the reality is I'll end up just turning them down and decline to go into any details with them because I can't deal with the whole haggling/bartering spiel.

Regarding the pay, I requested to be paid the median wage of all employees with the same qualification in the UK based on a report published by the AAT.

The report is full of averages and figures though. Such as wages based on location, job title, age, overall, etc.

They used the same report against me of course and picked out the age section which offered the lowest pay for my situation. And basically used that as their justification that they're really being very generous to me.

I don't think they'll budge. I think I'll just say no and leave and I'll probably be fine in the end.

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 3:10 pm
by Drumstick
Partridge Iciclebubbles wrote:I saw the terrorism comment Drummy. :lol:

It was auto correct! Honest!

Re: The Work Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 3:17 pm
by Drumstick
Tragic Magic wrote:Regarding the pay, I requested to be paid the median wage of all employees with the same qualification in the UK based on a report published by the AAT.

The report is full of averages and figures though. Such as wages based on location, job title, age, overall, etc.

They used the same report against me of course and picked out the age section which offered the lowest pay for my situation. And basically used that as their justification that they're really being very generous to me.

I don't think they'll budge. I think I'll just say no and leave and I'll probably be fine in the end.

First off, your age is irrelevent. It's your experience and expertise that matters.

I understand where you're coming from, it can be intimidating going against your employer. But you've already handed in your notice, have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Release the shackles and let them have it.

If they really, truly want you to stay, they will cower to your (not unreasonable) revised request. But make sure to pound them with the "you need me more than I need you, I don't even need to be be here as I've secured a position elsewhere".

Edit: and if you're not comfortable with the bartering, just steadfastly refuse to engage in it. A simple yes to the terms you have stated is all you want to hear.